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"Banking Crisis News" From Bob Mariarty and Sean Foo Sunday 3-19-2023

Entire Financial System Is Bankrupt | Bob Moriarty

Liberty and Finance:  3-19-2023

The entire banking system is bankrupt, says Bob Moriarty. "All banks are at risk."

Gold spiked on Friday as investors rushed towards real assets.

He discusses how the real problem is the one nobody is talking about yet: the derivative bubble. Derivatives have introduced unprecedented counter-party risk into the system.

The solution? "You cannot have an honest economy without honest money."

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0:00 Intro

1:30 Banking system

14:30 FDIC

22:15 Credit Suisse

23:30 Bond losses

25:00 Bank takeover?

27:20 Preparedness

30:15 Moriarty's flying adventure

31:40 Moriarty's books


Fear & Panic Strikes Banks | Liquidity Crisis Is Breaking The Financial System

Sean Foo:  3-19-2023

Wall Street is scrambling for money, borrowing record amounts from the Federal Reserve. The liquidity crisis is getting worse as big banks are now injecting money into First Republic bank to prevent a collapse.

They are all afraid of further bank runs and trust in the financial system is eroding.

As rates go higher, the banking crisis is going to get more painful. Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

 0:00 Massive Liquidity Panic

 1:48 Panic Borrowing!

4:00 The Big Bank Run Fear

6:27 Bailout Crisis Getting Worse

 8:27 Too Big To Fail

10:40 Crisis Going Global


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