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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-15-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-15-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday the 16th We are awaiting President Trump's big announcement out of Mar a Lago, Florida, and we've heard several things of what this is supposed to be about, and what it's not supposed to be about. The mainstream news media thinks it's about his running for president again in 2024. A lot of our sources say that is not what he's going to announce tonight. So we'll see what he says - I think the best thing to do is just let him come up and I'm gonna play it live on the call as he comes up to the microphone and he's gonna be coming there pretty quickly because he doesn't have to travel - this is where his Southern white house so to speak is at Mar a Lago. He's coming up right now.

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I'm watching it, and let's pray the call in and then we'll go to listen to what Trump has said this audio is a little bit unfinished, he’s coming up to the podium. And of course, his song has got to finish before he'll say a thing. So, this could be different. We're going to probably alter what we normally do on a call.

But if he speaks and says anything that is meaningful to us, we'll listen to it. Otherwise, we'll probably pause it and go on with our normal aspects to the call. Let's go and listen to what President Trump has to say.

So far in President Trump's speech, it has not been what we expected it to be. So let's, let's do this. I would rather - I've got this pause where we could go back to it if we want to - so far this is not coming up with what we had been informed that it would - now it's a two hour slot with Newsmax so he may get into more of what we're interested in later.

But I think for the benefit of those that are listening to the big call alive, and those who are listening to it on the replay, let us go into, let's move into the Intel segment a little bit and then we'll pray the call out.

Like I said what we listened to early from Mar a Lago was not going in the direction that we thought it was going to go regarding the NESARA. But he may touch on that later in the broadcast, so I recorded it downstairs. I'm going to probably watch it tomorrow and see what we missed. But I didn't want to hold up the big call, so that we can all listen to President Trump if he wasn't going to get into some of those subjects.

It looks more like he's talking about returning in 2024, which I fully expected, but I didn't expect this to be the announcement about that. So you know, for anybody that's watching it, and listening to the call. You know a lot more than I do right now about because I've got the thing. Frozen, my screen is frozen and paused on purpose. Alright, so let's see where we stand on from an Intel point of view.

What we're getting is that the timing for us and I know this is what everybody tunes in to find out. Where are we where are we gonna go? When we get notified? It looks as though where we had information showing that we would get some notifications to come out either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday.

OneSource that appears to have a pretty good line of information is pointing to everything being shifted to the 19th and 20th. Excuse me, 19th or 20th of this month, which is Saturday or Sunday.

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Well, anytime we bring the weekend into play for notifications, we're looking at exchanges to start either Monday or Tuesday of next week. So I was a little bit blindsided by this - this afternoon when I got that piece of information. But I don't know the reason why. Usually we try to figure out why is it not going as we had heard, you know, let's say Wednesday, Thursday. Why is it pushed to Saturday, Sunday? We don't know why - that information has not come in.

So we're gonna take that information and go with it for right now. Knowing that there's probably a reason that we just don't we just don't have at this time.

So when it comes to anything else that's irrelevant - most of the other information is really just political, and is dealing with all kinds of subjects that are really not the crux of what we've talked about on the big call. So we're not going to really delve into those.

I'm just going to say that we have indications that our new asset backed currency, which is almost totally gold backed that we call the USTN – the physical spending money / folding money currency is supposed to come out - we heard either Wednesday or Thursday.

Now with the movement of our gates for notifications to the weekend - Saturday or Sunday. I don't know for sure if that USTN folding money is going to be out you know Wednesday or Thursday or not

I will say this there has been a raid on the Federal Reserve Building in Washington DC that there had been resistance to the Marines that went in there to take out the people that were printing USD fiat currency there. And they had major resistance and loss of three of our Marines on the eighth of this month, which was a week ago, and the next day the Marines came in and the word is they cleaned house –

So they were printing money like it was going out of style and sending it to the Ukraine. And then for the Ukraine, wherever it was going from there. I don't know. But they tracked that. They came back in on the ninth and cleaned house which we didn't hear about that I heard about today.

But they've also found that found out where that fiat money was going and all that and found and arrested whoever they need to go after. There is still a lot of cleanup globally. That is yet to take place over the next couple of weeks. Major numbers over 100,000 - but I believe they have moved this far enough along where we should get a start.

I am surprised to hear that was not going to be 16th or 17th I'm surprised to hear it. but I have heard 19th or 20th , which is Saturday or Sunday, and more than likely, it would be exchanges will take place starting Monday or Tuesday of next week prior to Thanksgiving.

Okay, so that is about all I'm going to bring you guys tonight in the way of Intel - I think it's amazing that we're waiting as long as you guys can tell by my voice I'm frustrated like all of you are that this hasn't manifested yet. There has to be the reason for it. And I believe the reason is continued clean up, continue to arrest, whatever else is going on.

But let's stay with our plan A, let's stay with it until Plan B the blessing manifests in front of us and then we can go ahead and let the plan A go. Right now we've got to stay with it. So I feel like we probably will have a call Thursday night and hopefully Sue’s voice is back.

Thanks everybody, all the big call universe listeners thank you guys for tuning in, whether it's live or whether it's on the replay, thank you so much. We will see you Thursday unless something happens prior to Thursday night. Okay, this point, we're expecting to do a call Thursday. I would love to be wrong, and I would love to get 800 numbers instead. But at this point, our best information is that we're gonna get notifications over the weekend. All right. So everybody have a wonderful, wonderful night, and tomorrow and we'll see you Thursday. All right. Good night, everybody.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  49:49


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