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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-20-23   

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-20-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, June the 20th  and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all over the globe for tuning in whether you're live or listening on the replay links or replay number, and I hope everybody in the US had a wonderful National Freedom Day / June teenth yesterday.   And here we are on Tuesday, ready to do it all over again.

Let's let's go ahead and move in if there’s nothing else, we'll move into the Intel portion Bob. What do you think?  Yep. Okay. Okay, well, let's go ahead and get started. I do have a little more than a minute worth of Intel for us. So we'll, we'll just take whatever time it requires.

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You know when when Jeannie mentioned in her praise report that tomorrow the 21st is the summer solstice. And Sue said it was at 10:58 in the morning.

You know, it's funny guys.  That could be significant for us.

Now, you can help me with this because the information that I've got did not occur today. We didn't get notified today. We got a little bit of information. It's very quiet overall.

But we got a little bit of information that points to tomorrow. So I'll go into that in a second. But I want to talk a little bit about rates and I never really get too deep on rates as you guys know, they really don't want me to and I'm for the most part have stayed away from it. But I did find out over the last couple of days that what we thought was happening with the contract rate on the dinar was for us, even if you are a zim holder - we thought oh, that's cool. Yeah, even if I'm the Zim holder, I can still get a No, not anymore. They changed the deal. And I don't think it's a big deal for us.

But yeah, the contract rate is a very, extremely ridiculously high rate. And they're not going to offer that to us if you are a zim holder.  And a lot of you guys are going to say – so what I’ve got a lot of zim -

Well, that's the right attitude. If you've got zim, it doesn't really matter, but it's still going to be an excellent rate - way more. I'm gonna say it's 10 times or more higher than we thought than  our dinar would be worth - so it is still a very good rate.

And I've been told you're going to be able to negotiate the rate on Dong. Now that's only to a certain extent. There is no contract right on dong – period - but you might have the ability to , I don't even like the term negotiate - but to negotiate the rates on the Dong within a certain region within a certain area of rates. I don't know what those are right now

I know the last rate we had on dong was excellent. Hopefully it's still in that same range of sort of meant to say the range of negotiation. I don't know what it is.

And it's been the hardest rate to find out what it is and what we're going to be offered blah, blah.

So just know that you'll have the ability and if that's all you have is dong which some people do, if that's the only currency you have - then realize that you're going to go with, and more than likely, since it's your only currency, they would work with you to give you a very favorable rate on the dong, the Vietnamese Dong.

Now they're not offering the contract rate to us if we're Zim holders, but let's say in many of the people, and it could be certainly our military - All they have is dinar in some cases, that's all they were, were allowed to have.

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And so that dinar is going to be very important to those people since it's their only currency that they bought. All right. So that's why the contract rate is being held back and offered to dinar holders, where that is their only currency. That's the only people that are going to get a contract rate on dinar is if that is their only currency.

I hope that's very clear. You guys, I said it twice. I said slowly, to make sure that people understand it. Very important. That's why I speak relatively slowly. When I'm giving out Intel i want you guys to hear it - Listen, and absorb what it is I'm trying to put over. Okay, so that is what we're talking about there

Now  Zim holders, let's face it, the denominations meaning the amount of the, of the currency itself on each note, the denominations as you know, not dealing with church denominations. (laughing) -  These are these are currency or in our case, the Zimbabwe dollar is really a bearer bond. So they're like mini bearer bonds, but the denomination on that bond, as you guys know, can be as high as $100 trillion.

Some of them are 50T to 50 trillion, some are 10T to 10 trillion, and some are in the billions 50 billion. You got a wide variety of those notes that are considered bearer bonds. And what's beautiful about it is we as I told you guys before, the zim and the USN are on a one to one trading basis, because remember that Zimbabwe uses the term dollar as we use the term dollar here, even though our new US N. United States note is the United States Treasury dollar. Not a Federal Reserve note but a US TN - United States Treasury note or Treasury dollars.

So we are on a one to one with Zimbabwe. And that's what makes the value of those bearer bonds so high and so valuable for us.

That's why if you're a Zim holder, you should have plans because of the immense value of that bearer bond. You'll have immense value and opportunity to not only help yourself and your family or close friends or whatever, but to up level humanity by doing projects  that involve rebuild America, rebuild International, it could be any number of projects.

And now let's come back to where we were. We know what's going on sort of his rates. And you know, Iraq has done what they were supposed to do. And there was one aspect. That was a question mark a few days ago.

And that was that Iraq wanted to get into the World Trade Organization, and certainties in the WTO. And certain people are thinking, Oh, they can't they can't revalue and do this until they're in the WTO. And those certain people were part of the UN Security Council. And the UN itself is being disbanded. It's going to be it's going to go away. So needless to say the US security council thought of this and put this in as an obstacle for us was removed. They have been handled, let's say - no, no longer - that's no longer an issue.

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So where do we stand?

Tomorrow is the summer solstice. And all we have two pieces of Intel so far.

And you know how it is after this call even on Tuesday night.

I'll get information tonight later, and I'll get some more tomorrow. Or maybe we'll start tomorrow.

Now, here's what we're hearing from one of our redemption centers. One of the principles that the redemption Center said – I want to try to get the quote right --

Tomorrow,  meaning Wednesday, tomorrow is our first crack at it.

Tomorrow will be our first crack at it.

In other words, you know that is our first shot, our first chance to be notified.

Now does it mean that we get notified and set appointments? Probably.

But it doesn't mean that we start exchanges. All three things in one day -- notification, setting up appointments and starting exchanges and redemption of zim is possible. if we get the numbers in the morning. We can set appointments and they are set to set first appointments two hours after we get notified.

And then we could theoretically go to those afternoon or late afternoon appointments.

That's our hope. That's what it is our first crack at it, hopefully will be our only crack at it and it'll come through for us

 Now as we take these pieces of the puzzle and we put it together we got another piece from one of the bond paymasters and this is he is saying that --- see, here's the thing --  Most of the bond holders have their packages of credit debit cards  for their newest bank account where the money has been put into and they have a quantum access card to access the funds in their quantum account - and move those into primary bank account.

And some of these bonds have come in the German bonds were handled by Bank of America. So that package dealt with Bank of America. Certain bonds like the dragon bonds, were the Chinese dragon bonds were handled by HSBC and therefore those packages are on HSBC bank and some other packages are dealing with intermediary funds, what they call introducers Commission's and my inclination is that those are to be drawn on a Wells Fargo account.

So a lot of the bondholders already have those packages delivered and they were all delivered by Federal Express. Now, most of them, if not all have been delivered.

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What is the one thing they don't have? Access to funds.

They're looking for an email to tell them, hey, these funds are in your account. Here's your access code to access those and you'll be able to access that liquidity and spend at such and such a time on such and such a day.

And we hope that those emails will tell them that they have access to funds tomorrow.

We had thought that that was going to be the case for what we have heard that they'll have access to them today or tomorrow.

And the reason is they're not supposed to have access, talking about tier three bondholders. They're not supposed to have access to those funds until we - in tier four - that's 4A admirals groups - and 4B the Internet group, or Wells Fargo called tier four until tier four is notified.

So we're notified and we're setting our appointments. They should theoretically have access to their bond funds. Now they're only going to have access to 1% of their total - just like we're going to have access to 1% after we redeem our bonds, and after we exchange our currencies, we'll have access to 1% of the total for the first 90 days.

So we'll take total which will be in our quantum account. That's where it will go initially from the exchange that will go into our quantum financial system account or short into quantum account. And we'll access and move those funds into our Wells Fargo primary account is what I'm calling it. Some call it master account. I'll call it primary account, and we'll move those funds for what we need for the first 90 days  - and I've told you guys this can be up to 1% of our total.

Now they may treat currency holders that don't have zim slightly differently - they may give you access to all of your currency exchange on day one, like if all you had was dinar or all you had was dong they would they unless it's a huge amount - they would probably let you have access to all of that on day one.

So we'll see. It's still from what I'm understanding, planning to use a quantum account card with accounts that are over - I believe it was over - I don't know, a 10 million it could be less than that.

Or they might just fund the account completely with Wells with the whole thing. Let's find some stuff out when we get there guys. I mean, you know the Intel changes like contract rate thing changed for me a couple days ago. I thought well it will take we'll have a call to tell everybody that well. Here we are Tuesday night having a call and I told you guys about it.

So I would say that - This is the information - The final piece was dealing with the bondholders and it said bondholders would gain access to their funds “shortly”.

Well, that's one of those words that I don't like because it's too unjust in the script. However, the person that used that term, my understanding is that when he says “shortly”, he means within a few hours –

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So if bondholders have access to funds, lets say over night or in the morning - that bodes well for us.

I'm hoping that we do get our notifications tomorrow and start exchanges Wednesday or Thursday either one is a win – and with the I hate to say this but with the summer solstice  tomorrow at the time was it 10:58 Was at 9:58 9:58 the morning.  No - 10:58am  was that's almost 11 am. You never know.

You know the way the Chinese elders look at this thing. They look at it very much the calendar and solstice and the idea of the greatest amount of light is supposed to be on a summer Solstice

Conference Call timed out ------ balance of call not recorded


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