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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-29-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-29-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, August 29th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all over the globe. I don't know what our reach is tonight. But hopefully we're getting it out there where everybody can pick this up. And we're excited to be here tonight. There's a lot going on as you can imagine - with Bob and several of our people obviously in Florida and other parts of the deep south that have that are in this path of Idalia - Idalia, the hurricane it’s a force 2 hurricane already, and it could elevate to a force 3 or 3+ by the time it makes landfall tomorrow - mid to late morning, I think unless it really accelerates through the night.

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Alright guys, here you go.

You know a lot of people have told me, this will be your last call Bruce. That was your last call - This was your last call - All of that, like what I’ve heard it a dozen times – But I'm gonna say this very well could be my last call. I would say this though - Thursday, might not be a normal call - If we even have a call - it could be a “celebration” call.

But I'm gonna tell you why. Because Intel wise, everything is moving in the direction we want it to move. Bondholders received information, even today - yesterday and again today. We received information that says that the bond holders emails should  come in tomorrow and that should give them access to funds on Thursday. Remember, Thursday 31st of August. So that's where the bondholders stand –

Now  we are closely tracking them because we’re supposed to be pretty much on a shotgun start with them and or  not much more than 12 hours after they get notified  we get notified unless it happens  - it could happen at the same time -   

So let's go to where we are.

There’s not that many of us out there In big call universe that are bond holders - most of us are currency holders. The bonds that we have are bearer bonds, which is zim currency as you guys know, on the note it says payable to the bearer. So they're being traded /  treated like bearer bonds.

Okay in terms of timing, there have been meetings yesterday and today that have been big meetings with redemption center and some of the top bank personnel. Today's meeting was morning meeting that started at 11 o'clock Eastern until about two o'clock right through the lunch hour - And it was a national meeting - So it started at 8am pacific time on the West Coast.

And at this particular meeting had a top tier treasury person on the call, I'm going to call it a zoom call  - but this particular information that we received, We actually had it prior to this call, but the call verified it to us. We got it last night from another couple of sources and the gist of it is that we should be notified by tomorrow which is Wednesday or Thursday, which is the 31st.  And we should start our exchanges  either Thursday, or Friday, which is the first of September.

The most recent information I've received is saying that we could very well start with exchanges on Thursday, the 31st  - We might not even have to start exchanges on September 1 which is Friday.

So that's really good news for us. It's been a long ride. I'm doing my best not to call it this is the information that we're getting from multiple sources. And it sounds very doable.

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Now. We've talked about we've tried out the regime change, political change here in this country. The latest information received today says that   will happen Immediately once the RV which is what we call the revaluation of these currencies, the RV is activated when that happens.

And the new administration will be coming as part of NESARA - which NESARA may come out as early as the first of September. NESARA  - GESARA  all of those things that are tied to it. Should I believe they're going to be coming out with some form of announcements -  

We've also heard that starting October 1st , the EBS Emergency Broadcast System, emergency alert system and EWS - the emergency wireless system should be activated – that will be on October 1st.

Now that they hold up and be accurate, could very well be and that would be fine. But I think we should get some form of announcement about the USN which should kick in on Friday the first of September because we understand that the US ….  see currently our accounts that are currently in the banks - free exchange  -right now have been mirrored on the quantum financial system. They've been mirrored so that we have the protection of the asset backing of the Treasury.

However, on Friday, September 1st,  we have the full integration of the quantum financial system where our accounts, our current accounts will be fully integrated quantum financial accounts that'll be the system - we'll be we'll be on it.

 And I did hear something else yesterday. That I think is very important. The past if you have online accounts which most of you have your accounts where you can see your accounts online. consider changing your password Between now and second of September. In other words by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

We have that date right? No by Friday, Friday or Saturday, the first or second of September because our accounts when they're integrated to the the starling satellite system for the quantum financial system - our old passwords will not transport  so we need you need to be considering putting in a new password. Go ahead and do it tomorrow. Go ahead and do it change your password and put it in there for your existing online bank accounts. Okay.

All right. That's what I was hearing to do. And I think I’m glad that I brought that out to you. So that's what's happening with our quantum financial system with the USN - and what came out of BRICS conference which went long by the way it went through Saturday evening.

What happened on BRICS was the 6 new countries were admitted into the BRICs. Many more countries that want to be aligned - they are beginning to de dollarized for the USD or fiat currencies. I don't think it's completed but it's in process and most important pieces that the BRICS nations have to all mint  and print. They have to mint new coinage for each country and they have to print new currency for each country.

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Okay, so mint and print, they have until the first of January before that currency will be utilized, or they have to have it done by January 1 2024.

Now, in our case, we've been printing our USN currency for years now. And we have it in the redemption centers. They've been reminting coins. And you know, that's why there was such a shortage of change at so many stores - remember for so long, six or eight months ago, and so they were taking the silver out of our old coins and using it to mint our own coins. That's what it's all about.

Okay, so we already have our USN in the redemption centers  and its my belief is it's already in the bank vaults. in most cases available, they will use that.

I don't know if they'll wait till after Labor Day, or bring this out over the weekend  - I don’t care - Really, it doesn't affect us. If we want the new cash, the new folding money put in our pocket money. We'll get it at the redemption centers and they want to limit us to around 6500 in cash. I don't know that we need that much anyway - as 2500 - 5 grand max  is all I would take  -

So consider that - and it looks like everything is moving in the right direction. The only other thing I want to mention is to rebuild Maui - there's still some stuff going on over there. It's not good as of last Saturday. Look at the real rod news report from last Saturday.

Read that -  Real Rod News dot whatever it is. Okay? It's a it's a really important piece. And, you know, we're not you're not in fact, the press has not even allowed to go into that area of Lahaina .

And it's probably a two or three mile long stretch on Front Street and further and it's not - I don't know that it's done yet. I mean, to where the rebuilding efforts -  it's still kind of a rescue effort.

And our good guys military -  dropped off water and food and continuing to send supplies.

The so called UN C 137 which was full of temporary housing 600 units. That was actually the White House it did that not the UN. It was purported to be the UN it was it was our people. So there's stuff happening, and we're working to try to get communication get contacts there with the local government, of Maui of the county and so on to try to see how we can best fit in and help

Now I've heard of the five organizations that are taking donations for Lahaina - only one is legit. My personal feeling is I'm not giving any money At this point yet. Probably the money that I would give is the money that we go into our own rebuild project that we're going to do.   Okay, thank you T for helping to initiate and to get that ball rolling over there in Lahaina

But in the meantime, we've got hurricane Idalia on its way into the Gulf and that would be something else we have to keep an eye on because hopefully, the damage over that would be minimized. But hurricane path is gonna take us from North western Florida, possibly Apalachicola and that region, across the Panhandle into southern Georgia, and South Carolina and eastern North Carolina, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, and obviously Florida have already declared states of emergency.

So we want to be aware of that. And we don't want to continue to lift those people up that are in harm's way and believe for minimal damage in Jesus name and that's what we're going to do. Alright guys listen, this could be the last call. Maybe we'll do a call. It could be a celebration call we'll see.

We'll see whether that comes to pass or not

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Well, listen guys, this is exciting.  Intel is aiming to come together to bring this finally to fruition.

We're excited about it. It looks like we could get notified tomorrow or Thursday. At some sources are saying we will start on Thursday or before the first which is the only day before Friday is Thursday. That's the day before so it does bring Thursday and tomorrow or Thursday for notifications are here Friday and Thursdays and the start our exchanges.

 So let's pray and call out. Thanks again for listening everybody. And everybody that's listening out there in big call universe. thank you for tuning in and listening again, And then otherwise, we'll be in touch with you by email, for our future plans, and any calls that we do will be on any podcasts that we do. Right, let's pray the call out.


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