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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-13-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-13-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody all over the globe – wherever you’re tuning in from whether it is live or on the replay – Thanks for listening – I’m excited about what I have to bring to you tonight

Ok well let’s talk about the intel side of things – here we are – we had a pretty good grouping of intel of ideas on Tuesday – tonight we’re in that window that we talked about Tuesday – we were getting the information that said these notifications could come out any time from Wednesday to Saturday and that is still in play - obviously it is Thursday night – seems more like tomorrow or Saturday – is when we expect notifications-

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We know the bond holders have still not been given access to their funds – even though they can see them in their bank accounts – but they need that one more access code that will allow them to access their funds - That email they are waiting on - but they have been told in an email today to keep their eyes open – keep a look out for it –

I think it is coming and it should come – if my theory is right – and I hope it is – for our sake – that they get access to their funds when we get our toll free number emails  and set our appointments – I do not think we need to be completely in the redemption centers – I just think we need to be notified – and at that point – they should probably be getting their access to funds at that time  - then you’ve got a true shotgun start – tier 3 and tier 4 - let’s see if that manifests

 Now I mentioned that we are in the window – just starting to close but we have Friday and Saturday in play – I can tell you for our notifications – that redemption centers are fully staffed for tomorrow from early morning till late at night – they would be there if the toll free numbers are available and appointments are ready to be set –

They will be setting the appointments for zim holders at the redemption center which is the one indicates by your zip code ad you enter that information on the phone when you call in – you will have a protocol on how to do it – should be in the email that you get – but even if you do not get emails – which some won’t – but we are putting out the numbers that will be used so that you can call to set your appointment

My understanding is everyone will call the call centers to set their appointments I am talking about tier 4B – the internet group - and this is the 1.424 million emails that are to go out – and that may have been reduced somewhat or increased somewhat – Wells Fargo has those on their servers and I believe they will be released the same time to us in each time zone – so it will be staggered by the time zones as it goes across the country

So that is what the perspective is on that – now if we got them in the morning could we start in the afternoon or evening – Yes I believe so – If we got them Saturday morning – could we start Saturday? It is possible – it is a matter of how early in the day the emails are generated to us and how soon we can set those appointments up

It is conceivable to receive them tomorrow – even tomorrow afternoon – or late afternoon and set appointments for Saturday –

If we start by Saturday I believe we will power through Sunday and Martin Luther King Day on Monday because the redemption centers can be open even if the banks are closed – so keep that in mind as far as Sunday/Monday is concerned – I am hoping we can go straight on through

I know that schedules have been set for the entire week starting tomorrow – a schedule is only a schedule until it is carried out – it could vary – it could change – it could be shortened or lengthened - But I know that we have the ability to go in and get this done – ok – and I believe that the timing – tomorrow is the 14th  and then Saturday is the 15th  -

Now we are hearing about Iraq – we have heard – I don’t think I brought this up on Tuesday night’s call -  but we have contacts in Iraq – one of which  spoke with our people and talking in Arabic was barely understood – or heard - because of all the celebration of fireworks and so on – this started I believe Sunday or Monday

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I believe Sunday was the start date that we had if Iraq being able to celebrate their new rate and they did – are still – and my understanding is there is celebration mode all the way up to and including Saturday the 15th  when that rate is supposed to be put out internationally – where the rate can be seen internationally – Probably starting to trade – if not now – probably Sunday - their first business day of the week –

So we’ll see how that shakes out –

What else is happening on Saturday? President Trump is having a rally in Arizona – could be very interesting to see what might come out of that rally -  and the other thing is that we understand that the Debt Forgiveness side of NESARA  is supposed to start on Saturday the 15th

Now we don’t know exactly whether that is referring to an announcement that might be made on Saturday – we don’t know if its referring to what aspects of the Debt Forgiveness because there are several in NESARA – but I think what is interesting to me is about Saturday the 15th  is – it seems like it could be a good cover for those of us who are going in to do exchanges – should start Friday or Saturday to do exchanges and redemption of zim – it seems to me like what that’s doing is that is letting the rest of the population in the US know something about NESARA and debt forgiveness so that they can benefit as well as we benefit that have currency and are going in for exchanges - so that everyone gets the benefit of what we are going to be doing –

That’s a thought – a theory – on my part – not absolute by any means but I think it sounds like it might make sense to do it that way – we’ll see

But the point is we are ready – they are ready –appears the bond holders are being told pay attention- it’s coming any day now – but I think they’re going to be paid and have their liquidity accessible when we start – so we’re right there – very close to what that window that we brought out Tuesday night was indicating

We have nothing else beyond that – that takes us beyond that day - which is Saturday – so we could get something tomorrow and start Saturday or we could get something Saturday and start … whenever –

As far as we know the weekend is well in play as it has been scheduled to go through at that time – and we’ll see how that actually comes about when it comes to Saturday

Beyond that – I think it is a matter of if you are prepared enough to go in – You have about a 30 – 45 minute appointment – could go longer if you have a lot of currency – it takes a while to count it – and verify it – but overall they would like for us to be in and out in 30-45 minutes – including our 5-8 minute presentation -

So that is what I wanted to bring to you tonight – we are still well within the window we talked about Tuesday – it is hard to say if tomorrow is our day to be notified or not – it could be but then again we know a lot of things are still to be kicked off on Saturday –

So maybe we don’t get notified and go then or maybe we get notified or notified by Saturday – so – I’m very excited about where we are and what Iraq is doing – They’ve had the opportunity to celebrate at the least for five days and they were supposed to be able to do that for at least 3 days- I believe they are going to do that and put their rate out internationally on Saturday – that’s what we’ve been told – so we’ll see how it goes –

We know that jumbo truants are up – the big screens are up – the celebrations are ongoing – the fireworks are cranked and they are excited – and they should be – and so we should get excited too – I’m excited about where we are so let’s bring all of this together and look forward to a wonderful weekend -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:07:25


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