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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-22-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-22-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 22nd  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks for tuning in – it’s good to have you here –   Let’s see what we know from the intel – what we’re getting is kind of lean - it’s a little bit lean out there – Most of the banks out there that we talk to have gone almost silent – every once in a while you’ll get a little surprise – we’ll get to talk to somebody - get a text – from one of our contacts that will give us something to look forward to –

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Now from where we stand with the sources that I have most of what we’re getting is talking about something taking place over the weekend – meaning there’s a possibility thought not guaranteed – we don’t have it confirmed – that we would get notified tomorrow and start on Saturday – it is conceivable that we could get notified on Saturday and start Saturday – if we do get the start on a Saturday – and we have several things that do make it look that is doable –

We would power rate (?) through Sunday and go right through the weekend and continue through next week – now obviously if we don’t get notified tomorrow or Saturday we would jump right over Sunday and start possibly be right back in the old Monday / Tuesday scenario – Again –

We thought we would be here this week – we still think if you count Saturday as this week which we sort of do – then it is still a possibility – that we would get started - this week –

However – we just don’t have that confirmed - they don’t want us to know – when exactly – they want us to keep guessing – and we know part of the reason is that the number of clean up arrests and so on that are taking place is ongoing – and it’s ok because what we understand is that process is gone far enough where now we feel we could be notified and get started that most of that is behind us – most of the cleanup is behind us – done

Now there’s another aspect to what we heard which was that yesterday is going to be an important day - and I believe it was but it wasn’t important for  us as much as it was for the bond holders  - the sellers of the bonds -  were paid out yesterday after 11 oclock – the green light was given to pay them out and actually to pay out a variety of their people – such as fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements – sovereigns – farm claims and so on and so forth –

All of those adjudicated settlements were to start yesterday – pretty close to 11 or noon – we got some confirmation of that but we also got confirmation that in one of the bankers that we did get to talk to – he called it a “taste” of what they were going to receive - they would receive a taste of it – and that’s not even the 1% not even the so called emergency funds – maybe – but just a taste –

So that seems to have been received by a variety of these various people that were about to be paid – that they might have only received a taste –

Now the remaining – and I think it’s such that when the pay outs do take place – in a larger capacity – at least the 1% - which is still a lot of money - got to realize that 1% for the bond holders for some it is more than millions of dollars -    What it can means is – they are trying to line us all up so that we do end up with what would be seen as a shotgun start - of some kind – emergency funds have gone out to bond holders - so called healing funds -  this “taste” of funds has gone out and I think they are jockeying for position to where the starting gate we would all go almost together in a shotgun start – so we’ll see how that – if that takes place and we do get notified tomorrow then of course we are golden and start to set our appointments –

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I know there’s chatter out there that I’m familiar with that’s talking about this being done in a different way using a website and so on – I have with all of the bank contacts I have – the sources that I have and have had for many years – I have not heard that – I don’t believe necessarily that’s going to happen as it’s been outlined – I’m going to say in these last days – waiting for this to go –there has been enormous amount of chaos / confusion –and that is what I would call it –

I would say – as far as we know –from our sources at redemption centers and at Wells Fargo and Chase – we see us going just as we’ve talked about – using a toll free number to set appointments through a very secure phone system and with the lines encrypted so they can’t be listened into – all of that has been carefully thought out – if there’s any change to that I don’t know it –

So .. I want to tell you that until I am absolutely confirmed of that type of a change I don’t buy it –but I am going with just what we know that we’re getting from various top redemption center personnel as well as some of the top lead bank personnel leaning us to believe that we are going as planned with the call centers which there are at least 4 maybe 5 – that the emails will start to come out – in groupings or blocks of East Coast – Eastern Time zone – Central Time zone – Mountain Time zone – Pacific Time zone – and some possibly combined time for Alaska and Hawaii  who are on different time zones – but with 5 blocks they are going to be grouping Alaska and Hawaii together –

So my understanding is that it’s still coming out – now I’m going to say this – when it comes to our registry – they have your email – if you haven’t changed it – which some may have – obviously over many years that we’ve been waiting for this to manifest - many of you that were in the Wells Fargo group – there was a small remnant from that – use to be in the vicinity of 20 – 30,000 people then carved down to 1/10 of that amount –

Wells has everyone’s email from when they bought currency from a bonafide seller and so they have that info entered - yes they do know some things about us – they do know for example how much currency we bought from a registered seller – they know an email at the time we bought it – whether you are still using that email or not – they have some basic info –

However I am going to say – if they are going to require us to do something totally different than what we’ve known for years now I just have to see it to believe that – I just don’t see it – I think what we’re going to do is use the call centers when we get the numbers – set appointments – and go

We use the term redemption center for zim okay and we use the term exchange center for the other currencies – now if you don’t have zim - but dong / dinar etc – one of the other 23 that are changing value – what you are going to do is use the call – the toll free number to call in to set your appointment – they will not route you to a redemption center but to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank –

I will say this if you walk in a willy nilly in the bank you are not likely to get the same type of treatment that would if you had an appointment set with the toll free number - we are assuming it is an 800 number - it could be a toll free number with a different prefix than 800 – so we’ll see -- I don’t have them yet – I am supposed to get them – and we’ll see how that goes –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:03:50


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