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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12- 31-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12- 31-19

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday Dec 31 – that’s right New Year’s Eve - Happy New Year’s Eve - End of a Decade - The Big Call has been on – as of the 28th of December  for 8 full years – Tonight’s call starts  the first call of our 9th year - 8 is the number of completion – the number of prosperity - and with any success tonight or Thursday could be our last call – so we’ll see

Let’s go into some intel – this is why I wanted to have a call tonight – you say, what are you doing having a call on New Year’s Eve? Well I’m doing a call because I think you guys would want to know – and get the latest update -- It’s been 5 nights since we had a call - This is our first call of our 9th year – can you believe it?  We’ve completed 8 yrs -- 8 is the number of completion and prosperity - both of which we are about to walk into –

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Now, here’s the reason I say that – I found out today, I mean this morning, today, the 31st of December that the intent was to get this whole RV/ GCR done mid October but we weren’t ready for it – we could not make it – Then the emphasis was to try to get there by 13th 14th or 15th of December – and we could not make that happen – we – because the Chinese were insistent that we had moved farther along in the clean up process that we had started  -  that we had moved to a higher position in that process and we did not make it

Then the process was like – ok – we are looking at after the first of the year and I don’t mean long after either – I already told you that the Joe Public – which is our tier 5 – after us -- is set to start approximately the 15th of January - That means we need to be in and through by then - In fact, the entire process for us and the public they want to have completed by the very end of January  - totally DONE – DONE and DONE – COMPLETE -

So that gives you some idea of the timeline we’re on - They do want 8-9 days for us for our exchanges and for our Zim redemption – for tier 4B - and I can tell you this much – the plan is and the timeline is for the groups – those based out west - inner and outer core - other groups – all the fines and penalties and adjudicated settlements – all other claims – prosperity packages - all of that stuff we’ve talked about –

They want them to see the funds in their account and be notified and actually have access to those funds to the liquidity of those funds between the 2nd and 5th of January

Now I’ve given you the timeframe when everything is supposed to be liquid – we should be started within that same timeframe - If everything goes according to plan and as it is now we should be there by the end of this week –

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Now, the biggest situation that we have is, as I refer to it, is clean up on isle 3 – there is continued clean up in progress now – it is continuing – it is working - and they have set certain goals and they have moved very well to achieving those - If those occur as they’re going  as they were today  I think we’re looking very , very good  before the weekend okay? – That’s as far as I will take that –

Now, I know that there are some things that are happening to give us negotiated rates capability on a couple of our key currencies – I know that China is more than ready - I know the contracts have been ratified and have been put into the Hague for a lot of the elders that have already been paid - 

We know that everything has been signed off – The President mentioned in his tweet this morning – President trump talked about the China Trade Deal being an accomplished feat - as of the 15th of January with signing ceremonies – and I think that is a wonderful for us to look forward to in the coming days

I also believe as a result that is why the Joe Public is looking for a start around or on the 15th of January

Now, when you’re down to the end of the game here and we’re just about to break through that tape at the end of this race - what do we do first of all? – We continue to have the faith to complete the race and finish strong and that’s what we’re doing on The Big Call – that’s what we want everybody to do that’s listening

Has anyone seen a swimming race?  Where they’re racing to the wall? And what do they do? They hit that wall hard – they hit it – they don’t just glide into the wall – you don’t glide in – you stroke until you don’t  have room to make a full stroke and then you touch the wall  and you hit it - you physically hit it and that’s what sets the timer and that’s how you finish strong  --

Same thing – when  you break through that tape - when your chest runs through and you hit that tape and break it at the finish line – that’s when we’re going to know we are there – and I’m telling you right now everybody needs to get ready and be prepared to hit that tape to touch that all okay   

because this is the time we’ve been selected for – we’ve been chosen for – for this particular time and if you have faded out and you’re coming back in and listening or maybe you’re even new to the call - maybe you’ve been in only1-2 months - you did not know any of this – or about the redemption centers - well, let me tell you the redemption centers and tier 1 banks will be notified very soon with the procedures – the actual information about the procedures on the release of notification of the 800 numbers - that is coming I’d say in less than 24 hours --  

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The instructions are going out - we know that Wells Fargo servers have the emails to go out to the individual – which are well over 400,000 individuals – a lot of the people 80-90 % of us will receive that information by email if you bought currency they have your email - simple as that – if you bought from a dealer – a registered dealer they’ve got it - and you will be getting an email if your address is still valid

I’m here to get the number at the same time that those emails go out and when I get the number I will put it out and let you guys know – I will put it out on the site and also send out an email blast

The word will get out – not only through me but though a couple other people in the community and I’m sure we will all be excited to set our appointments and move forward

So everything - the full timeline is in plan right now – we have a pretty good picture of what it looks like and  suffice it to say that things are moving forward – there’s a lot happening behind the scenes okay

I want everybody to feel good about tonight – I want you to celebrate in a sober way – I don’t want you to go out drinking and carrying on, I really don’t – I want everyone to have a quiet but joyful celebration time - and this could be considered a pre – celebration call  because it is New Year’s Eve  and I want to tell you we are going to welcome in the New Year – We are going to bring in not only the New  Year 2020  but a New Decade –A New Decade of prosperity and growth and disclosure and all kinds of new technology – I’m excited

I want to thank everybody for the over 8 years now of having tuned in to us and listened and been there for us – thank you for your support and we appreciate you – we look forward to being in touch with you by email and we will send you whatever we will be doing in terms of projects and we’ll go from there

I look forward to taking you guys all the way over the threshold into the New Year – everybody have a blessed New Year be safe and stay in faith because we’re almost home – this is our graduation

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  - Intel begins 40:15


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