Dinar Recaps

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Fleming, Judy and more...Wednesday AM 5-11-2022

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Nick Fleming: 5-10-2022  The LAUNCH SCHEDULE has Begun

The LAUNCH SCHEDULE for Tier 4 began in earnest, after all 209 Central Banks pinged back late Sunday Night. This ping echoed through the System including every Tier 1, 2, and Tier 3 banks, through the Fed-licensed banks. The ping was accepted and returned except for Tier 1 holdouts.

These recalcitrant holdouts can expect a visit that ensures the ping is answered, with codes entered manually and arrests to follow. The lead Redemption Bank, Wells Fargo, is complying as required to provide the Republic of the United States accessibility to new, ISO 20022 USN funds.

Benchmarks to expect include press releases throughout China announcing, 1) Its new ISO 20022 asset-backed digital RMB. 2) China's Total Gold Holdings, establishing China as one of the wealthiest nation states in the world. 3) China's participation in the IMF's basket of currencies, supporting the world's SDR digital currencies. 4) The end of the domination of the USD and the new SDR, supporting global fair trade. The global depeg of the US Dollar and the establishment of China's YUAN as the leading currency of the world

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The world expects China to announce its gold holdings in Beijing, Midday, tomorrow. This is midnight Central Daylight Time. This is established formally as the "Gold Standard" under the "UN Paris Agreement." China is fully compliant with the Paris Agreement. The United States is not. The principal reason being our Constitution. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, being another one. The Paris Agreement requires that participating member nation states be peaceful. Any nation with nationals holding weapons is considered a breach. Could this be ratified simultaneously? Perhaps the DoD will comment?

Final disclosure protocols, final release of the Global Currency Reset, along with Tier 4 notifications will demonstrate that there is a redefinition and a ratification of the Paris Agreement, in keeping with the Republic of the United States, according to the 1776 Constitution.

By tomorrow morning, following the steps underway, all Reno subgroups are expected to have 100% access to new ISO 20022 USN accounts for immediate payout. This includes the 10,000's of down-line recipients in "Admiral Groups," where 10,000's will be paid in due course.

The Wells Fargo Group, (formerly General 64) invitations will start along with Abbott Downing private invitations, and they will inform that they are waiting and prepared to start appointments and invitations for 7,000 Redemption Centers, with their Privately Negotiated Exchanges (PNE). The negotiations will be predicated on projects and project participation, supporting the Global Redevelopment Initiative.

Zim rates are as high as expected. Zim holders can expect to support global project initiatives.

The bottom line here, and the benchmark of all benchmarks is that the DOD has mandated that all of the recalcitrant-holdout bank's Security Codes will be completed this Thursday. That's a short day and a half, for both including notifications/invitations to start Tier 4 B Global Launch.

The trigger has started.


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 11 May 2022

Compiled Wed. 11 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

Mass Arrests Imminent.

Emergency Broadcast System to be Activated.

On the Global Currency Reset: Tier 4B was expected to be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments somewhere from the middle of this week to Sun. 15 May.

On Tues. 10 May Bruce indicated Tier4B should be notified at the same time Bond Holders get access to their funds, which was now scheduled for Wed. 11 May afternoon, with appointments beginning immediately thereafter.

Stock Market was Crashing.


Tues. 10 May 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) should be notified at the same time Bond Holders get access to their funds, which was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon Wed. 11 May.

Appointments should start immediately thereafter.

Public exchanges at the new rates could begin on Mon. 16 May.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/05/11/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-11-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Sandy Ingram  Question:  "If...Iraq opens up trading their currency why not fly there to Iraq and exchange with a group...?"  ...This ...is premature, however we can fly...out of JFK or Miami but no group account.  Everyone would need to handle their own finances...A "real" revalue of the currency would allow us to exchange the currency within the United States.  We would only need to travel if they printed new currency BEFORE a revalue.

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IS THIS IT?!? Market Meltdown...or MELTUP?

Mike Maloney:  5-11-2022

Is this it? Join Mike Maloney and Adam Taggart in today’s must-watch update in which they address the most common question we have been receiving… Is this the market meltdown that has been predicted for so long? Or are we shaping up for a market ‘meltup’ before the inevitable occurs?


Andy: You Can't Print More Commodities

Palisades Gold Radio:  5-11-2022

Andy discusses how everything in markets comes down to supply and demand. Logistics, contracts, and shipping are all essential factors in trade. Markets are complex and risk mitigation is important especially with the fluctuating prices of commodities.

Sometimes margins are tight, and companies can easily lose money particularly if they're not hedged accordingly.


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