Holly, Wolverine, Pimpy and more Monday Morning 11-29-2021
Holly Monday Morning Update
Good morning Roomies
Freedom is a feeling. It is the most important feeling to have in an individual. It is freedom which lets one think and function freely at their own will. Unknown
What is the great awakening about, being set free! To realize we are no long debt slaves controlled by the system. We are breaking free.
With that freedom all that has been suppressed will be released. We have been kept in the dark when there is so much technology held back to enhance our lives and get rid of sicknesses and disease.
The RV/GCR sets us free! The battle between good and evil continues. This is a spiritual war and war of your mind. Those awake see.
All I talk to expect this to be released now.
Keep your vibrations high! See this, feel this and be the new energy of the abundance on the planet. Anchor it here on earth now.
Monday Morning Report/Rumors from Wolverine:
Update 28. 11. 2021
Black Swan Event: Bloodbath of Stock and Cryptocurrency Market Crash Fri. November 26
"Global restart is imminent!"
Earth is now under Military Law, the largest military operation in history, with troops from 17 nations under the leadership of General Flynn fighting for the liberation of Humanity.
Judy Note: A momentous change was about to take place now. Today Saturday November 27 trucks were seen moving in the White House, which turned green last night on Friday. November 26
Green means go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The global currency reset actually started in earnest on Sunday, November 21, when the GCR's kingpin, the Iraqi dinar, went international. By mon. the dinar was officially listed on world markets. On Tuesday, the rest of the world currencies in the first basket were changed to their new values in Zurich and Asia. By Thursday, the GCR had arrived in the US, and Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico traded on Friday. November 26. The whales were in position over Thanksgiving weekend to prepare for Level 4b trades and trades (us, the Internet Group).
The change of countries around the world from the Cabal government to independence would happen with a military takeover of the media via the newly installed Starlink satellite system. The Armed Forces could then broadcast Real News to the world population and monitor new and transparent elections, the trigger of which was said to be dependent on a World Event, which was suspected to be a collapse of global markets, which appeared to happen on Friday. November 26
By Black Friday November 26, the Stock Market had crashed, this time not likely to rebound as bankrupt Chinese company Evergrande Real Estate brought down the rest of the market. The Dow suffered its worst trading day of 2021 and the three major US stock indices experienced their worst losses on Black Friday.
MarkZ on Saturday. November 27, 2021: “The whales were still moving towards their place. Level 4a was wrapping up to be ready for launch when level 4b (We, the Internet Group) launched so that everything happens at the same time. "
The global resettlement of the currency was said to take place at the same time that republics around the world were restored to the concepts of the original United States Constitution.
GITMO was said to be full and the prisoners were being taken to Iceland and to an island off the coast of California.
Anon Observations from the Port of Long Beach, Ca. Nov. 27: “For more than six months, I have personally witnessed dozens of helicopter fights daily in and out of the Port of Long Beach. My conservative estimate would place the numbers between 50 and 60 flights per day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! This is not an exaggeration.
The aircraft activities included ospreys, large tandem helicopters and other identified military helicopters. Most, however, were not marked. As of yesterday (Friday, November 26), for the first time in months all activities have ended abruptly and completely. There was an eerie atmosphere of silence. Maybe something big was coming?
• I think the EBS / large military demonstration will come sooner rather than later.
• I believe that the dawn of a new international era of spiritual health, emotional healing and financial fulfillment is upon us.
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Pimpy People get all depressed and they get upset and they go, 'man I reckon the dinar is a scam.' No! You keep falling for these fake stories...people are telling you. You don't need a humanitarian project. There's no redemption centers. There's no 800 numbers. There's no back screens. Come on people. I hear this all the time. Stay grounded. If you pay attention to the economy and what's going on with the stability and sovereignty in Iraq that's what you should be keeping an eye on. Now will they revalue everything over night? It's possible but I think they're going to go up in stages - increments. Iraq is doing really good. I'm just hoping this election gets over with. Things go peacefully. We leave. Iraq gets their sovereignty back. ISIS stay the hell out of there and Iraq continues to do what they're doing which is positively moving forward.
Does the Deep State OWN US? | Edwin Vieira, JD PhD (ENCORE INTERVIEW)
Liberty and Finance: Premiered 11 hours ago
This interview originally premiered Aug 21, 2021.
IS IT TRUE THAT: - our dollars are promissory notes from the Fed, our checking, savings, CDs, and safe-deposit boxes are unsecured loans to the banks (thanks to the Dodd Frank act of 2010,)
- our material possessions are subject to civil asset forfeiture, our land and homes subject to property tax or mortgage foreclosure and imminent domain seizure,
- our businesses are subject to lockdowns and emergency closures, - our votes are of dubious impact during or between elections,
- our bodies are forbidden proven treatments and subject to mandated experimental medical shots, - our children are indoctrinated in government factory schools or subject to being taken away for non-compliance with mandates, and
- even our thoughts are carefully shaped and controlled through a seamless 7x24 narrative across all mainstream and social media?
Renowned constitutional attorney Dr. Edwin Vieira returns to Liberty and Finance to lay out just how pervasive our loss of ownership over our lives has become, where we are headed, and a glimpse of what we can do about it.
You’ll want to listen all the way through and share this widely!
Iraqi Dinar update for 11/28/21
Pimpy’s investment Chat: