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IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 5-3-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 5-3-20

xyz   Al-Kazemi prepares for a tough parliamentary session to vote on his ministerial team https://almadapaper.net//view.php?cat=226455

Political circles suggested that the parliament voted on the new government booth in batches. She talked about great difficulties that Al-Kazemi will face in the House of Representatives due to the objections and reservations expressed by certain parliamentary blocs to more than six candidates, as well as the rotation of some ministers of the resigned government.

Yonadam Kanna, head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc, said in a statement to Al-Mada that " Parliament will give confidence to the majority of cabinet cabinet candidates to be presented by Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi ," noting that "there are parliamentary blocs that have observations on a certain number of candidates."

And the Shiite forces reached with the taxpayer after more than three meetings an agreement to pass his government in the House of Representatives, provided that some amendments and changes are made to the ministerial list and the failure to renew confidence for the ministers of the resigned government.

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Kanna adds that the passage of Al-Kazemi’s government in the form of payments that come in order to overcome the constitutional ceilings that set the deadline for the person to present his government within a month. In the integrity, and some of them were arrested. "

The head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc explains that “ There are six candidates from the list of proposed Al-Kazemi reservations from certain parliamentary blocs that are difficult to give them confidence. ” He pointed out that “it is assumed that the taxpayer directs a request to the Presidency of the Parliament in the coming hours to set a date for the voting session on the cabinet after Agreement with the majority of political blocs . News agencies and social media dealt with a leaked list of cabinet candidates charged with forming the government, Mustafa Al-Kazem

Xyz   Brace For A Monday Massacre: Buffett Liquidates All Airline Holdings As Berkshire Sees Another Leg Lower https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/brace-monday-massacre-buffett-liquidates-all-airline-holdings-hints-berkshire-remains

xyz   Parliament Presidency announces the voting mechanism for Al-Kazemi's booth and expects the date of the session


Parliament Presidency announces the voting mechanism for Al-Kazemi's booth and expects the date of the session

(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Presidency of the Council of Representatives announced the voting mechanism for the cabinet of the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazimi in the light of the Corona pandemic crisis.

The second deputy speaker of Parliament, Bashir Haddad, said in a press statement, "Al-Kazemi sent the government curriculum and we expect to send the names of the ministerial cabinet in the coming days, and after the arrival of the names, the date for the session on granting confidence will be decided."

On the voting mechanism, Haddad explained that "the session of granting confidence will be in the conference hall, and therefore its size will be large and there will be a distance between one deputy and another for health protection," stressing that "all health and preventive measures will be followed during the voting session on Al-Kazemi's government."

He added that "the presidency of the parliament sent the deputies to come to Baghdad tomorrow, Monday, in preparation for the session in the coming days," noting that it "could be the end of this week."

Yesterday, Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Al-Halbousi directed the presence of deputies in Baghdad tomorrow, Monday.

He added that he "has been initialized flight from airports in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah and Basra airport flight to transport the House of Representatives to Baghdad on Monday , " noting that "will announce a date for the meeting later" .anthy   Ammar al – Masoudi

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Doug_W   THIS will make ur blood crawl with worms

Doug_W   https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=531131037509851

Xyz   Parliament: Next Tuesday will be a date for a vote on the Al-Kazemi government

Political | 08:10 - 03/05/2020  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News   , a lawmaker in the House of Representatives favored voting on the government of Mustafa Kadhimi next Sunday.

Representative Yonadam Kanna said that he expects "next Tuesday to be a date for voting on the new government in the House of Representatives."

He added, "This will happen if the CVs are submitted two days before this date."

Yesterday, the office of the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, said that he was "ready to hold a session to give confidence to the new government during this week.

The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, directed the presence of deputies in Baghdad next Monday."

He added: "A flight from Erbil and Sulaymaniyah airports and the Basra airport flight to transport deputies to Baghdad will be prepared next Monday, and the date of the session will be announced later."


Baxter   I thought the BIG VOTE..was today.... what happened to that?

Baxter   COULD IT BE.... R A Y R E N.... Making up stories .. again?? 5-2-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV news is showing Al-Kazemi signing off on his government, stating it's done and ready for Parliament's vote on Sunday. Parliament confirms they have received the names of the cabinet from Al-Kazemi. ...Being shared in the news: 200 ministers will vote Sunday for Al-Kazemi and pass his cabinet also indicating that Sunday is the "day."

Baxter   This is SUNDAY... isnt it?

Clay   starting a garden in a greenhouse small one 60x60x72 high

Baxter   the farmers here..cant take their hogs to market... so they are selling them to people for 50 cents a pound   but they have to buy ten or more

Dave   losing money......

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Baxter   people from michigan are coming down here with trailers and taking them home

Baxter   never seen anything like it

Dave   just wished they shut the entire planet down fer 2 weeks......

Dave   it would have been over by now

xyz   In a new study ... "Corona" does not affect a person twice


Follow-up / .. Scientists from South Korea settled the dispute about the possibility of exposure to the emerging "Corona" virus, after recovering from it.

The newspaper "Mirror" British, that Korean scientists confirmed that it is not possible to infection with the "Corona" virus again after recovering from it, despite the positive tests that proved the infection of hundreds of the virus after recovery from it.

She added: "There are 277 patients in South Korea, China and Japan who are believed to have contracted the disease for the second time after recovering from it, but recent discoveries confirmed that these positive results were the result of errors in the tests and not because the patients were infected with the virus again. "

She noted that researchers at the South Korea Center for Protection and Control of Diseases now assert that it is impossible for "Covid 19" activity to return to the bodies of people who have already recovered from the disease.

The Korean researchers attributed the positive results that were recorded by mistake to those recovering from "Covid 19" originally due to the presence of virus residues in the bodies of the recovered people, but without these viral residues being able to catch the disease again or infect others.

The newspaper quoted "Oh Myeong-dun," the head of the South Korean expert committee, as saying that the tests that were conducted did not differentiate the direct chains of the virus from its harmful effects that could remain in the human body.

The Committee noted, that fragments of DNA RNA RNA can be kept in the cells, even if the virus is inactive.

"Oh Myung Don" added: "It is expected that the tests that indicated the positive results of infection with the Corona virus had taken the already inactive RNA in the body, and therefore the results came out inaccurately at all."    The World Health Organization, ha

Dave   yeah measles and chicken pox still around

Dave   Where did Spanish Flu go????

Dave   still no cure for HIV

Dave   xyz so no herd immunity?.

Dave   too soon to determine whats going on with this critter

Dave   all the false testing results.....

Clay   z thats good news thanks

Dave   Clay good news....?

Clay   that you cant get it again

Dave   had mumps 3 times?????

Clay   not me only once

Clay   same with my brothers

Dave   3 times fer me...unless mis diagnosed

DaveBaxter Honduras Venezuela and the USA in that order have the highest murder rates in the World?


https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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