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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 3-17-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 3-17-20

TWWIII   Email rec'd today from [ ]150 US Army & 750 Marines were deployed to Saudi 2 weeks ago requested silentance to send military personnel for a very quiet event for arrests. There were abt 300 official gov people taken into custody for multiple big crimes including PEDO. Military personal emails were shut down for almost 3 weeks until today. TW, just be before deployment we had no idea what was going on.

It was a very short flight to Riyadh. . There were a lot of High ranking Saudi military personal when we arrived. For abt 3 hours we were given the details on everything going on. Between Thursday thru. Sunday 90% of the arrests including High Gov officials as well as high ranking military personal were made.

Sorry I couldn't answer your 2 emails over the past 2 weeks. The virus is all over the Mid East seems Iran has lost 57 parliament member that have died from it. Local rumors say that Iran is more that likely hiding the real amount so mayb double that number or more...Hope the fam is doing well and staying healthy there in WA state...Do you think the virus is aBio Weapon??? Chow is over so I must get to my post. Later my friend.

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chattels   coronavirus in iran update https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/iran-reports-113-virus-deaths-containment-concerns-mount-200315180552632.html

chattels   Iran has struggled to respond in part because of crippling sanctions imposed by the Trump administration after the US withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal. The US says it has offered humanitarian aid but Iran has rejected it.

chattels   Globally, the virus has now infected more than 168,000 people and killed at least 6,610, according to the WHO.

chattels   Hydroxychloroquine (EC50=0.72 μM) was found to be more potent than chloroquine (EC50=5.47 μM) in vitro. Based on PBPK models results, a loading dose of 400 mg twice daily of hydroxychloroquine sulfate given orally, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg given twice daily for 4 days is recommended for SARS-CoV-2 infection, as it reached three times the potency of chloroquine phosphate when given 500 mg twice daily 5 days in advance. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32150618

TWWIII   chattels YES MY FRIEND STATIONED IN KUWAIT WAS RIGHT. Ur number of 113 virus deaths in Iran was correct. It is double the amount he said at 57 deaths. Ur posts were a good read, thanx

AM chattels   Iraqi President Bahram Salih charges Adnan al-Zurufi to form new government. http://albaghdadiyagroup.com/news/akhbar-iraq/brhm-salh-eklf-adnan-alzrfe-btshkel-alhkomt

chattels   and, ............... wait for it ..........

chattels   In Iraq, Fatah Coalition rejects nomination of Adnan al-Zurufi as PM. https://www.rudaw.net/arabic/middleeast/iraq/170320207

chattels   Yesterday's information indicated an agreement on the personality of Adnan Al-Zarfi who is closest to assuming the position of Iraqi prime minister for the caretaker government in the coming hours.

chattels   Adnan al-Zurufi was deployed to Iraq in April 2003 as a team member of Iraq Reconstruction and Development Council (IRDC), a US DoD financed group led by Emad Dhia. Later, he was appointed by Paul Bremer, the CPA Administrator as governor of Najaf Governorate appointed May 2004. 17 March 2020 Iraqi President Salih appoints Adnan al-Zurfi as new PM-designate [1] He accused Muqtada al Sadr of constantly violating his agreements to disband the Mahdi Army. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adnan_al-Zurufi

chattels   " ............. he was appointed by Paul Bremer, the CPA Administrator as governor of Najaf Governorate appointed May 2004, .................. 17 March 2020 Iraqi President Salih appoints Adnan al-Zurfi as new PM-designate ..............."

chattels   There is a big gap in time there.

chattels   Adnan Al Zurfi is a former official of the US-run authorities that took over Iraq after the 2003 invasion to remove Saddam Hussein. He is head of the Nasr parliamentary grouping of former prime minister Haider Al Abadi, also a US ally.

The 54-year-old MP has 30 days to form his cabinet that must then be put to a vote of confidence in Iraq's notoriously divided parliament. https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/former-najaf-governor-adnan-al-zurfiappointed-iraq-s-prime-minister-designate-1.993664

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chattels   The governor of Iraq’s most sacred territory is a slick-haired, sharp-dressed, foul-mouthed, sleep-deprived workaholic who’s lost track of how many times he’s been hauled into court on charges of abuse of power: “Maybe 10? Twenty?”

Najaf Gov. Adnan al Zurufi makes no apologies for his brash style of leadership, which he says is the reason he’s among the last of the U.S. occupation-era appointees to hold office. If he were more diplomatic, chances are he wouldn’t have survived here given his American citizenship and hard-line stance against the Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militias that hold parallel authority.

“I’m the only one who came from the States and kept fighting and fighting and fighting,” Zurufi said in an interview that began at midnight, about the time he starts to wind down a typical workday. https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24770131.html

chattels   Zurufi holds dual citizenship and one of them apparently is American.

chattels   Despite a dismal fourth-place showing in the 2009 polls, Zurufi returned to the governor’s office through a surprise agreement hashed out with more powerful religious parties. With his wife and children back in the United States, he focused single-mindedly on turning Najaf into a success story on the security, commercial and education fronts.

And he didn’t mind bending the rules to do it, readily admitting that he skirts government regulations so his pet projects don’t get mired in Iraq’s notorious bureaucracy.

“I don’t care about the law – I care about people,” he said. “I care about the happiness of the city.”

Zurufi added that he’s personally interrogated suspected al Qaida operatives from two cells that he said security forces busted in 2010. When a visitor asked what that entailed, he replied flatly: “I beat them. They’re germs, animals; not humans.”

chattels   Zurufi said he was deeply disappointed in the Obama administration’s reluctance to devote more military resources to the crisis. He summed up the U.S. response in a word: “Bull****.”

chattels   The foregoing quotes are from an interview had in 2014.

chattels   In Iraq’s most sacred city, a governor from Michigan holds sway


JULY 08, 2014 02:38 PM https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24770131.html

chattels   How will certain of the political elite be able to agree upon someone who is anti Iran and anti Sadr ?     How is this guy not controversial ?   Or a "non-confrontational" figure to preserve the status quo ?

chattels   https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/former-najaf-governor-adnan-al-zurfiappointed-iraq-s-prime-minister-designate-1.993664

Doug_W   Silver:$12.29

Chattels   al Zurufi has a twitter account https://twitter.com/AlzurufiAdnan

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chattels   Interesting choice of new #Iraq PM designate nominated today, longtime Najaf governor Adnan al-Zurfi. Sometimes Maliki's ally in the past; here is how Paul Bremer presented him as antidote to Muqtada al-Sadr in 2004 https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/cpa-iraq/pressreleases/20040508_bremer_zurufi.html

chattels   Courtesy Reidar Visser https://twitter.com/reidarvisser?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   " The governorate of Najaf must have a strong Iraqi administrator. Governor Zurufi is such a man. He is a committed and courageous supporter of democracy and law and order, and I am pleased to name him as the new governor of Najaf " - Paul Bremer 2004

chattels   Al-Fateh Alliance holds the President of the Republic fully responsible for the implications of Adnan Zorfi's mandate ... and considers it a provocative / expanded step

Tuesday 17, March 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=818117

chattels   "Today, the President of the Republic repeats the same violation, as he violated the constitution on the one hand and did not commit to a consensus between the political forces on the other hand. Therefore, we hold the President of the Republic fully responsible for the repercussions of these provocative steps and we will take all measures to prevent this disregard for the law and the constitution."

chattels   The UN Special Representative, Hennes-Blackshart, welcomed the commissioning of Adnan Al-Zarfi to form the government.

"In the face of unprecedented security, political, economic, and health crises, Iraq is in urgent need of an effective ministerial cabinet. It has hard work ahead, and support from all political forces is crucial to national unity and success." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=818114

chattels   " In the face of unprecedented security, political, economic, and health crises, Iraq is in urgent need of .............. ", an increase in the value of the dinar ?

chattels   President of the Republic Barham Salih assigned MP Adnan Al-Zarfi to form the government.

And it came in a decree for the Presidency of the Republic today, Tuesday, based on the provisions of item (Fifth) of Article / 76 / of the Constitution. Days from the date of this decree, corresponding to the sixteenth day of March.

He added: "This decree is implemented from the date of its issuance and will be published in the Official Gazette." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=818089

chattels   Well, another 30 days.

chattels   April 16 by my calculation.

chattels   Out of 8 .. America decides to withdraw from its 3 main bases in Iraq

Editing Date: 3/17/2020 10:08 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88110

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chattels   the BBC said, "The American army will withdraw in the coming weeks from the Al-Qa’im base west of Anbar province, in addition to two other military bases in Iraq.

chattels   The United States is also planning to withdraw from Qayyara Airport, known as "Qwest", and Kirkuk.

Qayyarah was used in the US-backed operation to retake Mosul from ISIS.

chattels   US officials say they have been planning to leave areas like Qaim since last year due to the reduced threat from ISIS, but concerns about the safety of US and coalition forces have accelerated the move.

chattels   In an unusual move, the Joint Operations Command, the control center for all military activities in Iraq, issued a statement blaming both sides, but supported the parliament’s vote to ask the Americans to leave.

chattels   Al-Zurfi “should work on conducting snap and fair elections, meet the demands of Iraqis, meet the demands of peaceful protesters by carrying out the required reforms, and preserve the sovereignty, stability, and security of Iraq,” the presidency said.

According to Rudaw’s reporter in Baghdad, anti-government protesters have already rejected al-Zurfi as yet another member of the old establishment they aim to overthrow.

“We strongly reject him. We as protesters and revolutionaries have had martyrs and injuries. People have been hurt and the budget has not been passed,” one protester told Rudaw in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the movement.

Protesters set fire to al-Zurfi’s office in Najaf on January 19. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/170320201

chattels   " .......... anti-government protesters have already rejected al-Zurfi ........"

chattels   " “We strongly reject him."

futuremoney   The US leaves...Iraq implodes within 2 years

chattels   President Barham Salih who can designate any name and send it to the parliament for approval. The federal court affirmed the president's right to designate a prime minister without discussing this with the political parties.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-us-pmu-president.html#ixzz6GwrdESYo

chattels   " ............. the only person who could save the country is a strong prime minister close to all internal and external forces to form a capable government that is able to manage the multi-aspect crisis and take the country out of it. The question remains if such a person exists and if so, whether all parties would agree on his appointment."

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-us-pmu-president.html#ixzz6Gwrt5brO

chattels   " The question remains if such a person exists and if so, whether all parties would agree on his appointment."

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

JoeSchmoe   I think that with what is happening with our stock market, that we may be shut down in the near future too

Biff   chattels   The United States is also planning to withdraw from Qayyara Airport, known as "Qwest", and Kirkuk.  Qayyarah was used in the US-backed operation to retake Mosul from ISIS.

biff   Worked in Qwest/ KBR - Air Force refueling base

Doug_W    WAAAHHH NASCAR shut down until at least May 3rd


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