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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 12-31-19

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 12-31-19

Doug_W   if, lets say, U had 8 Mil Dinar and it came out at .25 that is 2 million dollars

Sparky   Doug_W ...after fees and taxes, down to 900k...

Dave   FEES?   taxes depends

Doug_W   depends on HOW and where U exchange it Sparky

Sparky   Dave ...exotic currency...

Dave   Sparky now yes global NO!

Sparky   Doug_W ...ill go with Citi...

Doug_W   lets say U have a corporation and U hire out to them for a dollar a yr

Dave   2-3% spread on exchange for global currencies

Doug_W   as a consultant U get that new car / house/ boat etc with new tax laws its a 100% tax write off year U get them

Sparky   Doug_W ...nope, paying more than they ask...up front...on taxes...been there, done that, ...no fun at all...

Doug_W then I have been doing it all wrong

Dave   Sparky take a note to one forex.....then to another and so on....

Sparky   Doug_W ...nope, I'm just IRS shy..., that sounds like excellent strategy...

Doug_W   trumps new capitol investment tax law is great 4 us IF dun right

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Sparky     Doug_W ...I will definitely need help, from day 1...

Dave   Doug_W yeah rich peeps know how to evade taxes

Doug_W   Sparky B4 u CASH ur 1st note hire an tax atty

Sparky    Doug_W ...solid advice !

Dave   Doug_W   tax lawyers paid by the IRS.....hmmm

Doug_W   Dave that is a communist notion

Sparky   Dave … former IRS agents...

Dave   take a note to alocal forex......cant track that?

Sparky   Dave ...of course they will...

Dave   Sparky NOt me.....

Doug_W   here in States ANY transaction of 10K or more U have to fill out an IRS tax form on it

Dave   call us communist......lol

Sparky   ... <@5874918|Dave...if over $600, must pay taxes...documentation required... imu..

Doug_W   Dave I just DID lol

Doug_W   Sparky that is if a company pays U that amount of more in a yr  not for currency echange

Sparky   Doug_W ...ok, thanks...

Dave   Sparky exchanged plenty of cash over600....never no where

Doug_W   10-4 Sparky

Dave   Sparky Get a wealth manager from a big bank

Doug_W   get a tax atty first tho

Dave   Doug_W WHY....banks know the loopholes

Dave   IRS want your cash

Doug_W   because U don't watn them know ing U have $$ B4 U get tax advice

Doug_W   a tax atty is NOT from teh IRS its a private lawyer specializing in taxes

Sparky   Doug_W … I will if I don't hit my head too hard, after I faint when this thing finally goes down...

Dave   Doug_W gotcha

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Dave   i paid my taxes on the cash i used to get my dinar?

Doug_W   Canadian tax code is very diff than USA's

Sparky   Dave ...exotic currency fee

Dave   you have a silver coin that goes up in value,,,,,,no taxes on that

Doug_W   it is now Spark but NOT afteer it goes global is won't B

Dave   Sparky not when global   no longer exotic

Sparky   Doug_W Dave ...cool...

Doug_W   right now U can loose 20% and I say SCREW that

Dave   if you sell your Picasso for double you have to pay tax on that

Dave   ?

Sparky   Doug_W ...don't even consider selling..." wouldn't be prudent " .

Doug_W   Dave yes here in States U would

Sparky   Dave … capital gains...

Dave   arrrg

Sparky.   .." wouldn't be prudent at this juncture..." W Sr., to Gen.Swartzkoff...desert storm..if memory serves...

Dave   10 yrs to exchange then

Sparky   Dave ..we'll have to keep an eye on timeframes...

Dave   Sparky CBI said 10 yrs

Sparky   Dave ...they did yesterday..

Dave   Sparky I know you have some difficulties with what CBI States.......LOL

Dave   Sparky Missed that

Dave   10yr stufff

Sparky   Dave ...yesterday, meaning pre rate change...

Dave   Sparky ????

Dave   direct from CBI or Recaps?

Sparky   Dave ... my understanding is 10 years with banking entities, but, as always, I could be wrong...

Dave   Sparky CBI has stated 10 yrs numerous time......just like to keep hearing that coupled with 5T in circulation

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Sparky   Dave ... trust me, when this goes down, it will have my full attention...

Dave   Sparky 2 more sleeps

Dave   window opens

Sparky   Dave ...5 T...now that is a workable number for reval...imo...

Dave   Sparky the other graph.....no idea what that meant though

Dave   just a graph?

Sparky   Dave ...maybe RodTahoe has some insight or opinion...glad he brought it in...

Insert Rod Tahoe Post for Reference:  RodTahoe    I did validate the information from the CBI that there has been a change in accounting, that Frank, Delta and MM are talking about. The current dinar in circulation is now at 5 trillion, down from 55 trillion. The amount in the commercial banks went from 3 trillion to 51 trillion (approx).

The chart showing dinar in circulation https://cbiraq.org/SeriesChart.aspx?TseriesID=158    and the chart showing the dinar held by commercial banks https://cbiraq.org/SeriesChart.aspx?TseriesID=157     

I am not a pro at this but sure indicates to me that the CBI now is showing only 5 trillion in circulation and have to ask why is the CBI making this accounting change now. Am sure the regulars will bash what ever i bring, but look at the charts and see how you interpret this change.

Dave   Sparky Very interesting.....Auctions may have taken in alot in the last 18months ....graphically makes most sense

Sparky      Dave ...hard to fathom it going down soon though, unless..."Black Swan Event "...as stated previously..by TMan ?

Doug_W   Be back later short nap time

Dave   dream of quaters...

Dave   just watch the news myself.....make my own opinion

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Sparky   ..I see very littte logic from PTB in Iraq, except power and greed...

Dave   PTB.......LOL

Sparky...Iranian influence...

Dave   GOI has done SQUAT.....  Traffic laws maybe

Sparky   ...as dictated by Iran...

Dave       all about corruption as dictated by them protesters Too

Sparky   ...that's why I like the "real" protestors...

Dave   the corrupt enjoy instability

Dave   pay fer that

Sparky   ...chaos is where Maliki lives and thrives...

Dave   Sparky and many others

Spankie   need to hang that rat face maliki to show some power to the people

Dave   spankie will take a COUP

spankie   Maliki= Iranian

Dave   months of protests and still nadda

Dave   in fact going the wrong direction

spankie   if usa not there then the iraqi peeps will become iranian

Dave   Dawas largest bloc to set up newe PM

Sparky   ...maybe our hope lies in them realizing that investment will enable them to scarf more...feed the greed...

spankie   Iraq at crossroads



Sparky   spankie ...yup...

Dave   A Coup will be much faster with the direction the GOI are heading

Sparky   Dave ...Dawa / SOL never good for anyone...that's why Abadi bailed. Probably come back into the picture soon...in the coming daze...

Sparky   ...USA vs Iran...holding us back...imo...

Sparky   ...liked FrancisAlbert post on US wanting to control Iran CBI...

Young_SC   Sparky what is your opinion about the graph?

Sparky   Young_SC ...imo, 5 T in circulation in good for realistic reval of IQD..thats my gut feeling...

Young_SC   Sparky True

Young_SC   I figured that also

chattels   Trump blames Iran for attack on embassy in Baghdad as Iraqi PM urges calm https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/311220192

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chattels   US Embassy attack: live updates https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/311220193

Dave   Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah tells IRGC affiliates media outlet Tasnimnews that the US ambassador and US forces must be expelled from Iraq.

chattels   sandyf - " I think the figures have been entered on the charts the wrong way round. I doubt it is a coincidence that the figure shown in commercial banks is the same figure that appears on the Financial Statement as a liability for currency issued at the end of November. All will be revealed with the end of Dec figures."

Dave   Protestors do not like Iran influence.......SO........?

Dave   chattels Thought dec was on that graph?

chattels   Iraqi PMF (Hashd) try to storm 2nd gate of US Embassy in Baghdad & set it on fire. PM tells PMF to withdraw & PMF responds that they are staying until US Forces leave Iraq.  http://nabdapp.com

chattels   Dave Not sure.

Dave   thought it did

Sparky   Dave ...protestors are "manning up"...trying to take back their country...against the giant...truly David vs Golliath...

chattels   In Baghdad, protesters in Tahrir Square say they were not involved in breach of Green Zone.

chattels  Military spokesman for Iraqi PM: breach of the Green Zone by protesters happened suddenly & caught us unprepared. There was a large group mourning death of PMF members but we did not expect it to breach Green Zone.  http://nabdapp.com/t/67672301

chattels   Iraqi PMF (Hashd) supporters chase Interior Minister away from in front of US Embassy in Baghdad. http://nabdapp.com/t/67675985

Dave   chattels Iranian retaliation....

Sparky   chattels ...Iranian Malitia...no doubt...

chattels   Video of Iraqi PMF (Hashd) trying to break into US Embassy.

chattels   Sparky Many are saying that this is an event orchestrated by the Hashd ( Iranian militia as you say ).

Sparky   ...wolves infiltrated the protestors...none lower than Iranian mf's...

Sparky   chattels ...as obvious to me as the nose on my face...

Sparky   ...an action contrary to protestors wishes and demands...

Dave   tru dat

Dave   another slap in the faces of those protestors

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chattels   Important thread for context on the distinction between militia members and normal Iraqi protesters.

3- It's vital to make this distinction. The creative, inspiring movement that gave over 600 lives killed by the same security apparatus that allowed these militias to easily enter the GZ is in no way behind or associated with this aggression.

chattels    2- What I do know: the vast majority of the those advancing on the US Embassy are not protesters. They're armed and organized. IRGC-backed Hashd units are no longer concealing they're loyalties.

chattels   https://twitter.com/RashaAlAqeedi/status/1212008144764854273

Sparky   Dave ...they have nothing to lose, everything to gain...and have the gonads to do somet5hing about it. Real glad to see them standing up and protesting...or take it to another level...

Sparky   chattels ...still need USA backing, to surpress Iran from completelely taking over Iraq...

Sparky   ...Trump squeezing Iran hard...

chattels   Pompeo informs Abdul-Mahdi and Saleh by phone that the United States will protect Americans in Iraq

[Baghdad-I] http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85683

Sparky   chattels ...as always, thank you for your input my friend...

chattels   Al-Hakim stressed, "The need for the Iraqi government to assume its responsibility in protecting the diplomatic missions operating in Iraq, and to preserve its international reputation, and the openness it has achieved towards the international community, and to ensure the security and stability of the country."   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85682

chattels   Iraqi sources: some PMF (Hashd) withdraw from US Embassy. http://mobp.as/BdAjq

chattels   Senior brain drain looms for Oil Ministry if federal retirement order goes into effect

Order reflects new labor law mandating retirement age of 60 except for ministers. https://www.iraqoilreport.com/news/senior-brain-drain-looms-for-oil-ministry-if-federal-retirement-order-goes-into-effect-42351/

Wilder   Senior brain drain ..lol. Sounds like my sister in law.

chattels   Barbara A. Leaf @SafiraLeaf

And as my colleague @Mikeknightsiraq just pointed out - this is a member of the IZ Spec Forces Div charged with protecting foreign diplomatic missions. Joining the PMF “protestors” who assaulted the US Embassy today. https://twitter.com/SafiraLeaf

chattels   I hope that they are not depending upon that guy or others like him to defend the American embassy in Baghdad.

chattels   Pro-Iranian Shiite parties in #Iraq had been shaken by months of #IraqProtests focused on democracy and anti-corruption. After the US airstrike, staging organised "demonstrations" at the US embassy, they're back in the game they prefer. https://twitter.com/reidarvisser

biff   An A6 Airstrike would work

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chattels   Pro-Iranian militias behind US Embassy attack in Baghdad  Ali Mamouri December 31, 2019

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/12/iraq-protesters-storm-us-embassy-baghdad.html#ixzz69jPB5a5b

chattels   I may have posted the foregoing article earlier. If so and I am being repetitive then I apologize to all.

chattels   Judges for the Supreme Commission for Elections in Iraq

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ar/originals/2019/12/iraq-parliament-reform-electoral-commission.html#ixzz69jPejG1x

Wilder   The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), also known as the People's Mobilization Committee (PMC) and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) There's probaly some (PMS) in there somewhere.

biff   Where is ( CAG ) Carrier Air Group

chattels   Despite the approval by Parliament on December 5 of the new "Independent High Commission for Elections in Iraq" law, popular and official criticism is still ongoing regarding this law, ........

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ar/originals/2019/12/iraq-parliament-reform-electoral-commission.html#ixzz69jQ1eYEi

Wilder   Iraq is not able to defend themselves from Iran if they wanted to.

biff   That's why the SOFA should have been signed by Obama ( Statue of Forces Agreement)

Wilder   biff so we have military there by our own will not in agreement with Iraq?

chattels   Wilder US forces are in Iraq by invitation of the government with the approval of the Parliament is my understanding.

chattels   Wilder " They are there as part of a security agreement with the Iraqi government to advise, assist, and support that country’s troops in the fight against the Islamic State." https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/03/20/iraq-prepares-to-evict-u-s-troops/

biff   Only in Iraq

Wilder   What a mess. So who is the Iraqi gov't.

chattels   Wilder The Iraqi government is essentially their Parliament, The Prime Minister is elected by the Parliament.

Wilder   Who is unable to deter Iran.

chattels   Wilder Iraq is a federal parliamentary republic which refers to a federation of states with a republican form of government that is, more or less, dependent upon the confidence of parliaments at both the national and sub-national levels.

chattels   Wilder Some say that Iraq is a failed state.

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chattels   Wilder The method by which the head of government is chosen is the primary distinction between a parliamentary government and a presidential system. The head of a parliamentary government is chosen by the legislative branch and typically holds the title of Prime Minister, as is the case in the United Kingdom and Canada.

 In the United Kingdom, voters elect members of the British House of Commons every five years; the party that secures a majority of seats then chooses members of the executive branch cabinet and prime minister.

The prime minister and his cabinet serve as long as the legislature has confidence in them. In Canada, the lead of the political party that wins the most seats in parliament becomes the prime minister.

chattels   https://www.thoughtco.com/how-parliamentary-government-works-4160918

chattels   Wilder One of the demands of the protesters is for a presidential form of government.

Wilder   chattels looks to me like Iran is holding a possible threat on Iraq holding the U. S. At bay. Undoing everything we've done to rebuild them.

Wilder   Including Israel knowing Iraq and Kuwait would both get destroyed.

chattels   Wilder The world is a complicated place and real understanding is not within my powers.

Wilder   Just me thinking. I know nothing.

Wilder   chattels i appreciate your time and articles you bring in.

chattels   Wilder Thinking, asking questions and taking positions to defend lead us to knowledge in some form.  The truth is more elusive.

Wilder   chattels even within our own.

chattels   Wilder Perhaps especially within our own.

Wilder   Outsiders probably think our gov't is just a bunch of clowns. They're probaly right.

chattels   Wilder We are all in this together. We all have more in common than any differences between us.

Wilder   Yep. And we do have a good life. Blessed as a nation, regardless.

chattels  Good night all. Happy New Year ! God bless America, God bless us every one.

LeLe   Baxter stop giving away the Crappie. Lol

LeLe   Happy New Year's. May 2020 bring us Peace, Prosperity, Health, Wealth and Love. Be Safe.

Sparky   LeLe ...well said...Happy New Year all ...

Matt   2020 Wow! A New Decade

Sparky   biff ...the lamp is lit...now, waiting on the "countdown ' ...New Year, new IQD value... it's my new years resolution...get rich , either quick or slow...

Sparky   ...new attitude with young Iraqis...love the fact the awoke...a new day in Iraq is approaching...and I think we may need sunglasses...

Sparky   ...Iran must be neutered first though, and threrein lies the rub...


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