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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 3-31-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night  3-31-20

chattels   Major Iraq virus news (if true): despite previous denial from the CBI, Governor Ali al-Allaq & six members of his family have reportedly tested positive for Covid-19: https://www.alghadpress.com/view.php?cat=240665

chattels   Special information: Iranian Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani has met in Baghdad today some Shiite politicians. He informed them of Iran's categorical rejection of Adnan Al-Zurfi. https://twitter.com/JoelWing2

chattels   Deputy: Al-Zarfi will submit a request to Parliament to hold a session of granting confidence next week

Editing Date: 3/31/1920 19:33 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88969

chattels   Kurdish leader: We will not participate in any government that does not achieve national consensus

Editing Date: 3/31/2020 18:54 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88957

Baxter   CHattels... do you have an opinion on how Iraq is operating without the auctions..??

Baxter   I looked this afternoon and I could find only two reported this month

Baxter   one on the 3rd I believe and one on the 17th or there abouts   both wer about 220 million

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Baxter   WOW... Ohios unemployment went from 1200 last week... to 24,000 this week...

Doug_W   Trumpy says 30 more days

Baxter   Im watching

Doug_W   oh well think of that this way: in 31 days that will have passed

Baxter   IF it works that way

Baxter   really looks like the next couple of weeks is gonna be bad

LeLe   The President and Vice President are doing a Great Job. But they are stressed to the limit.

Baxter   they look awful tired

LeLe   Baxter yes they do.

Doug_W   being very selfish here I hope July brings health to the country

Baxter    so do I

Chattels   Baxter Not really, but I think as follows.................

Baxter   Maybe they just arent reporting them.. for some reason

Baxter   3-31-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Currency Manipulation and Countervailing Duties" Quote: "On April 6, 2020, the rule is to go into effect and U.S. industries can begin submitting petitions for potential relief to the U.S. International Trade Commission and Commerce’s International Trade Administration" I'll bet that the data we are witnessing now out of Irag, USA, GB, CBs, etc., is that they are gearing for Iraq to be playing with the big boyz in and on the INTERNATIONAL STAGE!!! There are no coincidences imo...

chattels   Every day since 2004, the CBI has held an auction through which hard currency is sold to banks, companies and traders in exchange for evidence of import and transaction receipts. The auctions aim to prevent market speculation and stabilize the exchange rate of Iraqi dinars to the US dollar. The CBI — which does not deal with individuals was recently selling $1 for 1,190 dinar.

Baxter   They have always reported them before... sometimes they are late..but not like this..

chattels   https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/04/iraq-central-bank-currency-auctions-concerns-persist.html

Baxter   that is dated nine years ago

Baxter   no.. seven years

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chattels   Central Bank of Iraq issued a statement and defended its daily auction sales of foreign currency. A number of financial experts advised to stop foreign currency auction sales at CBI and criticized it as a door of corruption and loss of state funds. Iraqi Central Bank stressed that the foreign currency sales auction means to stabilize the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S dollar in Iraqi domestic markets.

CBI further added in the statement that the process of the auction sales of currency is a way to make certain stability of Iraqi dinar exchange rate in order to meet the requirements of Iraqi economy by providing foreign currency covering Iraqi imports of goods and services for Iraqi private sector. http://www.iraqidinar123.com/iraqi-central-bank-will-not-stop-auction-sales-of-foreign-currency-cbi/

Chattels   Baxter The operational purpose is the same. I updated the exchange rate.

Baxter   ok.. thx

chattels   Baxter If we know the operational purpose than we can analyze the possible consequences of non operation.

Baxter   thats true...

chattels   than = then

Baxter   just seems so strange that they were having auctions.. big auctions I may add...and then... nothing

Baxter   I remember when auctions didnt exceed 20 million   now over 200 million

Baxter   I so wish we had someone over there that knows whats going on

chattels   The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has no intention to shutting down the currency auctions. The sales are used to increase the CBI reserves by selling U.S. currency in exchange for Iraqi dinar. The CBI charges a fee for each transaction. The CBI profited over 49 billion dollars last year in the currency auctions.( 2015 )

Baxter   yes.. I know they do....

chattels   Iraqi Central Bank stressed that the foreign currency sales auction means to stabilize the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S dollar in Iraqi domestic markets. CBI further added in the statement that the process of the auction sales of currency is a way to make certain stability of Iraqi dinar exchange rate in order to meet the requirements of Iraqi economy by providing foreign currency covering Iraqi imports of goods and services for Iraqi private sector. 

chattels   The Iraqi Central Bank pointed out that CBI has adopted a fundamental criterion for the implementation of the U.S dollar sale operation to Iraqi banks including the commitment to the specific rules in order to fight against currency smuggling, laundering and financing terrorist organizations. The Iraqi governmental banks are providing a great role in buying and selling of the U.S dollar.

chattels   http://www.iraqidinar123.com/iraqi-central-bank-will-not-stop-auction-sales-of-foreign-currency-cbi/

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chattels   Perhaps a part of the decision not to auction has to do with a change in the need of travel or threat of terrorist group funding.

Baxter   very well could be... but something is amiss...unless they just arent reporting them anymore... two in one month.... wont get it

Baxter   they had one on the third or so..for 220 million...and one on the 16th.. for about the same

Baxter   only two I have found

Baxter   they just had an earthquake in Idaho... that registered almost 7....thats pretty big

chattels   Official Central Bank of Iraq Strategic Plan 2016-2020


chattels   https://dinarrvnews.net/central-bank-iraq/strategic-plan-2016-2020/

chattels   Exchange rate stability

Exchange rate is considered the main factor in financial economy and plays a very important role in fixing disorders that happen in expenses and it is considered a priority in monetary policy of CBI because it leads to a convenient investment environment as well as stability of prices.

Not to forget that safeguarding stability means keeping national currency otherwise Central Bank’s reserves of hard currency will be exhausted due to supply and demand rules. Supporting national currency will be by encouraging investment, increasing productivity and export levels.

sandyf   @chattels The government has no plans to devalue the currency, take out new external loans or halt payments to international oil companies, No mention of any increase in value of the currency.

That is hardly surprising, the Iraqi accounts could almost be reduced to a single equation.

Foreign Reserves = Not much more than the IQD in circulation.

When a government says it has no plans to devalue, it means it is considering the inevitable. You probably do not remember the rhetoric from the UK in 1966/67 prior to the devaluation.

The other options are not entirely within their control and if they turn to the IMF,Iraq could very well tread the same path as Egypt.

xyz28 Spring-Breaker 'Covidiots' Test Positive In Texas After Group Trip To Cabo https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/28-spring-breaker-covidiots-test-positive-texas-after-group-trip-cabo

xyz   :OhNo:

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chattels    sandyf Thank you for your comments..

xyz   an emergency meeting of G20 finance ministers today

Internationals    https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/-/339898/0

Riyadh announced that the finance ministers and central bank governors in the G20 countries, which Saudi Arabia currently holds its rotating presidency, will hold a video meeting today, Tuesday, with the aim of "promoting a coordinated global response to the Covid-19 pandemic."

"The presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Group of Twenty will hold the second virtual meeting of the finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of Twenty on Tuesday," the Saudi presidency said.

She added in a statement that the aim of this meeting is to "advance a coordinated global response on the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic and its human and economic impacts" and "follow up on the results of the hypothetical summit of G20 leaders held on March 26, 2020, and advance the implementation of actions Agreed upon in an effective and timely manner. "

The leaders of the countries of the group pledged last Thursday during an emergency summit via video, their commitment to face the repercussions of the emerging Corona virus with a united front and pump $ 5 trillion into the global economy to reduce the consequences of the measures taken to contain the epidemic, at a time when the specter of a global economic recession looms on the horizon.

xyz   Trump: The next two weeks will be very difficult for the United States https://baghdadtoday.news/news/115243/ترامب-الأسبوعان-القادمان

chattels   Iranian Revolutionary Guards: there are a lot of US movements in the region & our response to any US attacks will be severe. https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   Iraqi prime minister-designate faces challenges in gaining political support

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-adnan-zurfi-prime-minister.html#ixzz6IKExuvjZ

Chattels   As Iraq's Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zurfi struggles to secure adequate parliamentary votes for his candidacy, Iraqi political parties are uncertain about whether they should support him, find a new candidate or even keep caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi in office.

chattels   Unlike the previous prime minister-designate, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, who failed to form a Cabinet due to a lack of parliamentary support, Zurfi is the leader of the Nasr parliamentary bloc, headed by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. However, this bloc is small, made up of 27 members, which means Zurfi must negotiate with other political parties to secure votes, especially since Iraqi political parties are prone to changing their decisions in the blink of an eye.

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chattels   Zurfi knows he cannot obtain Kurdish and Sunni support without securing the Shiite camp, which has held the premiership since 2004. Therefore, he has approached Shiite parties to make sure they do not turn their back on him when it comes time to approve his cabinet. If the Shiite parties withdraw support, that would most likely lead to a Sunni and Kurdish withdrawal of support.

chattels   Zurfi is supported by 100 Shiite parliamentary members. This means his government could obtain parliamentary approval with only a small number of Sunni and Kurdish members.

He needs the support of at least half plus one of the parliamentary quorum, which is 165 members of parliament, a total of 83 votes. This means the parliament can vote on his cabinet if 165 members attend and if a half pulse one of them, which is 83 members vote for him, he will get the confidence.

chattels   However, this assessment does not seem accurate. Two parliamentary blocs — the Fatah bloc of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), and Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law, which have about 70 seats — still oppose Zurfi.

chattels   The appointment of Zurfi, who is close to the United States and opposes Iranian influence in Iraq, caught the PMU by surprise. But its adherents believe they can block parliamentary approval for his cabinet. They, therefore, support keeping Abdul Mahdi in office until early elections are held.

chattels   “Abdul Mahdi leaving his post would result in President Salih running the government," Shammari said. "[Salih's] positions are not consistent with the [Iran-friendly] policy that the parties who want Abdul Mahdi to stay have adopted. … Salih assuming this responsibility would result in pro-Iran parties being greatly exposed. This is why they are pushing toward Abdul Mahdi remaining in his post.

chattels   General elections are currently scheduled for 2022, but protesters have demanded they be held this year.

chattels   Very informative read. I have excerpted only my sense of highlights.

chattels   Where is " Zig " ? He / she comes and goes.

chattels   Good night all.



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