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Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 6-21-23  

Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 6-21-23  

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The President Of The Republic Ratifies The Federal Budget Law

Political  | 03:04 - 06/21/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid ratified, on Wednesday, the Federal Public Financial Budget Law.

The President confirmed in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that "approving and approving the budget is a turning point for the government's implementation of its program, which includes securing the necessary needs of citizens, providing basic services such as health and education, rehabilitating infrastructure and embarking on vital and strategic projects that will reflect positively on the reality of daily life of the citizens.

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He pointed out, "the need to work to rationalize government spending, preserve public money, and develop and diversify the sources of the economy at a time when the country is facing economic and environmental challenges."

The President of the Republic praised "the efforts made to approve the budget by all parties, taking into account the important operational and investment aspects, and fairness to low-income groups, in a way that achieves social justice."

The approval of the President of the Republic came after the budget law reached the Presidency of the Republic from the House of Representatives after it was voted on. Ended 29 / h


Integrity Carries Out Operations Against Manipulators By Selling The Currency And Overthrows (46) Of The Owners Of Exchange Companies

Political  | 06/21/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Federal Integrity Commission teams were able to arrest (46) accused owners of private exchange companies. Against the backdrop of manipulation, forgery, and circumvention of the platform system for selling foreign currency.

The Commission’s Investigation Department stated, according to a statement Mawazine News received, a copy of it, that it “has formed teams in the commission’s investigation directorates and offices in Baghdad and the governorates, to investigate and verify information received by it that includes some private exchange companies committing fraud and violations to circumvent the platform system approved by the Commission.”

The Central Bank of Iraq accepted to withdraw foreign currency and sell it on the black market.

She added, "Their teams were able to launch an inspection campaign, and after the investigation, investigation and auditing operations, they overthrew (46) of the owners of the money exchangers, because they used the passports of citizens and uploaded them to the platform system approved by the Central Bank, and withdrew an amount of (2000) US dollars."

for every passport without the knowledge or consent of the passport holder and with a forged travel ticket,” pointing to “the absence of the customer’s documents and his signature on the form for disbursing the amount.”

She indicated, "The arrested were distributed among several governorates, where (20) of them were seized in the capital, Baghdad, and (Cool in Basra, while (7) accused were arrested in Wasit, while the number of owners of private exchange companies who were seized reached In each of Maysan, Anbar, Muthanna, Najaf and Diwaniyah, there are two accused in each of them, and one accused in Babil province.

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And she added, "The teams were also able to seize dozens of transactions and passport records of private exchange companies, which showed that there were no signatures for the customer to receive the amounts in the records or transactions, warning that some of the owners of the transactions denied receiving the amounts, after they were contacted by the authority's teams."

And it indicated, “The accused were taken, accompanied by the exhibits and the seizure reports, to the judges of the investigation courts specialized in examining integrity cases, who decided to arrest them according to various legal articles, while the judge of the Second Karkh Investigation Court decided to assign the investigation department in the authority to form an investigative committee to conduct an administrative investigation into the bank’s procedures.”

The Iraqi Central Bank to follow up on the work of some private exchange companies, "and decided to assign the aforementioned investigative committee to conduct investigations and explain the shortcomings by checking the disbursement of money amounts according to tickets and passport priorities seized by the commission and which it began to author." Ended   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=229794

The Rise In The Exchange Rates Of The US Dollar Against The Iraqi Dinar

Economy |  06/21/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Wednesday, the exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar rose on the main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, while it decreased in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

A Mawazine News correspondent said that the central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad recorded this morning an exchange rate of 146,350 dinars against 100 dollars, while the prices recorded on Tuesday morning were 146,200 dinars.

As for the dollar prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, they rose, as the selling price reached 147,500 dinars, while the purchase price reached 145,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the price of the dollar recorded a slight decrease, as the selling price reached 146,450 dinars, and the purchase price was 146,400 dinars, compared to 100 dollars. Ended 29 / A


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