Dinar Recaps

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Lynette Zang, Bix Weir and PIR Wednesday 6-24-2020


Streamed live 18 hours ago

We are in the middle of the “RESET” More pain to come.

Some of today's questions:

 Daniel U: I am concerned about the price of physical gold being "fixed" during the one of several currency resets we may have. When the currency fails and physical gold climbs towards its fundamental value, can't the president/fed/gov't just declare that gold is worth X, and prevent us from paying off our mortgage, etc.. since physical gold will only be worth a set price?

Aaron B: We haven’t heard much about what has been going on in the repo market for some time. How have things changed since the start of the pandemic and what might it tell us about the state of banking?

John M: With an inevitable reset with some gold backing, how are we to have faith in this gold here in the US, when we have no idea or proof that we actually have the gold still exists? The last audit was in the 1950s I believe.

Jan J: what that will happen first, the crash of the stock market or the crash of the Us dollar?

Lynn S: Will our gold be unusable if it’s from a different country?


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Bix Weir

ALERT! Gold Hitting All Time High...as SILVER STAYS AT LOWS!!

RoadToRoota:  Jun 23, 2020

It should be OBVIOUS to everyone that Gold is Allowed to Rise near all time highs while Silver is suppressed to stay at 1/3 of it's all time highs.

There is no justifiable market reason for this EXCEPT 100% pure market manipulation.

This game will not end well for the manipulators!


Patriot Intel Report

PIR 06 24 20

Stay on the lookout for unexpected economic change.

Apparently they are going to roll the infrastructure funds that we have been looking for into the next stimulus package and President Trump said the next stimulus package will be big….bigger than people realize. So, I believe there will be more stimulus checks here in the US for citizens.

This infrastructure bill, as President Trump and his administration has repeatedly said will draw in Trillions of dollars of private money sitting on the sidelines to fund infrastructure projects of all kinds. They mentioned this many times and have never been clear where this “private money” is coming from….

We are about to see major economic changes. .


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