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MilitiaMan, Lynette Zang and more Tuesday Afternoon 3-31-2020


Walkingstick:  ftti... note fed, fima move..

MilitiaMan:  Thank you sir for the heads up.. I see that there are articles that talk of hedging oil contracts, liquidity, long/short trading, secondary markets, bonds and now FIMA. Getting interesting now with all the pressure! Oil prices low, customs and taxes at Iraqs borders in question, virus, sanctions looming for Iraq and pressure to not use Iran electricity, etc.. Looking like Iraq is in a "c.y.a" mode.. Just as the FED is now... imo ~ MM

Federal Reserve announces establishment of a temporary FIMA Repo Facility to help support the smooth functioning of financial markets

March 31, 2020   For release at 8:30 a.m. EDT

The Federal Reserve on Tuesday announced the establishment of a temporary repurchase agreement facility for foreign and international monetary authorities (FIMA Repo Facility) to help support the smooth functioning of financial markets, including the U.S. Treasury market, and thus maintain the supply of credit to U.S. households and businesses.

The FIMA Repo Facility will allow FIMA account holders, which consist of central banks and other international monetary authorities with accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to enter into repurchase agreements with the Federal Reserve.

In these transactions, FIMA account holders temporarily exchange their U.S. Treasury securities held with the Federal Reserve for U.S. dollars, which can then be made available to institutions in their jurisdictions.

This facility should help support the smooth functioning of the U.S. Treasury market by providing an alternative temporary source of U.S. dollars other than sales of securities in the open market. It should also serve, along with the U.S. dollar liquidity swap lines the Federal Reserve has established with other central banks, to help ease strains in global U.S. dollar funding markets.

The Federal Reserve provides U.S. dollar-denominated banking services to FIMA account holders in support of Federal Reserve objectives and in recognition of the U.S. dollar's predominant role as an international currency. The FIMA Repo Facility, which adds to the range of services the Federal Reserve provides, will be available beginning April 6 and will continue for at least 6 months.


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MilitiaMan:  I'll bet that the data we are witnessing now out of Irag, USA, GB, CBs, etc., is that they are gearing for Iraq to be playing with the big boyz in and on the INTERNATIONAL STAGE!!! There are no coincidences imo.. ~ MM 

Currency Manipulation and Countervailing Duties

"On April 6, 2020, the rule is to go into effect and U.S. industries can begin submitting petitions for
potential relief to the U.S. International Trade Commission and Commerce’s International Trade



Courtesy of Dinar Guru:   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Pimpy  The temporary PM has now gotten a green light...the factions finally got together...Zafari is now a candidate and all the voting blocks had recommended him.  Yay!  Finally they agreed on something.   On March 16 the president Selih had appointed him as the temporary PM but now he's been approved by all the different parliamentary blocks.  Thank goodness...that's a step in the right direction...his name has now been officially recommended.

Frank26   Question "In Your opinion if...Iraq chooses to go bankrupt what will happen to the Iraqi government and the economy?  Can Iraq still RI after that? I don't think that Donald Trump would allow that.  I don't think Trump would allow the cancer that is in Iraq to kill Iraq.  No...

Frank26   Question "...If it's political for not moving things forward, who's responsible?"  ...it was the elite supreme bozos from Iran.  They had full control of Iraq.  And it's interesting how just in a handful of weeks boom!  BOOM! That control that grip has been melted away.  And Donald Trump I think had a big part of it.  And then this coronavirus was just a bonus.  And I say it's political because it's extremely political...the communist democrats of United State of America don't want Trump to have this at all...we all know who the bad guys are and we all know who the good guys

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Lynette Zang


Streamed live 54 minutes ago

Question 1. Scott T: In Venezuela their Bolivar has crashed like where we are heading. One ounce of Silver is worth 1 million ish bolivars. 1 million bolivars can only buy a few bananas. If we wait until the dollar collapses to Zero like Venezuela, our silver will only be worth bananas. Even if a Venezuelan had 100 Ounces of silver they could not buy a home. Wouldn’t it be smart to sell at the initial panic. Example when silver is $100? Before its worth just bananas?

 Question 2. Greg G: Will a person be able to purchase gold and silver after the global currency reset?

Question 3. Lisa K: How can I find true information on the health of a company so I can begin to educate myself on which companies will survive the chaos and may be a good investment after the reset?

Question 4. Rich: I see there is talk of a new government digital currency! When this happens, what happens to all the currency that is under all the mattresses? Does it all go puff!! or will they give you time to turn it in?

Question 5. Peter M: How will the new Central Bank Digital Currency affect gold and silver value in the coming months, in your opinion?


Lynette Zang: 

THE DOLLAR DESTRUCTION ESCALATES: Helicopter Money & Hyperinflation On the Way

Streamed live 23 hours ago


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