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MilitiaMan "The Need For The CBI to Now Finish is Greater Than Ever" 3-5-2020


Ryan1216:  I'm lost on what needs to be done for the rate to be released if the CBI is ready. Just praying we're all looking back on this investment laughing that it's over very soon.  

Militiaman:  Man that is a hope I share too. Laughing that is this over and wowing it, while shaking our heads in amazement and on our knees thanking God for the blessing of having been able to be a part of the ride!!

That said! Where are we? I'll try and see if I can give my view up to now. The CBI has been very vocal of late even while the GOI/CBI handcart pumps back and forth down the track heading for the economic reform destination we are looking to be the station at the end of it.

The CBI has been so vocal that they have Nassiri  and Salih are speaking of the Independence of the CBI from the GOI. What the CBI has accomplished all the while the GOI has been in turmoil and filled with Iranian backed corruption. The CBI has pumped along by making sure they kept inflation low during economic and security shocks that were abound.

My view from the below is that they CBI having been successful during crisis, is now prepared to finish the reforms, give the demonstrators purchase power and in doing so they will create jobs with the re construction efforts.

The need for the CBI to now finish is greater than ever.

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The stone that the reforms will throw will be squarely at those that were against them. If the CBI does what I think they are doing (intervening), they will effectively expose those that were not for the reforms, but, were for the Iranian backed influenced politic, who imo will be looking at bulldozers in the near future. The street knows who is who..

Wonder why Mahdi is still in the public eye? His failure at getting things done in the past may very well end up on his plate with one more bite left on it.. Mahdi may very well need to finish that bite before he can leave the table. His photo below speaks volumes to me..

Regardless the CBI news paints the picture now that the the CBI has to finish and will in doing so kill more than one bird with the throw, possible in all totality a very good thing for Iraq, her citizens and us.. imo

As Frank, WS, Delta, me and others agree on is that the PM is not the issue as the legal issue to re instate is taken care of and has been for some time.

The thing we didn't know was the information about the 9 Key Banks that are in place to facilitate point of sale, electronic banking, money transfers, ACH payments, etc.. Then there are the 70 additional banks that signed MOUs along with 100s of money exchanger's yesterday real close.

Don't forget that on 02/29/2020 the exchanger's had to have their 2019 end of year accounting done or be fined daily!!! They i'll bet have that done and on time imo

So, in the end my view is the focus is on the CBI and in short order. ~ MM


The available data confirm that the critical situation of the Iraqi economy needs the intervention of the central bank to face the new conditions and this requires the new government to believe in the independence of the central bank and not to interfere in the appointment of its leadership and technical and professional cadres during its interim period and until early elections and the coming of a new parliament and government come because the current administration It proved successful in the most difficult of circumstances and saved the national economy from collapse when the Minister of Finance announced in 2015 that the government would not be able to secure the salaries of employees and retirees. Because the focus is on the independence of the central bank and its distance from tensions and Political interests are the solution to overcoming 


The economic expert nominated for the post of Minister of Planning in the new government , Mazhar Muhammad Salih , said: "The political blocs respect my independence as a technocrat and a candidate for the ministerial post."

He added in a press statement: "All my life, you have not belonged to any political party, and my feeling indicates that the various political fronts respect my independence and my profession as a technocrat."

And Saleh continued: "The matter, whether it was done or not, will not affect my status as an independent and economist working for the country and reforming its economic reality."

The House of Representatives is scheduled to meet today with an extraordinary session to vote on the new cabinet.



The President of the Private Banking Association participates
in the second Ninewa Emaar exhibition


Deputy to Abdul-Mahdi: {voluntary absence} was not mentioned in the constitution or in any legal precedent

Legal expert: Abdul-Mahdi's "voluntary absence" violates the constitution

3rd March, 2020
Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi said that the "voluntary absence" of the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, which he announced yesterday, is against the articles of the Iraqi constitution.

Commenting on Abdul-Mahdi’s decision to resort to “voluntary absence” after Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi’s apology for forming the government, Al-Tamimi said, “This absence violates the Iraqi constitution in Articles (81 and 13), as it cannot be superior to the internal system over the constitution. According to a rule, the lowest-highest law does not violate."

He added that "this absence violates articles 2 (and 42) of the internal system of the Council of Ministers for the year 2019, which obligated the cabinet to continue to work until the formation of a new government such as caretaker business and the resigned prime minister cannot cost someone who chairs the council because it is not his authority according to the concept of caretaker." He explained, "This situation is permissible only in limited cases such as illness and travel."

Al-Tamimi continued, "Abdul-Mahdi is resigned and it is not his authority to assign a representative to him, because that is outside the concept of conducting business." With regard to the constitutional void which Abdul Mahdi warned about, Al-Timy said, "There is no unification in the constitution called a constitutional void, because this is in the absence of other institutions," adding that "the matter needs a referendum of the Federal Court."

It is noteworthy that the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi informed yesterday the President of the Republic, the Speaker of Parliament, his two deputies and members of the House of Representatives, of his resort to voluntary absence from his position, and called for the dissolution of Parliament 60 days before the date of the early elections, which was proposed to be scheduled on the fourth of next December.   LINK

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MilitiaMan:  Brought Forward:

Registration is now open for Tenth Iraq Day at the Mansion House on 30 March 2020

Tenth Iraq Day at The Mansion House

IBBC Spring Conference 2020

‘Iraq – Open for Business’ 

30 March, The Mansion House, London

This could be the year Iraq gets serious about reform and investment.

For too long, Iraqi Governments have tinkered with reform, but with the protests, a growing population and a new government forming, there is a head of steam demanding change and jobs for young people.

At this time in response, The IBBC Spring Conference, at the Mansion house, is convening the heavyweight players and institutions of Finance, Energy and Governance to articulate what is required for change. All the more important as a high turnout of Iraqi Minsters and Deputies, and UK officials and politicians are expected to attend and contribute to the debate throughout the morning sessions.

During the afternoon, an interactive series of roundtables addressing University, Tech in Iraq, Women’s Group and a special Kurdistan Investment Forum are convening ahead of a reception at Eversheds Sutherland headquarters. For Iraqi businesses an additional day of hosting by the DIT, BEIS and British Chambers of commerce to engage and showcase British services and products for export.

For companies operating in Iraq or considering the opportunities it offers, then this conference is bringing together many of the key decision makers and drivers of finance and the opportunity to talk directly with the key players including:

BP, Shell, World Bank, Kurdistan Investment Authority, Arab bankers association, Ambassador of Iraq, UK Ambassador, Chevron, JP Morgan, National Bank of Iraq, PwC, Jordan Bank, EY, GSMA, and more confirming soon.


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