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More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 11-14-2022


Samson:  An African country supplies the European continent with gas for the first time in its history

13th November, 2022

Mozambique started exporting liquefied natural gas for the first time, and the first shipments in the country's history went to energy-hungry Europe, in a move described by the country's President Felipe Nyusi as historic.

In a video recording, Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi announced Sunday, that his country has officially started exporting liquefied natural gas produced in the north, explaining that his country is entering the "records of world history" with the departure of the first shipment of gas produced at the Coral Sol marine terminal operated by Eni. Italian, territorial waters.

He added, "I am honored to announce the start of the first exports of liquefied natural gas," noting that the cargo ship "British Spencer" is leaving the waters of Mozambique for the international market, adding that his country  "today enters the records of world history as one of the countries exporting liquefied natural gas."

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Gas prices on the European continent are now nearly 10 times higher than their average level over the past decade.

In February 2021, gas was trading in Britain at 38 pence per therm. But last August, its price reached 537 pence.

Mozambique hopes to become one of the world's largest natural gas exporters, after discovering gas reserves in the northern province of Cabo Delgado in 2010. But efforts to invest in gas were halted due to the rebellion of extremist Islamic organizations, which began about five years ago and is still ongoing, and has resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 people, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands in the region.

The government believes that the gas discovery will boost the economy, but President Nyusi said Mozambique will continue to focus on "traditional activities" such as agriculture, fishing and tourism to achieve the needed development. The conflict has killed more than 4,100 people over the past five years, according to ACLED, a conflict-tracking organization.

European countries have begun to search for unconventional ways to confront the high energy prices in the world, after Russia reduced the supply of natural gas through pipelines, so dealing with wasted energy has become a priority for European governments.

Steps have also been taken to reduce heating and air conditioning, and the European Union has drawn up a plan to reduce gas consumption by 15 percent this winter, and to ensure that its stores of natural gas are 80 percent full by November 1.

Some countries have resorted to turning off the lights, and Germany said that public buildings and monuments will no longer be lit at night, while in Spain, lights must be turned off in shop windows after 10 pm. France believes that such measures can reduce energy consumption by 10 percent.  LINK

Jeanette:  DID ANYONE LOOK ON A MAP WHERE ZIMBABWE IS COMPARED TO MOZAMBIQUE?  They have adjoining boarders. So, if Mozambique is selling liquid natural gas to Europe, will that affect the value of the Zimm currency? Love to hear others thoughts

PattyCakes77:  Mozambique is located on the southeast coast of Africa and Zimbabwe to the west. It would be quite intersting to know if the Zimm currency will be affected in a positive way by Mozambique supplying natural gas to the European continent. I do not know but my ears are itching. I have all my currencies in line and I am watching and patiently waiting on which one will go out the gate first.


Samson:  Integrity: (46) arrest warrants and summonses were issued against senior officials during October

14th November, 2022

The Integrity Commission announced the total of arrest and recruitment orders issued and executed against senior officials and high-ranking officials for the month of last October

The Commission's Investigation Department reported that the judicial authorities issued (46) arrest warrants and summonses; Against the background of cases investigated by the commission’s investigation directorates and offices in Baghdad and the governorates and referred to the judiciary, noting that those orders issued against (41) high-ranking officials for the period from (1-31/10/2022), were distributed between (9) arrest warrants, and (37) summonses

The department added that the arrest and recruitment orders issued and executed were issued against (2) members of the current House of Representatives, a current minister, (3) former ministers, and a current deputy minister

 She explained that the orders also included a current governor, (5) former governors, and (4) former members of provincial councils, in addition to (10) current general managers, (9) former, and (5) former general directors  LINK


Samson:  Citizens demonstrate in front of the Central Bank to demand their money deposited with a bank that has declared bankruptcy

14th November, 2022

A number of citizens demonstrated, on Monday (October 14, 2022), in front of the Central Bank building in Baghdad, to demand their money deposited with a bank that declared bankruptcy

A video clip showed the participation of a number of citizens in a demonstration in front of the Central Bank building to demand their money deposited with the Al-Warka National Bank, which declared bankruptcy, during which the demonstrators raised banners calling on the Prime Minister to intervene



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Article: "Central Bank Governor: We were keen to facilitate the procedures for opening the first branch of a private bank abroad".   CBI GOV TELLS THE IRAQI CITIZENS ABOUT THE SATELLITE BANKS INTERNATIONALLY.

Pimpy  Article  quote "...according to Saleh, a government adviser, there may be an option to gradually increase the value of the dinar. 'Any future adjustment of the exchange rate must be gradually implemented over a one year period to provide an appropriate climate for price adjustment...'   I've stated before...the best move is to do it in increments and that's what it sounds like Saleh is saying...I'd rather have a thousand baby steps to get there than to sit here for years and years with no change...

See this content in the original post

Iraqi Dinar update for 11/12/22 - Gradual rate changes

Pimpy’s investment Chat: The other Side of Things:  11-14-2022


IMF Warns "Global Economy Worsening," Expect Central Banks To INCREASE Their Efforts To Destroy It.

Greg Mannarino:  11-14-2022


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