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More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 5-17-2022


Clare:   The Iraqi parliament sets tomorrow, Wednesday, the first reading of the Food Security Law


A source in the House of Representatives revealed, on Tuesday, that tomorrow, Wednesday, will be set as the date for submitting the new food security bill in the House of Representatives, in addition to the second reading of the normalization bill with Israel.

The source said in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, "The House of Representatives will hold a session tomorrow, Wednesday, for the first reading of the new food security law submitted by the Parliamentary Finance Committee."

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 The source added that "the session will also include the second reading of the draft law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity."

 This comes after a short time in which the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakim Al-Zamili, stated that the new food security law will be submitted to Parliament for a vote, and the Parliamentary Finance Committee indicated judicial and constitutional obstacles preventing Parliament and the government from approving laws to support security, food and livelihood, which the Federal Court rejected its legislation on the pretext that The current government is a caretaker.

And the head of the caretaker government in Iraq, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, confirmed that his government will face "obstruction" in providing electricity and services to the Iraqis, due to the decision of the Federal Court, which aroused the resentment of the Sadrist bloc, and the welcome of his rival, the coordination framework.

On May 15, 2022, the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) decided to cancel the draft law on emergency support for food security and development based on a lawsuit filed by Representative Basem Khashan, while it indicated that the Al-Kazemi government is a conduct of business and is not entitled to send bills, contract loans or Appointment and exemption from high positions in the state or restructuring ministries and departments.   LINK

Jamie-O:  WHAT DID I MISS???  I thought that their federal court just said they couldn't do it?  And now their moving forward tomorrow???   IMO

Dallasdude: They can vote on it..They can't vote on it..They will vote tomorrow..They will vote Thursday..Ya gotta love a speculative investment ..

PattyCakes77:  Smoke and mirrors. Just playing games with us. This blessing I feel so strongly is here.

Q3proud:  I believe the court ruled against the FSL based upon how it was worded. It was suggested that the Court gave them an open road map on what was needed to pass the law without violating the constitution. A second chance to prevent any possible [lawsuit] that may challenge such law.

DeepWoodz:  Isn't Parliament business up to Parliament? The new Parliament IS the authority at this point, on all things parlimentarian. The court gave an OPINION, but Parliament can vote to allow the executive branch to submit what they want. It’s up to them. Imo


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Sandy Ingram   Community comment "Oil has nothing to do with Iraq's revalue, float or whatever they're going to do."  ...This could not be further from the truth...a county's finances has everything to do with the foreign exchange rate thus we talk about Iraq's huge oil revenue and how they are adding to their streams of income.  It looks like Iraq's income is about to become even larger...



Phantom809:  Hey all, I am feeling a little low because of world situations can someone hit me with a shot of HOPIUM!

RVAlready:  Phantom - I’m just counting on God to bring the RV in. After the last week, I have little faith in the Iraqi political system to accomplish this.

Yada:  Anyone else reading the articles? They initiated another food service law and plans are vote on it this week.

NetGlobal:  Yada, so they are trying to approve a different Food Law? Would this law have a new exchange rate as well?

Yada:  Yes Netglobal. Sadr will have all his people in place. Yes they will vote at the elections later and the Prime Minister and president stay in office till then. Maliki is toast

LifeBPerfect:  FYI … re: Food Law. The first was proposed by the GOI, PM Kazemi. The Fed Court ruled unconstitutional. The NEW Food Law is proposed by the Parli Fin Comm … that should make it legal. (Iraq’s Fed Court is Iranian controlled.)

LifeBPerfect:  Per Legal expert Tamimi, To solve the problem of the law, parliament must vote in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 59 of the constitution, which obliges the current government to send the emergency support law

Yada:  Great explanation LifeBPerfect.

Tishwash:  this is what LifeBPerfect is talking about

Warning Against The House Of Representatives’ Approval Of Food Security .. “A Financial Side And Opposing Its Powers”

 The political researcher and analyst, Nabil Jabbar, said today, Tuesday, that the House of Representatives' attempt to present the Food Security Law, which was rejected by the Federal Court, contradicts its powers because it contains articles that include a financial aspect.

Jabbar said in a statement to the "Information" agency, that "the parliament's passage in approving the law on material support for food security contradicts the powers granted to the council, since the law has a financial aspect," stressing that "Article 60 and 62 of the Iraqi constitution does not allow Parliament to legislate a law from this. Type".

He added, "The political insistence is trying to legislate the Food Security Law by reversing the course of legislation instead of being a draft law submitted by the government to the House of Representatives, which was previously rejected by the Federal Court recently," noting that "what is currently being attempted is reviving and legislating according to a new legal decision and a path." Contradictory legislation.

Al-Siyasi explained that “food security is limited to granting the current government the powers to contract to purchase the ration card items in accordance with the instructions for implementing government contracts exclusively without exception, and to pay the dues of farmers who market strategic crops, wheat and barley only.”

And the Presidency of the House of Representatives had included, earlier today, the draft food security law in next Thursday’s session, despite the Federal Court’s decision that stipulated the abolition of the law.  link

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Greg Mannarino:  5-17-2022


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