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More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Night 5-10-2022


Clare: Al-Jubouri: Political consensus was achieved on the Food Security Law, and a vote on it was voted on Thursday


 {Economic: Al Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mishaan Al-Jubouri, announced that political consensus has been achieved on the emergency support law for food security and development.

Al-Jubouri said in a televised press statement this evening: “The committee’s meeting today lasted for about six hours, in the presence of Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi, and we hosted the Minister of Water Resources, Mahdi Rashid, as there were no allocations to the ministry in law by the government and the committee directed the allocation of sufficient funds for the maintenance of dams and the legalization of dams.” water to reduce water consumption.

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"Tomorrow we will listen to the Minister of Water Resources and he will hand us a table of dams and things related to water and water security to be included in the law," he added.

Al-Jubouri suggested, "The vote on the law in the session of Thursday or next week, as there are no longer any differences about the law, and it was agreed politically between the coordinating framework after the presence of members of it at the meeting of the Finance Committee and a law was agreed upon and the matter ended and the amendments took place and there are large funds that will go to the development of the provinces Including Najaf and Karbala, as well as Diwaniyah and Muthanna, as they suffer from poverty, and the money will be distributed according to population ratios.

He stressed that "the law will secure the ration card and import wheat to achieve long-term storage that suffices for at least six months, as well as the liberated provinces, which will have compensation approved by the judicial authorities and their dues according to a judicial decision."

He pointed out that "everyone acted responsibly in agreeing to the law because of its importance in the current circumstance, and the presence of the coordination framework in the meeting gave impetus to its passage, and no one in the framework wants to be in front of the street disrupting the people's food or to secure electrical energy."

A member of the Save a Homeland Alliance stressed that "no discussions took place between the coordination framework and the Save a Homeland Alliance in the political matter, but agreement was reached on the food security law in a friendly atmosphere, and everyone acted responsibly."

He noted that "25 trillion dinars will be at the government's disposal next week to be spent in accordance with the articles set by the Food Security and Development Law."  LINK


BearCinnabar:  MORE:  From the last thread Militia-Man said:

May see the light next Wednesday  (Budget Reserve)   LINK  

Another article using the word "SYNONYMOUS" , I guess they mean it.. lol ~ MM

Question:  Would "Budget Reserve" mean the surplus in the budget for 2022?  Probably.  Well for that to happen there would have to be the necessary voting and passing of the budget, right. And this is where the Food Security Law comes in.

Article post #82 quote:  He noted that "25 trillion dinars will be at the government's disposal next week to be spent in accordance with the articles set by the Food Security and Development Law."

Wowzers!  IMO.

MilitiaMan:  It looks of it they have an agreement on the food law too. Lets see what they tell us tomorrow and Thursday.. I can imagine things are going just fine now..imo ~ MM


Clare: Mishaan Al-Jubouri: The independents will present Al-Kazemi as a candidate for prime minister, and we believe he will pass 


{Political: Al Furat News} Mishaan Al-Jubouri, a representative from the Alliance to Save the Homeland, said that the independent MPs will present a political initiative during the next few days.

Al-Jubouri said in a televised press statement: "The independents have difficult choices, and they do not want to run for an executive position, and this is a position that counts for them, as they will be keen to attend the presidential election session."

He added, "They will announce an initiative in which they will not tilt one political hand at the expense of another."

Al-Jubouri suggested that "the independent representatives will present a candidate for the new government, and I believe that he is the current Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, as an independent figure, and he is the most likely to be the candidate for the position.

Iraq is experiencing a stifling political crisis described as a "political blockage", as a result of differences between the forces winning parliamentary seats over the next prime minister and how to form the next government, and differences prevail among the Kurds over the presidential candidate.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, seeks to form a majority government that is rejected by the forces of the coordination framework, which demands a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate, similar to previous sessions.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank  Article:   "The Iraqi parliament is in the process of issuing a resolution obligating the government to submit the financial budgetFINAL STEPS FOR THE MONETARY REFORM.

Pimpy  Article:   "PUK: Barham Saleh is a figure acceptable to the framework and the current".  Quote:   "The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan announce the acceptance of Saleh for presidency of the Republic by the Coordination Framework and the Sadrist Movement" Wow!  Something they could agree on...congrats to Saleh as long as he gets in there.  But we'll see.  Remember the person that  actually runs the country is the prime minister...

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Bix Weir

ALERT! $600/oz Here We Come! Silver to Blow Sky High at the 8:30am CPI Release Tomorrow?!


CPI will break 9% tomorrow and there's no stopping it. Unless the Fed raises interest rates to 10% NOW they will lose total control!! This is a very dangerous time to be in ANY markets. Take your physical silver OUT OF THEIR GAME!!



Greg Mannarino:  May 10, 2022


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