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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 4-15-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 15 April 2022

Compiled Fri. 15 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

MarkZ Thurs. evening 14 April: “The Global Currency Reset was Event driven and I am being told that Easter Week was a go. My Iraqi contacts believed that the Iraqi Dinar would have a new rate sometime over the next three days, or by Sun. 17 April. There are a number of Bond Dealers and Bankers who are looking for Sunday Night into Monday 17-18 April for things to start happening. I am being told from my Redemption Center contacts that they are on call this weekend but should plan on working Monday 18 April. This is big…..This is Easter Monday and they are being told to expect to work. They will be notified Sunday 17 April afternoon around noon to let them know if they are working or not on Monday 18 April.”

Thurs. 14 April Charlie Ward: GESARA/NESARA is happening this weekend.

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Thurs. 14 April Bruce: Tier 3 Bond Holders will receive emails telling them they have access to their funds on Fri. 15 April and Sat. 16 April. Notification for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to receive the Secured Website to set Redemption/ Exchange Appointments will be Mon. 18 April or Tues. 19 April. Tier 4B Foreign Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond redemption will start Tues. 19 April or Wed. 20 April and continue through the rest of the month.

By Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency of 210 nations was expected to be announced. If so, by Mon. 2 May the general public could exchange currencies at the new International Rates.


Thurs. 14 April 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Source: “This Easter Weekend will be the greatest re-distribution of wealth mankind has ever known.”

We are expecting something to be revealed about NESARA/GESARA, but we don’t know what.

Notification for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to receive the Secured Website to set Redemption/ Exchange Appointments will be Mon. 18 April or Tues. 19 April.

Tier 4B Foreign Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond redemption would start Tues. 19 April or Wed. 20 April and continue through the rest of the month.

Tier 3 Bond Holders would receive emails telling them they have access to their funds on Fri. 15 April and Sat. 16 April.


Massive Solar Storm to Hit Earth by Thursday. Scientists have warned a huge mass of plasma from the Sun is set to hit Earth by Thursday, and could cause a geomagnetic storm that will threaten power networks and satellites. This event is described as only “moderate” – but severe solar storms (which come about once a century) would likely plunge the world into an “Internet Apocalypse.”

Planets Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn will be lined up in the Southeast Sky Friday morning 15 April an hour before sunrise.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/04/15/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-15-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East  Al-Kazemi refused to send the '22 budget to the parliament.  The reason they said they will wait for the new government to take place for them to send the budget.  But we don't know when this freaking government is going to take.  They can't even vote for a government...I don't know if Maliki is going to be the prime minister or not.  I don't think so.  I hope not.  I hope Kazemi stay.  Maybe they play a game...I don't know what they're doing...  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Nader From The Mid East  I hope they change their mind and they send the budget to parliament today or tomorrow...I don't know what's in the budget.  I don't know what's the rate.  It can be 1450 or 1460.  Can be 1160...can be 1.  We don't know what's going on...we're getting frustrated with everything.  There's a lot of demonstration going on.  [Post 2 of 2]


Bretton Woods III: The New Big Bang - "Suicidal Europe Saved By Gold"?

by Tyler Durden  Friday, Apr 15, 2022 - 03:00 AM

Authored by Jorge Vilches,

The unstoppable momentum behind Russia´s new Bretton Woods III finances added to the lack of official gold data available worldwide last week prompted the article NATO´s internal gold war to publically ask

(1) how hard would it be for most countries to repatriate their now much-needed gold - theoretically still safely vaulted in ´custody´ at the Bank of England — specially if many of them tried to do it at once as most probably would happen…?

(2) why isn't the current price of gold anywhere near its genuine market value? Is it due to silent daily central bank interventions that hinder true free-market price-discovery mechanisms?

Gold matters

The above is terribly important vis-á-vis the spanking-new payment system for Russia´s much-needed oil & gas and other essential produce now per Western “sanctions” only buyable either with rubles or gold.

With rubles thru yet-not-so-clearnor-yet-vetted banking procedures of unknown sustainability not been tried out even once yet — think revoking clawbacks…or ´artificial defaults´. While with gold it´d be thru old-fashioned sale of tangible bullion.

 Furthermore, in order to substantially increase its purchasing power, it would be highly meaningfull to be able to sell such gold – possibly with the buyer taking physical delivery — with a genuine market-reference price most probably very significantly above today´s sharply downward-manipulated quotes thru constant central bank interventions since time immemorial.

Thus, we would avoid the coming chaos as the “blitzkrieg sanctions” imposed on Russia are not only not working but visibly having the opposite effect. Stubbornly opposing deeply immature EU wishfull thinking, the ruble today is even stronger than before the Ukraine armed conflict.

The Anthony Quinn ´gold in Aqaba´ scene in “Lawrence of Arabia” brightly comes to mind.

Read full post here:  https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/bretton-woods-iii-new-big-bang-suicidal-europe-saved-gold

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Iraqi Dinar update for 04/14/22 - very good news

Pimpy’s Investment Chat


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