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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 4-28-2020


Red:  When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint in the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It might be near when it seems afar.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

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Tishwash:  Arab Day for Financial Inclusion April 27, 2020

Under the slogan

Towards building a community financial culture that promotes financial inclusion

We celebrate this day on the occasion of the Arab Day for Financial Inclusion, which falls on April 27 each year and under the slogan towards building a community financial culture that promotes financial inclusion. Financial inclusion has a significant positive impact in spreading financial culture and the spread of financial and banking services 

The Central Bank has laid down plans and strategies that contribute to raising awareness and financial education in order to achieve knowledge of financial and banking services and create an economically and financially aware generation with the ability to plan and manage their financial lives properly.

Especially in light of the tremendous and rapid development in the field of modern financial technologies, which is the best solution to face the Corona virus crisis, as it enables beneficiaries to conduct financial and banking operations remotely and reduces the use of banknotes that are considered a carrier of the virus

The Central Bank seeks to apply these technologies and integrate different segments of society, each according to its need with focus, developing legislations and oversight and supervisory frameworks in order to achieve the spread of financial services and protect the consumers of these services, and examples of financial technologies payment using electronic wallets via mobile phone, and the provision of applications by banks and providers Payment services that enable customers to have easy access to financial and banking services. Online purchase.

The Central Bank of Iraq

information Office

4/28/2020  link


Harambe:  CNBC: Oil drops 13%, extending Monday's 25% decline https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/27/oil-news-wti-crude-brent-prices-today.​html


Tishwash: Al-Kazemi puts the finishing touches on his government and goes to request the convening of a session to grant confidence

 Al-Fateh Alliance, led by Hadi Al-Amiri, revealed today, Tuesday, new details, regarding the holding of the extraordinary session of Parliament to vote on the new government, headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

"The dialogues between the political forces and the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi have reached their final stages, and during the coming hours, the full names of the ministerial cabinet will be resolved, and during the next two days an official request will be submitted to the Presidency of the Parliament, to hold a session Vote on the new government. "

He added, "The voting session will be at the beginning of next week, according to the recent dialogues and negotiations," adding that "the epidemic of the Corona virus and the month of Ramadan will not affect the session and the coming of representatives from the provinces."

Al-Fatlawi added that "the cabinet cabin candidates, according to the latest agreement, were chosen by the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and it was agreed and agreed upon between the political forces, and the political blocs and parties did not provide any names for Al-Kazemi."  link

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Tishwash:  The World Bank announces its readiness to restructure the loans granted to Iraq

On Tuesday, the World Bank announced its readiness to support Iraq and restructure its .loans The media office of the Minister of Planning, Nuri al-Dulaimi, said in a statement that the latter "received Ramzi Numan, the representative of the World Bank in Iraq and his accompanying delegation, and during the meeting, a number of issues of common concern were discussed, and ways to enhance national efforts facing the emerging Corona Virus " . pandemic

 Al-Dulaimi appreciated, according to the statement, during the meeting attended by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning, Maher Hammad Johan, "the level of support provided by the World Bank mission to the efforts of the Iraqi government," calling for "the restructuring of international support provided to Iraq according to the priorities of the ".current health and economic conditions

He pointed out that "the measures adopted by the Ministry to reduce these consequences at the immediate and medium levels, and to provide an integrated vision to address the future repercussions that the crisis will produce, represented by the high rates of poverty and unemployment, as a result of the economic downturn, the decline in growth rates, and the " . decline in gross domestic product

He announced "the inclusion of governorates (Diwaniyah, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Wasit, Baghdad, Anbar, Diyala and Sulaimaniya) with the Social Fund for Development project supporting the Ministry's strategic plans to reduce poverty, bringing the total of the included governorates to 11 governorates after including the governorates of (Muthanna, Salahuddin, and Dohuk ) In " . the past year, "stressing" adding the remaining provinces during the next year

For his part, the resident representative of the World Bank in Iraq praised the minister's efforts and the quick measures taken by the Ministry of Planning to face the repercussions of the current crisis, stressing that the World Bank is ready to provide possible support and restructure the loans granted to Iraq, in a way that contributes to protecting fragile segments .of society  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Delta   ...it's not a holiday.  Just to clear this up...Ramadan...it's not a holiday, it's business as usual.  Yes the Central bank they can do a lot of things during Ramadan...They may reduce hours because it's hot and they have to fast etc. but it's not a holiday.  It's business as usual...

Frank26  ...The Chief Executive Office of the Iraqi Stock Exchange prepared the ISX to receive a new rate...it's ready to receive the rate...not only is the Iraqi Stock Exchange going to receive the rate from the CBI...but it'll be so powerful it'll go beyond the Iraqi Stock exchange...the International world knows and is well prepared...

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SGTReport: Engineered Economic Powder Keg Ready to Blow

SGTreport    Apr 27, 2020

Bob Kudla is back to help us breakdown the social and economic powder keg the criminal elite have engineered - and its all getting ready to blow.


Bix Weir

FRAUD! WHY are Oil, Silver & Cryptos Priced Using Derivatives?!

The oil market is SCREAMING fraud. In commodity law the price of derivatives cannot set the price of the underlying commodity and yet look at the Oil price!

SILVER has been mispriced for 150 years!


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