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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 2-5-2020


Tishwash:  Fox News: The top commander of US forces is quietly returning to Iraq

A report broadcast by a US channel, today, Wednesday, that the Commander of the US Army Central Command, General Kenneth Mackenzie, returned to Iraq "calmly" after the troubled relations over the background of the killing of the Iranian Quds Force commander in a US raid in Baghdad, and the decision of the Iraqi parliament to leave foreign forces from the country.

The electronic newspaper of the American "Fox News" channel, in a report today, said that the supreme commander of the American forces in the Middle East has quietly returned to Iraq in an attempt to repair relations after the killing of Soleimani,

adding that the supreme commander of the American forces in the Middle East visited Iraq Yesterday, without much fanfare, as the United States is trying to eliminate an Iraqi move to remove American forces after the attack that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani , on Iraqi soil.

 She explained that McKenzie met with the leaders in Baghdad and visited US forces at the Assad Air Force Base , which Iran bombed last month. "I think we will be able to find a way forward,

" McKinsey told reporters, when he left Iraq , noting that he was "optimistic" about the meetings.
He admitted that due to the current strained relations, joint military operations and exercises between the American and Iraqi forces have shrunk.

McKinsey said that relations are still experiencing a period of "turmoil" but that there are "ways to move forward," and that US Special Operations forces are still carrying out missions with Iraqi forces.

The commander of the US Army Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, arrived in Iraq on Tuesday, and met with President Barham Salih and Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi , as well as resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and according to separate statements issued by the three leaders, bilateral relations were discussed.

On January 5, 2020, the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to compel the government to end the foreign presence in Iraq and end the assistance of the international coalition in combating ISIS.  link

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Today, Tuesday 4-2-2020 in Baghdad, the President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, received the Commander of the US Army Central Command, General Kenneth Mackenzie.

During the meeting, the President of the Republic stressed the need to develop friendship between the two countries, coordination and cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, stressing that Iraq will not be an arena for international and regional conflict and rivalry.

Mr. President added that we seek to build good relations with everyone, and we have no interest in being drawn into side conflicts.

The House of Representatives decision to withdraw the foreign forces was also discussed, and the importance of respecting and strengthening the national sovereignty of Iraq and its independent national decision and protecting its security and stability were emphasized.

In turn, the Commander of the US Army Central Command affirmed his country's keenness to continue joint cooperation against terrorism, support the capabilities and training of Iraqi forces, and enhance Iraq’s security and stability.

Media Office of the Presidency of the Republic
on Tuesday 4-2-2020   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...once we sit this prime minister and we did didn't we!  On the 1st of February, strictly my opinion, within a 30 day time frame we should see a change in the value of the currency.  I'm being very sincere here.  I'm excited about this guy.  I like him.  Let me tell you why...he has a long history in the government of Iraq...his history has been superior in supporting the Iraqi citizens...he was involved in financial committees of the GOI.  He has expertise in finances...he's a business man...we have 18 bullet points of why Donald Trump picked this man...

MilitiaMan   Well it has been awhile since we have heard about the Iraq Stock Exchange. An look at what they are talking about. They are talking about a "MECHANISM FOR INCREASING THE RETURN ON BANK SHARES"! To increase banks share with a mechanism, at this stage is a change in value in what mechanism they use in the market place. If they are to interlink like we have heard in the past to the NASDAQ then the mechanism to be used is going to have to be a fairly large one to get the return they are looking for. Imo. A return is a profit...IMO. This bodes well for us...imo.

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Samson:  Expert: America is seeking to install the "Patriot" system with the approval of the Iraqi government

5th February, 2020

National Security Professor Hussein Allawi, head of the Akad Center for Political Studies and Future Visions, stressed that the United States seeks to install the Patriot system with the approval of the Iraqi government and the leadership of joint operations.

He added, in a press statement, that "its purpose is to create a separation wall for Iraq against the danger of Iranian ballistic missiles that were used towards Iraqi military bases that host international military missions, whether they are American or within the international coalition."

Allawi added that "the Iraqi government in terms of calculating the economic costs will be profitable, because investment financing on armament programs will be minimal in the federal budget as a result of the expected financial deficit in the federal budget for 2020 and the costs of the war on terrorism, and therefore the United States' efforts to install missile shield systems for free, after The approval of the Federal Government and the Command of Joint Operations will be beneficial to Iraq and an airspace protector in order to form a national deterrent system based on Iraqi-American military defense cooperation.  LINK


Craig Hemke - The Fed is Monetizing the Debt

Greg Hunter:  Feb 4, 2020

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says, “The Fed is monetizing the debt as we speak, and they will continue to do so.

 That cash goes into the stock market and makes it keep going up, which they’ve got to have.

What people need to understand is this is madness, and it’s only going to get worse, and that is also why you have to own gold and silver.”


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