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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of April 4, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 4, 2020

Compiled 4 April 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

"Extraordinary times, it turns out, do not always call for extraordinary measures, or even extraordinary people. They often call for ordinary measures and ordinary people finding ways to do ordinary things when everything around them seems to make ordinariness impossible."
— Michael Austin, By Common Consent blog post

Judy Note: On 3 April 2020 at 6:28 pm EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact confirmed:

1. Over the past 48+ hours the Elders, Trump, Department of Defense and decision-makers made an executive decision to start Tier4a&b either during, or after the "Three Days of Darkness." The decision of Tier 4b’s actual start date would be made next week. The Military was removing the below threats so that we would be safe by the time they started us:

2. The “Three Days of Darkness” may or may not involve rolling internet outages and phone network outages, as started happening this past week. The “Three Days of Darkness” was presently scheduled for next Tue. – Thurs. 7, 8, 9 April, though the Military has the Deep State Rats contained to an extent that “Three Days of Darkness” operations may not be fully needed.

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3. It had been emphasized that we in Tier 4b needed to be safe and that was why military operations have been carried out this past week and would continue to clear out Deep State operators, viral, technological booby-traps and landmines that just this past week became clear to decision-makers.

4. Last week the Elders, Trump, Department of Defense and decision-makers became concerned about Corona Virus infections possibly blowing up and stopping redemptions-exchanges midstream if we had started. They tasked Special Operations troops with locating and removing contaminated Covid-19 Corona Virus Test Kits delivered in the past days to Redemption Centers. The kits likely would have infected people since they came from a lab funded by Bill Gates and the Deep State Rats (Google "Corona Virus testing effort hampered by kits contaminated with Covid-19 Gates lab").

5. This past week and in the next days, military operations were serving warrants and arresting Deep State Rats.

6. Military troops also had to remove "dark nodes" in the Internet that have been used by the Deep State (Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Face Book, Amazon Echo/Alexa, etc.) to spy on us through phones, computers, smart appliances.

7. Over the next days Military units were shutting down the Deep State's ability to use the 200,000+ 5G towers in the US which Deep State operatives have used to add microwave radiation in targeted states, cities, regions to Covid-19 Corona Virus (& flu virus) infections to increase the pandemic infection impact.

8. He said that they really wanted us protected when we started so military troops also have to remove certain technologies of the Deep State. After Zim redemption appointments the Deep State was planning to use facial recognition software to capture Tier4b ZIM holder faces in order to target us and our families for scams, theft, kidnapping, etc. post-RV.

9. He said again to be careful post-redemption to work with your Wealth Manager and private banking team to see to your security needs post RV.

10. In the next days before starting Tier4b redemption appointments they also wanted for the Corona Virus peak of the bell curve projections to be as "flattened" as possible. This was for the health safety of the 400,000 to 500,000 Tier4b currency holders, many of whom were in their 60s and70s, and more vulnerable to Covid-19 infection and 5G radiation in their regions.

11. These measures were not just excuses to hold money back from us. These were real threats and real dangers that have to be removed so that we can be started safely. This was a real war and though the Deep State has lost the war, the military has to clean out the Deep State laid landmines so currency holders and exchange personnel were not harmed during the redemption process.

12. At the Wed. 1 April Corona Virus Task Force Press briefing Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley said, "We're at war with COVID-19, we're at war with terrorists, and we are at war with the drug cartels. We're the United States military and we will defend our country, regardless of the cost." (Google "whitehouse.gov Corona Virus Task Force remarks Milley")

13. We have multiple verifications that the RV/GCR has been released. Early Thurs. 2 April they began preparations to start Tier4 notification and to deliver the Admiral his papers. Last Fri. 27 March after Trump signed the Stimulus Bill, a1% liquidity was provided to Tier1 Accounts, Tier 2 Humanitarian Organization Accounts and Tier 3 Church Group Accounts. The rest would be released upon Tier4 liquidity.

14. At this moment and since last week thousands of starved and horrifically abused children were either found dead or being rescued from an underground tunnel in New York. That tunnel was said to run 2 ½ miles from the Clinton Foundation Building to the New York harbor, where the children and corpses were being loaded onto the medical ship.

Nurses Confirm Treating Horrifically Abused Children at Central Park Corona Virus Tent Hospital: https://m.soundcloud.com/heath-motley-820983133/nurse-mentions-children-saved

15. The “Comfort” medical ship was placed there by President Trump. A second medical ship titled “Mercy” which was believed to carry the same mission of providing care for horrifically abused kidnapped children rescued from tunnels, was sitting in the Los Angeles Harbor. Rescue efforts were under direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.

16. At the Press Briefing Wed. 1 April POTUS Trump and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley announced that the US Military was launching a massive military mission in the Western Hemisphere against drug cartels. This was a veiled message to Deep State Rats that the Storm was underway and they were being rounded up and arrested at the same time children were being rescued from their Child Trafficking Pedophile, Gun and Drug running Rings.

17. A Must-Watch on the White Hat Takeover of the Illuminati US Underground Tunnel Network (DUMBS) Where Thousands of Children Were/Are Being Held Hostage: https://youtu.be/l5cUsNTr4Yw

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A. Philip Tilton Facebook Report: Richard Cardona April 2 2020 11:11 pm EDT: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1111984642486675&set=a.318449875173493&type=3


B. April 3 2020 2:03 am EDT: “Within Hours Now,” Bluwolf Intel: "Within Hours Now" - Bluwolf Intel Update 4-2-20

1. I have been holding currencies since 2001 and am in 16 years writing to you all. Always trying to maintain you in faith and trying to see you all finalized as I with our RV.

2. We created a group which was now known as the Internet Group. It went from 600 people to 50 million all around the world.

3. It was a very simple plan that treated all with respect, locked in your rates, insured your security, gave you an 800 number to call and would be furnished to you via email.

4. You call and make your appointment. You go to your appointment. You hand in your monies to a De La Rue machine to verify your currency. Trust no one. Your currency should be counted right in front of you. You then open up your accounts (non interest bearing at first). They will issue to you some cards and you may request some cash out front, even some Cashier’s Checks and will be getting some letters of authenticity.

5. The RV stands alone and was not tied to the Redemption of Zim Bonds. Your bond redemption must or should be a different process with different guide lines.

6. There were people out there trying to confuse you into STAMPEDING LIKE SCARED COWS into one of these redemptions centers and SIMPLY ACCEPTING WHAT ONE OFF THESE OFFICIALS THROW AT YOU. Honestly that is not banking, that is not redeeming and most certainly it is not exchanging and simple not right, or just.

7. If you have Zim you do your redemption with HSBC, the lead redemption bank. HSBC would also take currencies.

8. If you have currencies you exchange with Wells Fargo. Wells would also redeem Zim.

9. However, these are two different animals and you must treat them as such. When you do your business at a bank make sure that this banker does not intend to limit or create scenarios over your currencies and its exchange because of the Zim. Their care handlers do not have any jurisdiction over your RV exchange whatsoever. It was not a given to have some greedy people come in and be scaring you into thinking that you have no right to ask questions on the rates.

10. You could create a structured payout by yourself and do not need a Wealth Manager, nor anyone of their kind.


C. What We Think We Know as of 12:01 am EDT 4 April:

1. The RV/GCR has been released even though high level sources would not verify it and deny it because of having signed their own NDAs and being subjected to gag orders.

2. On Fri. 27 March at 4:30pm EDT after Trump signed the Stimulus Bill, Stimulus funds provided liquidity to Tier1 Accounts, Tier 2 Humanitarian Organization Accounts and Tier 3 Church Group Accounts, though they were only given a small percentage of their monies. The rest would be released upon Tier4 liquidity.

3. On Mon.-Tues. 30, 31 March certain individuals received liquidity with partial access to their monies. Unfortunately some then violated their NDAs by talking about their currencies and rates online and by phone. The NSA caught them and froze their accounts.

4. The Tier4b (us) Internet Group start date was imminent, should be “within hours,” though the time was known only to a select few (Department of Justice, US Treasury, President Trump and the Elders) and was fluid dependent on certain military events as explained below.

5. Early Thurs. 2 April they began preparations to start Tier4 notification and to deliver the Admiral his papers, etc, but for security reasons could not give specific timing.

6. The banks' need-to-know info would be made known to the banks only at go-time, which was imminent.

7. At the Press Briefing Wed. 1 April POTUS Trump and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley announced that the US Military was launching a massive military mission in the Western Hemisphere against drug cartels. This was a veiled message to Deep State Rats that the Storm was underway and they were being rounded up and arrested at the same time children were being rescued from their Child Trafficking Pedophile, Gun and Drug running Rings.

8. Since Thurs. 2 April thousands of children were either found dead or being rescued from an underground tunnel in New York. That tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation Building to the New York harbor, where the children and corpses were being loaded on the medical ship “Mercy” placed there by President Trump. A second medical ship was sitting in the Los Angeles Harbor.

9. The Chinese Elders and World Court required that our start coincide with these military arrest operations going on behind the scenes right now.

10. This RV release was part of a war to defeat the Deep State – which evidently created the Corona Virus Pandemic as part of their agenda to interfere with the Global Currency Reset (which was taking away their money supply) and reduce the world population. The Powers That Be were doing everything within their ability to make a safe transition for all.

11. In 2016 the morning President Trump was sworn into office his first official act was to visit CIA Headquarters where he declared a War on Child Trafficking. On 1 April 2020 he declared a War on the Mexican Cartels – the mainstay of the Cabal’s arms, drug and human trafficking rings.

12. The 1 April X22 Report emphasized recent Q Posts: This month was Child Abuse Prevention Month; Q advised us to research Crimes Against Children because we were fighting a deeply entrenched enemy, including Hillary Clinton Foundation Crimes Against Children and Children were being kidnapped, abused, trafficked and sacrificed.

13. It was rumored that the medical tents just set up in Central Park were not treating Corona Virus patients, but suspected to be treating adults connected to Child Trafficking. Their drug of choice had been Adrenechrome – the blood of a traumatized child. A certain lab regularly shipping Adrenechrome to elites had tainted the blood with Corona Virus.

14. Human trafficking was one of the Deep State Cabal's main sources of income. Rumors suggested that hospital ships named “Comfort” and “Mercy” were stationed on the East and West Coasts and were being covertly used to care for Human Trafficking rescues.

15. While the public stayed indoors during the quarantine, there was a possibility that the Alliance has been doing mass rescue operations for human trafficking victims, especially from underground tunnels the Cabal Military had built throughout the US.

16. Some of those underground tunnels were being destroyed, which could have been the reason for recent earthquakes in Utah, Idaho and Montana.

17. Evidently President Trump, the Department of Defense, Alliance and decision-makers felt that there has been enough significant Deep State arrests and containment of Deep State leaders globally under Alliance military and operations in Europe, USA and China that there would be no need to declare Martial Law.

18. On Wed. 15 April currencies could no longer be exchanged at the Contract rates and Zim no longer redeemed, while the general public could exchange foreign currencies at banks and receive the new international rates.

19. Internet, Phone Blackout: On Mon. 30 March from 10pm to midnight local times along the West Coast (CA, WA, TX & Midwest), and East Coast (FL, NC, VA, NY, etc) there was rolling phone and internet black outs to cover Spec Ops and other law enforcement arresting the rats (Deep State criminal cartel leaders and pedophile child and human traffickers).

20. Stock Market: On Fri. 3 April stocks again dived into the red, flat lined there and closed in the red. The U.S. Dollar Index (USDX) range for today Fri. 3 April was 100.237 - 100.975. When the US Dollar Index reached 100 or above, which it did two days ago, the Market was said to have crashed: https://www.investing.com/currencies/us-dollar-index-streaming-chart.

21. NESARA: According to Fleming Mortgage debt forgiveness and student loans forgiveness was happening right now as part of NESARA. There were 100 different types of loans being forgiven, with interest you paid the bank to be paid back to you. According to Bruce, NESARA started Mon. 30 March when there were a number of mortgages forgiven. As of Tues. 31 March morning the mortgage debt forgiveness had been applied to 23,000 mortgages. MarkZ heard that many home foreclosures had been stopped. That debt forgiveness program would continue with a goal to be completed by the end of April. On Student Loans you could call and have your loan suspended and it would not accrue any more debt.

22. For the latest real news see Q’s George News: https://george.news/#/

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D. April 3 2020 MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/markz-and-michael-cottrell-friday-morning-chat-4-3-2020

Bankers, Paymasters thinking the reset would happen in mid-April.

Mike Cottrell:

1776_patriot: Mark, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5th, 1933 (when FDR took the gold out of circulation) says the Treasury has to pay our debt dollar for dollar when presented with a proper claim.

Cottrell: Bush Sr. nullified those acts. I would push to have them put back in.

To not make your house payment or pay taxes was a crime right now. We need to wait until the actual Debt Jubilee.

Right now the banks are receiving interest to service the loans. The value of the loan was now retained by the borrower.

The Interpol was in charge of all this. Before Bush Sr. and his predecessor presidents suctioned all the money and re-capitalized the rats. Now the fiat dollar wasen’t worth anything so what was there to steal?

Our Gold bullion would back the US Dollar. It has been off the books for the last 90 years.

When the reset occurred, the Crypto System would be dropped because it was manmade and not backed by gold.


E. International Child Sex Trafficking:

1. April 2 2020 Child Rescue Operation Unfolding Right Now in New York City, Holmseth: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/child-rescue-operation-unfolding-right-now-in-nyc/

A 69 year old Nurse working with a Mash Corona Virus Unit in NY Central Park said there were tunnels where they were rescuing severely abused children and the rescue operation was what the ships were for.

2. April 2 2020 Hillary Associate: New York, CIA, FBI, Washington Human Trafficking, https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/new-york-hillary-associate-cia-fbi-washington-human-trafficking-4-year-old-torn-open/

3. April 2 2020 Roseanne Has Hope Because of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, Holmseth: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/roseanne-has-hope-because-of-president-trump-and-the-pentagon-pedophile-task-force/

Back in 1993 there was a little black girl named Ranae – her mother was drug addict and the mother’s boyfriend raped Ranae and she got Aids and was dying and asked to meet me and come see the show – she stepped me into a whole new world – I wanted to fight for children’s rights – I began to connect people – I finally feel that something is finally being done because of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force

4. April 2 2020 Kidnapped Babies and Kids Sold Through Ukrainian Embassy Washington DC, CIA, FBI, reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth with child advocate Wayanne Kruger Marschner: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/kidnapped-babies-and-kids-sold-through-ukrainian-embassy-washington-dc-cia-fbi-go-9m25sec-ukraine/

Over the last ten years 30 mothers from all over the US had babies kidnapped – John Reagan was brokering kids, raping them, mothers had their babies kidnapped – the Ukrainian Embassy arranging for adoption, June 2001 $10,000 illegal expenses each – they can move them anywhere if they had a doctor’s note – when they went to Warsaw they could go anywhere – who knows what happened to the baby.

5. April 1 2020 Baby Shoes in Ritual Tree – Oregon, Idaho Line West Coast Human Trafficking Corridor Utah, Washington, California, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Holmseth: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/baby-shoes-in-ritual-tree-oregon-idaho-line-west-cost-human-trafficking-corridor-ut-wa-ca-mt-wy-nv/ https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/baby-shoes-in-ritual-tree-oregon-idaho-line-west-cost-human-trafficking-corridor-ut-wa-ca-mt-wy-nv/ Baby and children Shoe Tree along highway near Vale Oregon on Oregon-Idaho border.

6. April 1 2020 2 9:44 am EDT: 100 Caged Kids in Tunnels Rescued by US Marines in California, Taken to Hospitals, Most Believed Abducted by California Child Protective Services: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/2100-caged-kids-in-tunnels-rescued-by-us-marines-in-california-taken-to-hospitals-most-believed-to-be-abducted-by-cps/

Judy Note: You could also refer to my Oct. 2019 article “Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children and Teens”: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2019/10/marines-navy-seals-rescue-2100-caged-children-teens-3144359.html

On October 14, 2019 the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force reported 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California. The children were rescued during night raids conducted by U.S. Marines using night vision at five different locations in California. The military had PG&E cut the power in advance.

The children were held in hell-on-earth conditions of Biblical proportions. My source, who I will refer to as Pentagon 1, referenced movies such as It, The Matrix, Back to the Future, and The Wizard of Oz to describe the insanity. There were arrests.

Pentagon 1 said, “The children were taken to various medical and psychiatric facilities. I’m almost going to guarantee the majority probably came from CPS (California Child Protective Services). The children’s ages are anywhere from three to seventeen. There’s both girls and boys. I would say mostly girls but there’s both.

“All their needs are being met right now. They are being taken care of – the military has stepped up. Not all those kids are making it. There all in base hospitals. There all trying to be fixed up and made whole and get some nutrition in them and they were in incredibly bad shape. And it’s going to be a long lengthy process to get those kids back on their feet. To investigate – to find all their parents – I mean it’s going to be a freakin’ nightmare.

“The operation was done under cover of darkness. Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? That was the military telling PG&E to shut the power down they got to go in the dark. So, they went in with all night vision – all in the dark. They did this stuff in the middle of the night. And they blew – all those underground fires was because [those] military boys were pissed. They just blew it. There was tremendous amount of emotion there.

“A lot of [the children] are not from the U.S. A lot of Spanish (children) from Mexico and Guatemala and South America. You know? Who knows who their freakin parents are? That’s a big reason [Trump] is putting up the wall. It’s to protect all of us – everybody,” Pentagon 1 said.

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8. April 3 2020 Philip Tilton Facebook Post Katrina Victor: NVXIM/EPSTEIN: If you all wanna know how deep the human and child trafficking with NVXIM and Epstein with the world’s politicians, Wall Street, Corporate CEO’s, Media, Athletes and Hollywood elite goes, all these kids were posted on an online “modeling agency” by Epstein and NVXIM recruiters and handlers.

They used a “modeling agency” as a cover up to hold online auctions and when someone would comment "I would like to cast them" meant “I want to buy them.” They have thousands on an online auction. Here are a few. There are thousands more. They clearly appear drugged and abused. I would show others but they are too upsetting and disturbing and they’ll likely put me in FB jail over this for sharing the truth because the offenders own all Mainstream and Social Media Outlets. Just do your research on Epstein, NVIXM, Rachel Chandler (child-handler) and Walter Pearce (The recruiters) and see who they follow (other recruiters) The Clinton Foundation and Haiti Relief Fund, Allison Mack, Laura Sulsby, Epstein Island.

I’m an editor/researcher/writer and accidentally found these things out while looking up statistics on human trafficking years ago. My daughter was a model during her junior year in high school and had several “modeling agencies” offering her free trips and photo shoots on instagram but I could not find their business on their local Secretary of State registry. I warned her that they may be traffickers and predators. Thank God she had many offers but never took them up on it and has since left that industry.

People rarely believe you but we all walk into Walmart every day and see the never ending missing kids wall or see the statistics on missing children. These are just the ones reported missing. Most of these children are orphans, foster children, abused children and children from third world countries or children that have been sold by their own parents. They prey on them because they cannot be traced. I am relieved that they are finally being exposed. This is important because millions of children are trafficked every year and our most trusted leaders and favorite celebrities have been heavily involved. Be prepared to see many of your favorite celebrities, athletes and politicians become silent, sudden illness, commit suicide; among many other strange occurrences. When it is dark the cockroaches gather but when the lights come on, they are caught in action and scatter.

LISTEN: There is a reason they want open borders, late term abortion and for you to hate law enforcement and accept lawlessness. Trafficking drugs, children, young women and harvesting organs. They also are losing control of the voter so they are desperate to get back their power. They exploited and abused their power.

Check what each of your favorite politician’s net income was before they took office and after election. They are profiting off of this billion dollar industry.

SHARE: Keep watch as a sick reality that has been hidden in plain site will be exposed and your cognitive dissonance (everything you’ve known will come into question) may set in and you will default to resisting the truth although the evidence is presented. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and FAST for these children, strength for our leaders that are investigating these horrific crimes and that those involved are brought to justice. Stay tuned. Be alert. Watch your children; young and impressionable teens who want to be the next Instagram model. If you SEE something, SAY something. It is time we wake up. This went on in plain sight. No more sleeping while this goes on.

9. April 2 2020 Dark Web Child Abuse Gang Busted, Files Seized: https://www.hackread.com/dark-web-child-abuse-gang-busted-15tb-files-seized/

1. The arrests came after Europol and Belgian authorities raided a house under Operation GARGAMEL. Last month HackRead.com reported about a worldwide police operation against child pornography content sites that led to the seizing of DarkScandals and the arrest of its administrator Mr. Dark. The website was reportedly offering over 2,000 images and videos of objectionable content including real footage of violent rape, blackmailing, and child abuse material.

2. According to the latest press release from Europol, another globally operating network of child exploiters has been busted by law enforcement authorities from around the world. The gang network was spread in over 40 countries.

3. The authorities were tipped by an investigation report from Belgian East Flanders Federal Judicial Police. Reportedly, during a house search, Belgian police discovered more than 9 million video footage and images of child sexual abuse involving thousands of children from different parts of the world. A majority of the content was unique for law enforcement as they had never seen it circulating on the web. press release.

4. The task forces so far have identified 30 suspects and 70 children whereas the Belgian Federal Judicial Police has identified 60 suspects, out of whom 24 are Belgian and four suspects have been sentenced by a Belgian court already. Belgian police also identified 40 victims. In total, 110 victims and 90 suspects have been identified under Operation GARGAMEL.

5. Just last year in October, authorities in Germany raided, busted and seized a massive data bunker called “Cyberbunker 2.0” used by dark web criminals to run drugs, explicit child content and other illegal activities.

6. The data center was being run inside a former NATO bunker in the town of Traben-Trarbach in Western Germany. In October last year, authorities were able to seize the dark web’s largest child abuse, arresting 338 suspects and rescuing 32 minors.

10. March 2020 Govt. Experiment Gave Kids to Pedophiles to See if Sex Abuse Would Have Positive Consequences: https://humansarefree.com/2020/03/govt-experiment-gave-kids-to-pedophiles-to-see-if-sex-abuse-would-have-positive-consequences-on-them-it-lasted-decades.html

11. The doorknob Sacrifices – A Black Sun Ritual and 12 Celebrity Suicides Related to Pedophilia Cover Up: https://thephoenixenigma.com/the-doorknob-sacrifices-a-black-sun-ritual-12-celebrity-suicides-related-to-pedophilia-cover-up/

12. Feb. 18 2017 John Podesta Skippy PizzaGate: https://youtu.be/EPI670Gx0mg

13. (Reader | Anonymous) Timothy Charles Holmseth Reports for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/04/reader-aonymous-timothy-charles.html#more Timothy Holmseth https://timothycharlesholmseth.com Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and President Trump.

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F. Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: An hour or so prior to liquidity release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would send out over 400,000 emails to currency and bond holders, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem. That information would also be available on certain websites as below:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: http://bigcalluniverse.com/callarchive/
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team
Dinar Detectives: https://dinardetectives.com/


G. Non Profits Dedicated to Help Exploited/Abused Children and Adult Abuse Survivors:

Tim Ballard: The Underground Railroad rescued exploited children: https://ourrescue.org/about/

Kevin Annett: International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) rescued exploited children and exposed their rape, torture and murder kidnapping rings run by the Vatican. http://murderbydecree.com/ hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com

Felicity Lee: Ivory Garden promoted healing techniques for DID survivors (Dissociate Identity Disorder caused by severe abuse during childhood): dissociativeidentitydisorder-ptsd.blogspot.com/2014/05/felicity-lee-patricia-goodwin-president.html https://www.igdid.com felicity4us2@gmail.com

Neil Brick: SMART published information on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and gave healing seminars for Ritual Abuse Survivors and therapists: https://ritualabuse.us/smart/neil-brick/ smartnews@aol.com

Enough Is Enough: Enough Is Enough® is a national bi-partisan non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts were focused on combating Internet pornography, child pornography, sexual predation, sex trafficking and cyber bullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America and the legal community.

SNAP: Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests: https://www.snapnetwork.org/

Carolyn Spring (UK): Hope and Healing from Abuse and Dissociation Issues: www.carolynspring.com info@carolynspring.com

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

To inquire about our International Child Abuse Recovery, Trauma Survivors (CARTS) Humanitarian Program, email: info@22faces.com

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q, Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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