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Thursday Night News With MarkZ 7-28-2022

World News Tonight with Mark 07/28/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Friday Eve……..

Member: These weeks are just flying by…….

Member: Good evening y’all! We are nearly there - don’t give up now!


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MZ:  The big news is from Kazemi. And his announcement that the new rate is coming. He assured the people they heard their voices and a new rate is coming.

MZ: Kazemi was very specific that we would not see a recent rate….that it would be an older rate…and they would go back to being a premier currency in their area.

MZ: I am still being told they are in a mad scramble to finish seating the government over the weekend. They will be working over the weekend to get one sat.

MZ: I am feeling pretty confident this time that we will see some massive movement over the next few days. That Kazemi announcement is huge. I think with the protests the people have forced the issue. The people have spoken and now their leaders are listening.

Member: Article today said Iraq is in the Guinness book of records for having no government “291 days and the time is open.. Iraq enters Guinness for the longest period without a government”

MZ: I hear Maliki is in hiding hoping to save his skin….things have gotten interesting and very positive for us and the Iraqi people.

Member: When will we get word the revaluation has actually occurred?

MZ: it has not occurred yet. They announced the new rate was coming….but hasn’t occurred yet. In the markets and in the streets they are already starting to demand more money for it…very interesting news coming off the streets over there right now.

Member: Did your bank contacts reach out to you today?

MZ: Yes…and I can’t tell you what they said…..that should give you an idea on timing.

Member: I hope redemption center folks will be working this weekend!

Member: MARKZ ur banking contracts saying NDA or just trying to keep silent??

MZ: Nothing new on rates…..we need to stay calm as the next couple days….news may be all over the place.

Member:  Flash crash happened today!! Did anyone catch it?!!! MARK?!!

MZ: And it then disappeared….wow- did you see that???  Flash crash gone!! It’s like somebody hit the rewind button on the market.  

Member: I hear India currency goes gold back in a few hours!!

Member: Once Iraqi rate is set, do other currencies (Zim and Dong) go? Hopefully, "runners take your mark!"

Member: Mark do you have a list of all currencies in the first basket???

Mod: 1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe (current currency)

MZ: There is an old video from Donald Trump on Dinar investor 2021….the gold silver US dollar…..I am sharing this one but you guys need to go to minute 1:35 and listen to his words.…so for those who have doubts..this is Donald Trump talking when he was the President.

MZ: He is referencing that the Us holds 36 billion US dollars worth of Iraqi dinar in our foreign currency reserves. That means the US owns a fortune in Iraqi dinar. This is part of our foreign currency reserves for a reason. If it was never going to revalue…why on earth would the US treasury be holding it…..They are holding it because it will pay for the war effort and oil….and to pay us for the oil for dinar plan….boom

MZ: I thought you guys would enjoy this little piece of history….thanks to those who sent it

Mod: (3/8) GOLD / SILVER / US DOLLAR VIDEO WITH TRUMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jLmrUlnY0M

Member: Remember when Clinton balanced the budget with the Kuwaiti RV….in his second term.

We have $35 Billion worth of their money right now sitting in an account” –potus

MZ: Article: “Argentina’s Government collapsing. People refuse to work amid major subsidy cuts.” Inflation is about 60 % and only 40% adults have jobs. About 22 million citizens rely on the government for some kind of assistance. Argentina is collapsing right before our eyes. Governments collapsing around the world is spreading like wildfire.

MZ: “Evergrande creditors demand further explanation for billions in seized cash”  Where did it go? They seized this cash….what were they doing with 2 billion in cash when the creditors have not been paid yet?

Member: Mark do you still think we should take all our currency with us to redemption? Will they all go at the same time?

MZ:I still think it will all go at the same time. We will know when we set our appointments. They will tell us. They will ask us what types of currency you have (not how much) and you tell them …they will give instructions from there. I firmly believe they will be taking them all at one time.

 Member: Thanks Mark and have a safe trip tomorrow.

MZ: Will try to see you guys at some point tomorrow night.

Member:  Mark, Huge thanks as always for bringing this community all the latest news & updates in these very exciting times as we get ever closer.

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

There is a recorded video tomorrow at 10Am est……..no live stream as Mark will be traveling. He may be back Friday night with a stream.



Dinar investor:  Mar 8, 2021


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