Dinar Recaps

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TNT, X22 Reports, MilitiaMan and more Sunday Night 12-6-2020


Zimbabwe Unzips A Huge Wallet! – Humanitarian program puts money directly into citizens’ hands

 November 29, 2020

After decades of debilitating sanctions, Zimbabwe is set for……..RESET. People the world over are registering by the millions for a humanitarian program that is guaranteed to shift the poor into a new wealth status and put power into their hands to maintain it.

The People, a trust organization, has launched HIPP (Humanitarian Intervention Prosperity Plan) that will credit all adults who register with $100,000 spending power via the World Economic RESET app. RESET is an online digital wallet app.

Though account holders may initially be limited to one thousand units spending per month, the deposited 100,000 units credit is an immediate economic status changer.

United human capital and a consumer-owned market guarantees an eternal wealth flow. Once underwritten with enough resources to jumpstart a local self-sustaining system, this economic engine of The People will drive itself.

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The financial underwriting is in place and fuel from producers such as Venezuela are awaiting the united will of the people which is the ultimate social-political power of all nations.

For example, if the people of Zimbabwe unite into one entity with common economic interest of alleviating the current situation, then that entity can then demand that fuel is imported and distributed by them for collective benefit instead of benefit only to a few “highly connected” individuals.

The same goes for mining resources. The responsibility is on the people of Zimbabwe to work together not to select a political party for deliverance but exercise humanitarian intervention and deliver themselves with simple unity and trust.

This plan is being introduced to Zimbabwe via a trustee of The People; Ramzu Yunus, who introduced similar elements of this plan that was accepted by the late President Robert Mugabe but stifled by certain parties he refuses to mention.

 “We have spoken months ago to and await word from the current President Emmerson Mnangagwa about plans of immediate alleviation of the fuel situation and other economic benefits,” says Yunus who continues; “imagine the people actually controlling and directly benefiting from the resources in a country as small but as wealthy as Zimbabwe, everyone will literally be millionaires!”

Ramzu Yunus thinks citizens of Zimbabwe will definitely join this win-win opportunity in which massive population is needed because of the inherent political power of the people to exercise this economic humanitarian intervention.

“It’s just registering for a FREE account with nothing at risk to lose besides poverty.” This confidence comes from a man who moved from America to Zimbabwe and lost millions due to hyper-inflation while trying to play a part in defeating human rights violations on Zimbabwe via United States’ illegal sanctions.

To put it simple, the people unite, take lawful control of the market and natural resources while such unity is leveraged to underwrite the financing of their “reset”. Interest groups and communities with farms and mining concerns needing investment in Zimbabwe should get involved immediately.


Smitty76Maybe a sign to start the GCR?

JudiBlueEyes:  that Zim info was fantastic! It certainly should put some pep in your step! Hip Hip Hurrah!!!!!! Who knows what is next? Maybe Zim could be the first to exchange? Any speculations? Hmmm

SusanaC:  1:1 zim:usd

MacManNYC: 1 to 1 that sounds amazing


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Delta   Article:  "the International Monetary Fund to update the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar before the end of the fiscal year,"  here we have it boom...NEW EXCHANGE RATE COMING OUT BEFORE END OF THIS YEAR...

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Sunday Night X22 Reports

Trump & The Patriots Have Full Control, Great Reset Is Being Blocked.  Ep 2346a

Trump and the patriots have now demonstrated that they are in control of the economy. They are blocking the great reset. The world is about to see something incredible in regards to the economy. The [CB] establishment has been trapped.



The [DS] House Of Cards Comes Crashing Down, Evidence Shines Light On Fraud – Ep. 2346b

The [DS]/MSM entire house of cards is beginning to come crashing down. The [e] fraud that is being presented is unprecedented. The states are now ordering signature verifications, Trump and team are analyzing the Dominion voting systems and video has been coming out documenting the fraud.The world is watching and the [DS] system is now being exposed to everyone.



X22 Report Spotlight:

Sean Stone – Follow The Lineage, The New World Order Is The Great Reset, Conspiracy No More

Sean begins the conversation with how the New World Order lineage are connected and they have been planning the great reset for a long time. Their mission is to remove the rights of the people and move the current world into their world. There is one problem, Trump, he stands in their way of completing their plan.




Don961:  Oil "disturbs" Iraq's 2021 budget: an expected update of the "dinar exchange rate" and amending the numbers to "reduce the financial deficit!"

2020-12-06 Yes Iraq - Baghdad

 The Parliamentary Finance Committee informed the Presidency of the House of Representatives, today, Sunday, that it will hold continuous meetings as soon as the General Budget Law arrives in Parliament for discussion and approval as soon as possible. It is likely that the 2021 budget will be approved at the end of this December.

"The government has postponed sending the budget to the House of Representatives so far due to the high oil prices in the global market, which requires reformulating the numbers in the budget sections to reduce the financial deficit ceiling and increase revenues," the committee's reporter, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said in televised statements.
He explained that "the cabinet will meet next Tuesday and may approve the budget then or hold a special session to discuss and approve the budget next Wednesday, which means that the budget will reach the Presidency of Parliament early next week."

He added, "The draft budget is still up to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to audit it in coordination with a special committee from the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year," indicating that, "according to government estimates that we have informed about the price of a barrel of oil." In the general budget it will be between 42 - 43 dollars.

The official spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Minister of Culture, Hassan Nazim, announced last week that the Council of Ministers decided to postpone its session devoted to discussing the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, until yesterday, Saturday, as it has not yet been held.

Expectations of the next deficit?

And on that, today, Sunday, a Foundation for Studies, the Iraqi government’s monthly expenditures exceeded the 6 trillion dinars barrier for the month of October, surpassing the general average for the year of 5.7 trillion Iraqi dinars.

The Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations said in a statement that operating expenses for salaries rose to reach 3.45 trillion dinars, surpassing the general average for salaries of 3.34, an increase of 3.45%.

The statement pointed out that the expenses of social care increased by 19% compared with the annual general rate to reach 1.5 trillion dinars, indicating that "the total expenditures of the Iraqi government have increased by 5.85% from the annual rate to reach 6.12 trillion dinars," noting that "the general rate was 5.7 trillion dinars.

The statement added that “at the level of imports, imports achieved an increase of 8% compared to the general rate of imports, and despite the decrease in oil revenues by 10% from the general average, a significant increase of 175% in non-oil revenues, as non-oil revenues amounted to 1.186 trillion dinars. It is higher than the general average of 431 billion dinars, and thus the total revenues for the month of October (last) will be 4.652 trillion dinars.

He pointed out that "despite the increase in revenues, the government recorded a real deficit of 1.5 trillion dinars, and thus the total cumulative deficit of the Iraqi state for the year 2020 has reached 15 trillion dinars."

The institution expected; That "the deficit until the end of the year exceeds more than 29 trillion dinars as a result of the need for the government to pay debts dues at the end of the year in addition to the payments of oil licensing companies, which are expected to be worth more than 13 trillion dinars," according to the statement.   LINK

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MilitiaMan:  Lets think about this one for a quick moment. Look who is showing up tomorrow to meet with some key players.. Note, they have special sales on hard currency for today and tomorrow per the CBI for imports..

The COM meets Tuesday about what..? 2021 Budget, salaries, etc.. The CBI front runs sales of hard currency for Sunday and Monday.. Getting the picture that something is a foot?

The Ministry of Finance and the IMF are talking about a change is coming to IQD exchange rate above. They are going to a market economy are they not?. They are not going to devalue that is sure, imo. They are going to increase the value, imo by the deletion of the three zeros from the exchange rate.

Hence, the need for the new small category notes the CBI spent tens of millions on. The need for automation at the borders.. The ones that are along the Jordanian border, the Saudi Arabia border, the Port of Faw, etc.. 

The broadcasting of the exchange rate to change speaks out oh so very loudly. The dealers in the world out there may very well need to be very careful on what they do from now on.

Nothing like getting a rate change that catches one off guard. That could be very costly!! So, with that said, I suspect there will be more leaks in respect to that matter! This started coming out over the last 24-48 hours, and then this one above smacks us!!! lol  Lets see what they do next.. ~ MM


""We hope that the 2021 budget file will be resolved in the cabinet session next Tuesday," 

In a rare step, the Central Bank of Iraq revealed the results of its dollar sales for Sunday and Monday together.

The central bank's website showed that the bank held two consecutive sessions on Sunday and tomorrow Monday, which showed that more than 188 million dollars were sold, most of which was to boost foreign assets for the purpose of importing goods from abroad, for Sunday.

"A source told {Euphrates News} that "a Saudi delegation headed by the Minister of Trade will arrive in Baghdad tomorrow to sign memoranda and economic agreements between the two countries." He added, "The visit will include the resolution of the stadium presented as a gift from Saudi Arabia to Iraq at the Basmaya site."

He pointed out, "The delegation will meet the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi."

"Two reasons blocking the approval of the 2021 budget, a talk about changing the exchange rate, and concerns about the salaries '' deadlock ''

"Away from what the parliament is witnessing regarding the upcoming budget, Al-Saffar explained that "there are negotiations between the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding changing the exchange rate of the dollar," and this matter."


Itsmedt:  Anything over 1:1 would certainly lower the deficit IMO.  

MilitiaMan:  Yes that will do it. ~ MM

Kimbu: RE: “to audit it in coordination with a special committee from the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year,”

So i just went to the CIA website to look up the beginning of the fiscal year for iraq and the website stated ' calendar year'. If i'm not mistaken that would be january 1st. Didn't iraqs' fiscal  year used to coincide with the USAs fiscal year? If so that is an interesting change.

Billuke:  Iraq's fiscal year never changed, was always Jan - Dec.  I've posted that CIA link here for the last couple of years especially around Sept/Oct timeframe when that fiscal year talk comes up.

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