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Iraqi News and Highlights Late Thursday PM 7-23-20

Iraqi News and Highlights Late Thursday PM 7-23-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

2020 Without Budget

Articles  Ali Hussein Nader *  We reached the second half of the year 2020, and until now, there is no federal budget, neither half nor all of it.

Although the resigned government completed the preparation of the budget, but due to the country’s delay, it sent it to Parliament. Some explain the reasons for not endorsing the policy and some say it is technical. Therefore, whatever the reasons, it is a big problem and has major economic implications, especially in light of the current crisis.

The lack of a budget means the absence of new investment projects and the lack of support for reluctant ones, as well as increasing the burden on citizens and services and the possibility of delay in the payment of salaries. Especially since Iraq is completely dependent on the budget and it depends 93% on oil imports. Which means now that Iraq’s money goes to the budget and it has not yet been legislated !!!

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The ideal solution to the status quo is (budget)

In which he records two important aspects: revenue and payments, in order to save public money from waste and hold all the negligent accountable.

* Economic observer

Number of views 69 Added Date 07/23/2020  http://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21135

Oil Rises To Near The Highest Price Since The Beginning Of March 2020

July 23, 2020 at 8:49 am  29 Views  Direction / follow  Crude oil futures fluctuated today, Thursday, in a narrow range, which is rising during the Asian session, to witness its bounce for the fourth consecutive session from the lowest since July 14, indicating its stability near its highest since the beginning of March, amid a drop in the dollar index. American for the fifth consecutive session, indicating its stability near its lowest since March, according to the inverse relationship between them on the threshold of developments and economic data expected.

And at exactly 04:58 am GMT, futures contracts for next September delivery of oil prices "Nymex" rose 0.21% to trade at $ 42.04 levels per barrel compared to the opening at $ 41.95 a barrel, knowing that the contracts started the trading session on an upward price gap after Yesterday's trading ended at $ 41.90 a barrel.

Brent crude futures for next September delivery increased 0.73% to trade at $ 44.42 per barrel compared to the opening at $ 44.10 per barrel, knowing that the contracts started trading on a falling price gap after yesterday's trading closed at $ 44.29 per barrel, while it declined The US dollar index 0.09% to 94.91 compared to the opening at 94.99.

Investors are currently awaiting by the American economy the issuance of the index of subsidy requests for the week that elapsed on July 18, which may reflect stability at 1.3 million applications, little changed from the previous weekly reading, while the reading of the index of subsidy applications that may continue for the week that elapses on 11 of this Month decreased by 271 thousand requests to 17,067 thousand requests compared to 17,338 thousand requests in the previous reading.  LINK

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Alia Nassif Praises Al-Kazemi’s Decision To Cancel The Advisers In Cabinet Committees And Considers It Closed The First Hotspot Of Corruption

Posted On 2020-07-23 By Sotaliraq  Deputy Alia Nassif praised the decision of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to cancel all consultants in the energy, economy, and other committees in the prime minister, indicating that this decision will cancel the first hotbed of corruption, calling for legislation in the government contracts law that will close many sections of corruption.

She said in a statement today: "There is news that the Prime Minister canceled all advisers in the energy, economy, and other committees in the prime minister, and this step, if implemented, would be a first blow to some of the corrupt people and would cancel the first hotbed of corruption."

Nassif explained: “Some of the consultants did not consult in the interest of Iraq because they did not stop through their consultations the vast amount of contracts obtained with the exception of the ministerial committees in the cabinet, and most corrupt contracts were passed through obtaining exceptions in the meetings of the Ministerial Council and the advisers.”

Noting: “The persistence reached the point where one of the consultants entered into contracts in the Ministerial Committee for the benefit of a foreign entity.”

Nassif stressed the necessity of canceling all contract exceptions, for example the Ministry of Electricity was entitled to contract in the amount of one hundred million dollars, and more than this amount is divided (fraud) and the contract is concluded, and if they cannot pass the contract they go to the ministerial committees.

Nassif called on the government to legislate the government contracts law that will contribute to closing many outlets for corruption through explicit and consistent articles that are laid down in the law and followed in the conclusion of contracts, stating:

“This law was put on the shelf by some corrupt ministers to prevent its passage, knowing that I He put the finishing touches to him after it was prepared in cooperation with colleagues in the Legal Committee, and the efforts of the jurists will be consolidated to accomplish it, and therefore if the government does not issue it, then we pledge to you as jurists that we will legislate this law that allows for the accounting of explicit materials before the judiciary to implement it.  LINK

US State Department: Postponement Of The Second Session Of The Strategic Dialogue Until Further Notice

Posted On 2020-07-23 By Sotaliraq  Translation / Hamed Ahmed  After it was expected that the second round of the strategic dialogue between the United States and Iraq would take place this July in Washington, the US State Department confirmed that the meeting would take place later this summer.

The first round of talks took place between the Iraqi and American sides in June, through closed-circuit television, due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.

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After the completion of that dialogue, the meeting of the two parties issued a joint statement in which it was indicated that "the High Coordination Committee for the Strategic Dialogue will meet in another round in Washington, and it is possible that this will be in July."

However, the month of July is almost over, and a US State Department spokeswoman said in response to a query Tuesday by the Kurdistan News 24 website about the current situation for the second round of the dialogue, saying: "We are in contact with our Iraqi partners about the date of the next meeting."

"The meeting will be face to face, here in Washington, and it will be at a specific time later this summer," she added.

The US State Department spokeswoman expressed satisfaction and conviction of the United States at the previous meeting, saying, "We were very pleased with the virtual strategic dialogue session with the Iraqi side. The dialogue surrounded the wide range of our common interests, which included our partnership with Iraq in the economic, security, political and cultural aspect.

"What was discussed was within the context of previous discussions based on the Strategic Framework Agreement with Iraq in 2008," the spokeswoman said.

A strategic framework agreement was concluded in December 2008 between the administration of former US President George Bush and the then Iraqi Prime Minister, former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

At the same time, the SOFA security agreement on the status of forces regulating the position of US forces in Iraq was concluded. Under it, it called on US forces to withdraw from Iraqi cities in June 2009 and withdraw from Iraq entirely by December 2011.

US President Barack Obama, who followed Bush, and as part of his 2008 election campaign pledged to withdraw American forces from Iraq at that time.

Only three years after that date in 2014, terrorist threats returned to Iraq with the emergence of ISIS, which was founded in Syria amid the civil war in it and infiltrated into Iraq to invade almost a third of Iraq.

President Obama was then forced to re-send American forces to Iraq to head an international coalition force working with the forces of the Iraqi side to defeat and defeat ISIS.

That experience made many American officials convinced that Washington should not rush to cut its military and security ties with Baghdad, as it did in 2011 in order for the country not to be exposed again to the threats of terrorist organizations and threaten its security and stability.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi headed, on his first foreign visit since receiving his post, on Tuesday, to Iran.

Al-Kazimi said in statements to him from Tehran: "The Iraqi people want distinguished relations with Iran, based on the united circumstances of the two countries and the principle of non-interference in internal affairs," adding that "Iraq will not allow its lands to be used to threaten Iran."

Al-Kazemi was planning to visit Saudi Arabia first as part of his regional tour, not Iran, and because of the illness of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi Foreign Ministry requested to postpone the visit until the king was discharged from the hospital.

In her response to Al-Kazemi’s visit to Iran, the State Department’s spokeswoman said, “We were aware that the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi confirmed that on July 18, Saudi Arabia would be his first destination on his tour. However, the dispatch of King Salman to the hospital forced to postpone the visit of Al-Kazemi. We hope a speedy recovery for the king and encourage both parties to agree on a new date for the visit as soon as possible. ”   LINK

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