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Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday Afternoon 9-4-23

Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday Afternoon 9-4-23

Sah   points of contention between Baghdad and Erbil may plague the new draft oil and gas law.. What are they?

Policy  Alsumaria News – Politics  economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi revealed 6 differences between the central government of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region that may plague the new draft oil law.

Al-Marsoumi said in a post followed by Al-Sumaria News, “The first difference: Article 5 of the new draft oil and gas law stipulates the following.

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1. Federal Minister of Oil

2. Federal Minister of Finance

3. Federal Minister of Planning

4. Governor of the Central Bank

5. Minister of Natural Resources in the region

6. Governors of three oil-producing provinces that are not affiliated with a region

7. Three experts

Second: Decisions are taken by the majority  while the region sees The Federal Council for Oil and Gas should include in its membership each of the following:

First: The Federal Council for Oil and Gas shall include:

1. The Federal Government (Ministers of Oil, Finance and Planning)

2. The Regional Government (Ministers of Natural Resources, Finance and Planning)

3. Governors of oil-producing governorates that are not organized in a region.

Second: The presidency in the council is periodic.

Third: Decisions are taken unanimously.

And between the expert, “The second difference: The draft law stipulates in Article 8 first the following: The Federal Ministry of Oil shall manage the oil and gas producing fields throughout Iraq in coordination with the region and the producing provinces. As for the region’s vision, it is summarized as follows: The federal government shall manage the oil and gas extracted from the fields. The current (which was extracted, developed, and commercially produced before the constitution expired in 2005) with the regional government and the producing governorates that are not organized in a region. commercial production after the expiry of the constitution).

Sah   And he continued, “The third difference: Article 11 of the serious draft oil law stipulates that the Federal Council is the one that grants approval for oil licensing contracts, while the region sees that it is the competent authority for exploration, development and production contracts or any other contracts with the contractor that is chosen and does not require This is the approval of the Federal Council.

He also indicated that "the fourth difference: in Article 16 of the draft law, the ministry is the supreme authority responsible for the obligations of the contractors, while the region believes that the competent authority in the region is responsible for the obligations of the contractors in the contracting areas within the region."

Al-Marsoumi explained, "The fifth discrepancy: In Article 24 of the draft law, the main pipelines are owned by the federal government, while the region says that the federal government, the regional government, and the producing provinces establish and own pipelines to transport oil and gas."

He added, "The sixth difference: Although the new draft oil law did not include any article indicating the marketing of oil and the party responsible for it, but as is currently in force and confirmed by the Federal Court, the Ministry of Oil represented by SOMO is the only party responsible for marketing all Iraqi oil, regardless of The site of its production, while the region sees that the Federal Council sets marketing and sales policies, and the sale process is carried out by marketing companies belonging to the government of the region or the producing governorates that are not affiliated with a region

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Dave   Sah ARGG!

Sah   Despite the economic importance of the Iraqi Oil and Gas Law, which has been awaiting legislation in parliament since 2005, which stipulates that the responsibility for managing the country’s oil fields should be entrusted to a national oil company, which is supervised by Baghdad, the dispute over the issue of managing the fields of the Kurdistan region of Iraq remains. Oil has prevented it from being voted on for many years, as the law was passed many times during previous parliamentary sessions and was not included in parliamentary laws and legislation.

The stalled oil and gas law in the Iraqi parliament since its first session, in 2005, is one of the most prominent points on which a preliminary agreement was reached between the governments of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region.

On February 15 of last year 2022, the Federal Supreme Court issued a ruling that the oil and gas law of the regional government of 2007, which regulates the oil industry and its extraction in the region, was unconstitutional. This ruling came after the regional government concluded contracts with foreign oil companies. The Kurdistan Regional Government rejected the Federal Court's decision, relinquishing its control over oil exports.   LINK

Sah   5 differences between the center and the region will afflict the new draft oil law.. What are they?

Economy  | Baghdad today – Baghdad, economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi revealed 5 differences between the center and the region that may plague the new draft oil law.

Al-Marsoumi said, in a clarification received by "Baghdad Today", that "there are several differences between the center and the region that may plague the new draft oil law."

He added, "The first difference is represented by Article 5 of the new draft oil and gas law, which stipulates that the Federal Council shall be established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister or whomever he authorizes, and includes in its membership each of the Federal Minister of Oil, the Federal Minister of Finance, the Federal Minister of Planning, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Minister of Natural Resources in the region, and the governors of Three oil-producing provinces that are not organized into a region and three experts.

He explained, "Decisions are taken by majority, while the region believes that the Federal Council for Oil and Gas should include in its membership both the federal government (ministers of oil, finance and planning) and the regional government (ministers of natural resources, finance and planning) and governors of oil-producing governorates that are not organized in a region. The presidency is in The council is rotating and decisions are taken unanimously.

Al-Marsoumi continued: “As for the second difference, it concerns (Article 8 First), which stipulates that the Federal Ministry of Oil shall manage the oil and gas-producing fields throughout Iraq in coordination with the region and the producing provinces. As for the vision of the region, it is summarized as follows: The federal government manages the oil and gas extracted from the fields.

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Dave   Hence Big Oils departure from the region........Erbil and Baghdad have failed to implement their constitutional agreements.....

Sah   The current (which was extracted, developed, and commercially produced before the constitution expired in 2005) with the regional government and the producing governorates that are not organized in a region. commercial production after the expiry of the constitution).

And he added, “While the third disagreement is about Article 11 of the new draft oil law, as it states that the Federal Council is the one that gives approval to oil licensing contracts, while the region sees that it is the competent authority on exploration, development and production contracts or any other contracts with the contractor that The choice falls on him and does not require the approval of the Federal Council.

He pointed out that "the fourth difference is in Article 16 of the draft law, which stipulates that the ministry is the supreme authority responsible for the obligations of the contractors, while the region believes that the competent authority in the region is responsible for the obligations of the contractors in the contracting areas within the region, and the fifth difference is in the article 24 of the draft law that the main pipelines are owned by the federal government, while the region says that the federal government, the regional government, and the producing provinces establish and own pipelines to transport oil and gas.

He concluded by saying that "the sixth difference is that the new draft oil law did not include any article indicating the marketing of oil and the party responsible for it, but as is currently in force and confirmed by the Federal Court, the Ministry of Oil represented by SOMO is the only party responsible for marketing all Iraqi oil regardless of Its production site, while the region sees that the Federal Council sets marketing and sales policies, and the sale process is carried out by marketing companies belonging to the regional government or producing governorates that are not organized in a region. https://baghdadtoday-news.translate.goog/230178-

Dave   Sah Hearing reports of riots over all this

Sah   Kurdistan wants to sell their oil and not go thru SOMO and they want their own pipeline to Turkey not owned by the government of Iraq. This is against the constitutional judgement. All oil must be sold thru SOMO and government owns all oil pipelines. Kurdistan still thinks they can barter. There is no barter. Iraq owns all oil and gas and mineral rights in Iraq.

Sah   Kurdistan wants Kurds to know they are fighting for their rights. US will not back them on this because they have been in a court of law to be proved unconstitutional. Kurdistan is looking for any concessions the government might give like a Kurd guy as a second in command under the head guy. I do not think it is negotiable but if Iraq gives a little it might get done sooner. They will not give in for control of sales and oil pipeline.

Sah   Kurdistan still wants their pipeline back so they do not have to account for the oil they siphon off and sell separately. They do not want to share this with the Iraqi people which is against Iraq's constitution.

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Dave   Kurds Semi -autonomous region or not really? Disputed territories...?

Sah   With documents.. Al-Sudani agrees to 7 Kurdish demands on Kirkuk - Urgent

Policy  | Baghdad today – Baghdad, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, approved 7 Kurdish demands on Kirkuk, after the recent events in the province yesterday.

Al-Sudani's approval came during his delivery of the demands in a meeting he held this evening with a number of parliament members from Kirkuk governorate, representing the various components, in the presence of the second deputy speaker of the parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah.

The Kurdish representative, Dylan Ghafour - one of the deputies who met Al-Sudani - said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that the meeting witnessed a discussion of the situation in Kirkuk and the submission of an official request to the Prime Minister that includes 7 demands concerning the Kurds.

And it appears in the official request of the deputies, of which "Baghdad Today" obtained a copy, that Al-Sudani was marginalized, directing Lieutenant General Abd Al-Karim Abd Al-Hassan, his personal secretary, to "take the necessary measures, inform him, and follow up on directives in this regard."

These demands were as follows:

1- The release of all those arrested in connection with yesterday's events.

2- Issuing an official directive not to pursue peaceful demonstrators and to stop inspection campaigns in the Kurdish neighborhoods in Kirkuk.

3- Compensating those financially affected by the events.

4- Considering the dead in the demonstrations as martyrs, compensating their families, and compensating the wounded as well.

5- Submit everything that proves his contribution or role in fueling the street and fueling the fire of sedition.

6- Allocating sums of money to repair the streets of the Kurdish neighborhoods affected by the recent events.

7- Opening an urgent investigation with security agencies and parties that deliberately discriminated between demonstrators on the basis of nationality and used excessive force against Kurdish demonstrators.

The media office of the Prime Minister had announced earlier this evening that it had received a number of Kirkuk deputies, representing the various components, and confirmed during the meeting that "the elements that committed the attacks and worked to stir up discord will receive their just punishment in accordance with the law," according to the statement.

Al-Sudani also indicated that "the security forces in Kirkuk, with their various types and names, are committed to protecting the people of the province and their rights to a decent life, expression of opinion, and the enjoyment of a safe environment dominated by tolerance and acceptance of the other, and this is what characterizes the people of Kirkuk."

Yesterday, Saturday, the Kirkuk governorate witnessed unprecedented security tensions since 2017, when unknown persons opened fire on protesters blocking the road linking Kirkuk and Erbil, killing 4 people and injuring 15 others, according to the Kirkuk police, and as a result, the security forces imposed a curfew. which was uploaded earlier this morning.    LINK

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Dave   Al-Sudani's may agree but what about the rest of them?     We have a similar issue in Canada.....Quebec...

Sah   Kurds were uprising because Kirkuk is not part of Kurdistan. Sudani wants police to let protesters protest but no violence. Kirkuk has a minority of Kurds there. If anyone is violent, throw them in jail from now on and take out instigators. The problem is that some unknown persons opened fire on protesters blocking road linking Kirkuk to Erbil.

Sah   IMO could of been Kurds or Issis or Iranian militants that did this.

Dave   Recollect near war between Maliki and the Kurds over this...Maliki's Arabitization of this region

Sah   Kurdistan thought they could take over Kirkuk after they drove ISIS out. They wanted the oil fields which is a top producer in Iraq. Abadi had to eventually drive them out and back to the Kurdistan border. Kurdistan has no right to Kirkuk.

Dave   Prior to ISIS...

Sah   They never had a right to Kirkuk ever. They just keep trying to take it over because of the oil.

Dave   Iraqi constitution?   -    art 140 been in news since the getgo

Sah   Constitution says Kirkuk is under Baghdad rule not Kurdistan. Did you not read what I posted the other day on 140 for you.

Dave   had been agreed to but never implemented it

Sah   It is implemented when the jury said it was unconstitutional for Kurdistan. It does not have to be implemented, it is already law.

Dave   Sah According to Baghdad Erbil .....NEVER the Kurds  -   kurds going by the Original Story

Sah   According to the constitution Kurdistan has not control of anything Kirkuk does except for Iraq and under the jurisdiction of Baghdad.

Dave   according to Erbil or Baghdad

Sah   According to the Iraq Constitution.

Dave   the story still after 20 yrs looms

Sah   Kurdistan has been ruled by the federal court as unconstitutional.

Dave   Sah Which the Kurds never agreed to.....Being Semi Automomous

Dave   Still have a say.....?

Sah   Their land belongs to Iraq.    Their oil and gas and minerals belongs to Iraq.

Dave   Kurdish lands?

Sah   Belong to Iraq.

Dave   Just saying......Kurds will disagree?

Dave   obviosly...LOL

Sah   Same as Kurdish lands in Iran belong to Iran. Kurdish lands in Turkey belong to Turkey and Kurdish lands in Syria belong to Syria.

Dave   The BS will continue.....

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Sah   Do you think that just because one of our states here is mostly say German that they do not belong to the US?

Dave   Sah 20 yrs still arguing about 140.....  WHY?  Big OIL not returning until settled?  why?

Sah   Dave Because they want the oil. 20 years ago Kurds kicked Arabs out of their homes in Kirkuk to take it over with Kurds and then tried to claim it as part of Kurdistan.

Dave   Sah Maliki's Arabitization of the region.

Sah   Dave Just like Russia did in Ukraine. They took over a state and chased the Ukrainians out of their homes and moved Russians in their homes and now they claim it as part of Russia because Russians lived there.

Sah   The Russians there were fighting a civil war to be separate from Ukraine and Russia thought a good time to take it over.

Dave   Sah Kurds not now Know of being Semi=Autonomous of which regions?

Sah   The word is Semi.

Dave   regions without borders

Sah   Kurdistan is like a state and Iraq is like Federal.

Dave   Kurds have a much different perspective

Sah   Iraq can not have different tribes infighting for land and oil in their country. It is against their constitution.

Sah   Kurds have always been out for themselves even if unconstitutional. As soon as they break the law they should be locked up and made an example of.

Dave   SahKurdish Story has never changed.....Sudani changing it maybe  163 votes ish

Sah   The international court fined Turkey 1.5 billion for taking illegal oil from Kurdistan that belonged to Iraq. That pipe line was shut down.

Dave   fer how long?   should have been shut down yrs ago

Sah   Now Turkey is trying to barter before it will let oil be shipped again. They do not like the fine they have to pay.

Sah   Dave It had to go thru the international courts first and judgement went for Iraq.

Dave   Yet Kurds supply it......

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Sah   This should have been done a long time ago, but Sudani is getting things done, now. Atleast Abadi got Kurdistan to leave Kirkuk and go back to their border.

Dave   DONE DONE DONE.....LOL  DONE NODDA!!!   yadda yqadda...plenty

Dave   Just saying fer the last 20yrs HCL/140, Ch7,General Amnesty Foreign banking laws etc the SAGA continues..........................

Sah   We have moved faster than any body else in office with Sudani. He said Amnesty Law needs to be passed before parliament breaks and after he wants the oil and gas law done.

Dave   Said that with Abadi

Sah   Abadi fought ISIS and a more corrupt government and Kurdistan all at the same time. He got it headed in the right direction.

Dave   20yrs... HCL/140, Ch7,General Amnesty Foreign banking laws etc the SAGA continues....................Same benchmarks from when i 1st started following this soap opera

Sah   When Abadi left office he was the committee chair person for going after the corrupt and putting people in jail. He is tight with Sudani. He has a lot of evidence to jail top people in the country including high up people in Kurdistan. If they do not tow the line you will watch these people being called in front of the court. Not done by a long shot.

Dave   have yet to even really start  --    several hundred billion dollars being held by the courts

Sah   Abadi has already helped put a bunch of people in jail. He just gives Sudani the file and they are in court and if guilty pay a fine or return money stolen and go to jail.

Dave   not counting Malikis 64 billionusd

Sah   The past couple years they received permission to collect these monies that were stolen and impound them according to the international court.

Dave   Talabanis35 billion

Dave   Sah Still in escrow   heard as much as 700 billion

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Zig   Sah : You're an "Iraqi Affairs" scholar

Sah   Zig lol. I like to read. The best thing for me was to buy 5 different currencies and research them all. It made me more worldly and up to date at what is happening outside the US..

Dave   Sah but never read the posts i provide from the UN....lol

Sah  Dave When you post crap in an article that was from years back and not updated I read it but it was out dated.

Dave   Sah sent updates YESSSS1   every time!!!

Sah   Dave There were no recent updates on that URL you posted. It did not even say that they were out of Chapter 7.

Sah   Everything else was moved to Chapter 6 when they close down the committee to run it.

Dave   Zig updates from 2023....    Been arguing this fer 6mons with the gals

Sah   If they continue to sell USD to sanctioned countries the UN has said they will not hesitate to put them back in Chapter 7.

Sah   Dave You have been a big pain in the about it.

Sah   If their currency in their country can not stay within 2 percent for 90 days they will not go into Article 8 and become international.

Dave   wagon before the horse......  International nodda while ch7    WTO   Paris accord now?

Sah   Right now they have dual currencies, meaning that in Kurdistan the price of Dinar to USD is different than the rest of the country. It need to stabilize all rates within 2 percent for 90 days before they can apply to go international and pass all requirements by the IMF before it goes to be approved and announced thru the UN.

Dave   Sah 90 day rule 90 days.......IMF not UNSC

Sah   At that time Paris accord could remove most of the fines because they happened during the war and agree to a settlement of about 9 billion.

Dave  all gets hazier...

Sah   UN would then decide in a vote to let them go international and pay over time or pay before they can be approved for international. It has to go thru the IMF first, then approved by the BIS and world bank before going to the UN.

Dave   CBI may not feel ready......Too much instability yet remains?  Banking laws between Erbil and Baghdad?

Sah   They are digitizing all of Kurdistan right now. Kurds said it would take years and they said no, now. That was two months ago. The CBI said all government offices for salaries and projects all has to be digitized. Kurds said in three years and CBI said now. The CBI is in there now with a couple other countries helping to get it done. No more corruption in the banking and government offices. All will be transparent and done in the next few months.

Dave   getting myself confused now

Sah   Dave CBI is supposed to control all of Iraq in banking. No more dual rates from Kurdistan coming up next.

Sah   One step closer to IMF request of no more corruption in banking system, everything transparent.

Sah   Sudani has Kurdistan over a barrel including the Barzani clan that has lined their pockets with billions.

sheila   @Chattels re: Your posting from 8:53 AM today: """ Beware the righteous. The hunter may have become the hunted. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/explosive-revelation-fani-willis-linked-massive-election-fraud/ """ ----- My reply: """ finally... amen """

Sah   Abadi has plenty of files on Barzani clan that he has given to Sudani. Both very smart people.

Dave   Sah ALL leaders corrupt.....

Sah   Dave Now that could be the story in every country,

Dave    richest politicians in the world ...billioaires

Dave   Abadi "where did you get that"  -  Iraq listed in the tops in most corrupt nation in the world

Sah  Now I think they are the tenth so they are doing better. Going digital will be of a great help because they can follow the money and prosecute.

Sah   Dave They just think that the corruption will never catch up with them but it usually does.


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