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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-11-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-11-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

wdave1   Hey! Just curious , who told you about this investment?

Sheila   who are you addressing?

wdave1   Everybody.

Sheila   wdave1 international banker/securities friend told me about it in late 2009

wdave1   My adult children, mother in law and a number of friends are in it.

wdave1   So sad.

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sheila   wdave1 why sad?

wdave1   Listen to NORV who fell for it himself.

Sheila   wdave1 not gonna listen to him

wdave1   sheila Thats because you believe like NORV used too.

Sheila    wdave1 what

Sheila   wdave1 got it. lol

Sheila   wdave1 no matter. he does his thang, and I'll do mine.

wdave1   NORV was a believer at one time. When I was told about it from a friend of 55 years I called it B.S. in no more than a minute and I can assure you that it is.

Sheila    wdave1 believe you believe. and mine is my belief. respect you enough not to try to convince you otherwise. why can't you do the same for us?

wdave1   y only concern when I first found the other site was to let people know not to bring other people into this Scam cause you will feel bad later. I just ask that you lose your own money and not other peoples who may be down and out. You will regret it.

wdave1   There are still people falling for this.

Sheila   wdave1 If it's really a Scam, then where are the Treasury Dept warning letters posted about Dinar?

wdave1   I ask that you keep it to yourself.

wdave1   Look for them they are there. Type in Forbes Dinar and read.

Sheila   wdave1 No, if you are going to come in and make your case, then you provide the actual links to support your beliefs.

wdave1   Sadly as a old man I dont know how to type in links but I told you where to go.

wdave1   Have a Good night all.

Sheila   wdave1 since you are here, then your claim for lack of computer skills does not fly on that one.

wdave1   sheila I told you where its at. They are all old but then so is this Scam. Just so yous know Zig fell for it also.

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butterfly   t sheila sheila ok, I stopped by and read what he/she was posting and it amazing me that people want to come in chat rooms and tell people......or should I say, take out their aggravations on people that they don't even know. If it is a scam, why are they even here? Don't they have other things to do in their life?

wdave1   butterfly I just ask that you dont spread the WORD. It is a Scam!

Dave   wdave1 Scam....paid 700/million IQD.....sell it on Ebay fer much more than Today...How is that a scam?

Sheila  wdave1 your case is stated. you may go now.

Sheila   Dave exactly.

Dave   https://www.ebay.com/str/iraqidinar

wdave1   In my mind thousands of people are trying to sell on Ebay.... let me know what you get.


Sheila   wdave1 this is a speculation. we all know that. Now if you are not going to supply actual links to support your case, then you lack credibility.

Dave   almost doubled my investment!!!!!

Dave   Prove what sheila ????

Dave   I already did!

wdave1   Dave Show me.

Dave   with link

Dave   https://www.ebay.com/str/iraqidinar

Dave   wdave1 clink on the above

wdave1   Bwah ha ha!

Sheila  Dave He keeps saying it's a "Scam"... Said something about searching "Forbes Dinar" and that would get me links to support his claim of Scam. Then claimed he didn't have computer skills to post links here in chat.

wdave1   sheila Type in Forbes Dinar and read.

Sheila   wdave1 You do your own work.

Dave   wdave1 CHECK Ebay

wdave1    sheila I have already read them but did not need to.

Sheila   wdave1 So bring them here.

wdave1   Doesnt take a jenius to know its a Scam.

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Dave   We dealing with TEBOW?

Sheila   Dave don't know, don't care. If it continues, maybe take action.

wdave1   Guys lose your own money, dont bring anyone along for the ride.

wdave1   I know you have.

Dave   wdave1 I am UP!!!

Dave   IQD selling on EBAY ....NOW....LOTS........1200/million

wdave1   Dave I know you are.

Dave   wdave1 do not call it a scam then

wdave1   Dave But it is.

Sheila   wdave1 Can people get all or most of their money back, easily?

Dave   according to whom?

Dave   sheila bought mine on ebay ...can sell on ebay anytime -  sheila easy peasy

Sheila  Dave exactly. and I have sold some over the years to help get through lean times. Okay with that.

Dave   a monkey could do it  without computer skills

wdave1   sheila I doubt it. Where you going to sell it other than Ebay or a neighbor that you convinced will happen this weekend. DUH!

Sheila   wdave1 Sell back to dealers, ebay... DUH!!!

Dave   HMMMM...No argument there LOL

Sheila  wdave1 legal and lawful exchange of values

Dave   sheila Many ebay sellers making daily sales

Sheila  wdave1 this all sounds like you have issues to be resolved. it would be nice for you not to project them upon all of us.

Dave sheila BINGO!     gloomy gus......

butterfly   sheila As I tried to warn all of you.........you nailed it girl.

Dave   butterfly just here to provoke......

Sheila   butterfly yes, you were right on point. we know that's right. it is chat box.

wdave1   All I have ever asked is that you keep it to yourselfs then maybe people like my own would not be involved.

Dave   commonly referred to as INTERNET TROLLS

Sheila  wdave1 you've made your point. moving on

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Dave  wdave1 Have a bunch of 50 dinar notes to sell you    CHEAP!

wdave1   sheila Curious how many people did you bring along for the ride?

Sheila   wdave1 NOYB

Dave  sheila CRYPTIC?

Sheila  Dave NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS  -  Dave lol lol - meant for wdave1

Dave  LOL

wdave1  sheila Smart move where Im at it spread Bigly (Trump word) and sadly many fell for it.

Dave   So you are here just to be provocative   nothing better to do? you call it a scam.......ebay proves otherwise

Dave   proving otherwise... would suggest you be full something

wdave1   Dave Im here to ask you to not spread the word cause it is indeed {the hope for a RV} i a Scam and hope that you dont bring others into it.Amen!

Dave  wdave1 SCAM means total loss!  IQD currency exchanges ....SPECULATION

wdave1   Dave Other than Ebay tell me where you can sell it?

Dave   Stock market etc  other online sales venues

wdave1   Dave You can sell it in Iraq.

Dave   aint selling ,,,,,dont care   wdave1 hope you dont invest in lottos

wdave1   Dave I invest on Wall St.

Dave   hear folks have lost their shorts doing that

wdave1   Im not the Greatest.  Made many mistakes.

Dave   and i tell folks not to invest what they cannot afford to loose

wdave1   Dave Thats smart.   so no harm no foul  But to waste money on this?

Dave   wdave1 I AM UP!!!!!

wdave1   Dave Sell it and let me know how far up you are.

Dave   you can check now...provided you the link.  wdave1 I await my RV instead

wdave1  I said SELL IT!

Dave   wdave1 NAW!!!

wdave1   Actually sell it.  Dave Thats dream money on Ebay.

Dave   why i could afford to lose it......I am still up

Dave   wdave1 yes bought mine there

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wdave1   Dave I dont care that you are up down or in between all I ask is that people dont bring others into this Scam. So many people are elderly who fell for this I feel for them.

wdave1   Gotta go.

Dave   TELL them to sell it then on EBAY

TWW   sheila R U sure that xdave1 is not another 'troll' or is even kap/nova mayb even someone from Monroe, LA just to choose a place.

Sheila   TWW don't know, don't care. he had no links to provide to make his case. and lame excuse that he didn't have computer skills to copy and paste link to Forbes Dinar search that he kept pushing as his source/s. lame, lame, lame

TWW   or is it wdave1??

Sheila   TWW either, either... no matter, still lame

TWW   Possible at an internet cafe using their computers

Sheila   @TWW each day closer and closer

Sheila   TWW still lame, lol

TWW   sheila yes a very very long day

Sheila   TWW all that's happening from big picture where dinar is linchpin event. closer and closer.

Sheila   TWW week's getting started

TWW   sheila some think some think the IMF, WB, WTB & others as well think many believe iqd has lost in the bid. Mayb Viet Nam will take their place. (just thinking out loud)

sheila   TWW okay, linchpin is now Viet dong... either, either

TWW   sheila possible

Sheila   TWW heard .47 -- now consensus out there saying 2+, maybe up to 4

TWW   sheila yes indeed

Sah   Dong has al most doubled in price from the time I first bought years ago.


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