Welcome to Dinar Recaps
Welcome to Dinar Recaps. We hope you enjoy our website Blog and join as a follower of ours on Twitter as well as join our Free Recap Email List. We email all our Blog posts 2 or 3 times a day.
We only distribute information from public forums and chat rooms that are posted freely by others as well as information furnished to us to pass along to our Twitter followers and those who have joined our Recap Email List. If you are new or a seasoned veteran with the Iraqi Dinar investment, you probably already know there are plenty of other Dinar forums, chat rooms, and conference calls on the web.
What we do is bring our Blog readers, Newsletter subscribers, Twitter followers and Facebook friends timely updates from the Dinar investment community. We monitor multiple chat rooms, forums and websites for the very best Iraqi Dinar information and quotes from the Dinar community. We also post other articles and posts we think our readers will enjoy reading.
Using Twitter allows us to communicate within minutes of when the many from the Dinar community post on a daily and hourly basis.
We usually will NOT send out any Twitter Tweets between midnight eastern time and 10am ET. Any good information will be posted on our Blog page but NOT Tweeted late at night (Eastern Time). We will Tweet (and email) a message if it is especially ground breaking if we feel that our Twitter Followers would want such a message.
If you don't want to get Twitter updates later at night for example, you can schedule your updates to shut off when you go to sleep, and turn back on automatically when you wake up. Here are the Twitter instructions to set this up.
Twitter is a free service; they do not charge you to use it, even via SMS. However, if you use Twitter via text message on your phone, your mobile carrier may or may not charge you for those messages according to your service plan. Contact your phone carrier for details.
To start receiving our Tweet text messages on your phone, you need to become a member of Twitter (which is FREE) and then FOLLOW us there. You can use the below button.
Besides going directly to Our Blog page directly, our most popular way to get the new article and posts is our Email Newsletter. As a complement to following us on Twitter, and those who cannot, or do not want to receive all our text messages on their cell phone, we also have a FREE Daily Email Recap Newsletter. We will email all of our new Blog messages and posts 2 or 3 times every day. For more information (and to join our email list), please see our Recap Email page.
We will not sell your email or information with anyone.