Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-21-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-21-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday November 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in and listening yet again  --

Now let’s go into for what we have for the intel portion of the call tonight – it just never fails that after a call like we had on Tuesday night – I find out some things later after the call is over that I wished I would have had during the call –

 And this is one of those things remember guys that we’ve talked about tier 4 A and Tier 4B – remember that we talked; well, the banks are combining it to call it all just Tier 4 – well guess what else?  The Tier 4A’s – which we referred to as the groups that were based out west –

You guys know who they are – inner core – outer core -  upper/ lower core – whatever  you want to call them and all of those paymasters that have groups and there are quite a few of them --  well, come to find out that the Tier 4A is essentially a Tier 3 –

Why is it considered a Tier 3 now?  Because all of the rates in those groups were pre- negotiated - PRE –NEGOTIATED -- So we can look at those groups and those paymasters all of that with pre-negotiated rates as Tier 3 -- 

So that means we are the only Tier 4 – those in the so called internet group – We are the ones considered Tier 4 -- Why??  Because we are the only ones that will have privately negotiated rates – or privately negotiable rates -

Do you get the difference? The tier 3’s are considered pre negotiated and Tier 4 has the opportunity to be privately negotiable – and that’s the difference – that is why they fell under the so called Tier 3

So what difference does that make?   Well, what it means is the Tier 3’s started paying out yesterday and completed just before 3 AM this morning Eastern Standard Time --

So that process ; now, here’s the caveat -  even though they were paid out  my understanding is that those Tier 3 account holders  SKR’s – Safe Keeping Receipts -  they were SKR’s -- and those , my understanding were paid out up to 20% of their total that they would have so called advanced funds  - some people use the term – emergency fund -- I don’t  use the term emergency – I use “advanced” –

So they have received either up to 10 or 20% of their total funds and advance – now when will they see their remaining 80% or more of their funds? When will they see that?  They will see that when people in our internet group – tier 4 actually have appointments set and are going in for first exchange or redemption of Zim

 So, once that occurs that is when the Tier 3 funds will complete and they will have access – Now how’s that going to happen?   My understanding is -- now I’m not part of those groups but my understanding is they will receive emails from their paymasters that will give them coordinates to their new accounts and give them login information and password so they can go in and access those accounts and see their funds – and then, be able to go to the bank to execute anything they need to do at the bank

Now, we’re in a different situation; now, we will have a large majority of people in our group Tier 4 receive emails from Wells Fargo  - Wells Fargo is the one that has been chosen to send out all the emails that the Treasury was able to accumulate  for our group to be notified

Now that is in addition to some people in the community receiving the toll free number in person like me who will get it and put it out when we’re told and put it on the website  for example, and some people will put it out to the community – I’m not the only one getting the toll free number

Now, that’s fine – the main thing is to get it out enough so we can set our appointments and get in and do our exchanges – and get started with that

Now let’s tell  you  - you know some people say well, what’s the time line – what do we know that is factual -  and what I try to bring you guys are things we know – proven factual things that have happened or are happening

Now when is the release of the toll free number going to come out? That I can’t tell you definitively - I’ve been given estimates of when but I don’t have a time frame – and you know what?  When I get certain times to expect it guess what??  It has never happened that way -EVER

So the smartest thing to do is probably disregard time frames --  disregard the time frame for the toll free number to come out  because they don’t want  us to know when it’s coming out – They don’t want us to know – so it’s probably better that we don’t even worry about it  - right?

So here’s what we do know – this is what’s happened -  I told you that the Tier 3’s which were formally a portion were 4A’s  - the Tier 3’s were completed this morning by 3 AM

From 3 AM to 9 AM we went on a higher security alert – we went to the highest security we could go to probably since Pearl Harbor -- Maybe more that Pearl Harbor

But now we are in the situation where the Pentagon and specifically the Army is in the control of the release of everything ok in conjunction with America’s going back to the Constitutional Republic that we were when we set it up originally

Now here’s the thing that matters;  okay, as of 9 o’clock this morning (Thursday) we’re all set from the security point of view  that’s good - since that time - since 9 this morning and all the way through now   the way until … I’m going to say approximately 9 tomorrow morning 24 hrs -  we are in what’s called a group clarification – this is simply a term that’s used to make sure that there’s no cross over between  tiers 1 – 2 and 3  and our Tier 4 –

Group clarification – what they do is match up the information they have on group participants in the past and 1,2 and 3 tiers all the way with the people they have information on  which is us – they have our social’s – they have our contact information  / phone numbers / they have emails –

They have a lot of information and they know, they know based on the currencies that we bought – generally speaking what we have – And all of that is being crossed checked and compared over the next 8-10 hours – maybe 12 hrs

So, that is what’s going on now – then what happens?  Okay we got one more – Prosperity packages for the most part have been vetted already - Prosperity package holders that will receive these funds have already been checked out

However in the last year,  or more,  they have added  in addition to those over 1700 people to those which need to be vetted – they need to be vetted – some thought that some might not be legit – not legitimate US citizens – So that has to be gone through with a fine tooth comb as well   

Now what happens after that? It’s hard to say but I believe that would take place tomorrow (Fri) after 9 AM and shortly thereafter – I don’t know if it will be done by tomorrow – it could be  but we don’t know yet

The point is that’s the one more thing at this point – the one more thing that has to be done

Now, I feel good about the security level – I feel good about the Group Clarification process - I feel good about making sure that the people who are going to receive these Prosperity packages are legitimate – and we know obviously there’s continuing clean up on isle 3 throughout the country and I don’t look for that to be over any time soon

So where do we stand with the possibility of getting these 800 numbers or toll free numbers?   Is tomorrow possible? I think late tomorrow might be possible – I’m guessing – I don’t know -- guys, I don’t know – I think Saturday is a better option -- and may still be in the cards to go Saturday

I am still hoping we get notification tomorrow afternoon and we start on Saturday – it’s only what my desire is – but I don’t know that - and I have not had information  to suggest that is exactly what’s going to happen – But I’ve wanted to give you things that we definitely knew were happening – These are facts – these are things we can speak about—but  we know that the Tier 4 – our group -  is the one with  privately negotiable rates -- 

Alright now - Beyond that – I think that is probably the majority of everything -- all the rates are solid on the front screens -- I know that the redemptions center staff has been on sort of medium personnel  not overloaded -- not super stocked with people ready to start yet –

I really think guys we are going to get a little bit more information and maybe we find out something else  but this being Thursday – we won’t have another call until Tuesday  - if we have one then -- because we are looking for something to take place in the next few days

So, do they want this done now, before Thanksgiving?  And No, I have not heard anything about Monday or Tuesday yet -- there’s nothing that takes us there yet -- so just be at faith for this right now

I believe that our President wants this released and I believe he’s got something locked up with China as far as a deal – whether a trade deal or not – I don’t know but I believe he wants this to go and I think he wants it to go now -- I don’t think it will be tonight but it could be tomorrow and it sure could be on Saturday

So that’s as far as we can take it for intel right now you know what I know  so let’s see where it goes

So I am just going to thank everybody Sue, Bob ,  So lets me say you guys -  let’s see where this thing goes in the next couple pf days cause finally I think we have arrived – I want to thank all the listeners who have hung in there  - cause I know it’s not easy guys –

I’m in this day in and day out 24x7 – and I understand what a lot of you are going through – believe me I relate to it but – look at it this way  we are right there at the end and the finish line is set before us and we have to finish the race – So let’s finish strong let’s finish hard and let’s pray ourselves out   Good night everybody and have a great night

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at 57:00 min mark


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