Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-15-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

0Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 15th   and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have  you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Well let’s talk about where we are  intel wise and we tend to go back to Iraq – we talk about bond holders so let’s do that - What I understand about what’s happened in Iraq even though it’s not been brought forward here yet – to us – we understand that they have done what they said they were going to do with their government – they’ve got a current Prime Minister in place – they are going to keep I think – for right now anyway – and they have a rate that is out and tradeable but we and supposed to make the Forex I think tonight

But was it traded in the market Sunday night at 9-9:30 when the markets opened – Eastern time – when the markets opened in China and the other eastern markets – I can’t tell you that answer – but we know that Iraq has said they are ready to move forward – they are saying they are not paying attention at this point – the IMF – the World Bank – and even the UN are on their way out – and so is the Bank of International Settlements – We will call them on their way out – saying that in the nicest way we can –

That is all good news and I’m sure Iraq’s sovereignty is coming in to play if not already cleared we thought years ago - but they were out of UN sanctions and Chapter Vll – so I think that they are sovereign – they had declared that before now and they are only waiting to put that rate out publicly when everything is ready for us to start –

Now – when we talk about the bond holders – I found out this evening that bond holders outside of the United States - and this is bond funds that have been released – in other words the bond holders have a green light to access their funds – this happened Singapore – South Africa – somewhere in the UAE and in various other places but not here yet – but I think it is moving forward to where we should see our bond holders here in the United States get their emails where they are green lighted to move into a liquidity stage and have access to their funds

Now they get access – this is a theory – they get access to all of their funds but they are limited on how much they can spend in the first 6 months – but it is still in the billions - it is not going to hamper them too much – and that is what we thought they would get this evening was that email that gave them full access

Now – could it happen overnight – tomorrow morning? Yes it could happen anytime – so it is mooooooving – I hate to say the old East to West – but it is moving East to West on the bond holders

Now let’s talk about what is going on in the Redemption Centers – yesterday they had 3 separate conference calls – the first in the morning an hour and 15 minutes – next one around lunch time 1 ½  hrs and the final call was with the lead bank for about 2 hrs 10 minutes –

Now we don’t really have anything that came out of those calls as the banks are being very good on staying quiet – keeping that information in house - the only thing we know is that schedules were created – apparently regionally – by certain states that are in region where they could tell on the video conference call – what that schedule was and when it was going to start and we don’t have that information – we don’t know it – would be nice if we did - but guess what? They don’t want us to know –

Alright – we know that the banks are under new NDA’s – we know they are staying quiet – very tight lipped – and we just acknowledge that –

So the next piece of information comes out of the Texas Gold Depository and we have a contact there and is saying that …. You remember we talked about tier 4A & tier 4B - and that Wells Fargo refers to them as simply tier 4 – they do not designate A and B like we do or I do – but they’ve also talked about – we have talked about tier 5 and that’s been the term we use for Good John Q Public – The public that’s not part of the internet group

They’re not paying attention – they are not watching us- they are not listening to the Big Call - these are people who have been gifted or bought currency a long time ago – popped it in a drawer and forgot about it essentially – that tier 5 the public – is supposed to start on the 22nd or 23rd  of this month – Now – that is next Tuesday/Wednesday – if they are supposed to go then - when would we start? The answer is – according to the source – we could go - two different ways to look at it – they need to start ASAP meaning for us – ASAP – as soon as possible – and then we’ve also heard the term this could go at any second

Both of those suggest a proximity – a time – obviously this could go at any second – if we take that literally – that means this could go at any  second – To me it means – here we’re doing the Big Call – I don’t have the numbers – no emails out -  but what about tomorrow – does tomorrow have hope for notifications – if this could go at any second - I think it does – does not mean that it will definitely go but it means that we’re lining it up to where it “could” – we “could” get notified

And you know what - maybe we get notified tomorrow and maybe we don’t start exchanges until Thursday – who knows – we don’t know that - “yet” -

So we will see if I get more information or not before our call on Thursday which may not happen –

So we’ve got the proximity of the bond holders – which have already started getting paid but in other countries – and when I say being paid – they are getting access to their funds –

We’ve got our people in the United States  monitoring that are waiting – were told they would have access to funds yesterday – or today  (Tuesday) – it didn’t happen – so they are waiting just like we are – and I really think we are getting ready for  almost a shotgun start – won’t be maybe exact same time – but close –

The bond holders here have not been green lighted to have access to their funds yet – oh they can see them in their accounts but cannot touch them –

So that is coming for them and I believe it is also coming for us and will they hold – will they maintain the 22nd and 23rd for the John Q Public / tier 5 – well we’ll see - obviously they could move that date – you know – that’s nothing to push the public back – they have done it time and time again just like we have – but I believe the difference is things are happening behind the scenes

I believe the USN – we do not have it confirmed – as being out and tradeable yet - we thought it would be by now but I don’t have it confirmed – and part of the problem might  have been a so called emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve yesterday –

I think that emergency meeting was an opportunity to remove certain people from that organization – and I believe that was successful and they did that ---- Enough Said –

So we are looking forward to moving forward with this and I believe we are on the precipice of this – I hope and I’ve been told you know that this week is still golden for us – so we’ll see how that manifests -  how that comes through for us –


Bruces’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:12:45


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