Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-8-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-8-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 8th  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have  you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Intel – Intel let’s get into it – What’s been going on? It’s Tuesday – we should be going right now – right? We should be there – Not so fast ……… We find ourselves now right smack in the middle of a restart of the banking system that started yesterday morning when certain bankers and redemption center staff were not able to get their personal codes entered which would allow them access – let’s just call them “access codes” to their computer systems so they could get on and see the rates and see whatever they need to see ok –

Guess what??  They did not take – and at 10 AM yesterday (Monday) they found that they were under a restart of the banking system and it was because it may take up to 48 hours from then – is what they were told – t – our new to complete the restart of …. I’m going to call it…….. - the integration of the banking systems with the QFS –

Now why would that be something that would take 48 hours and why would it take 48 hours at this time?

Guess what else is about to come out? That’s right – the USN – our new dollar backed by gold and other precious metals/assets and the USTN currency - United States Treasury Notes is what our new money will say – it will no longer say  “Federal Reserve Note”  - and so that is to come out

We had heard a few days ago – probably over the weekend – the possibility of those coming out on Wednesday – so this is only an opinion ---- but IF ----- the USN is to be launched and the USTN is to be launched at the redemption centers in the drawers at the bank which it has been in the banks for a while – but NOT in the drawers – teller drawers –

If it is ready to be loaded into the ATM machines we would have our new USTN on Wednesday – IF that is the day they have selected – remember this is the news we had probably Saturday – maybe Sunday - okay – so if that is still is in play for tomorrow – quite possibly –

Now – what is the other part to this – Where does Iraq fit into this thing – they are still a kingpin in this whole revaluation / redemption thing –

Iraq has set up their Parliament – they are trying to elect their .. they have already elected – they are trying to essentially get Parliament to agree on who was elected as Prime Minister and the only thing really we heard about Iraq was that they were going to announce the new Parliament  and President /  Prime Minister of Iraq after morning prayer Wednesday morning –

Morning Prayer is somewhere in the vicinity of 6:00 - 6:15 in the morning - that is when first Morning Prayer would be – maybe earlier – but that is what is supposed to be announced in Iraq – which is not that far from right now – really

So – will that happen?? Will we find a new international rate on the dinar that is tradeable – that is put out and known throughout not only the Middle East but the rest of the trade world -  Let’s see when they do it – Let’s see if that is part of it – because it should be –

Now realize we’ve got almost 2 days of black out – if you will -  from yesterday and today -  they tried to renter the codes today – even this afternoon – and no luck – they would not take -  that means the system is NOT ready for it –

Will it take 48 hours? Could be – Will it take more?  I hope not – 48 hours would be us at 10 am in the morning – I know this lady who try to reload the codes  - at 9:30 we’ll see if they take – if they take I’ll find out – blah blah blah ---

But here’s the thing -- this is the old “if” statement – “IF”  the old banking system in conjunction with the QFS – with StarLink  with the new USN in place – that was the goal – if that was the goal –to get that done and they hit that tomorrow – within the 48 hours -  then I think we are golden

I would think that if they get the computers to come back up – they can enter their new access codes – everything is sweet - I would think we could very well get notified tomorrow which is Wednesday

Now  this is a theory – IF the numbers were to come out early enough in the day – between 10 am and noon – then we could quite [possibly not only set our appointments but maybe start Wednesday afternoon – Wednesday evening –

Remember – a lot of these redemption centers are opened from 8 am to 11pm at night – some are not going to go that late – so the idea of doing an evening or night exchange is not out of the realm of possibility

So let’s say we get this tomorrow and it’s not in the morning – let’s say we get it in the afternoon – are we setting appointments?  Yes but we are setting them “to start” on Thursday could very well be the case – let’s just “believe” that they get these current banking systems up and integrated with whatever it is – which I think has to --- the only thing that makes sense to me at this point is that the USN would be the currency for the United States

We no longer have fiat currency being printed illegally by the way -  we no longer have that problem and so I think that what’s going to happen is this would put an end to the fiat dollar out there being utilized by the cabal to do whatever it is they are trying to do –

It’s one thing for us to use the money we have – that we are still getting at the bank and so forth for cash - it’s one thing for  us to use that and have the ability to exchange that back at the banks or just plain spend it out in 90 days to 6 months – I don’t think we are going to have a whole lot of time to  switch over to  the new USTN – I think it’s going to come – we should have an announcement with it – Let’s face it --- it should come from the bank but we should have some form of an announcement about this new currency-

Now whether they go super deep on returning the gold standard – gold back currency – asset backed currency – whether they do all of that at the same time – that is part of NESARA – that’s part of NESARA and GESARA  and we are bringing up the rear in terms of announcing a new gold backed currency – Russia’s got it – China’s got it -  I could go on and on – there are already a lot of countries that have gold backed currency / asset backed currencies

So we need to get on the step and bring that up to speed and that is what I believe they have been doing over the last 48 hours or so - let’s believe that and hope that’s the case –

We are in a situation where the bankers  - and we know a lot of them – have been issued brand new NDA’s over the last few days and that is one reason everything is so quiet – this is a time when we have to really go inside and reflect and know that there are things happening behind the scenes – we can’t see – even I can’t see them but I know generally what’s happening to bring this to fruition and you know – we don’t know exactly “when” this is going to go -  but guess what? They don’t want us to know when this is going to go – even the Treasury I think is keeping a little bit of what’s going on away from the bankers - I mean the top dogs  with Wells – Chase – Citi – and Bank of America -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 55:55


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