Delta and KTFA Members Saturday 10-31-2020


DELTA:   Central Bank of Iraq launches electronic platform for letters of guarantee


"650 instead of 850 dinars" Oil: The decision to reduce the price of improved gasoline will be implemented at the beginning of next month… Central Bank of Iraq: Issues an explanation about its relationship with the salaries of state employees. Bank spokesman Isser Jassim "There is no connection between the central bank and the salaries of the employees,"  the "salaries" file is a purely governmental matter and is in its own hands."  "The bank's currency is not related to salaries and the financial relationship between the government and the bank is to supply it with dinars exclusively," he said.



Western sources:
IRAN sent a message to US, through a 3rd party, offering PEACE negotiations with ISRAEL, that could include Iraq and Lebanon

Iran's suggestion: Lifting of sanctions in exchange of recognition of pre-1967 Israel

No response from US to Iran yet, as per sources

— Mudar Zahran مضر زهران (@Mudar_Zahran) October 30, 2020

Kiowa:  I believe Frank told us to look for this...


Samson:  A Former Deputy Accuses Al-Halbousi Of Stealing 800 Billion Dinars

31st October 2020

Former member of Parliament, Ali Al-Sajari, accused Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi of stealing 800 million dinars from the reconstruction funds for Anbar.

Al-Sajri said in a tweet on Twitter, "Al-Ajji brags to our people in Anbar that he is the leader of the reconstruction campaign, and we do not deny the paving and enlightening of the streets, the middle carrots and the dyeing of the sidewalks."

He added, "The question is that all these actions do not cost more than two hundred billion to implement Korean companies." He asked, "Where are the remaining trillion dinars that the governorate received in 2019." "It means 800 billion thefts," he said.   LINK


Samson:  Iraq's oil exports to America exceed 3 million barrels within a month

31st October, 2020

The US Energy Information Administration announced, on Saturday, that Iraq's exports of crude oil to America amounted to 3 million 618 thousand barrels during the month of October

According to a management schedule reviewed by Al-Iqtisad News, "Iraq exported crude oil to America during the first week of October, 343 thousand barrels, at a rate of 49 thousand barrels per day, while one million and 798 thousand barrels were exported in the second week, at a rate of 114 thousand barrels per day, while A quantity of one million and 337 thousand barrels was exported in the third week, "noting that" the fourth week witnessed the export of 679 thousand barrels at a rate of 97 thousand barrels per day

The American Personnel Information Administration stated that "Iraq came in sixth place after Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and Colombia, and the second place in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, whose exports to America during the month of October reached 9 million and 485 thousand barrels," indicating that "Canada came first as the most countries. An oil exporter to America, followed by Mexico

It indicated that "Iraqi exports for the month of October increased from the previous month of September, in which exports reached 3 million and 17 thousand barrels

America is the world's largest consumer of oil, as it ranked first, with a consumption amounting to 19.4 million barrels per day, which constitutes 19.7% of global consumption  LINK


Economist: The White Paper Will Not Cover Expenses And Salaries Because Corruption Is Greater Than It

31st October, 2020
An economic situation hangs over Iraq that is considered very bad in the current year.

One of the government proposals headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi was to present the proposal of a "white paper" as a plan for economic reform in Iraq to include "hundreds of measures to revive the economy", and to invest "the country's vast resources" in the "scientific way."

As for the spokesman for the Iraqi Prime Minister Ahmed Mulla Talal, he says that the white paper “will consist of 100 pages, and the period of implementation is supposed to be (3-5) years, which will push the country towards the better and achieve greater investment opportunities." And the economist, Majid Al-Suri, speaks to Al-Mustaqila and says that the governments that have succeeded in running the country since 2003 came with many economic mistakes that in turn led to what we are.

Al-Suri comments on the "white paper" that it stresses the issue of rationalizing government spending and restructuring the construction of salaries.

And he added, "No matter how expanded the revenues, they will not be able to cover operational expenditures, which they consider to be the biggest corruption in the country." Applied.  LINK

Samson: Electricity supply in Iraq is threatened to stop at any moment

31st October 2020

The Parliamentary Energy Committee revealed, on Saturday, a danger lurking in the electrical energy in Iraq, as the transformers are subject to sudden and emergency breakdowns, in exchange for not allocating any money for maintenance

Committee member Sadiq Al-Sulaiti explained in a press interview, "The government prepared a budget of 57 trillion and 811 billion Iraqi dinars for four months, with a financial deficit of 41 trillion, to be paid by borrowing, adding to it revenues estimated at 16 trillion dinars," indicating that "the prepared budget has not been allocated one dinar to maintain the electricity stations, which will remain vulnerable to emergency breakdowns

Al-Sulaiti added that “the schedule allocated by the Ministry of Finance for the Fiscal Deficit Law included amounts for importing electric power as well as sums to buy energy from investors in Rumaila and Basmajah stations and the rest of the stations in very high amounts that overburdened the state and its budget, indicating that the finance allocated five trillions and a half trillion dinars to import and buy gas Most of the neighboring countries are entitled to dues for the years 2019/2020, meaning that the Ministry of Electricity will not benefit from them because most of them will go to the investors of the power stations

Al-Sulaiti called on the government and the Ministry of Finance to “amend this paragraph and allocate funds to the Ministry of Oil classified under the heading Maintenance and operation of power stations, especially diesel units whose cost of operation and maintenance is lower and gives higher generation for the purpose of increasing production capacity during peak periods in summer and winter, noting that the generation joint the diesel stations, whose stations are spread throughout the geographical area of ​​the country in the south and the center and in the northern regions, have not received full attention, as despite their scarcity they give very good efficiency and are cheaper after the hydroelectric stations and compete with gas stations in their need for maintenance and fuel as they work with heavy fuel (HFO), which is the cheapest fuel and available in quantities Too big in the oil ministry

Scandalous electricity secrets

Yesterday, a report of the Board of Financial Supervision broke into the loopholes contained in contracts for the purchase and supply of electricity with different countries and companies in Iraq

Car company contract to supply Nineveh ... subject to a 6-fold high price

The report shows that “the Ministry of Electricity bore the bills for transporting fuel from the refineries to the stations, which were provided by the Car Company. The energy cost of this company is considered the highest price, as it ranged between (193 to 264) dollars per megawatt hour, while the megawatt hour is purchased from the rest of the stations at a price ranging between (32 to 47) dollars, and the Ministry of Electricity was not committed to re-negotiating with the company to reduce the energy price, contrary to the decision of the Council of Ministers issued on 4/22/2019, and fuel prices were (6) times the energy purchase price, and the amount of fuel needed for operation has not been determined, which allowed the company Equipped with quantification

Iranian Tafanir Company (Iranian Line

The ministry has concluded several contracts since 2006 with the company, and the price of energy purchase is based on the monthly price of oil within the OPEC basket, so that the price is not less than (55) dollars in the event of a decrease in oil prices and not more than (100) dollars in the event of high prices and the cost of energy imported from the company is For the period from (2017 to 2019), at $ 1.441 billion

The amount of energy purchase is sufficient to develop the stations and prevent imports ... and the Ministry "refuses"

According to the report, the Ministry ignored the study submitted by the Department of Energy Production in (2018) which showed that in the event that the Ministry provided an amount for the purchase of equipment and maintenance of national stations at a value of (4.435) billion dollars and transferred it to work from the simple cycle to the combined cycle, it will produce more energy than the imported energy. And purchased from investment stations at a rate of (5806) megawatts, in addition to reducing the consumption of fuel used in the stations and preserving the environment, noting that this amount is spent only once, while an amount of (3.337) billion dollars is disbursed annually, which can be increased for the benefit of investment stations and neighboring countries, knowing that it reached Ministry allocations during the year (2019) amount (13.375) trillion dinars

Refusing a cheap national contract and choosing a foreigner is 7 times more expensive

The report indicated that the ministry also ignored the study submitted by one of its departments to convert the stations (Shatt al-Arab, Rumaila and Amara) to operate in the combined cycle at a cost of $ (1.325) billion within (15) years, and it contracted with investors for those stations for a period of 15 years at a value of (9,826) One billion dollars, 7 times more than the national effort

Neglecting the Nasiriyah station and choosing to buy energy from the stations that are doubly expensive

The national thermal stations suffer from negligence and lack of maintenance, as some of them have not been maintained since 2002, such as the Nasiriyah Thermal Station, which needs $ 200 million to be rehabilitated according to the Ministry’s opinion. The cost of producing a megawatt hour from that station is $ 15, while the cost of buying it ranged. From investment terminals from (32 to 264) dollars

The Ministry of Electricity bore the costs of fuel spent by companies and the electric energy bills used by companies within their production units, while the report also showed the decrease in the energy produced from the national effort during the last three years in exchange for increased purchases from investors

The bureau recommended resorting to rehabilitating thermal stations and the national effort instead of contracting with investors for long periods as it leads to the depletion of state resources  LINK

Samson: Representatives Assert ... There Is No Problem With Dissolving Parliament And Setting The Date For Elections

31st October, 2020

Although the Iraqi parliament passed the elections law in its final form, in accordance with the multi-district system, and its readiness to discuss the Federal Court bill, in preparation for holding early elections scheduled for June 6, 2021, the debate returns to dissolving parliament, which is one of the most important issues that early elections cannot take place without it.

While MPs talk about the absence of a problem with dissolving parliament, others see that this is not possible, in the event that the fugitive weapon continues to exist outside the framework of the state. According to Article 64 of the Iraqi constitution, the parliament has the ability to dissolve itself based on a request from one-third of its members, or from the prime minister with the approval of the president of the republic, provided that the request is not submitted during the prime minister's questioning period. 

After the parliament is dissolved, the president of the republic calls for general elections in the country within a maximum period of 60 days. In this case, the government is considered resigned, and it is only conducting business.

Al-Dahlaki confirmed that Parliament will dissolve itself two months before the elections: 

In this context, the representative of the "Iraqi Forces Alliance" Raad Al-Dahlaki confirmed that Parliament will dissolve itself two months before the elections. In an interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, he considered that Parliament could have procrastinated the election law had it not wanted to hold early elections.

 He pointed out that there is one issue that may prevent parliament from being dissolved, and that is the inability to control uncontrolled weapons, which exacerbates the risk of dissolving the legislative authority without guarantees for holding elections far from the influence of weapons. He continued, "Therefore, there will be discussions and pauses on this point specifically to prevent the rise of the armed forces to the helm of government," warning of the consequences of managing matters by the forces of non-state. He explained that Parliament will dissolve itself after the Electoral Commission confirms its ability to hold elections at an agreed date, in addition to completing important procedures for the electoral process, such as preparing biometric voting and preparing voter registers, and clearly defining electoral districts.

Another deputy told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that dissolving parliament itself is the last step before the elections, indicating the need to complete other necessary procedures before that, such as passing the election laws and the Federal Court and creating technical measures. He indicated that parliament cannot dissolve itself unless it is assured that a vacuum will not arise during the two months preceding the elections, as the state will remain in a state of “legislative vacuum”.

 He stressed that the government is required to control everything that would disturb the electoral atmosphere, foremost of which is the presence of armed arms for some parties, which will definitely affect the election results, especially in villages and remote areas far from control. He pointed out that most parliamentary blocs have no objection to the issue of dissolving the parliament itself, as this represents a popular demand, "but that does not mean that there is no pressure towards providing a safe environment before the electoral process takes place."

Al-Ziyadi stressed the need to provide all appropriate conditions for holding elections: 

In a speech marking the first anniversary of the start of the October protests in Iraq, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi pledged that the early elections would be fair and fair, explaining that his government would protect them from fraud and the influence of fugitive weapons, by following legal means and tight security plans. He pointed out that there are efforts for international organizations to monitor the Iraqi elections, to ensure more transparency and integrity. Last August, the spokesman for the Prime Minister, Ahmed Mulla Talal, confirmed that the government is seeking to conduct the electoral process away from political money and fugitive weapons. He pointed out that setting the date for early elections came after extensive study, in response to the popular will and the desire of the religious authority in Najaf.

Badr Al-Ziyadi, a member of parliament for the "Sairoun" coalition, explained that the House of Representatives will dissolve itself two months before the actual date for the elections, which is determined by agreement between the government, the election commission and the parliament.

 In an interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, he stressed the need to provide all appropriate conditions for holding elections. He pointed out that completing the election law is a step on the way to holding early elections, as well as voting on the Federal Court law, with the aim of playing its role. "The parliament has no problem solving itself," he added. We will be with our people, and we are ready to do so, but after preparing things, so that no vacuum remains after the parliament itself is dissolved. And Deputy Amer Al-Fayez stressed, earlier, the need for important steps to be taken before Parliament dissolves itself, warning against calling for the dissolution of Parliament before completing those steps. "In the event that parliament dissolves itself, then the current government (headed by Al-Kazemi) will turn into a caretaker government, which means restricting its powers in combating corruption and retribution against the killers of demonstrators, as well as its inability to implement many of the paragraphs it included in its government program," he said. 

It is noteworthy that early elections were one of the main demands of the wave of popular protests that began in Iraq more than a year ago.  LINK


Iraqi News Saturday AM 10-31-20


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. Oct. 31, 2020