IQDCalls Chat Early Sunday  8-18-19 

IQDCalls Chat Early Sunday  8-18-19  

Post From IQDCalls Chat Room

chattels   Another moronic guru post, ............................ " Legal clarifies the decision of the Federal Court on the entry into force of Article 140 of the constitution". This article is confirming everything that I'm sharing with you...don't forget Article 140 was enacted back in 2005. This article tells you it has to be amended...this plus the HCL can only happen at the very end. This is telling you guys were at the end of this ride "

chattels   Read it for yourself please, LINK

chattels   In pertinent part, " "The summary of the above shows us that exceeding the constitutional deadlines is not intended to drop its articles because this requires an amendment in accordance with the mechanisms set forth in the Constitution itself,

but to determine the responsibility of the body that is responsible for implementing them and if they exceed them are held accountable in accordance with the constitutional contexts of the concerned authorities "

chattels   Amendment of the Constitution is required if Article 140 was not to have force and effect prospectively or to be " dropped ".


chattels   Thank your lucky stars that no amendment of the Constitution is necessary.

chattels   Amendment of the Constitution requires a super majority vote of the Parliament.

chattels   The Iraqi Parliament cannot agree upon the time of day under such requirements.

chattels   " .............. plus the HCL can only happen at the very end. This is telling you guys were at the end of this ride " ................. ??????????????


chattels   Where on earth this * reads the foregoing into the article is beyond me.

chattels   When one reads such " gibberish " it is easy to discount anything else posted by that person.

chattels   Have a fine day ALL.


Larrykn    Good Morning everyone

larrykn   MP says majority of individuals demanding PM to fight corruption, ‘corrupted’

larrykn   ISIS shells, attacks Kurdish village in Diyala


2larrykn   Iraq increases the domestic production of gas oil and gasoline

Energy   Economy news Baghdad  The oil Ministry said in a statement that Iraq has increased domestic production of oil, gas and gasoline in 2019.

The current rate for producing gasoline 14.29 million litres per day up from 11.485 million litres on average in 2018.

Gas oil production has risen to 11.23 million litres per day of 7.84 million liters in 2018.

The statement said the increase stemmed largely from increased production of some Iraqi refineries rebuilt after being destroyed by the armed factions.

The statement said that Iraq uses most of the fuel that produces for domestic consumption.


larrykn   Industry launches one of its plants to invest

Business & money  Economy news Baghdad  The Ministry of industry and minerals, said Sunday, in a statement put forward Tariq pesticide plant as an investment opportunity for rehabilitation and development.

Located in Grapevine in Anbar and appreciates its energy productivity (2575) tonnes/year.

The Ministry attributed the minus reasons to secure big capital needed by the industry to import raw materials and cover the production of all types of pesticides along with development of new technology and production lines are modern and increasing production capacities and securing salaries for employees of the plant and others, "the statement said.

The Ministry said it "will work hard to attract strong global companies to invest in the factory and by what influence the objectives for improving national industry."


larrykn   Industry Minister inaugurates first asphaltic coatings plant in Anbar

Business & money  Economy news Baghdad  Industry and minerals Minister Saleh Jabouri, asphalt coatings lab Sunday in Anbar province, which is the new factories and the first of its kind in the province.

The Ministry said in a statement obtained by the news, "economy", "the plant consists of three production lines of European origin working with advanced technology to produce three types of asphalt products include products Prime Coat and Super primer walkat buck overall card (225) thousand tonnes/year that will contribute to providing Large amounts of the country and the labour of the sons of Anbar and supplement the Ministry of construction and housing, the municipality and the private sector and export surplus products abroad. "

The statement quoted the Minister as saying that "the project of important projects that have established in Anbar province as important provinces where most of the mineral and raw materials industries with economic viability that will contribute to providing products with global specifications And large sums to the State and create jobs for the people.

He said that "future national industry and strongly within national goal isn't about a Government or private sector but a goal for every country," he said, adding "the Ministry of industry and minerals and their interest to support the country's development plans and contribute to supporting all State sectors with everything you need from products and experiences. 


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 8-18-19


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