Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 15, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 15, 2023

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Remittances due to US Treasury continue to hit bottom

As of July 13, earnings remittances due to the US Treasury hit another record low of -$77 billion.

Simply put, this indicator shows how much the Federal Reserve owes to the US Treasury.

When the Treasury is not receiving funds from the Fed they are forced to borrow money, this leads to higher interest rates, which in turn leads to higher borrowing costs in the private sector.

The result is less capital investment, subsequently reducing economic growth – something many banks are already anticipating as seen in their earnings reports.

Central Banks around the world no longer trust the dollar with its increasing debt issues as a World Reserve Asset.

This is forcing Central Banks to increase their holdings of a currency backed by gold such as the Chinese Yuan. Not to mention, Central Banks continue to increase gold holdings.

It is compounded by the threat of the US freezing assets in countries around the world.

China is on the cutting edge of digital asset-based trading, and they are piloting new projects everyday.

The world is in transition and the East is rising to challenge World Orders in the new technological age.

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