Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for Thursday afternoon, August 31, 2023

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and news links on the global financial system

Our world is in the process of synchronizing many digital money networks into one Collective Quantum Financial/Technological System.

It is a collection of many ideas inspired from different cultures all over the world.

This is why a world-changing event such as this has the capacity to evolve the human race into another level of being.

The birth of our new economy is also the birth of a new human.

Many of the dynamics taking shape in this new economy of spirit have the capacity to motivate and secure a healthy environment.

It is an open banking source capable of making changes at any given moment when the direction is not for the well-being of the whole Global Nation.

It is a baptism by a fire in many ways for all of us, but our movement forward takes us on a journey into the unknown and mysteries of life never seen before in history.

© Goldilocks


Is the World Prepared for Central Bank Digital Currencies? | Fintech Singapore


ISO 20022 Crypto: List of Compliant Coins in 2023 – Cryptopolitan


Sometimes I like to do a review for myself and others. Today, I would like to remind you of a few articles that have been written in the past to clarify the use of Central Bank Digital Currency.

So far, CBDCs are for wholesale use only and Central Banks. On the retail level of CBDCs, we have a problem.

Retail CBDCs do not scale as fast as other coins, and they are not private. All of this has been written about in articles outlining where we are in this process. AI is currently working on a mechanism to give us privacy, but they are a long way from its adoption even if passed through public adoption.

Stablecoins that represent a country's currency is much further along, and the SEC and CFTC are requiring the full backing of these coins to be made by gold and other commodities.

Anyone who has been following this room is aware that I have backed this information by articles from legitimate sources. This is just a reminder as to where we are in the process.

© Goldilocks


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