KTFA Members "News and Views" Sunday 2-2-2020



Don961:  SOME NEWS SITES DATE ARTICLES USING ............. 2020-02-02 ..............
WE USE ..................... 02-02-2020 .............BOTH PALINDROMES ... 


Don961:  Muhammad Allawi ... Quiet among Iraqi storms

- 43 Minutes Past

Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, (65 years old) and his nickname, "Abu Hadi", is named after Ali. 

Quiet, patient and very religious. It belongs to the Shiite aristocracy. His cousins, prime ministers, Iyad Hashem Allawi (the first transitional prime minister after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003), and Ali Abdul Amir Allawi (former Minister of Trade and Defense and one of his competitors for the position of Prime Minister after Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned).

Abdel-Mahdi is also one of those who belong to this aristocratic Shiite community. His father, Abdel-Mahdi El-Montafke, was one of the chronic ministers of education in the royal era (1921 - 1958). The third of these and their relatives is the late Ahmed Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress and one of the most prominent leaders of the Iraqi opposition before the overthrow of the former regime, which seemed the only one among the children of these families who did not take his chance after the change, despite all his leadership qualifications.

The day before Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi was appointed Prime Minister, I met him by chance at the "Rashid Hotel" in the Green Zone in Baghdad. I told him jokingly: "Where did the name exchange come to Dr.?" He replied with a smile, "It really became a stock exchange." He did not answer clearly, but the signs of anxiety were evident in his life, especially since a mutual friend who was present told me whispering in my ears: "Consensus has not happened yet, and surprises are still the master of the situation."

Yesterday, Saturday, the Iraqi waves led the quiet aristocratic storm, holding a PhD in architecture from the American University of Beirut in 1980 and a former member of the Iraqi parliament and former Minister of Communications Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, to the position of Prime Minister of Iraq in a period that can only be described as after last chance. The last chance was fired on the government of his predecessor, Adel Abdul Mahdi, who only completed one year, until all the storms erupted against him from all sides and sides.

Since Allawi no longer had any opportunity after it was completely exhausted during the Abdul Mahdi government, this very religious and clean man, as his opponents describe him before his friends, must create his opportunity through which he can modify the most warp paths in the current Iraqi situation. The popular movement, which has so far provided more than 600 martyrs and more than 23,000 wounded people, and is still going on, is not convinced of it, or any other Iraqi politicians. 

No longer after 10/1/2019 any benefit to any Iraqi politician and the recipe for participation in the Iraqi opposition that led to the overthrow of the former regime. Even America, which has had the greatest burden of toppling the regime, is no longer an occupation that must be brought out.

Conditions and data changed. The Iraqis say we have been given this political class 16 years of government and turned into a recipe for failure. Therefore, Muhammad Allawi, who entered the political battle with his cousin Iyad Allawi in 2005, and became a member of the House of Representatives in 2006, and then the Minister of Communications in the same year seemed to be cautious when he assured the demonstrators that he did not carry a magic wand, and that if others intervened in His work will address protesters before the political blocs. In Iraq, such bias appears to be a weapon with several borders, not just two borders.

Middle east   LINK


Samson:  A deputy clarifies the fate of the 2020 budget after assigning Allawi to form a government

17:08 - 02/02/2020

On Sunday, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ahmed Al-Kinani, clarified the fate of the federal budget bill for 2020 after Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi was tasked with forming the new government.

Kanani said in a statement to the "information", that "the Allawi government will make some amendments to the draft federal budget law for 2020 before sending it to the House of Representatives," noting that "these amendments will be in line with the government program that Allawi will present to parliament to assume responsibility for the budget."

He added that "sending the budget to the House of Representatives will be one of the priorities of the Allawi government, because the country is going through special circumstances and the budget must be passed quickly," noting that "sending the budget will take some time until it is reviewed and amended in line with the current stage."

Yesterday, Saturday, member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Khaldi, announced to Al-Maaluma, the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, assigned Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to the post of prime minister.  LINK

Samson:  The secrets of assigning Allawi .. 56 political blocs signed for his nomination and support at the head of the transitional government

2nd February, 2020

Informed political sources revealed, today, Sunday, the hidden secret of the mandate of the new Prime Minister Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, which took place yesterday by the President of the Republic Barham Saleh at the Peace Palace in Baghdad.

The sources said to "Al-Akhbariya": "The assignment of the President of the Republic to Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi came after a consensus that included most of the main parliamentary blocs, led by an alliance" Al-Saeroun "and" Al-Fateh".

She explained: "The letter of assignment, which reached Barham Salih, was carrying the signatures of 56 different political blocs confirming its support for Muhammad Allawi to fill the post of prime minister."

The sources emphasized: "The Iraqi file, which was managed through the commander of the Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, has now been managed by several personalities, most notably the leader of the Lebanese" Hezbollah", Mohamed Kawtharani, the prominent Iranian official and the former ambassador, Hassan Danaie Far," indicating that they have supported Allawi's mandate to succeed Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned.

It is noteworthy that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, was assigned yesterday, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, to form a transitional government.

Meanwhile, Moqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Sadrist movement, expressed his hope that the Prime Minister in charge of the transitional government would not surrender to external and internal pressures, while stressing the speedy start of the early elections.

Sadr said in a tweet on his personal page on Twitter, followed by "Al-Akhbariya," that "today it will be recorded in the history of Iraq that the people are the ones who chose their prime minister and not the blocs ... and this is a good step that will be strengthened in the future." Complete the independent ministerial cabinet, emanating from the people and the people. Today, we hope from Brother Muhammad Allawi that he does not give in to external and internal pressures, announce his program, and speed up the start of early elections, and that he seeks the sovereignty and independence of Iraq, so as to preserve the country’s standing, decision, and prestige of its security forces.

For its part, the US embassy in Baghdad commented, saying: The current conditions in Iraq and the region require the presence of an independent and honest government committed to meeting the needs of the Iraqi people, considering that "the nomination of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi as the new prime minister of Iraq must be followed up with real efforts to ensure the achievement of this goal."

She added that "the United States considers that the security of Iraq is vital and will work with the new government as soon as it is formed to create conditions for a stable, prosperous, and sovereign Iraq."  LINK


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Feb. 2, 2020


Tidbits From TNT Sunday Morning 2-2-2020