Saturday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 5-28-22

Saturday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 5-28-22

The Coordination Framework Is Preparing To Launch A New Initiative

Iraq   09:02 - 2022-05-28   A leader in the Al-Fateh Alliance revealed that the coordination framework is preparing to launch a new initiative to solve the political impasse that has raged since the last elections in October 2021.

The head of the Al-Fateh parliamentary bloc, Abbas Al-Zamili, said that "the meetings between the components of the framework come to pressure the tripartite alliance to find a way out of the blockage crisis." He explained that "the framework is preparing to launch a new initiative that it is adopting in order to bring views closer, and it is different from the previous initiative that it launched."

He added, "The changes in the political arena, the political impasse, and the need to legislate the budget and other laws with financial aspects, made the formation of the new government an urgent need because that was the goal of early elections, and delaying their formation is not in the interest of Iraq and the political process, and these are issues that require us to work hard." To bring the views closer and speed up the formation of the government.

He pointed out that "all the political blocs took enough time after the elections in alliances, consideration, study and consultation, especially the winning blocs, so it is imperative that we speed up the implementation of the alliances and launch the formation of the government."

He continued, "The new initiative includes the fusion of the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement in one crucible, and the Sadrist movement will have the lion's share in it because it is a large and winning bloc in the elections," stressing that "the new initiative of the framework will clearly bear fruit and end the political blockage."

After The Kurdish Rapprochement, The Framework Moves Towards Al-Sadr And Denies Its Agreement With The Independents

Shafaq News/ A deputy from the coordination framework revealed today, Saturday, a move to bring the views of the Shiite forces closer after the Kurdish rapprochement over the position of the President of the Republic, in which she denied the existence of an agreement with the independents on the candidate for the presidency of the next Council of Ministers.

Representative Ibtisam Al-Hilali told Shafaq News Agency, "The coordinating framework is holding continuous meetings to resolve the crisis and get out of the political blockage," noting that "there is a movement to bring the views closer between the Shiite forces included in the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc after the Kurdish rapprochement over the position of the President of the Republic."

Al-Hilali added, "The news that talks about the existence of an agreement that brings together the coordination framework and independent parliamentarians to choose Haider al-Abadi as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister are incorrect."

Al-Hilali continued, "Until this moment, there is no agreement between the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc or the framework and the independents on a specific personality for the position of prime minister of the new government."

The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, visited the city of Sulaymaniyah a few days ago, and met the leaders of the parties there, including the National Union, to discuss political crises and disputes.

The PUK considered "Barzani's visit to Sulaymaniyah a blessing to unify the Kurdish ranks, solve political problems and form the next government," stressing that "the visit represented a joy for the Iraqis and a victory for the Kurdish forces to break the blockage and expedite the selection of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of the Federal."   LINK

Al-Sadr Responds To The US Embassy's Rejection Of The Law Criminalizing Normalization: Is This Your Policy?

Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, responded today, Friday, to the American embassy's rejection of the law criminalizing normalization with Israel, and while he indicated that Iraq provides protection for the Christian and Jewish minority, he indicated that the United States expels Arabs and Muslims and "supports" Western extremism.

Today, Friday, Washington expressed its concern about the Iraqi parliament's adoption of a law criminalizing the normalization of relations with Israel, indicating that this law endangers freedom of expression and helps create an atmosphere of anti-Semitism, as it contrasts sharply with the progress made by Iraq's neighbors in building bridges and normalizing relations With Israel, this creates new opportunities for the peoples of the entire region.”

Members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in favor of a proposed law to "criminalize normalization" with Israel, a law proposed by the Sadr bloc and its allies.

The new law stipulates penalties, including life or temporary imprisonment, and aims, according to its first article, to "prevent the establishment of diplomatic, political, military, economic, cultural or any other form of relations with the occupying Zionist entity."

Article 201 of the Iraqi Penal Code stipulates that anyone who promotes the principles of Zionism, including Freemasonry, or affiliates with any of its institutions, or helps them financially or morally, or works in any way to achieve its purposes, shall be punished with death.

Iraq does not establish any relations with Israel, and the government and the majority of political forces refuse to normalize with it.

Out of 22 Arab countries, 6 countries, namely Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, have declared relations with Israel.

Those who reject normalization of relations with Israel say that it still occupies Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon since 1967 and rejects the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.   LINK

The Iraqi "Criminalization Of Normalization" Law... Gaps, Comprehensiveness And Rubber Clauses

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, described, on Friday, the law "criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity" that the House of Representatives voted on yesterday, as urgent as it contains several loopholes that will be revealed when it is actually implemented.

Al-Tamimi told Shafaq News Agency, "There are some points that are described as constitutional criticism, among them is that the draft law is brief and includes ten paragraphs similar to the legislation issued in Tunisia and Algeria, as the problem of Iraqi legislation is always brief."

He added, "This law applies to Iraqis inside and outside (members of security and civil institutions, state institutions, including the media, as well as the regions and means of communication, as well as civil society institutions.")

Al-Tamimi pointed out that “the law neglected the dual nationals and did not refer to a treatment concerning them, and also in the second article, the law applies to private companies, foreign institutions and investors working in Iraq, as the law did not clarify how to deal with them if they signed long-term work or cooperation contracts. He did not specify the mechanism for terminating contracts or for these companies to fulfill their obligations.

He explained that "one of the reasons for criticizing the law is that it did not address or specify the supervisory body that monitors the application of the law and how to file the complaint, and they should have referred to important explanations for the steps for moving the complaint and the method of recording and drafting the complaints. It was supposed to specify the right of the public prosecution to move the complaint, because such These crimes may occur in secrecy and secrecy, and therefore the whistleblower or complainant needs immunity and to be kept away from accountability or prosecution, and this is a very important part.”

The legal expert pointed out that "the law and in its fourth article adopted the comprehensiveness clause and did not specify the things covered by the law that specify (travel, relations or promotion of ideas, ideologies and behaviors promoting normalization with the Zionist entity), but he emphasized Article 281 of the Penal Code, which states: Implementation of the death penalty, and the retroactive effect was not disclosed.

Al-Tamimi noted, “The law neglected an important point, which is the future of the relationship between Iraq and the printing countries with Israel, whether to stay or sever the relationship,” adding: “I see if the legislators did as Tunisia did, which is imposing exorbitant penalties that are summed up in ten years imprisonment along with Imposing a large fine, such as thirty million dinars or thirty thousand dollars, as an initial ceiling that can be changed according to the person’s position and position.

He continued: "The law did not refer to articles 81, 80 and 82 for institutions, i.e. accountability of the institution, including the media, in addition to that it did not specify the penalty for high treason for employees without special grades, and these penalties are supposed to apply to anyone involved or convicted of crimes of high treason. It is related to national behavior and is not limited to presidencies, ministers and private office holders.

The Iraqi legal expert concluded by saying, "This law noted in its last articles 10.9 that it is effective from the date of its issuance (published in the Official Gazette)," likely that "the adoption of the law is urgent and contains many loopholes and flaws, which will be revealed more when applying its rationale." .

Al-Tamimi concluded his speech by "reminding those responsible for writing the final version of the law of the need to clarify the details and subtleties of matters related to it, because these details will not open the door to jurisprudence and facilitate its application on the ground."

Members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted in favor of a proposed law to "criminalize normalization" with Israel, a law proposed by the Sadr bloc and its allies.

The new law stipulates penalties, including life or temporary imprisonment, and aims, according to its first article, to "prevent the establishment of diplomatic, political, military, economic, cultural or any other form of relations with the occupying Zionist entity."

Article 201 of the Iraqi Penal Code stipulates that anyone who promotes the principles of Zionism, including Freemasonry, or affiliates with any of its institutions, or helps them financially or morally, or works in any way to achieve its purposes, shall be punished with death.

Iraq does not establish any relations with Israel, and the government and the majority of political forces refuse to normalize with it.

Out of 22 Arab countries, 6 countries, namely Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, have declared relations with Israel.

Those who reject normalization of relations with Israel say that it still occupies Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon since 1967 and rejects the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.   LINK

Security Council Resolution On Iraq

Shafaq News/ The UN Security Council in New York is preparing to vote today, Friday, on a draft resolution to renew the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), but it will also include calls to speed up the formation of the new government, intensify cooperation between the Baghdad and Erbil governments, and implement security understandings, including the Sinjar Agreement , in order to emphasize the importance of combating desertification in Iraq because of its effects on the stability of the country.

And the "Security Council Bulletin" website stated in a report translated by Shafak News Agency, that the council will vote on the draft resolution that was distributed on May 13, after negotiations took place in which all council members participated on May 18, with the aim of renewing the mandate of the mission. UNAMI” for a period of one year, until May 31, 2023.

And after the report noted that the Security Council is generally united in its support for UNAMI and that the basic aspects of the mission’s mandate remain the same, some amendments have been made to the text to reflect recent events and the fact that the mission will not play an assisting role in electoral support at present, In light of the fact that the elections actually took place on October 10, 2021.

The report added that the council members proposed minor amendments stemming from specific concerns or in response to the wishes of the Iraqi government, rather than substantive amendments, adding that despite the prevailing atmosphere of general consensus, there are significant differences among council members with regard to climate change.

The report indicated that the previous mandate of the "UNAMI" mission included a text indicating that the negative effects of climate change "can contribute to desertification, drought, the humanitarian situation and stability in Iraq," and that there is a need for a comprehensive assessment of risks by the Iraqi government and the need to take measures for adaptation. or mitigating the challenges posed by climate change and environmental change.” The text also talks about the need for the UNAMI mission to assist Iraq while facilitating regional dialogue and cooperation on the negative effects of climate change.

The report added that Norway apparently sought to enhance this language by adding a new paragraph requiring the UNAMI mission to support the Iraqi effort to mitigate climate change, adding that despite the wide support that the Norwegian proposal received from many members of the Security Council, However, Brazil, China, India and Russia opposed it, as India proposed removing the existing text on regional dialogue and cooperation on the harmful effects of climate change, and replacing that text with a paragraph referring to desertification and drought as examples of harmful effects instead. However, this proposal was not accepted by Brazil, China, India and Russia, as they considered that desertification and drought are not caused by climate change only.

He added that as a compromise, the paragraph on this issue in the draft resolution talks about "the negative effects of climate change, especially those that contribute to desertification and drought."

The report also indicated that the paragraph on climate change was amended during the negotiations that took place, as the new version says that climate change could “negatively affect” the humanitarian situation and exacerbate “any existing instability” in Iraq, while the previous mandate was repeating the reference Only to the "current instability" in the country, and it seems that the word "any" was added to this paragraph in response to the concerns raised by Iraq.

In addition, the new draft resolution calls for accelerating the formation of a new government in a peaceful manner to enable it to achieve the national priorities of the Iraqi people, such as economic reform, regional cooperation, stability and development, and the strengthening and protection of human rights.

The report explained that this paragraph was added in order to deal with "the current political impasse in the country, which shows little signs of abating after the parliamentary elections on October 10, 2021."

He pointed out that the paragraph related to the formation of the government was added to the current paragraph related to the full and equal participation of women in all levels of decision-making, based on a proposal from Ireland.

There is also a new paragraph in the draft resolution related to condemning the attempted assassination of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi on November 7, 2021. The draft resolution also praises Iraq for organizing technically well-managed elections.

Baghdad and Erbil

In a parallel context, the report indicated that the current text on the relationship between the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government has been amended.

While the current mandate of the "UNAMI" mission includes encouraging the federal government and the regional government to fully implement the budget agreement for the year 2021, and to negotiate agreements related to other outstanding issues, the new text in the current draft resolution requests the mission of "UNAMI" to provide effective support to the federal government And the regional government in order to engage in regular dialogue in line with the unity of Iraq and its constitution, including with regard to security allocations, the budget and the management of oil and gas resources in Iraq.

The new draft resolution also calls for the implementation of existing agreements related to countries as well, including the "Sinjar Agreement 2020". The report explained that the goal is to deal with recent developments in Kurdistan, including the clashes that took place between the Iraqi army and the "Sinjar Resistance Units", in addition to the February 15 Supreme Court decision to repeal the 2007 oil and gas law established by the Kurdistan Regional Government. He explained that it was Washington that added this reference after consulting with Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government.   LINK

Law: Criminalization Of Normalization Is A Second Blow To America After The Decision To Expel Its Forces

Politician  Last Update 05/28/2022    Information/Baghdad:   A representative of the State of Law coalition considered, on Saturday, the unanimous vote on the law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity as a second slap in the hands of the House of Representatives to the United States of America after the decision to expel its forces.

Al-Shammari said in a statement to / the information /, that “the vote of 275 deputies from those present at the session and unanimously criminalizing the law of normalization with the Zionist entity confirms the will of the Iraqi people, without excluding any segment of Iraqi society.”

He added, "The unanimous vote has put the printing states with the Zionist entity in embarrassment, as well as aborting their bets to drag Iraq into the train of normalization that the United States of America strengthens."

Al-Shammari explained, "The vote came as a second word directed by the people's representatives to America and the Zionist entity, after a slap in the face of a decision that required the withdrawal of US forces and any foreign forces from Iraq."

The House of Representatives, during its session, which was held on Thursday, voted unanimously on the law criminalizing normalization and establishing relations with the Zionist entity. Ended / 25 AD


KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 5-28-2022


Saturday AM Iraq Economy News Highlights 5-28-22