Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 5-13-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 5-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   I was gone most of the morning, just got back, 1-1/2 hour one way and back. On my way, $4.19, up the road to a bigger city, paid $3.97.

Dave   gas almost 10 bucks a gallon here...odd we do not blame Trudeau?

Butterfly   Dave because you know who controls it.

Sparky   Dave ... hey Dave ...

Butterfly   When you have time this is a long one: DNO Profits Surge on Back of High Oil and Gas Prices .. https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/05/12/dno-profits-surge-on-back-of-high-oil-and-gas-prices/

Dave  butterfly Just wait until summer....you too may see 10 bucks a gallon

butterfly   Even when I tell people to go to OPEC.org and get educated, they refuse bc they want to believe their cult leader.

Butterfly   Baghdad / NINA / - The dollar exchange rates witnessed stability, today, Friday, in the local markets.

As the selling prices of the dollar recorded 148,250 dinars per 100 dollars, while the purchase prices of the dollar recorded 148000 dinars per 100 dollars.

Dave   per 100 dollars.. 250 dinars WOWSERS...LOL

Sparky   Dave ... funny how evergreen ship got stuck sideways in the Suez canal once Joe got elected ...

Dave   those forces CABAL!

Sparky   ... making up for covid loses ?

Dave   all choreographed.....

Sparky   ... yessir ...

Dave   New World Order......

Sparky   ... greed and power ...

Dave   World is getting much smaller.....

butterfly   Musk may not be buying Twitter. The boy lost a lot of moola with the crash the other day. His purchase is on hold.

Dave   butterfly Should educated peeps care?

butterfly   Twitter owners say NO to bringing DJT back on their website. Musk said, yes I want to bring him back. He claims FREE speech and he has been banning people that respond to his tweets. Gives one a good laugh to watch him go against HIS FREE speech.

Sparky   butterfly ... that dude relies on Government subsidies ...

butterfly   Yup

Sparky   ... smart man, brought China to the USA via Wal-Mart ...

Sparky   ... slave labor is another arguement ...

butterfly   The One Dollar Stores are now One Dollar and a Quarter.

Sparky   butterfly ... inflation ... who's kidding who ... Exxon Mobile ...

Dave   Sparky China India Korea etc no longer working fer pennies a day........

Sparky   ... big oil runs the show ...

butterfly   You go into any of the Dollar stores: General Dollar, Family Dollar, and the famous Dollar/Quarter there shelves are packed.

Sparky   butterfly ... plus 25% ...

Dave   50 yrs ago China prolly had a few cars on the road......NOW?????

butterfly   Big Oil is making billions upon billions of dollars and not passing it on to the ones who need it most.

Dave   butterfly BUY SHARES!

Sparky   butterfly ... and so the story goes ...

Sparky   ... that is why they fight green enery ...

butterfly   YUPPERS


Dave   Fight????

Dave   pay the price or choose not to?

Dave   go electric......

Dave   ?

Dave   your choice

Dave   Save a Tree and make a plastic 2x4?????

Sparky   ... singing to the choir ...

Sparky   ... ELECTRIC ... yeah baby ...

Sparky   ... DC is un forgiving on mistakes ...

butterfly   (Bloomberg) --California Governor Gavin Newsom said Friday that the state has a record $97.5 billion operating surplus, with $49.2 billion that can be used for any purpose.

Sparky   Dave ... hard question , as we are all God's kids ...

Sparky   ... how can man decide who ?

butterfly   Dave It is a "control" issue with men.

Dave   National Referendum.

Sparky   butterfly ... there you go again anti male ...

Dave   butterfly MEN should have a say

Sparky   ... takes two to tango ...

Dave   wanna chat about coca cola?

Sparky   ... not particularly ...

Dave   reason hard concept to grasp fer some

Sparky   ... coke laced with fentanol these days ... no more blow ...

Dave  1200 fils fer that bottle of water then

Sparky   \ Dave ... I get your point, 25000 IQD can buy 25 cokes ...

Dave   with how many of those being fils...LOL

Sparky   ... fills are in denominations of thousanths ..

Sparky   ... take a 25k note, and figure it is roughly worth 25 bucks ...

Sparky   ... prolly 20 now ...

Dave   had fils 25 dinar

Sparky   ... Peter Gabriel loud in my living room now ...

Dave   Sparky delete 3 zeros

Sparky   ... yup ...

Sparky   ... ie " LOP " ...

Dave   :Wheelbarrow: $$     and they compalin about that CHUNKY Money now

Sparky   Dave ... you already made $ ...

Dave   have not lost......

Sparky   ... I won't sell, but I'm not counting on it ...

Dave   IRAQ has given us nodda.   Nor their people

Sparky   ... only good conversation, and that I value ...

Dave   Waiting fer a COUP

Sparky   ... we'll be dust in the wind before that happens ... imo ...

Dave   nothing ventured nothing gained

Sparky   Dave ... true ... ... if you don't play the game, you have zero chances ...

Dave   our chances better than the lotto though

Sparky   Dave ... check out Ric Edelman's book, cryptos ...

Dave   no interest......too late in the game ifigure

13 May 22, 04:29 PM Sparky   ... managed over 10B$ ... is now advocating blockchain ...

Dave   bitcoin 1K yrs ago though

Sparky  ... long story, but yup ...

Sparky   ... e-coins messed me up ...

Dave   Sparky bought cryptos

Sparky   Dave ...FTX ?

Dave   dont recollect

Sparky   ... I have a wallet on Blockchain ...


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