Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-24-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-24-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sparky   ... as I stated previously, an "rv " can take many shapes and forms ..... that'll be a present ..

Sheila   06/24/2022 YouTube and Telegram Live Call Just an Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8tsiJifT3s

NORV   sheila there is no RV. Get it through your head there is over 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Sparky   NORV ... hey Kap, what's the crack ?

sheila   awe, you've come in tonight, doing that sweet talking again.

Sparky   ... USA controls Iraq, and we print money 24/7 ...... full faith and confidence ...... absolutely nothing would surprise me ... lol ...... could go to $40 bucks a pop ...... or, not ...

sheila   latest intel says start @ 3.20+ float up to 17... that would be something

NORV   Sparky not with 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Sah   @NORV and who made you God?

Sparky   ... Sah ... they must like it there ... patience ...

NORV  Everyone wants to see Iraq delete the zeros...well if they go forward with that it is a nutral event currency exchange

NORV   https://www.pukmedia.com/AR/details/?Jimare=160032

NORV   Sah truth sucks

Sparky   NORV ... and will be a slow rise, that's ok for me ...

NORV   foolish

NORV  Sparky slow rise over the next 5-10 years may happen

Sparky  NORV ... cool ...

NORV  but many in iraq are calling for a currency exchange

NORV  which is being taught through symposiums to citizens

Sah   @NORV it is like a dark cloud of negative. I am good with a slow rise, if there is a surprise then God bless me.

NORV  we may get that surprise...a LOP

Sparky  ... cool ... just do something ...

NORV  the longer they wait the better for us

Sah   A lop and then a raise. I would take that.

NORV  that implies they are going to gradually raise it based on the economic growth

Sparky   ... yes ...

NORV   Sah if you only want to make 50% on your money your better off at the casino

NORV  in fact the article i posted above states we will lose money

Sah  If Kurdistan hands over Iraqi oil and they get more water from Turkey, then we will see a gain. Selling lots of salt right now.

NORV  nothing is going to happen until they pass 100 stalled economic laws

NORV   which could take years in itself

Sah   @Norv I paid off my car playing poker at Casino one night.

NORV   Sah sounds like your lucky

Sparky   ... no luck in poker ...

Sparky  ... have to know how to play ...

NORV   I feel bad for Sheila and others that sit by the edge of their bed waiting for a fake RV

NORV   never happen

NORV   Hopefully they follow the IMF

Sah   I invested money every direction I could, even when I did not have much and that worked out well. I closed my business when Covid hit. I sold online instead. I survive. I like to have hope that luck will strike with my currency. Iyt was bought and paid for a long time ago. Just enough to have fun and dream.

NORV   Direct from IMF...

NORV   “14. The de facto fixed exchange rate has served Iraq well. The authorities agreed that a stable nominal exchange rate provides a valuable anchor for inflation expectations in an uncertain environment, and intend to continue implementing this policy for the foreseeable future. In the medium term, staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy. Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate, triggered by strong oil revenues and the Balassa-Samuelson effect, to accommodate a possible real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low.”

Sparky   Sah ... don't bet in IQD to save you ...

NORV  staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy.

NORV  Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate,

NORV   That our best hope

Sparky   ... world works mysteriously ...

Sparky   ... God ...

NORV   Monetary policy is not random

Sparky  ... opportunity at every horizon ...

NORV   Or arbitrary

NORV   Minister of finance said today that Iraq would join the WTO over the next decades!

Sah   I follow the IMF and governments and CBI's before I ever invested. I bought 5 currencies and have doubled my money on one. Gambling is good. A little here and there is fun. You hope you win and dream about a lot.

NORV   referring earlier in the article to next 25 years.

Sparky   ... maybe the IQD is not our huckleberry ...

NORV   http://www.mof.gov.iq/Pages/MOFBannerHeadlineDetail.aspx?BannerNewsID=1135

Sparky   ... maybe it is ...

NORV   I might make a few buck before im 80

Sah   I am invested in PPP for hospitals and emergency room supplies and oil. A little gamble four years back and hope for some and wish for a lot.

Sparky   ... winner, winner, chicken diner ...

NORV   dopey Biden just forgave another 45,000 student loans

Sparky   ... healthcare through the roof ...

NORV   free money for all    :$$$:

NORV   Crash is coming next 13 months or less

Sah   This currency gives me hope and dreams of q multi million dollar pad. Never had a lot but a little investing over years pays off. Who are you to say this every time some one posts? I hope it reinstates and you eat every word.

NORV   Sah reinstates? That nonsense..the dinar is already instated  guru bs

NORV   Sah I study facts. Not guru made up lies that people

Sah   @Norv, I thought you left?  You jumped head, line and sinker when I said reinstates.

Sparky   Sah ... Kap is cool ...... who knows, he makes a real good argument ...

Sah   I was into economics in college. I read this thing from front and back and up side down before I invested. I think there is money to be made. It is just how much?

Sparky   Sah ... agree bro, me too .... they let lots of dinar fly recently ...... and, super duper corrupt ...

Sah  I like being involved in this. I have made some good friends a long the way. Studied a bunch of countries and became more wordly.

Sparky  ... same ...

Sah  They are cleaning it up in their country gradually. Abadi has been leading an investigation team now for a few years and has got billions back for country and prosecuted corrupt. Maliki is on that list of corrupt. He tries to stay in office so Abadi doesn't get him. So is the clash with Sadr. He wants Maliki out of the government.

Sah   Maliki has too much money and doesn't want to loose his state property mansion he lives in.

Sparky   ... I don't like the Sadr folks resigning ...... million man army ? ...

Sah  The Iraqi people there follow Sadr. He can stir a protest with a major amount that will follow. If he doesn't like who they appoint he can totally disrupt the country with protests. They want his approval before they name the new prime minister, so Maliki can just forget about it.

Sah   He doesn't want a corrupt prime minister running the country.

Sparky   ... Sadr is Iranian influenced ...

Sparky   ... Sistani ...

Sah   is religion

Sparky   ... yup, sunni shiite ... kurds ...

Sah   It is a mess over there and the poor people suffer. No government, no budget to feed the poor.

Sparky   ... how mohammed went to the promised land ...77 virgins .... radical islam ..... destroy the infidels ..

Sah   A government that doesn't want to revalue their currency because they don't want any poor people or other religions getting rich.

Sparky   Sah ... Iran ...

Sah   I have friends from college there. What a rough time in the 70's, let alone now. Very radical Islam. My friends were protesting and got thrown in underground jail and had to pay some one to get out and flee the country. Bad stuff.

Sparky   ... heard of Maliki's underground prisons ... lot;s of opponents there ... imu ... or, were .... no food and a dirt floor, 4x6 .... we'll see how it plays out .... water will be their nemisis ... imo ...... certainly not counting on IQD ...

Sparky   ... thousands of ways to make USD ...

Sah   A lot of service men have IQD that were over there. I hope it does something.

Sparky   ... gonna take a minute ... imo ...... let's see what Sadr does ...

Sah   I had a nice chat, catch you another time.

Zig  :Garfield: To everyone reading this....Well I saw that @NORV visited last evening....always a "pleasure"

:eyeroll: In case you don't know he is the inimitable and well-known (infamous?) @Kaperoni who has been around this community for a long time....Want more of him?

:Grief: No! @Zig.....lol....Check out his tweets at https://twitter.com/kaperoni It's been "interesting" in here lately....heated....try to stay cool, calm, and take care of yourselves!....and as always have  a  :Nice day:


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