Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM   2-8-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM   2-8-22

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butterfly  A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Policy  2022-02-07 | 11:18   A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Hassan Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Monday, that there are many priorities that the next government should focus on.

Al-Shammari said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "Participation in the recent elections was very weak, which is evidence of the Iraqi people's discontent with the political class. In the event of failure in the current parliamentary session, participation in the upcoming elections may not exceed ten percent."

Al-Shammari added, "There is weakness in the government side in terms of the economy, as the government resorted to lowering the value of the dinar against the dollar by 22% to fill the corresponding deficit, but in fact, the damage to the citizen has reached fifty percent, which has caused an increase in the burdens of the simple citizen, especially The poor and middle classes," noting that "these measures weakened confidence in the government, and there was a clear confusion in the market, and the prices of some commodities doubled."

And he continued, "The other matter is related to the federal budget that it approved of 129 billion dollars, but at the end of the fiscal year, what was spent did not exceed 79 billion, and therefore we find no justification for weakening the citizen's budget and reducing the value of the source of his purchasing income to bridge a deficit in the end that was not spent by the government, and there was plenty.

Cash led to an increase in the cash stock at the expense of the citizen,” stressing “the importance of the government’s attention to the citizen, that the purchasing value of the dinar be restored, and that important projects that ensure moving the wheel of society in many fields are activated.” https://www.alsumaria.tv/news

butterfly   Find out the dollar exchange rates for today

Economie   2022-02-07 | 02:02  The dollar exchange rates witnessed stability in the local markets.

And the selling prices of the dollar recorded today, Monday, 148,000 dinars per 100 dollars, while the purchase prices of the dollar recorded 147.750 dinars per 100 dollars.   https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/

Butterfly  The largest Iraqi Sunni alliance supports Al-Kazemi to head the next government

BAGHDAD - The announcement by the Iraqi Sunni "sovereignty" coalition on Tuesday of its support for Mustafa Al-Kazemi assuming the presidency of the next government bears positive signs that the current prime minister enjoys great confidence and that he is on an open path towards renewing his term.

Mishaan al-Jubouri, a deputy in the Iraqi parliament for the "Sovereignty" coalition, said in a tweet on Twitter on Tuesday, "I and a number of deputies of the Sovereignty Alliance, along with the leader of the coalition, Khamis al-Khanjar, received Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi" in Baghdad.

He added, "I can confirm that the Sovereignty Alliance will support Al-Kazemi's assumption of a second term if he is assigned by the Sadrist movement's bloc to form the new government."

The Sovereignty Alliance, led by Khamis al-Khanjar, is the largest coalition of Sunni political forces in the Iraqi parliament and occupies 71 out of 329 seats.

On Monday, the leaders of the "Sovereignty" coalition held a meeting with the Iraqi Prime Minister, to discuss several issues, including the challenges facing the liberated provinces in particular, and Iraq in general, and ways to address security breaches, the latest of which was what happened in Anbar. According to a statement by the coalition.

butterfly  Al-Khanjar said after the meeting in a tweet on Twitter that the discussion also included "and to the same degree stopping political targets that converge with terrorism in the same bad goals." In reference to the recent bombings of the headquarters of Sunni and Kurdish parties and their personalities.

Al-Kazemi has ample chances of winning the prime ministership again, in light of the support he also enjoys from the Sadrist movement.

Iraqi political circles say that Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr sees Al-Kazemi as the most capable figure to lead a "national majority" government that he seeks to form with the Sunni and Kurdish blocs.

Last January, Al-Kazemi visited Najaf to see the reality of services in the governorate, located southwest of the capital, Baghdad, which is the stronghold of the Sadrist movement.

During his visit to Najaf, which included a hot meeting with Al-Sadr, Al-Kazemi took a set of decisions and measures related to the administration of the province, including personal supervision by him after the resignation of Governor Louay Al-Yasiri under pressure from the leader of the Sadrist movement. This resignation was met with the objections of the forces loyal to Iran, led by the State of Law coalition.

butterfly  Al-Kazemi has recently been carrying out an active campaign to improve his image, by announcing a number of development projects, and launching a campaign of dismissals of governors and senior officials, around whom suspicions of corruption are raised, or some of them are involved in suppressing protests, as is the case with the governor of Dhi Qar.

Observers of the Iraqi affairs believe that the recent measures taken by Al-Kazemi, which are in the context of beating at the hands of the corrupt, are consistent with what the Sadrist movement and its leader have repeatedly announced that confronting corruption will be at the forefront of the reform project that he intends to implement after forming a national majority government.

The position of prime minister is occupied by the Shiites in Iraq according to a political custom followed since 2006, while the Sunnis hold the presidency of the parliament, and the Kurds the presidency.

It is expected that the next prime minister will be named by the "Sadr bloc" led by Muqtada al-Sadr, as it led the elections with 73 seats.

And in May 2020, Parliament granted confidence to the Al-Kazemi government after widespread popular protests toppled the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

butterfly    On Monday, Parliament failed to elect a new president as a result of the boycott of the session by the majority of political blocs, amid disagreements over the candidates, which hinders efforts to form the next government.

The Iraqi constitution stipulates that the elected president of the republic must assign the candidate of the “largest parliamentary bloc” to form the government.

The Sadrist bloc topped the elections held on October 10, followed by the Progress Alliance with 37 seats, the State of Law coalition with 33, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31.

The country is experiencing a political crisis due to differences between the "Sadr bloc" and other Shiite forces allied within the "coordinating framework" regarding the formation of the government, and differences prevail among the Kurds over the presidential candidate.

Al-Sadr seeks to form a national majority government by excluding some forces from it, led by the “State of Law” coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, unlike the rest of the Shiite forces within the “coordinating framework” that demand a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate, similar to previous sessions. . https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142104

Butterfly    Iraq Is Preparing To Hold An Exhibition "ATEX" For Digital Transformation

Economic Last Update 02/08/2022 | 12:03 PM  The Ministry of Communications is preparing to hold an exhibition (ATEX) on digital transformation of e-government next Thursday on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair with wide international and Arab participation.

The Director of Relations and Media at the General Company for Communications and Informatics at the ministry, Natiq Ahmed Ibrahim, said in a statement seen by "The Information", that "the exhibition continues until the 18th of this month, and comes within the government's directions for digital transformation of state institutions and the promotion of the use of modern technology in this regard," noting that “The exhibition is the first of its kind in the country and is being held within its first session.

There are invitations to the ministries of communications in the Arab countries, and it is hoped that it will witness a good international presence.”

Ibrahim added that “the exhibition will be held under the slogan (Iraq is moving towards digital transformation and the accelerated adoption of the future of artificial intelligence, as it will witness the participation of more than 10 government institutions, more than 100 companies affiliated with the private sector and some international companies), noting that “the exhibition will shed light on the main trends.”

And updates in the field of information and communication technology around the world, in addition to introducing the country’s e-government services and future projects in this field.”

butterfly   He pointed out that “focusing on the most important sectors that have been affected by the digital revolution, such as health, tourism, banking, finance, mining and education. It also includes holding workshops and specialized lectures, signing a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding with the ministries of communications in the participating Arab countries, and there will be a marketing aspect of e-government services and encouragement of transformation.” Digital in various fields and sectors and the exchange of expertise and experiences between various institutions and companies using technologies and innovations, as well as attracting technical investments from inside and outside the country. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/08/581075/

Sparky   ... " digital revolution " ... hat's a good one ... lolol .... same 'ol ** ...

Sparky  ... anything to keep all the profits from oil to themselves, from the citizens ... all **.

Sparky   ... the entire world went digital two decades ago ...... re-hashed rhetoric ...

Sparky  ... most companies have pulled out of that corrupt, kick back for a contract disaster of a " Country

Sparky   ... Goldman Sachs controls Iraq, as they do the USA ..... and the live Koch brother ...

Sparky   ... coke brothers ... devils disciples to be sure ...

butterfly  On hold on the phone and I will add the Koch Bros control the R Party. They even admitted it in an article.

Sparky   butterfly ... you know what's up ... and I appreciate you ...

butterfly   Sorry for the long article.

Dave   Whats the sense in have Huge Militaries........Quilting Bees???

Dave  NATOs expansion not aggressive?

butterfly  The Election Of The Three Presidencies And The Absurdity Of Holding The Elections.

02/08/2022 | 3:16 PM   The Election Of The Three Presidencies And The Absurdity Of Holding The ElectionsHadi Khairy Al-Karini

In Iraq, the elections have no meaning, there is no language that governs but the language of weapons, and the thug who has arms is not subject to the constitution and the law takes twice as much as he deserves and can overthrow the government even if he has one deputy..

The text of the constitution and the law Any party that has an armed faction is not entitled to run for office or participate in the elections. In reality, any party that does not have an armed faction will not get a seat in the House of Representatives…

What happened in the last election cycle?

It was proven by the Federal Court that the elections were rigged and in violation of the law, but it rejected the case because it was not within its jurisdiction and not to repeat the matter, i.e. not to use the electronic or automatic counting device because the Commission was unable to control it because it is controlled by a country that loves Iraq very much and seeks to destroy it with everything it has and with the complicity of the Sunni Arabs, the Kurds and part of The Shiite component does not benefit from humiliation or blame because they are supported by the occupier and any objector has a tail and must receive blame and betrayal with the silence of the people of solution and contract in this country.

Of course, there are keys that were impossible for any mess in Iraq, and they reached it and began to play openly in the Iraqi situation during the day, and the matter reached the exclusion of all Shiites from the administration of the state and with a regional intervention!

As follows:

Sunni Arab representatives were gathered in Turkey, the Emirates, and Jordan, and they imposed on them that the former Speaker of the House of Representatives be himself.

In addition, the voting session in the House of Representatives cost $90 million during the day, openly and shamelessly, and the payment was made in cash!

The question is who paid this amount?

Representatives representing the black Tishreen who burned the green and dry for the sake of (we want a homeland), and all of them slaying uprooting and corruption, voted for the same people who burned Iraq in order to expel them with Emirati funding, the Mossad administration and the supervision of the American embassy!

Why was that done?

And if you wonder, I see you forever

In addition, there is a recommendation from the Kurdish leadership to unite the ranks of the Sunni Arabs, to disperse the matter of the largest component, to confiscate it, and to prevent it from participating in the administration of the state.

They started step by step except for counterfeiting!

The Shiites and the law acquiesced to forgery!

Then sabotaging the first session and expelling the Shiites from the parliament base by creating chaos and representation that was fabricated and deceived the Shiite component. Its hero, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, who claimed that he had been beaten, then retreated and said fatigue and tiredness and appeared smiling and justified it to ward off sedition

butterfly  The recommended was elected regionally, and this is not reaping, but statements made by the leader, Mishaan al-Jubouri, without any embarrassment.

Then we moved to electing the President of the Republic, and if a minister argued for his corruption, even the Kurds voted for his dismissal, then said his dismissal is political, and then wanted to pass it by half plus one. Were it not for the Federal Court, after it saw that things, if they continued like this, there would be no meaning for their survival.

She said the constitution says two-thirds, and this contains a constitutional text that does not require diligence, and the jurisprudential rule says there is no diligence in exchange for the text!

They forced the court to strive for the existence of a text. If they recognized a law, a constitution, or a custom, they would not have resorted to the court for that!

Then it appeared that the hot candidate was accused before the judiciary, and he was brought in and rejected, forcing the court to strive again in front of a legal and constitutional text that is one of the conditions of the President of the Republic of good conduct and not to be accused of corruption!

And the House of Representatives considered it fulfilling the conditions, in violation of the constitutional and legal rules.

Iraq is doomed to follow the wisdom of the corrupt, and this is a perjury in Yemen. The House of Representatives must be dissolved, and we demand the coordination framework to file a lawsuit against the House of Representatives for perjuring it in Yemen and passing it is required to the judiciary, although the matter is settled in favor of those who passed it, but the law must be used, perhaps one day we will reach that the law and the constitution Is the faisal and not the weapon?

Sparky   Dave ... Putin has Ukraine flanked ... N,E, and S ...

butterfly   Barham has his space in front of him and the coordinating framework should not renew the confidence in him because he betrayed them and they are the ones who brought him to the presidency. It is only true that they are the mother of the boy, and if they repeat, he will betray them again and again because he does not respect the principle of my separation and he did not apologize and never said I am an Iraqi, he was more severe than the Mossad on the Shiites!

Then the boycott maneuver began, and the Shiites noticed this maneuver and began to deal well and decided not to attend if the quorum and understanding of a national figure to be the President of the Republic was not achieved!

They did not obey the deception that they are the most affected by the continuation of the constitutional vacuum due to the continuation of the three presidencies that destroyed the Shiites and tried to exclude them from running the state with all they had!

The continuation of the situation and the constitutional vacuum will lead to the reversal of the Shiites’ exclusion and the failure of the plan to exclude them. If the situation continues as it is, resort to the street to say its word and not be afraid, because those in charge of the matter now have tasted the people’s woe from starvation, marginalization, and tampering with state resources and destructive agreements.

For every modern incident, we must be patient. Al-Matoulah, non-compliance, and lack of trust in all partners, and everyone, I mean, those who allied themselves and produced the situation now.   almaalomah.me

Dave   https://www.rferl.org/a/nato-expansion-russia-mislead/31263602.html

Sparky   ... nothing out of Putin's playbook ...

Dave   NATO had a treaty of non expansion with Russia

Sparky   ... staged ** is what led him to power ...

Dave    Whats a treaty then?

Sparky  ... meaningless to Putin ...

Dave   Meaningless to Nato you mean

Sparky   ... NATO best be aware, and be willing to fight ...

Sparky  ... I have a feeling this is going to get ugly, real fast ...

butterfly   NATO partner countries are:

Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic, Malta, The Republic of Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Dave   What of North Korea?

Sparky   ... 82nd already there ...

Sparky   ... those boyz don't play ...

butterfly   How many countries are in NATO 2022?

Of the 30 member countries, two are located in North America (Canada and the United States), 28 are in Europe, one of which (Turkey) is in both Europe and Asia.

Sparky   ... let God figure it out ...

butterfly   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_NATO


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