Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 12-31-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 12-31-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly Masoud Barzani: Governance shall be inclusive to all the components of Iraq 2021-12-31 06:56
Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, on Friday called for expediting the formation of the new federal government and pursuing the principles of Partnership, Balance, and consensus in governance. The remarks of the Kurdish leader came in an open letter on new year's eve.
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 12-31-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly Masoud Barzani: Governance shall be inclusive to all the components of Iraq 2021-12-31 06:56
Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, on Friday called for expediting the formation of the new federal government and pursuing the principles of Partnership, Balance, and consensus in governance. The remarks of the Kurdish leader came in an open letter on new year's eve.
"The Parliamentary election held in October was good, and the results reflected the will of the people," he said.
"After the approval of the Federal Court, the constitutional steps and pathways to form the government and other institutions shall be executed. Prosperity, services, and the people's demands to all the Iraqi components shall be a priority in the next government's program. The three principles of partnership, consensus, and balance shall be implemented in the governance process. None of the Iraqi components shall be marginalized."
"One more time, we reiterate the pacifist message and the concept of peaceful coexistence of the people of the Kurdistan Region. All the parties shall understand that Iraq and the region will not tolerate more violence, terrorism, extremism, and instability. The international community shall be playing a catalyzing role to ensure peace, justice, and security to spare the innocent people of the region the suffering and the agony." https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Masoud-Barzani-Governance-shall-be-inclusive-to-all-the-components-of-Iraq
Zig "Happy New Year" by ABBA....it's old but still good... :Nice day: and great 2022!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feuS4xJNxU4&t=87s
butterfly Zig did you read the first post/article?
Zig butterfly : Yeah but I think it is referring to a recent rate....not really what we seek....
butterfly Oh come on, where is your spirit,
butterfly I believe you are going to be totally surprised. Hang in there.
Zig Well obviously I hope you are right....I will keep my FINGERS CROSSED
and TRY to remain optimistic though not easy for me to do....Take care....
butterfly The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar in Baghdad and a number of provinces
2021.12.30 – 10:26 The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar in Baghdad and a number of provincesBaghdad – people
“Nass” publishes the dollar exchange rate on the local stock exchange for Thursday, (December 30, 2021), according to the monitoring of specialists.
Baghdad – the stock exchange 147,850
…. The price in most of Baghdad exchanges
Buy 147,500 Sell 148,250
Basra – Bursa 147,900
Najaf – Bursa 147,900
Mosul – Bursa 147,950
Erbil – Bursa 148,000
butterfly Al-Kazemi’s advisor: The next government may make changes to the exchange rate
08:53 – 30/12/2021 Iraqi dinar-Dollar Baghdad – Mawazine News, the economic advisor to the Prime Minister Mazhar Muhammad Salih said, on Thursday, that the next government may make amendments to the 2022 budget bill, although the project was prepared correctly by the Ministry of Finance, indicating that those covered by Resolution 315 will continue to pay their dues because they approved a law in
The 2021 budget . In an interview with the official “Al-Sabah” newspaper, which was followed by Mawazine News, Saleh stated that “the budget for next year was prepared in the Ministry of Finance, but there is a constitutional path and it was supposed to be submitted to the Council of Ministers last October to be referred immediately to the House of Representatives,
But because of the dissolution of Parliament, there was no opportunity to discuss it, and the budget is awaiting the formation of the next government and parliament, to be the first law to be discussed.
butterfly He added, “The next government will discuss the budget, amend and add and may make changes to the exchange rate according to the oil markets, and may add new projects to the investment budget,” noting that “all these things will not be delayed because the budget is prepared correctly, but there are some adjustments here and there that may The next government will do it.”
And he continued, “Even if the approval of the budget is delayed, the disbursement will be according to 12/1 of the actual expenses, and those covered by Resolution 315 approved their entitlements in the 2021 budget, and it became a reality and prepared for disbursement,” expecting “its disbursement in the 2022 budget. Finance provided that it is legally approved, meaning that if it is approved in the 2021 budget, it will be added in the 2022 budget. If there is no budget, it is likely to be covered by the Financial Management Law.
Mazhar pointed out that “Kuwait’s money was deducted from oil money and Iraq’s revenues, and these funds will be added to the budget, which makes a good financial space.” Ended 29/N33 mawazin.net
butterfly Looking good.
Sheila butterfly going to work. Off in time to watch Bowl games later this afternoon. Have great day!
Sheila Happy New Year - All!!!
Bobby Cahill butterfly When you say we may be totally surprised, are you saying the 2022 Budget will not include 1460 nor 1190?
butterfly Hey Bobby Cahill you never know. It is not what you know, it is who you know.
butterfly I am in and out with family more important than other things right now.
Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE
You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 12-30-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 12-30-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussions
2021-12-30 The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussionsQaisar Al Hashemi ||
Through the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, we find the following:
1- Expectations are dangerous and should be taken into account, as well as not inevitable
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 12-30-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussions
2021-12-30 The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussionsQaisar Al Hashemi ||
Through the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, we find the following:
1- Expectations are dangerous and should be taken into account, as well as not inevitable
2- It turns out that there is the possibility of saving 10 billion dollars annually to import gas to operate power stations, while the Ministry of Oil did not address the burning of local gas, which burns absurdly, and its value doubles this number.
3- The treatment of the shortage in salary financing by increasing the exchange rate reflected its effects on the employee and the citizen only, considering that the Ministry of Finance compensated contractors and suppliers for the difference in the exchange rate of the contracts concluded, regardless of the percentage of financial completion of the contract compared to the percentage of the operational advance received, in addition to the fact that banks and parties have fortified itself, in advance, from harming it by changing the exchange rate, because it was aware of the decision about a month before its issuance, and it doubled its profits by buying the dollar at the currency auction in cash or on credit
4- The number of employees has nothing to do with good governance only, but rather it is related to the nature of the political system, the number of people’s souls, the administrative system in which the state operates, whether it is an electronic system, the governance of procedures, the prevailing political culture and norms, the level of integrity of leaders and decision-makers, as well as the growth of the private business sector in the country and the volume of foreign investments Directly in the country on the ground
butterfly 5- There is another point of view that should be taken into account and worked on from now on through future dependence on oil and its derivatives in the production of electric power, and what the industry, agriculture and irrigation sectors need from mechanization and equipment, considering that oil, according to the expectations of the Minister of Finance, will be worthless and therefore all its extraction will also be low. Because it is directly proportional to the value and prices of oil globally
6- We must immediately start training and qualifying local cadres to specialize in the extraction and production of oil and its derivatives to provide production costs in preparation for total dependence on oil production in the service sectors to provide the funds allocated to sustain them and import the resources for their operation.
7- Not accepting any future project that does not depend on oil energy as a raw material for operation, because it will be cheaper, safer and more economical locally.
8- Starting preparations for the establishment of the largest industrial complexes for the production of wheels, mechanisms and equipment that operate on oil energy and its derivatives in partnership or by purchasing their production lines from the leading industrial countries in these industries because we are not bound by a pattern of industries whose operation and operation depends on imported energy
9- Activating the Silk Road through Iraq and liberating it from political and partisan domination, randomness and dwarfing
butterfly 10- The number of retirees is also related to the number of people’s souls and has nothing to do with the number of employees, because the people and foreign refugees if they do not receive pension salaries, they will receive monthly health, social and recreational insurance amounts.
11- The issue of levying electricity wages and others is related to the type, level and stability of the service provided and the transformation of levy into electronic or investment levying away from the current mechanism in which the employee and investor of the collection are considered a partner of the abstaining citizen in not achieving it or embezzling it.
(We have to interact dynamically with expectations and manage risks and interact with them in the privacy of our situation and capabilities, and not in a unilateral way that depends on Western or external stereotypical thinking, whose vision is based on its reality and capabilities, which inevitably and in reality differ from what we have. His financial budget, so why should we look for alternative energy sources when we have free energy sources, and why do we grant a partnership in revenues and oil industries, which are our property, such as future petrochemical projects, phosphates, sulfur and silica, which will have a future and a financial return greater than oil, except for partnerships with international technical authorities specialized in establishing such projects
butterfly This does not mean not keeping pace with industrial and environmental developments and working on building nuclear power reactors and building infrastructure for the use of alternative energy such as road networks, bridges, energy transmission, the electronic administrative system, an attractive investment system, and a legislative environment to protect investments that is protective and encouraging, and most importantly of all, keeping parties away from the economic decision because they work in a way Extortion and unsystematic benefit, even at the expense of the failure of the experiment and emptying it of its content, and they have to turn into honest national investors, not fatwas, to collect retreats and commissions and protect deviations.
It seems that the European and global work environment and its doctrine, in which the Minister of Finance lived and grew up, made him think and proceed through the visions, ideas and adoptions of those countries only. In addition, most countries of the world do not have the European capabilities and the major industrialized countries of nuclear reactors or infrastructure ready to shift towards alternative energy, such as African countries, Latin America and others.
Therefore, the situation will not be so bad, but we must take the warnings of the Minister of Finance seriously. Seriously and with great interest and adopting the White Paper as a stable basis that will be supported and developed even if governments change towards a stable and growing economy burathanews.com
butterfly Dismantling the coordination framework and isolating Al-Maliki behind Al-Sadr’s hosting of Al-Fateh leaders
12-30-2021 Dismantling the coordination framework and isolating Al-Maliki behind Al-Sadrs hosting of Al-Fateh leadersBAGHDAD – The Sadrist movement’s leader Muqtada al-Sadr’s hosting on Wednesday in Najaf of a delegation from the Al-Fateh Alliance, the political arm of the militias loyal to Iran, along with the head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Faleh al-Fayyad, raised many questions, especially since the invitation did not include the rest of the representatives of the coordination framework, especially the head of the State of Law coalition Nuri Al-Maliki.
The delegation of the Al-Fateh Alliance, which was received by Al-Sadr at his residence, included the President of the Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, and Qais Al-Khazali, the Secretary-General of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, one of the most hard-line factions loyal to Iran, along with Fayyad, while there were no representatives of the rest of the coordinating framework forces.
Al-Sadr’s hosting of pro-Iranian leaders in “Al-Hanana” was not without messages, perhaps the most important of which is that he wants to confirm that he is the “maestro” of the political process in Iraq, and that he will not accept competing with any party in the electoral achievement he has achieved, except according to what he determines or allows.
The end of the meeting without issuing a joint statement on the part of the two sides, and Sadr’s confinement to a tweet he posted on his Twitter account, in which he reiterated the formation of a “national majority government, neither eastern nor western”, reinforced the state of ambiguity behind the meaning of this meeting, which comes only two days after the court’s approval The Federal Supreme Court on the results of the legislative elections that were held on the tenth of last October, and led to the Sadrist movement topping the merits.
butterfly Observers believe that the Shiite leader’s hosting of a delegation from the Al-Fateh coalition seems to be the main purpose of which is to raise more doubts within the coordination framework that was formed after the elections and to include the forces rejecting the results of the entitlement, led by the State of Law coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the pro-Iranian Conquest Alliance.
Observers believe that Al-Sadr presented during the meeting a proposal for the participation of the Al-Fateh Alliance in a government in which the Sadrist movement would form its program and control its management, a proposal that would achieve for Al-Sadr a number of goals, perhaps the most important of which is isolating his rival Nuri al-Maliki and dismantling the coordinating framework that could turn into An opposition force that causes him a lot of problems during his administration for the next stage in Iraq, as well as avoiding the risk of clashing with the militias loyal to Tehran, which, despite its announcement of its acceptance of the election results and the dispersal of the sit-in in front of the gates of the Green Zone, is unlikely to be calm.
The invitation of the leader of the Sadrist movement did not include the rest of the representatives of the coordination framework, especially the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki
Observers say that the hypothesis of Al-Fateh’s acceptance of joining a government led by the Sadrist movement is not clear, as both options have positive and negative results, and perhaps one of the positive aspects of participation is to avoid clashing with the Sadrist movement, which in addition to possessing the political power that the election results enabled it to have a popular significance It is large within the Shiite community, and it also has armed militias.
butterfly Participation is also not without negative results, as it will transform the Al-Fateh alliance, which was ranked second in the last elections, to playing a secondary role in the political process, deprived of the power of decision in front of the Sadrist movement.
Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, described the meeting with the leader of the Sadrist movement as positive. Al-Amiri said in a press statement that “the meeting was positive, responsible and based on the strong state’s interest and success in the next stage.”
“The discussion of guarantees of success in building the state will be completed, and in the coming days we will have a return once again to Najaf” to meet with al-Sadr, he added.
A leader in the Al-Fateh Alliance had previously suggested that Al-Sadr had invited Al-Amiri, Al-Khazali and Al-Fayyad to Najaf to “plant a time bomb within the coordinating framework”, in preparation for the dismissal of the head of the State of Law coalition.
The Rudaw media network quoted the leader, who preferred to remain anonymous, as saying that each of the three leaders would not have met at the same time in al-Sadr’s house without an “official invitation” from the latter, considering that if the decision had been issued by the coordination framework, “the representative of al-Maliki would have been within The meeting” that took place in Al-Hanana.
The source said that al-Sadr was the one who “requested to invite these three away from al-Maliki, Haider al-Abadi and Ammar al-Hakim,” because the leader of the Sadrist movement believed that al-Amiri, Khazali and al-Fayyad are “the most powerful in the coordinating framework.” rawabetcenter.com
butterfly The framework is struggling to convince al-Sadr: We will join all the Shiite forces and not rule out resorting to the street
2021-12-30 08:15 The framework is struggling to convince al-Sadr - We will join all the Shiite forces and not rule out resorting to the streetShafaq News/ An informed source said on Thursday that the coordination framework meeting, which was held yesterday, Wednesday, at the home of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, which included most of the leaders and representatives of the Shiite framework forces, discussed all ways that would restore the unity of the Shiite house, including resorting to mobilizing the street. .
The source told Shafak News Agency; The emergency meeting, which was held at the home of the former Prime Minister and leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, came to discuss political outcomes that would guarantee a coalition of all Shiite forces under the umbrella of a unified political entity, after everyone realized that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, is proceeding with the project of the majority government unless it accepts Strengths the framework on its terms.
butterfly He added that “the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Nuri al-Maliki and in the presence of the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Victory Alliance Haider al-Abadi, the head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, the head of the National Sindh Alliance, Ahmed al-Asadi, and the head of the Islamic Supreme Council, Hammam Hammoudi, and Member of the Political Bureau of the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Adnan Faihan, and Issa Al-Fraiji, and they all discussed solutions that ensure the formation of the largest bloc to strike foreign schemes that seek to disperse the Shiite house, as well as preventing the division of the country as states (regions) through a political tactic that the framework will adopt in its next movement, which is based on To include everyone without excluding anyone, in reference to (Al-Sadr’s insistence on excluding al-Maliki), especially since the partners (Kurds and Sunnis) are looking for a partner or party that guarantees their interests.
He continued, “The meetings of the framework forces will remain open, and it will attract all the forces wishing to join it to form the largest Shiite bloc, even if the members do not follow a particular force or entity, because what we are interested in is strengthening the Shiite decision within the parliament. If the framework succeeds in that, al-Sadr will definitely go towards the opposition.” Even if the framework leaders emphasized the need to unify the ranks and enter into an unconditional alliance with al-Sadr.
He pointed out that “the meeting, whose leaders were keen to conceal its interlocutor and its outcomes, touched on how to use the street as a pressure card to unify the Shiite discourse in form and content, and that the decision will be issued to the popular bases affiliated with the framework forces before the first session of Parliament, i.e. moving the street with regular, peaceful demonstrations to prevent bloodshed, and the matter remains.
butterfly He continued, “The meetings of the framework forces will remain open, and it will attract all the forces wishing to join it to form the largest Shiite bloc, even if the members do not follow a particular force or entity, because what we are interested in is strengthening the Shiite decision within the parliament. If the framework succeeds in that, al-Sadr will definitely go towards the opposition.” Even if the framework leaders emphasized the need to unify the ranks and enter into an unconditional alliance with al-Sadr.
He pointed out that “the meeting, whose leaders were keen to conceal its interlocutor and its outcomes, touched on how to use the street as a pressure card to unify the Shiite discourse in form and content, and that the decision will be issued to the popular bases affiliated with the framework forces before the first session of Parliament, i.e. moving the street with regular, peaceful demonstrations to prevent bloodshed, and the matter remains.” Subject to the decisions of the leaders of the framework.
He pointed out that “what increases the complexities of forming the largest Shiite bloc by the framework is that some of the framework’s forces may disintegrate and join al-Sadr, and that is why the framework intensifies efforts to form the largest component within parliament, even if it is towards the opposition.”
He added, “All the current Shiite political movement revolves within the orbit of the largest Shiite bloc and is at the forefront of the scene, and it may not lead to a united Shiite bloc except with the intervention of the supreme reference, which is what all Shiite forces rely on regarding the intransigence of the party controlling the compass of political decision.”
The leaders of some of the framework forces led by Hadi al-Amiri met with the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr at his residence in Al-Hanana, in the province of Najaf. It lasted many years.
butterfly The Sadrist bloc seeks to form a majority government in alliance with the Sunni and Kurdish forces that won the elections, contrary to what was customary in previous sessions that witnessed the birth of consensual governments with the participation of all political forces.
However, other Shiite forces within the coordination framework are working to find a foothold in the next government to preserve their gains despite losing many seats in the parliamentary elections that took place last October. shafaq.com
butterfly Al-Sadr comments with 12 points on the end of the combat missions of the international coalition in Iraq
2021-12-30 08:20 Al-Sadr comments with 12 points on the end of the combat missions of the international coalition in IraqShafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, underestimated the effectiveness of the decision to withdraw the combat forces of the international coalition against ISIS led by the United States of America from Iraq, in light of the failure to achieve several points, which he reviewed in a statement published today, Thursday.
Al-Sadr said in his statement, that the end of the combat missions of the international military forces will be effective with the availability of the following:
1- A formal legal request sent to the Security Council for approval
2- Determining the headquarters and evacuating the military bases and handing them over to the Iraqi army exclusively
3- Determining the tasks with a list that must be adhered to and not violated
4- Determining the number of individuals present in Iraqi territory, according to the need for each specialization
5- The movements of the remaining individuals from inside and outside in accordance with the applicable Iraqi diplomatic laws
6- The Iraqi government exclusively undertakes logistical and security support, and no external party has the right to interfere with this
7- Respecting the Iraqi airspace and not using the airspace except after the approval of the Iraqi government, otherwise it is considered a violation
8- Iraq is a fully sovereign country, and every agreement that departs from that is null and void
9- This step is considered a prelude to ending all foreign presence, including advisors and others in the future
10- Any military and security presence inside the US embassy is prohibited, and the official Iraqi forces undertake to do so
11- Mutual diplomatic representation between the two countries must be balanced and in accordance with internationally applicable diplomatic rules.
12- The Prime Minister must implement this so that this is considered an effective end to the occupation.
butterfly On Wednesday, the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, announced the completion of the withdrawal of the combat forces of the international coalition from the country.
Iraq and the United States agreed last July to withdraw all American combat forces from Iraq by the end of this year.
Armed Shiite factions threaten to wage “decisive battles” on the night of the 31st of this month if US forces do not withdraw from the country they entered in 2003. shafaq.com
smoothop Greetings If I may inquire, is there any clear understanding of whether currencies, other than zim, will qualify for humanitarian projects? I appreciate your input
Zig smoothop : to the chat...Be patient as it may take some time for someone to reply who knows about that....
butterfly Any currency can apply to a humanitarian project.
butterfly It will be your currency, when the dinar goes international.
butterfly It will be "your" money and you can do whatever you want with it. BUT make sure you do a deep research on ANY project.
Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE
You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM12-30-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM12-30-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly Some good news and we all need to hang in there.
Butterfly Al-Kazemi’s Advisor: The Next Government May Adjust The Dollar Exchange Rate
Economic Last Update 12/30/2021 | 9:15 AM
The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that the next government will amend the 2022 budget, despite it being properly prepared by the Ministry of Finance, to be one of the first tasks of the new government, while indicating that the government may make changes to the exchange rate.
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM12-30-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly Some good news and we all need to hang in there.
Butterfly Al-Kazemi’s Advisor: The Next Government May Adjust The Dollar Exchange Rate
Economic Last Update 12/30/2021 | 9:15 AM
The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that the next government will amend the 2022 budget, despite it being properly prepared by the Ministry of Finance, to be one of the first tasks of the new government, while indicating that the government may make changes to the exchange rate.
Saleh said in a statement reported by the official “Al-Sabah” newspaper, which was seen by “The Information”, that “next year’s budget was prepared in the Ministry of Finance, but there is a constitutional path and it was supposed to be submitted to the Council of Ministers last October to be referred immediately to the House of Representatives, but because of a dissolution Parliament did not have an opportunity to discuss it, and the budget is waiting for the formation of the next government and parliament to be the first law to be discussed.”
He added that "the next government will discuss the budget, amend and add, and may make changes to the exchange rate according to the oil markets, and may add new projects to the investment budget," noting that "all these things will not be delayed because the budget is prepared correctly, but there are some adjustments here and there that may be made. by the next government.”
And he continued, “Even if the approval of the budget is delayed, the disbursement will be according to 12/1 of the actual expenses, and those covered by Resolution 315 approved their entitlements in the 2021 budget and it became a reality and prepared for disbursement,” expecting “its disbursement in the 2022 budget. Finance provided that it is legally approved, meaning that if it is approved in the 2021 budget, it will be added in the 2022 budget. If there is no budget, it is likely to be covered by the Financial Management Law.
butterfly Saleh pointed out that "Kuwait's money was deducted from oil money and Iraq's revenues, and these funds will be added to the budget, which makes financial space." https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573655/
UNEEK butterfly Good Morning :GoodMorn:
butterfly morning @UNEEK things are looking very good for all of us. Everyone hang in there and as I was told, ignore the so-called gurus.
butterfly Economist: We Have Enough Money To Enter Giant Companies And Solve The Electricity Crisis
Economic Last Update 12/30/2021 | 9:03 AM The economic expert, Ihsan Al-Kinani, confirmed that unemployment and poverty in Iraq can be eliminated by offering giant infrastructure projects and redeveloping the electricity system to get rid of the current crisis, pointing out that Iraq has money and oil to solve this crisis.
Al-Kinani told Al-Maalouma, "Despite the collapse of the housing sector and the lack of a future vision for it, the citizen continues to expand to build new areas and divide homes in most areas, which increases pressure on water, electricity and sewage."
He added that "Iraq's electricity crisis will greatly worsen, if the government moves towards bringing giant companies to solve the rooted problem, at a time when Iraq has all the ingredients in terms of money and oil to pay it in exchange for developing this sector and solving its crisis."
And he indicated that "the coming of the electric companies will open a door to finding job opportunities for the unemployed youth, and the specialists, in addition to launching infrastructure development projects that will provide thousands of opportunities as well as move the wheel of the Iraqi industry, and introduce additional revenues to the state, especially if the electricity crisis is resolved, where the tax will be paid." to the government instead of the generator owners.” https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573644/
butterfly Moves By “OPEC Plus” To Maintain The Average Oil Price At $75
Economic Last Update 12/29/2021 | 3:40 PM The oil expert, Kamel Al-Harami, said in an interview that the average price of a barrel of oil at $75 during 2022 is the rate that OPEC Plus wants.
Al-Harami added that the Russian Energy Minister said that the average oil price will be between 65 and 80 dollars per barrel, ie an average of 75 dollars, and this is what Russia and Saudi Arabia want.
He pointed out that the OPEC Plus bloc owns all the oil numbers, whether the rate of production or the global demand for oil, adding: “The bloc reads the numbers and analyzes them before making a decision.”
He expected that the OPEC Plus alliance would approve an increase in production during the next month at a rate of 400,000 barrels per day, stressing that the leadership of OPEC Plus managed to control the oil markets.
Al-Harami stated that withdrawing from the oil reserves of the major countries will not affect the level of production of the OPEC Plus countries.
He revealed that OPEC Plus has the mechanism to maintain oil prices at the required levels, which the Russian minister announced at $75 a barrel, even in the event of a production cutback to keep pace with any possible drop in global demand.
He continued, "The OPEC Plus group has learned the mechanism of being able to lead prices, not control them. Therefore, the group will increase its production next year and monitor numbers and global demand, and it will increase production by 400,000 barrels per day on a monthly basis, which ends at the end of May of next year." https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/29/573582/
butterfly Source: Leaders with Al-Azm threaten to split in the event of the renewal of Al-Halbousi
2021-12-30 Source - Leaders with Al-Azm threaten to split in the event of the renewal of Al-HalbousiAn informed source revealed, on Thursday, that a number of leaders of the Al-Azm Alliance threatened to split if the renewal of the former Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, was approved.
The source said that “big divisions witnessed by the Azm coalition after information that a number of leaders and members of the coalition pledged to al-Halbousi to vote to elect him as Speaker of the House of Representatives for a second term.
The source added, “Secret agreements took place between a number of leaders of the Azm Alliance, and he submitted to the project of retaining al-Halbousi’s position in exchange for the latter’s assignment of senior positions to leaders and representatives of al-Azm.”
He pointed out that “Al-Azm Alliance is experiencing a great competition between its leaders that may overthrow its cohesion before the first session of Parliament, and the same is true for the Progress Alliance,” stressing that “the desire of the Azm leaders with not renewing Al-Halbousi, despite the continuous dialogues, has not yet led to agreements regarding the distribution of positions.” burathanews.com
butterfly Economist: We Have Enough Money To Enter Giant Companies And Solve The Electricity Crisis
Economic Last Update 12/30/2021 | 9:03 AM The economic expert, Ihsan Al-Kinani, confirmed that unemployment and poverty in Iraq can be eliminated by offering giant infrastructure projects and redeveloping the electricity system to get rid of the current crisis, pointing out that Iraq has money and oil to solve this crisis.
Al-Kinani told Al-Maalouma, "Despite the collapse of the housing sector and the lack of a future vision for it, the citizen continues to expand to build new areas and divide homes in most areas, which increases pressure on water, electricity and sewage."
He added that "Iraq's electricity crisis will greatly worsen, if the government moves towards bringing giant companies to solve the rooted problem, at a time when Iraq has all the ingredients in terms of money and oil to pay it in exchange for developing this sector and solving its crisis."
And he indicated that "the coming of the electric companies will open a door to finding job opportunities for the unemployed youth, and the specialists, in addition to launching infrastructure development projects that will provide thousands of opportunities as well as move the wheel of the Iraqi industry, and introduce additional revenues to the state, especially if the electricity crisis is resolved, where the tax will be paid." to the government instead of the generator owners.” https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573644/
butterfly The Rule Of Law: The Delegation Of The Framework For Hananah Rejected Al-Sadr’s Request
Politician Last Update 12/30/2021 | 4:44 PM The State of Law coalition revealed, on Thursday, what happened in the meeting of Al-Hanana with the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and the coordination framework delegation, indicating that the framework delegation rejected Mr. Sadr's request regarding the participation of part of the framework forces in the next government.
The leader of the coalition, Wael al-Rikabi, said in a statement to "Information", that "the delegation of the coordination framework, which met the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to complete the discussions that took place at the home of the coalition leader Hadi al-Amiri earlier, where a number of issues related to the country's supreme interest were discussed."
He added that "Al-Sadr asked the delegation to participate in part of the coordinating framework forces in the next government, but the delegation rejected his request," stressing that "the delegation of the Coordination Framework informed al-Sadr that all its forces will participate in the government without removing any political force from it, and the delegation also informed the leader The Sadrist movement, that the forces of the coordination framework will not go to the opposition.”
Al-Rikabi explained that "the coordinating framework forces will hold an expanded meeting for all their forces at the house of the head of the Al-Hikma Movement, Ammar Al-Hakim, to discuss what took place in the Al-Hanana meeting, and the meeting will issue a statement after the meeting ends."
Butterfly It is noteworthy that the delegation of the coordination framework, which included the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, the head of the Popular Mobilization Committee, Faleh Al-Fayyad, and Sheikh Qais Al-Khazali, the head of the Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq movement, met yesterday morning with the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr, in Al-Hanana, to complete the meeting of Al-Amiri’s house in Baghdad. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573746/
butterfly Al-Muttalib Reveals The Suitable Shiite Figure To Head The Government
Politician Last Update 12/30/2021 | 3:28 PM The former politician, Saad Al-Muttalibi, revealed, on Thursday, that there is admissibility and approval of a Shiite figure to take over the position of Prime Minister of the new government.
Al-Mutalibi said, in a statement to the "Information" agency, that "Al-Maliki is the closest to taking over the prime ministership by virtue of the acceptability he enjoys with the Sunni and Kurdish blocs and the framework forces."
He pointed out that "the next stage needs a person who is not adventurous and has a lot of external and internal acceptability, and therefore the leader of the state of law is the closest to this task."
He pointed out that "the reform government needs expertise in the next stage and a personality that is not characterized by revenge in order to complete and succeed the desired reform in the Iraqi situation."
It is noteworthy that the Alliance of Forces announced earlier the start of its talks with the Sunni and Kurdish blocs to move to the stage of alliances and to choose the personality of the prime minister before entering Parliament. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573733/
butterfly OH BOY............. "Al-Maliki is the closest to taking over the prime ministership by virtue of the acceptability he enjoys with the Sunni and Kurdish blocs and the framework forces."
butterfly Iraqis Remember The Execution Of The Tyrant Saddam
Politician Last Update 12/30/2021 | 11:50 AM On this day, December 30, 2006, the Iraqi people recall the execution of the just retribution against the buried tyrant, Saddam Hussein, for the crimes he committed against the Iraqis, the peoples of the region, and humanity.
The decision of the Supreme Criminal Court to issue death sentences by hanging to the tyrant and two of his criminals after being convicted of being responsible for the killing of 148 innocent civilians in the city of Dujail in the early eighties following an assassination attempt, as well as the bulldozing of their orchards and their agricultural lands.
The court also sentenced to death the buried criminal, Barzan Ibrahim Al-Tikriti, the half-brother of the tyrant and the grave criminal Awad Ahmed Al-Bandar, who was heading the so-called “revolutionary court” in the Dujail events.
Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki signed the death sentence against the tyrant, before he was executed at dawn on December 3, 2006.
And sources revealed later in the execution of the death sentence that the United States of America tried to obstruct the execution of the sentence, while it was reported that it also tried to smuggle him out of Iraq. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/30/573676/
butterfly The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussions
2021-12-30 The speech of the Minister of Finance and its future repercussionsQaisar Al Hashemi ||
Through the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, we find the following:
1- Expectations are dangerous and should be taken into account, as well as not inevitable
2- It turns out that there is the possibility of saving 10 billion dollars annually to import gas to operate power stations, while the Ministry of Oil did not address the burning of local gas, which burns absurdly, and its value doubles this number.
3- The treatment of the shortage in salary financing by increasing the exchange rate reflected its effects on the employee and the citizen only, considering that the Ministry of Finance compensated contractors and suppliers for the difference in the exchange rate of the contracts concluded, regardless of the percentage of financial completion of the contract compared to the percentage of the operational advance received,
in addition to the fact that banks and parties have fortified itself, in advance, from harming it by changing the exchange rate, because it was aware of the decision about a month before its issuance, and it doubled its profits by buying the dollar at the currency auction in cash or on credit
4- The number of employees has nothing to do with good governance only, but rather it is related to the nature of the political system, the number of people’s souls, the administrative system in which the state operates, whether it is an electronic system, the governance of procedures, the prevailing political culture and norms, the level of integrity of leaders and decision-makers, as well as the growth of the private business sector in the country and the volume of foreign investments Directly in the country on the ground
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 12-29-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 12-29-21
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butterfly After his meeting with the leaders of the framework, Al-Sadr tweeted five words
2021-12-29 07:54 After his meeting with the leaders of the framework Al-Sadr tweeted five wordsShafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, confirmed, on Wednesday, his quest to form a “national majority” government, after his bloc led the recent parliamentary elections.
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 12-29-21
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butterfly After his meeting with the leaders of the framework, Al-Sadr tweeted five words
2021-12-29 07:54 After his meeting with the leaders of the framework Al-Sadr tweeted five wordsShafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, confirmed, on Wednesday, his quest to form a “national majority” government, after his bloc led the recent parliamentary elections.
This came in a tweet by Al-Sadr after his meeting with the leaders of the coordination framework in “Al-Hanana”, his residence in Najaf.
Al-Sadr was satisfied with a brief tweet to confirm his adherence to his position, saying, “A national majority government, neither Eastern nor Western.”
Al-Sadr met with the delegation of the coordination framework headed by the leader of the “Al-Fateh” coalition, Hadi Al-Amiri, and included a group of prominent leaders in the framework that includes the majority of the prominent Shiite forces.
This meeting came two days after the Federal Supreme Court approved the election results and rejected the lawsuit brought by Al-Amiri to cancel the results.
The Sadrist bloc topped the elections with 73 seats out of 329, followed by the Progress Alliance with 37 seats, the State of Law coalition with 33 seats, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31 seats.
The Sadrist bloc seeks to form a majority government in alliance with the Sunni and Kurdish forces that won the elections, contrary to what was customary in previous sessions that witnessed the birth of consensual governments with the participation of all political forces.
However, other Shiite forces within the coordination framework are working to find a foothold in the next government to preserve their gains despite losing many seats in the parliamentary elections that took place last October. shafaq.com
butterfly Iraq..a delegation of prominent Shiite forces meets Al-Sadr in Najaf to convince him of a consensual government
12-29-2021 Iraq..a delegation of prominent Shiite forces meets Al-Sadr in Najaf to convince him of a consensual governmentThe delegation of the coordination framework of the Iraqi Shiite forces that reject the results of the legislative elections met at the home of the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr in the Al-Hanana area in Najaf (south of Baghdad).
The delegation included Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, the Secretary-General of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, and the leader of the National Contract Alliance, Faleh al-Fayyad.
Al-Jazeera correspondent stated that the coordination framework delegation met with al-Sadr, in an attempt to persuade him to form the next government by consensus.
Al-Sadr, who won the most seats in the elections (his movement won 73 seats out of 329 in the Iraqi parliament), has expressed more than once his refusal to form a government by the method of consensus and quotas, and insisted that the next government be by the majority method.
Yesterday, Tuesday, the coordinating framework called on its supporters who are camping at the gates of the Green Zone (central Baghdad) to end their sit-in.
Hisham Al-Rikabi – a leader in the “State of Law” bloc that is affiliated with the coordination framework – called on the sit-in to withdraw, while retaining the right to demonstrate in the coming days.
Al-Rikabi added that the call came after the sit-ins and protesters succeeded in what he called “exposing fraud” that marred the electoral process.
butterfly Two days ago, the Federal Court in Iraq ratified the election results, and it is expected that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, will invite the new Parliament to hold its first session during the next two weeks, which will be devoted to electing the Speaker and his two deputies, then electing a new President of the Republic, before the prime minister who will present His government formation during a period not exceeding a month, according to the Iraqi constitution.
It is noteworthy that in early December, a meeting took place between Al-Sadr and the leaders of the coordination framework at a house in Baghdad Al-Amiri, during which the meeting agreed to continue dialogues and discussions, leading to the development of realistic solutions to the blockage in the political scene.
After the first meeting, al-Sadr announced that the next Iraqi government would be “a national majority government, neither eastern nor western,” while the coordination framework issued a statement making it clear that outstanding issues and the latest developments in the current situation were discussed “to strengthen the bonds of unity and fraternity among the people of the same country, and in a manner that serves the interest of the people.” Iraq, which is a priority for all parties.”
The political forces close to Iran suffered a significant loss in the recent elections compared to the previous one in 2018.
While the Sadrist bloc topped the list, the Progress Alliance won 37 seats, the State of Law coalition won 33 seats, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party won 31 seats. rawabetcenter.com
butterfly Two days ago, the Federal Court in Iraq ratified the election results, and it is expected that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, will invite the new Parliament to hold its first session during the next two weeks, which will be devoted to electing the Speaker and his two deputies, then electing a new President of the Republic, before the prime minister who will present His government formation during a period not exceeding a month, according to the Iraqi constitution.
It is noteworthy that in early December, a meeting took place between Al-Sadr and the leaders of the coordination framework at a house in Baghdad Al-Amiri, during which the meeting agreed to continue dialogues and discussions, leading to the development of realistic solutions to the blockage in the political scene.
After the first meeting, al-Sadr announced that the next Iraqi government would be “a national majority government, neither eastern nor western,” while the coordination framework issued a statement making it clear that outstanding issues and the latest developments in the current situation were discussed “to strengthen the bonds of unity and fraternity among the people of the same country, and in a manner that serves the interest of the people.” Iraq, which is a priority for all parties.”
The political forces close to Iran suffered a significant loss in the recent elections compared to the previous one in 2018.
While the Sadrist bloc topped the list, the Progress Alliance won 37 seats, the State of Law coalition won 33 seats, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party won 31 seats. rawabetcenter.com
butterfly Iraqi army captures for antiquity smugglers in al-Anbar 2021-12-29 10:54
Shafaq News/ Iraqi military apprehended four persons for charges related to smuggling artifacts in the western governorate of al-Anbar earlier today, Wednesday.
A statement by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense said that a joint force from the eighth infantry brigade's first regiment and the seventh infantry brigade's 20th regiment executed an arrest warrant against four persons suspected to be smuggling ancient antiquities.
The arrestees were caught in possession of a pistol, hand grenade, and an artifact, the statement said.
"The arrestees along with the seized weapons and artifact were transferred to the custody of the organized crime department," the statement said https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraqi-army-captures-for-antiquity-smugglers-in-al-Anbar
Butterfly Al-Shabki: There Will Be No Budget For 2022
POLITICIAN 2021/12/29 | 7:35 PM
The former member of the Finance Committee, Muhammad Al-Shabki, suggested, on Wednesday, that next year will not witness the approval of any new budget for Iraq due to the political circumstances.
A member of Al-Shabki said, in a statement to the "Information" agency, that "the new parliament will not have enough time in light of the current circumstances to discuss and approve a new budget for the country, and thus the economic files will be carried forward to the year 2023."
Regarding the statement of the Minister of Finance, Ben Al-Shabki, "the minister had to explain the reasons and not make the statements in an alarming manner, and that Iraq is suffering from a crisis in resources and its dependence on oil is not enough."
He pointed out that "the situation and political logic prevent the application of many laws related to taxes and customs duties that help raise the level of resources and cover new and current expenditures."
The Minister of Finance had warned of the lack of financial liquidity after 10 years from now, and employees may be laid off due to lack of salaries and coverage. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/29/573609/
butterfly An important comment from the Al-Fateh Alliance regarding the change in the price of the dollar
Pratha News Agency 2021-12-29 Today, Tuesday, the Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed that raising the price of the dollar harmed many segments of Iraqi society.
Union member Nasser Turki said in a press interview, "The Al-Fateh Alliance will have a strong position, not only in the media, regarding exchange rates," noting that "this issue greatly harmed the income of citizens and employees."
He added, "The decision to raise the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar contains a lot of confusion, as there is a large class of people estimated in the millions, suffering from hatred and poverty, and this decision affected them."
Turki indicated that "the realization of the demands of the poor and the return of the exchange rate we hope from any list, not only from Al-Fateh," demanding that "there will be great positions to bring down the price of the dollar and Al-Fateh will press strongly on this issue."
The member of the Al-Fateh Alliance concluded, "There is a desire and real intentions within the coalition to raise the issue of the dollar in the upcoming parliament sessions and amend it." https://burathanews.com/arabic/economic/405100
butterfly Where is the Iraqi economy? !
Qassem Gharawi 2021-12-29 The total amount that Iraq has paid over the 17 years since 2003 to today amounted to 52.4 billion dollars, which is equivalent to approximately 5 percent of its total oil revenues.
Governmental parties are trying to redirect the funds that were intended to pay compensation towards establishing sovereign funds for the future in which funds will be collected and invested internationally as a fund for generations, but the idea may not be appropriate at the present time, as the additional financial abundance estimated at 2 to 3 billion dollars annually that was allocated For Kuwait’s compensation,
it is better to place it in a local development fund that participates in setting up a development program to create profitable and sustainable development projects for the fund and that are outside the authority of the government, and that contribute to strengthening national development plans, instead of the annual borrowing operations that the Iraqi government holds with international parties to pay some of its expenses or spending on projects categorized in balance
Therefore, the payment of compensation to Kuwait provides Iraq with a wider political and economic scope in its international relations at the diplomatic and commercial levels.
Economic crises must be addressed to reduce the damage caused by them, and this is done through; Maximizing the country's non-oil revenues,
butterfly Relying on the industry and overcoming the difficulties in front of it.
Reducing imports as much as possible and relying on domestic product by encouraging agriculture and providing soft loans, which provides hard currency for the central bank’s reserves to support internal projects and reduce the volume of debts and their benefits as well as a necessity
Reducing public expenditures and compressing them to the maximum extent to stop the waste of money.
Investment should also be encouraged and the private sector should be allowed to take its leading developmental role in the country.
And seriously consider real alternatives to oil and invest money from the cash flows that are available after the Kuwaiti debts have been paid, which constitute a percentage of the oil revenues.
Activating tourism in Iraq, and adopting a more flexible foreign policy in Iraq's relations with countries, especially America, in order to try to recover the money reserved for Iraq.
butterfly The widening of the gap between expenditures and revenues is widening and it is heading to a collision in the coming decades because Iraq depends on oil revenues by ninety percent, and this is a disaster because it is the only resource, and the next government should think and plan to find alternatives to oil, considering that the world is currently thinking about using clean energy In the future, which affects the fluctuations and decline of oil prices, funds must also be allocated to complete the large FAO project, which is beneficial to Iraq and is therefore a reliable resource by studying the economic feasibility of this giant project. https://burathanews.com/arabic/economic/405096
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 12-29-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 12-29-21
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Butterfly Qais Al-Khazali: We are committed to the decision of the Federal Court, despite our complete conviction of his lack of professionalism
Monday 27 December 2021 23:08 The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, announced his commitment to the Federal Court's recent decision, despite the full conviction that it was "not professional."
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 12-29-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly Qais Al-Khazali: We are committed to the decision of the Federal Court, despite our complete conviction of his lack of professionalism
Monday 27 December 2021 23:08 The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, announced his commitment to the Federal Court's recent decision, despite the full conviction that it was "not professional."
Khazali said in a tweet: "In reverence for the public interest, and the importance of preserving state institutions, especially the judiciary, we announce our commitment to the Federal Court's recent decision, despite our full conviction that it was not professional and contained a lot of problems, problems and observations."
He stressed: "This does not mean that we have relinquished our firm right to continue using peaceful political, social and other means, in order to correct the course." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947271
butterfly Iraq joins China's AIIB as a "New Prospective Member" 29th December 2021 in Investment, Iraq Banking & Finance News, Iraq Industry & Trade News, Politics ............................. The Board of Governors of China's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved the application of Iraq to join the Bank.
Iraq becomes AIIB's 51st regional member, bringing the Bank's approved membership to 105 in total.
As a multilateral development bank with the mission of financing infrastructure for tomorrow, AIIB aims to support its members achieve their development goals and is committed to working together with them to support their transition to a more resilient and inclusive economy and help them achieve long-term green sustainable development through innovative financing tools and public-private partnerships.
Prospective members, including Iraq, will officially join AIIB once they complete the required membership procedures and deposit the first capital installment with the Bank. The shares allocated to the new prospective members come from the Bank's existing pool of unallocated shares.
(Source: AIIB) https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/12/29/iraq-joins-chinas-aiib-as-a-new-prospective-member/
butterfly Iraqi Supreme Court Ratifies Election Results ......... 29th December 2021 in Politics .................. The Iraqi Supreme Court has reportedly ratified the results of October's parliamentary election.
Pro-Iranian groups had challenged the result, which was a victory for Moqtada al-Sadr, who opposes influence from both Iran and the US.
The court's decision means that negotiations can now officially begin on the formation of a new government.
(Sources: Reuters, AFP, Al Jazeera) https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/12/29/iraqi-supreme-court-ratifies-election-results/
butterfly https://twitter.com/IraqiGovt/status/1475115171970490376 Watch: The opening ceremony of Al-Mutanabbi Street after extensive renovations as part of the Baghdad Renaissance Project.
butterfly Iraq joins the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Tuesday 28 December 2021 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has agreed to officially join Iraq.
The Iraqi ambassador to China, Shorsh Khaled Saeed, said in a statement that "the Iraqi embassy in Beijing received a letter from the Vice President of the Asian Investment Bank for Infrastructure, Ludger Schuknecht, which included obtaining the approval of the Bank's Board of Governors on Iraq's request to join the Asian Investment Bank for Infrastructure."
He added that "the bank, which is based in the Chinese capital, Beijing, has provided dozens of loans to its members from countries inside and outside Asia with the aim of establishing infrastructure projects," noting that "the number of countries joining it from all countries of the world is 104." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947284
butterfly The National Front: The approval of the election results killed the last hopes of the Iraqis for reform
Tuesday 28 December 2021 The National Civil Front criticized the Federal Court's decision to dismiss the appeals related to suspicions of fraud in the elections process last October.
The Front stated, in a press statement today, Tuesday, that "the ratification of the election results killed the last hopes of the Iraqi people to correct the course of the situation and fix the deviation of the political process," and indicated that "it is unfortunate that the Federal Court ignored all the appeals that were submitted."
And she added, "We were waiting for more fairness that would restore the right to its people, and put an end to the persistence of the fraud and manipulation groups," according to her description.
Today, Tuesday, the Electoral Commission called on the Presidency of the Republic (based on the provisions of Article 54 of the Constitution) to ratify the final results of the general elections for membership of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year 2021, after the Federal Court ratified the results.
The Commission has sent a list of the winners for membership in the Iraqi Council of Representatives 2021 approved by the Federal Supreme Court. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947394'
Butterfly Moves By “OPEC Plus” To Maintain The Average Oil Price At $75
Economic Last Update 12/29/2021 | 3:40 PM
The oil expert, Kamel Al-Harami, said in an interview that the average price of a barrel of oil at $75 during 2022 is the rate that OPEC Plus wants.
Al-Harami added that the Russian Energy Minister said that the average oil price will be between 65 and 80 dollars per barrel, ie an average of 75 dollars, and this is what Russia and Saudi Arabia want.
He pointed out that the OPEC Plus bloc owns all the oil numbers, whether the rate of production or the global demand for oil, adding: “The bloc reads the numbers and analyzes them before making a decision.”
He expected that the OPEC Plus alliance would approve an increase in production during the next month at a rate of 400,000 barrels per day, stressing that the leadership of OPEC Plus managed to control the oil markets.
Al-Harami stated that withdrawing from the oil reserves of the major countries will not affect the level of production of the OPEC Plus countries.
He revealed that OPEC Plus has the mechanism to maintain oil prices at the required levels, which the Russian minister announced at $75 a barrel, even in the event of a production cutback to keep pace with any possible drop in global demand.
He continued, "The OPEC Plus group has learned the mechanism of being able to lead prices, not control them. Therefore, the group will increase its production next year and monitor numbers and global demand, and it will increase production by 400,000 barrels per day on a monthly basis, which ends at the end of May of next year." https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/29/573582/
butterfly Al-Kazemi: The International Coalition Has Completed The Exit Of All Its Forces And Combat Equipment From Iraq
Politician Last Update 12/29/2021 | 5:08 PM
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi announced, on Wednesday, the completion of the exit of all combat forces and equipment of the international coalition, outside Iraq.
Al-Kazemi said in a tweet via Twitter, followed by the / the information agency, that "the combat missions of the international coalition have ended and the exit of all its forces and combat equipment outside Iraq has been completed," noting that "the role of the coalition has become limited to advice and support, according to the outcomes of the strategic dialogue."
A report by the US "Counter Extremesm" website revealed, on Wednesday, that 2,400 US military personnel will remain in Iraq under the pretext of training local forces and providing advice. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/29/573594/
butterfly The Law Reveals Three Options For The Current To Determine Its Next Political Position
Politician Last Update 12/29/2021 | 5:15 PM
Between the State of Law coalition, Wednesday, that "the options for forming the new government are three, the most likely among them is consensual and the objector goes to the opposition."
A member of the coalition, Hussein al-Maliki, said in a statement to the "Information" agency, that "the visiting delegation in Al-Hanana represents the framework and went with one message, which is that the next government will be a consensus that includes all the components of the Shiite house exclusively, and there is no other choice."
He explained, "The most likely consensual option is between the majority government or going to the opposition, and therefore the matter is related to the Sadrist movement to choose among these ways to start forming the new government."
He pointed out that "the delegations of the framework started from today with visits to Sunnis, Kurds and Shiite blocs to exchange views on the alliances that it is hoped to announce during the next short period."
It is noteworthy that the framework forces announced earlier yesterday that the visit of Al-Amiri and the accompanying figures to Al-Hanana represents the framework as a whole and cannot be isolated from it in any way. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/29/573591/
butterfly Al-Sadr confirms: to form a majority government 2021-12-29 07:33
Shafaq News/ Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadrist Movement, confirmed his position to form a "national majority" government, as he was the frontrunner in the parliamentary elections.
After meeting with a delegation from the Shiite Coordination Framework, Al-Sadr tweeted, "A national majority government, neither Eastern nor Western."
Earlier today, a delegation of the Coordination Framework arrived in Al-Hanana to meet the leader of the Sadrist Movement and discuss the issue of forming the Iraqi government.
Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported that the delegation is headed by Hadi al-Amiri, the leader of the "Al-Fateh" alliance and includes prominent representatives of most of the Shiite forces.
This meeting comes two days after the Federal Supreme Court ratified the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections.
By taking this decision, the Federal Court resolved a three-month controversy over the election results, which were rejected by some blocs, including the Shiite Coordination Framework that escalated its position by protesting for more than two months in front of the gates of the Highly-fortified Green Zone in Baghdad.
The final results showed that the Sadrist Movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr won 73 seats, followed by the "Progress (Takadum)" Coalition led by Muhammad al-Halbousi with 37 seats. Next, the State of Law Coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with 33 seats, then the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani with 31 seats.
Compared with 2018 results, The Al-Fateh Alliance lost 31 seats, taking only 17 seats in the last elections.
The leaders of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the "Progress (Takadum)" Coalition, Muhammad al-Halbousi, and "Azm" Khamis al-Khanjar, welcomed the decision of the Federal Court as well as The leader f the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Sadr
butterfly Import reliance and devaluation contributed to the growing inflation rate in Iraq, official says 2021-12-29 06:12
Shafaq News/ Spokesperson to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning Abdul-Zahra al-Hindawi attributed the hiking inflation rates in the country to import reliance and the high exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the domestic currency.
In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, Abdul-Zahra said that both "internal and external factors" contribute to the growing inflation rates in Iraq.
"Shortage of some commodities and the rarity of others, like foodstuff and construction material, brought their prices higher. This, in addition to supply chains strains, led to a surge in inflation indices worldwide. The United States, Russia, and even the countries of the region are coping with the same struggle because their economies are linked to the international market."
"The high demand on those commodities and the huge monetary cluster commuting inside the market, in addition to the already devaluated dinar, are pushing the inflation rates upwards."
The economic expert, Dergham Mohammad Ali, told Shafaq News Agency, "the inflation rate's surge last month was fueled by the rise of the consumer's exchange rate, which is in turn influenced by the global rise of basic commodities prices."
"The cumulative impact of the delay of the budget and government formation, and the consequent hesitation of suppliers, creates a state of stagnation, sending the consumer's exchange rate to further heights."
Earlier this month, Iraq's Ministry of Planning said that the monthly inflation rate rose by 0.5% in November, compared to the previous month.
butterfly "November 2021's report demonstrated an 8.4% rise in the inflation rates compared to the same period in 2020," the Ministry said.
The Ministry's Central Bureau of Statistics said in a statement that it continuously monitors the price movement of basic commodities, which accounts for 88% of the Iraqi family's expenditures, via its monthly reports.
Miscellaneous commodities were the top boost of the regular family expenditures in November by 3.7%, according to the report. Clothes (19%) and shoes (2.6%) grossed a 2% rise altogether.
Household material prices rose by 1.1% in total; furniture and appliances prices went up by 0.9% and 1.1%, respectively. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Import-reliance-and-devaluation-contributed-to-the-growing-inflation-rate-in-Iraq-official-says
butterfly USD/IQD exchange rates stabilize in Baghdad 2021-12-29 08:50
Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) stabilized in Baghdad today.
Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147750 IQD to 100.
Our correspondent said that the buying and selling rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148250 and 147250 IQD, respectively. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-stabilize-in-Baghdad-6
butterfly Oil edges higher as U.S. crude inventories decline 2021-12-29 00:13
Shafaq News/ Oil prices edged higher on Wednesday after rallying overnight as industry data showed a decline in U.S. inventories, boosting demand sentiment.
Brent crude rose 16 cents, or 0.2%, at $79.10 a barrel by 0441 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude climbed 5 cents, or 0.07%, to $76.03 a barrel.
"Some long-covering is evident in Asia today in an otherwise nondescript session," said OANDA analyst Jeffrey Halley in a note.
Both contracts are trading near their highest levels in a month, aided by the strength in global equities.
Asset classes from oil to equities have clawed back losses from late November, when the Omicron variant of COVID-19 sent investors scurrying for safety.
American Petroleum Institute data showed U.S. crude stocks fell by 3.1 million barrels in the week ended Dec. 24, market sources said late on Tuesday, in line with expectations of nine analysts polled by Reuters.
Gasoline inventories registered a lower-than-expected decline of 319,000 barrels, while distillate stocks dropped by 716,000 barrels compared with hopes of a 200,000 barrels drop.
Weekly data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration is due later on Wednesday.
Oil prices have been underpinned by three oil producers declaring forces majeures this month on part of their oil production because of maintenance issues and oilfield shutdowns.
Russia is unlikely to hit its May target of pre-pandemic oil output levels due to a lack of spare production capacity but could do so later in the year, analysts and company sources said on Tuesday.
butterfly Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, in charge of Moscow's ties with the OPEC+ group of oil producers, has said output by May is expected to hit pre-pandemic levels, or about 11.33 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil and gas condensate, as seen in April 2020.
Investors are awaiting an OPEC+ meeting on Jan. 4, at which the alliance will decide whether to go ahead with a planned production increase of 400,000 barrels per day in February.
At its last meeting, OPEC+ stuck to its plans to boost output for January despite Omicron. Source: Reuters
Sheila @butterfly busy butterfly this morning. appreciate your dedication.
butterfly sheila There is a lot out there. I go into the history and the antiquites more than the updated news. there was one about saddam did not get a fair trial.....I had to laugh bc in the article the idiot admitted that all was there for him to be convicted. Articles, more articles...........but the only articles we investors want to see is............the IQD went international.
Sheila butterfly true that... so much out there. can be bit overwhelming.
Zig butterfly : Thanks...you certainly have far more interest in all that than I do...but I do encourage people to do their own thing in here....do what interests YOU....just be civil and respectful....any topic is fine....not everything will interest everyone....
Zig I am pretty down about this investment now....oh well....:Nice day: and great 2022!!....later....
sheila Zig gosh, I am opposite. Each day brings us closer. Each day an opportunity to buy more, if you can afford to do so. Zig Cannot afford dinar, yet bolivar is still cheap.
Zig sheila : lol....we certainly are different....but that's fine....carry on!!
Sheila Zig 12 years in this
butterfly People have to remember that this is just a currency exchange when it happens. Forget all the other chatter that is out there......800 numbers, must prove all your paperwork upon purchase, DNA, lordy the list is so long it is hard to remember all the things the "so-called gurus" said. It is just a foreign currency exchange.
Sheila butterfly EXACTLY - simple exchange,, with more zeros being the only delta
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday PM 12-28-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday PM 12-28-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly European stocks close at 5-week highs, supported by Wall Street gains
Tuesday 28 December 2021 21:48 The European stock market closed higher, optimistic about strong gains on the Wall Street Stock Exchange, despite the continued fears of Omicron amid tightening restrictions in France and a sharp increase in Covid-19 infections in Spain and Britain.
The European Stoxx 600 index closed the trading session up 0.6% at its highest level in 5 weeks. The benchmark indices in most stock markets in Europe closed with gains, led by the Spanish Ibex Index and the German DAX Index./End 8
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday PM 12-28-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly European stocks close at 5-week highs, supported by Wall Street gains
Tuesday 28 December 2021 21:48 The European stock market closed higher, optimistic about strong gains on the Wall Street Stock Exchange, despite the continued fears of Omicron amid tightening restrictions in France and a sharp increase in Covid-19 infections in Spain and Britain.
The European Stoxx 600 index closed the trading session up 0.6% at its highest level in 5 weeks. The benchmark indices in most stock markets in Europe closed with gains, led by the Spanish Ibex Index and the German DAX Index./End 8
According to analysts, investors' appetite for risk remains strong towards the end of the year, despite the threat posed by the new Corona virus to the recovery of the global economy, which is already suffering from slowing growth, bottlenecks in supply chains and price jumps.
The Stoxx 600 is set for its best month since March this year, with a 5.5% gain so far in December.
It is also heading towards ending the year with a gain of about 22.4 percent, after falling four percent in 2020.
butterfly The Crown Prince of Kuwait issues an order forming the new government, which includes 15 ministers
Tuesday 28 December 2021 21:58 The Crown Prince of Kuwait, Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, issued an order today, Tuesday, appointing Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah as Prime Minister and appointing 15 ministers in the new government.
The Amiri Diwan said, in a statement carried by Kuwait News Agency - KUNA, that: "After reviewing the constitution, an Emiri order was issued appointing Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah as Prime Minister," calling on the Prime Minister to inform the National Assembly and implement it from The date of its issuance.
The Amiri order included, according to the statement, the appointment of 15 ministers, including Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, and Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah as Minister of Foreign Affairs. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947465
butterfly Washington: Recent weeks have seen some progress in Iran nuclear talks
Tuesday 28 December 2021 23:49 The US State Department reported today, Tuesday, that recent weeks have witnessed some progress in Iran's nuclear talks, but added that "the basic situation has not changed despite the progress achieved."
"It is too early to say how important any progress will be in the talks to salvage the nuclear deal, after they resume on Monday," State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.
He added, "Washington needs to see the parties in the talks striving constructively and consistently to achieve progress."
Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, had said that there had been "indisputable progress" in negotiations on reviving the agreement on Iran's nuclear program.
Yesterday, Monday, the eighth round of negotiations under the auspices of the European Union began in Vienna to salvage the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program in light of the United States' withdrawal from it in 2018 during the term of its former president, Donald Trump, who imposed sanctions on the Iranian party. The latter responded by reducing its commitments to the deal since 2019.
Officially negotiations are taking place between Iran on one side and Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany on the other, while the United States is participating in the dialogue without engaging in any direct contacts with the Iranian side.
Tehran refuses to negotiate directly with the administration of US President Joe Biden, before lifting sanctions, while Washington insists on the need to advance the principle of step for step.
butterfly Organizing Committee: We will end the demonstrations and withdraw soon / Expanded
Tuesday 28 December 2021 23:34 The organizing committee for demonstrations and sit-ins rejecting the election results decided to end the demonstrations and withdraw soon.
The committee said in a statement addressed to the sit-in and the demonstrators: We have followed with you the decision of the Federal Court to certify the election results, and regardless of the pressures that the judiciary was subjected to in order to pass the farce of the results, we have enough courage to inform the Iraqi judiciary that we are deeply concerned that it will be contaminated His white dress is the taint of legitimizing forgery, for history is ruthless and generations will remain witnesses to what happened, and we are keen for the Iraqi judiciary to remain clean, independent, strong and impartial.
She added, "It is very important to emphasize the victories that you have achieved with your blood, steadfastness, patience and positions over the past days and weeks, which is the change of 7 parliamentary seats to candidates whose votes were stolen, so they regained them thanks to your demonstrations and the official and semi-official consensus that the current election law is useless and the need to change it and the inevitability of replacing the current fraud commission and expelling its members
And the approval of the abolition of electronic counting and sorting and the adoption of manual counting and sorting in the upcoming electoral elections, and most important of all that you re-pumped blood and spirit into the body of this nation and revived its spirit of rejection and confrontation at a time when the enemies were betting on the exclusion of the mobilization and resistance project from the political and popular scene to finish off On the strongest pillar of the nation represented by the Shiite sect.
butterfly And she continued, "We have read together the statement of the brothers in the coordination framework and their call for us to withdraw, and since our peace, discipline and centrality over the past period have given us the merit of success and victory, and praising that we are the most committed, peaceful and central, we salute the brothers, the leaders of the coordination framework for their cohesion, solidarity, unity and non-compliance with all the oppressors."
Which came to break them up, and we pledge to them to withdraw soon after we complete our covenant with the martyred victory leaders on their upcoming annual anniversary next Saturday, corresponding to 1/1/2021. As we assure them of anticipation of our statement next Friday, "God willing," we deem it necessary to express our great thanks to our brothers in the security forces who have been keen on protecting us and have made the utmost effort for the safety of our sit-ins and demonstrations over the past long weeks. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947484
butterfly 1865 magazine clipping, Bible removed from second time capsule found at former site of Robert E. Lee statue https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/28/us/second-time-capsule-virginia-lee-opened-trnd/index.html
28 Dec 21, 05:37 PM butterfly The Resistance Coordination: The Occupying US Forces Are Not Serious About Leaving Iraq
Politician Last Update 12/28/2021 | 8:17 PM The Coordinating Committee of the Iraqi Resistance stated, on Tuesday, that there is no seriousness for the occupying American forces to leave Iraq, explaining that the American dream that the occupying soldiers feel reassured, and that its bases enjoy peace and stability in Iraq is the dream of delusions that will never come true.
A statement by the Coordinating Committee, which was received by the Information, stated: “Day after day, we are assured that the occupying American forces are not serious in implementing the demand of our dear people to implement the Iraqi Parliament’s decision to expel them from our proud Iraq, especially after the opportunity we gave them in response to the desire of some benevolent national political forces.
Those who worked with the government for the purpose of implementing the resolution in order to achieve the will of the people for the independence of their homeland and the restoration of full sovereignty for it.”
He added, "The Iraqi resistance, throughout the granted period, enjoyed the utmost discipline, patience and commitment, in the hope that the government would fulfill its duty to expel the occupiers from Iraq; However, what we observe of intransigence and arrogance indicates that the administration of evil insists that their occupying forces remain in the country in the same bases, while maintaining complete control over the skies of the country and spying on areas devoid of ISIS presence; As well as their control over the Iraqi political and economic decision and their blatant interference in it.”
butterfly She stressed that "the American dream that the occupation soldiers feel reassured, and that its bases enjoy peace and stability in Iraq is the dream of delusions that will never come true; This is because peoples’ defense of their homelands is an unquestioned right that is sanctioned by all legal and man-made laws. Rather, it is a legal, moral, and patriotic duty;
Accordingly, the Iraqi resistance will work - after the end of the period - to force these arrogant forces to come out defeated and defeated, as there is no occupation in the land of martyrs and sanctities.” https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/28/573457/
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM 12-28-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM 12-28-21
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Butterfly Iraq tops the list of the most Arab purchases of real estate in Turkey
Monday 27 December 2021 The Turkish Statistics Authority announced today, Monday, that the Iraqis ranked first as the most Arab people buying real estate in Turkey during the past months of this year.
The authority said in a report: "House sales to foreigners increased by 39.4% between January and November and became 50,735 homes, compared to 40,800 homes during the past year."
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM 12-28-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Butterfly Iraq tops the list of the most Arab purchases of real estate in Turkey
Monday 27 December 2021 The Turkish Statistics Authority announced today, Monday, that the Iraqis ranked first as the most Arab people buying real estate in Turkey during the past months of this year.
The authority said in a report: "House sales to foreigners increased by 39.4% between January and November and became 50,735 homes, compared to 40,800 homes during the past year."
And she added, "The Iraqis led the Arab countries in buying real estate in Turkey during this period, as they bought 7,622 homes, Kuwait came second with 1,825 homes, Yemen third with 1,169 homes, and Palestine fourth with 1,146 homes."
She pointed out that "Jordan came in fifth place by buying 1,074 houses, Egypt came sixth with 1,3 houses, Lebanon seventh with 849 houses, and Sudan eighth with 624 houses."
The commission explained that "the demand for home purchases by foreigners increased during the month of November, reaching 7,363 homes, compared to October, in which purchases of Turkish homes reached 5,893 homes." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947069
butterfly Oil prices are rising and approaching the $80 threshold, and Brent is at 79.60 a barrel
Tuesday 28 December 2021 Oil prices rose, today, Tuesday, to their highest level in a month, which they reached in the previous session, against the background of expectations that the Omicron variant of the Corona virus will have only a limited impact on global demand.
US West Texas Intermediate crude rose $ 76.57 a barrel, achieving gains for the fifth consecutive session.
Brent crude approached the $80 threshold, recording 79.60 a barrel. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947370
butterfly / NINA / publishes a list of the winners of the House of Representatives elections approved by the Federal Court
Tuesday 28 December 2021 National Agency publishes the Iraqi News / Nina / list the names of the winners of the membership of the Iraqi Council of Representatives 2021 ratified by the Federal Supreme Court sent to the Presidency for approval ... In the following link names ..
Https://drive.google. com/file/d/1RAw5Sp09uWOv5u6GAUs6a3TPcf-qguB3/view?usp=drivesdk
The Independent High Electoral Commission had called today, Tuesday, for the Presidency of the Republic (based on the provisions of Article 54 of the Constitution), to ratify the final results of the general elections for the membership of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year 2021, after the approval of Federal Supreme Court on the findings.
The Electoral Commission has sent a list of the winners for membership in the Iraqi Council of Representatives 2021 approved by the Federal Supreme Court. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947378
butterfly The countdown to the convening of the new Iraqi parliament: the start bell for the alliances race
12-28-2021 The countdown to the convening of the new Iraqi parliament - the start bell for the alliances raceYesterday, Monday, the approval of the Iraqi Federal Court on the results of the legislative elections that took place on the tenth of last October, closed 11 weeks of political debate over the results, and opened the door wide for the winning and losing political forces to proceed with the formation of alliances before the first session of Parliament The new, which is supposed to be held within 15 days of ratification, that is, no later than the eleventh of next month.
The movement began towards forming alliances from the “coordinating framework”, which includes the forces objecting to the election results, most notably the “state of law coalition” headed by Nuri al-Maliki, the “Al-Fatah” alliance led by Hadi al-Amiri, the “state forces” alliance headed by Ammar al-Hakim, and other forces.
The director of the office of the head of the State of Law Coalition, Hisham Al-Rikabi, said that the “coordinating framework” will begin by sending and receiving delegations regarding serious discussions related to alliances, explaining during a press statement that the approval of the Federal Court on the results will contribute to drawing the Iraqi political map.
butterfly Arab reports
Iraq’s entitlements after the approval of the election results: How are the presidencies chosen?
He pointed out that “the current stage will be a starting stage to search for alliances that are consistent with the framework’s vision in forming a consensus government,” adding: “Many forces, including Sunni and Kurdish, share the framework with the principle of consociationalism, and therefore there is no red line or veto on their joining the declaration of political alliances.” cross-sectarianism.”
Al-Rikabi added that “the framework forces and those who will join them want a more stable and effective political process in performing constitutional duties, working to reform the economic and political reality and moving from the stage of quotas to participation by all in the government.”
The desire of the “coordinating framework” to form a consensus government may clash with the position of the leader of the “Sadr movement” Muqtada al-Sadr, who reiterated the need to form a “national majority” government during a statement issued yesterday, Monday, after the election results were approved.
Well-informed political sources told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the Sadrist movement wants to form a majority government, explaining that it will send delegations to negotiate with the winning forces in the elections, most notably the Kurdish ones, as well as those representing the northern and western governorates, with the aim of reaching understandings regarding forming the next government.
butterfly The news of the Federal Court officially ratifies the results of the Iraqi elections and pointed out that the current is aware that the countdown to holding the first session of Parliament has begun, so its moves towards other forces will be quick to resolve the broad lines of understandings before the parliament session, indicating that the end of next week may witness the emergence of features The forces that will lead the scene during the next stage.
She indicated that the dialogues in the coming days will focus on understanding with the coalitions “Progress” and “Al-Azm” regarding the Speaker of Parliament, because the first session of the new House of Representatives must witness the election of a Speaker of Parliament for four years in accordance with the constitutional contexts.
Meanwhile, the leader of the “Azm” coalition, Jamal Karbouli, called on the political forces to abide by the constitutional deadlines, calling for the formation of a government capable of ending 18 years of suffering.
Sources close to the coordinating framework forces suggested that the protests organized by supporters of the forces opposing the election results would end today, Tuesday, and told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the general trend is to withdraw from the approaches of the Green Zone. And ending the protests after the framework forces announced their commitment to the court’s decision.” rawabetcenter.com
butterfly Zwipe, INC to pilot Biometric Payment Cards in Iraq 28th December 2021 in Iraq Banking & Finance News .......... Norwegian biometric authentication firm Zwipe and International Network for Cards and Digital Payment Services (INC) have announced that they will pilot Biometric Payment Cards in Iraq.
According to a press release from Zwipe, this will be the first biometric payment card pilot in the country, and INC will be offering issuance of white label biometric cards as a service for banks and other payment companies.
In collaboration with Zwipe, INC will incorporate biometric payment cards in its portfolio and offer it as a standard payment product to its client banks in the Iraqi market, with the first client being INC's own NEO Visa cards which will be introduced as the first biometric plastic cards in Iraq.
This development was made possible through INC's strategic partner Nymcard which confirmed in September 2021 its collaboration with the Norwegian technology company Zwipe to bring biometric payment cards to the MENA region.
(Source: Zwipe) https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/12/28/zwipe-inc-to-pilot-biometric-payment-cards-in-iraq/
butterfly CBI cashes $47 million in Tuesday's currency auction..expert: cash sales hinder depreciation 2021-12-28 06:47
Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $200 million in foreign currency today, Tuesday.
Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to 202,629,408, 5.16% below yesterday's $213,071,890. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to every dollar.
Our correspondent explained that 18 banks and 217 exchange companies cashed out $47.94 million, while the remaining $154,689,408 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 25 banks meeting those demands.
In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, financial expert Hilal Tahhan, "the CBI cash sales suffices the domestic market. The commercial activity and imports are funded by the non-cash and credit transactions, which amount to the bulk of the CBI sales."
"The CBI cash sales restricted the rise of the dollar exchange rates," he said, "the cash sales average $50 million a day, which is enough to meet the market's daily demand." https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-cashes-47-million-in-Tuesday-s-currency-auction-expert-cash-sales-hinder-depreciation
butterfly Dollar exchange rates in Iraq 2021-12-28 01:46
Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates dropped in the Iraqi market today, Tuesday (December 28, 2021).
• The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 147,850 dinars for $ 100.
• The Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,850 dinars for 100 dollars.
In Baghdad Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets
•Sale price: 148,250 dinars for $ 100 •Purchase price: 147,250 dinars for $ 100
In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets
•Sale price: 147,900 dinars for $ 100 •Purchase price: 147,700 dinars for $ 100 https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-rates-in-Iraq-1-9-3
butterfly Iraq urged to 'starve’ those profiting from rising drug trade
An apparent increase in drug trafficking into the country from both its eastern and western borders, with fallout from instability in Afghanistan and 'mafia' groups in Syria as well as use of illicit substances in Iraq, has raised concern. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/12/iraq-urged-starve-those-profiting-rising-drug-trade
butterfly Iraq's top court ratifies election results after rejecting fraud claims
The Iran-backed Fatah Alliance and other Shiite groups had contested the election results, saying there were many irregularities https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/2021/12/27/iraqs-supreme-court-dismisses-claims-of-fraud-in-october-elections/
butterfly A look back at 2021 in Iraq: a year of hopes and challenges
From visits by senior world leaders such as Pope Francis to security and political upheavals, Iraqis experienced ups and downs https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/iraq/2021/12/27/a-look-back-at-2021-in-iraq-a-year-of-hopes-and-challenges/
Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Late PM 12-27-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday PM 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Bobby Cahill Mind boggling article......Experts: 5 years for Iraq's economic prosperity
Monday 27 December 2021 Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif
butterfly IMF says Iraq should be stable 2024
Bobby Cahill Yep saw that thanks to oil prices. That doesn't include economic growth that the White Papers need to work. That was the purpose of the article
Bobby Cahill Iraq has an economy, just not a lot of economic growth that is needed to sustain
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday PM 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Bobby Cahill Mind boggling article......Experts: 5 years for Iraq's economic prosperity
Monday 27 December 2021 Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif
butterfly IMF says Iraq should be stable 2024
Bobby Cahill Yep saw that thanks to oil prices. That doesn't include economic growth that the White Papers need to work. That was the purpose of the article
Bobby Cahill Iraq has an economy, just not a lot of economic growth that is needed to sustain
butterfly Bobby Cahill What article are you talking about?
Bobby Cahill I have no idea how to post because it looks like 1 long sentence but here's a link....
Bobby Cahill https://alsabaah.iq/59185
Bobby Cahill The White Papers are the answers to all questions in Dinaro World :)
Bobby Cahill Anyways very cool cam of the Eaglet
Doug_W :)
butterfly The Federal Supreme Court announced, on Monday, the details of the decision to reject a lawsuit to cancel the results of the 2021 Parliament elections. https://almaalomah.me/2021/12/27/573253/
butterfly Significant rise in world oil prices
Monday 27 December 2021 23:18 Oil prices rose by about 3% today, Monday, supported by hopes that the impact of the new Corona mutator "Omicron" will be limited on global demand in 2022.
Brent crude rose $2.46, equivalent to 3.23%, to $78.60 a barrel upon settlement.
The price of West Texas Intermediate crude also rose $1.78, 2.41%, to $75.57 a barrel upon settlement.
Brent rose more than 45% this year, supported by the recovery in demand and the reduction of production by the "OPEC +" alliance.
Oil prices rose last week after preliminary data showed that the mutant "Omicron" causes moderate symptoms of the disease.
Investors are also awaiting the "OPEC +" meeting on the 4th of next month to determine whether it will go ahead with its plan to increase 400,000 barrels per day of its production next February.
Last month, "OPEC +" stuck to its policy to increase production for the next month, despite the spread of "Omicron". https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947270
butterfly Qais Al-Khazali: We are committed to the decision of the Federal Court, despite our complete conviction of his lack of professionalism
Monday 27 December 2021 23:08 The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, announced his commitment to the Federal Court's recent decision, despite the full conviction that it was "not professional."
Khazali said in a tweet: "In reverence for the public interest, and the importance of preserving state institutions, especially the judiciary, we announce our commitment to the Federal Court's recent decision, despite our full conviction that it was not professional and contained a lot of problems, problems and observations."
He stressed: "This does not mean that we have relinquished our firm right to continue using peaceful political, social and other means, in order to correct the course." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947271
butterfly Hisham Al-Suhail: Respect for the decision of the Federal Supreme Court is evidence of the national desire for security and stability of the country
Monday 27 December 2021 23:00 Former member of the House of Representatives, Hisham Al-Suhail, confirmed that the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, which was issued today to ratify the election results, is now binding on all parties.
He told the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that: The decision of the Federal Supreme Court came in accordance with its conviction after considering the case submitted to it, and the matter is a decision that must be implemented.
He considered respect for the decision of the Federal Supreme Court as evidence of the national desire for security and stability of the country without slipping towards deepening differences, worsening the situation and moving towards chaos.
The Federal Supreme Court had rejected the lawsuit submitted by the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi al-Amiri to cancel the elections.. and ratified the results. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947239
butterfly An official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discusses with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross mission the tasks carried out by the mission in Iraq
Monday 27 December 2021 23:57 Head of the International Organizations and Conferences Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abbas Kazem Obaid, met today at the ministry headquarters with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegation in Iraq, Jean-Jerome Kasabianka, and the coordinator of humanitarian protection activities in the committee, Robert Zimmerman.
During the meeting, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they discussed the tasks carried out by the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iraq, and the mechanisms for strengthening these efforts and activities to ensure the progress of work in accordance with the specific responsibilities. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=947280
Sheila @TWW - good evening
TWW sheila good evening
Sheila TWW It's been a good day.
TWW sheila Whats new(s)?? :Snow: :Working: :Computer:
Sheila TWW Just read Fleming's latest on his blog. Hoping and Praying.
TWW nick fleming???
Sheila Latest: "Checkmate" https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/12/27/12-27-2021-checkmate/
sheila TWW Read all the way through to the end.
TWW sheila Now It see what was said "Now for the rest of the story by Paul Harvy.. Thanx for the link.
Sheila TWW Seems many "gurus" like to take text out of context.
Sheila TWW Are you hearing anything for this week?
TWW Sheila Just more arrests her & abroad.. No moneys recd yet.Uncle told me to hang on just to see what happens Jan 2022 with the military orders.
Sheila TWW January should be interesting.
TWW Uncle lives in a retiremet centers filled with hundreds of military people of all branches. So he's in the know.
TWW * center/community
Sheila TWW No doubts of your source/s. Challenging waiting. It will be when it will be.
TWW Basil III starts on the 1st nxt mo.
Sheila TWW Yes, long time coming.
Sheila TWW Banks got their backs against the wall.
TWW sheila If the banks have no gold on hand, they can be taken down they can be consolidated.
Sheila TWW We know they have no gold. They've too busy committing fraud upon the people of this country.
TWW u got it lady
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More Iraqi News Monday PM 12-27-21
.More Iraqi News Monday PM 12-27-21
TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner
Specialists: Twinning The Public And Private Sectors Is Enough To Revive The Economy
Monday 27 December 2021 154 Baghdad: Haider Falih Al-Rubaie
A number of economists urged the need to conduct rapid economic twinning between the public and private sectors, and to work on enacting a law regulating that partnership, stressing the need to give the private industrial sector the utmost importance, and to provide all the necessary requirements that enable it to compete with the importer and meet market needs, not Especially granting him soft financial loans, and while they criticized the “lack of annual budgets” of plans, projects and programs with financial returns, they stressed that the government is still unable to make a reverse migration from the public sector to the private sector.
More Iraqi News Monday PM 12-27-21
TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner
Specialists: Twinning The Public And Private Sectors Is Enough To Revive The Economy
Monday 27 December 2021 154 Baghdad: Haider Falih Al-Rubaie
A number of economists urged the need to conduct rapid economic twinning between the public and private sectors, and to work on enacting a law regulating that partnership, stressing the need to give the private industrial sector the utmost importance, and to provide all the necessary requirements that enable it to compete with the importer and meet market needs, not Especially granting him soft financial loans, and while they criticized the “lack of annual budgets” of plans, projects and programs with financial returns, they stressed that the government is still unable to make a reverse migration from the public sector to the private sector.
The calls of the economic experts were in line with the government’s directions aimed at reviving the private sector, which was confirmed by the reform white paper when it stipulated the trend towards “achieving an actual increase in the private sector’s contribution to economic activity by activating the private sector support fund and simplifying procedures, as well as providing job opportunities in this regard.” sector and support small and medium enterprises.
The economist, Manaf Al-Sayegh, said during his interview with Al-Sabah that “the issue of partnership between the public and private sectors is still absent from the literature on building public budgets, and has not been translated into joint projects with specific timings, as this partnership would reduce the burdens on government funding, Reducing annual spending and improving the efficiency of project management and operation.
Al-Sayegh pointed out that “the government is also still unable to develop annual programs that achieve reverse migration from the public sector to the private sector, which could lead, if the government worked with those programs, to reduce the levels of operational spending and direct the surplus to investment spending.”
The economist urged the need to “adopt the priorities approved in the national development plans, and turn them into annual projects according to their importance as priorities for achieving development, which lead to diversified economic activity and better economic performance away from the dependence on the oil sector and its fluctuations,” criticizing at the same time, the lack of annual budgets. To a vision that includes plans and programs to be approved annually and converted into projects with financial returns.
National Strategy
For his part, the economic expert, Basem Jamil Antoine, stressed during his speech to “Al-Sabah” the need to “revive the national strategy for the development of the private sector in all its forms, indicating that work on that strategy began since 2008, and a draft was prepared and submitted at that time to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, as well as to the House of Representatives, with the aim of enacting a law for that strategy, which extends from 2014 to 2030.
Antoine explained that this strategy was built on a number of basic points, the most important of which is “setting a general and comprehensive definition of the private sector, emphasizing small and medium enterprises, as well as setting a time mechanism for implementing that strategy,” noting that “what weakens the private sector in At the present time, what he called “the rupture of the private sector” as a result of the dispersion of the opinions of this sector, “calling for the formation of a council for the private sector, which is supposed to consist of representatives from the public and private sectors, which takes upon itself the management and organization of the work of the private sector.
Soft Loans
The industrial development and investment consultant, Amer Issa Al-Jawahiri, did not stray far from the previous opinions, when he demanded, through “Al-Sabah” that “the selection of medium-sized industrial projects by the Industrial Coordination Council, to be implemented in the manner of partnership between the public and private sectors, indicating that this step is capable of revitalizing and developing Existing government factories and the establishment of major industrial projects in the country.
Al-Jawahiri also called for providing “exceptional flexibility in granting soft loans to the private industrial sector, according to a mechanism for guarantees that facilitates the granting of loans and the speed of granting them, regardless of their value, taking into account the increase in the repayment period.”
Al-Jawahiri suggested, “The General Directorate of Industrial Development, in coordination with the Iraqi Federation of Industries and the Private Sector Council, shall hold periodic sectoral seminars with the private industrial sector to address obstacles and challenges and support the establishment and work of small and medium enterprises in preparation for the formation of the “Small and Medium Enterprises Authority.” LINK
International Coalition: We Will Not Withdraw From Iraq
The international coalition confirmed today, Monday, that the coalition will not withdraw from Iraq, but that the role will change from combative to advisory.
The spokesman for the international coalition, Colonel Cole Harper, told Al Jazeera Net that the US-led coalition does not have military bases in Iraq, but rather is located in the three Iraqi facilities, which are Ain al-Assad in Anbar, Erbil in the Kurdistan region, and the first joint operations center in Baghdad.
Harper explained that there are some attacks on the facilities in which elements belonging to the international coalition are deployed, causing damage and a real threat to the Iraqis, since these facilities are mainly Iraqi.
He added that attacks by armed factions constantly endanger Iraqi civilians, given that the rockets used, especially Katyushas, are often indiscriminate and fall on cities and cause damage to civilians.
Harper stated that the international coalition now does not have any combat role in Iraq, but rather the new task lies in providing advice and assistance to enable the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga (Kurdistan regional forces) to maintain the permanent defeat of the Islamic State.
The American colonel stressed that the international coalition will not withdraw from Iraq, but that the role will change from combative to advisory, as announced by the Iraqi government, and that staying in Iraq - and with this new role - came at the request of Baghdad to help defeat what remained of ISIS.
On July 27, 2021, Iraq and America agreed to withdraw all US combat forces from Iraq by the end of this year, according to the final statement issued by the two governments after the fourth and final strategic dialogue between them. https://www.radionawa.com/all-detail.aspx?jimare=27301
In 2021.. Planning Talks About Positive Indicators For The Iraqi Economy
Economie| 11:55 - 27/12/2021 Baghdad - Mawazine News The Ministry of Planning announced, on Monday, the rise in positive indicators of the economy in the year 2021, while identifying factors to increase the movement of the economic wheel.
Ministry spokesman Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi said, in an interview with the official agency, that "the increase in the prices of goods and commodities worldwide came due to the interruption of the supply chain between the countries of the world, which led to a scarcity of materials and an increase in demand for them, whose price will certainly rise."
Regarding economic indicators and readings after changing the exchange rate, and Iraq’s reliance on the local product, Al-Hindawi explained, “The reading and the emergence of results will be after two years at least,” noting that “the return of life to normal and the suspension of the ban measures related to Corona, contributed to the rotation of economic activity in a way.” general".
He stressed, "All economic development movement has positive results and effects on reality," noting that "the ministry has not prepared a report on economic indicators during the year 2021 because the year has not ended yet, but there is an improvement in many joints."
He pointed out that "all the projects that were suspended, work has resumed, as the government projects that were suspended due to the financial and economic crisis," stressing that "the movement of these projects generates job opportunities."
He added, "Those who lost their jobs in the past year 2020, returned to it, which helped in the economic movement, as well as many projects in the private sector, in the field of housing and in other fields, and they began to work, all of these are positive indicators in the year 2021."
And Al-Hindawi, that "inflation is calculated according to indicators, including the rise and fall of the local currency, the increase in demand for goods from existing goods and the presence of a monetary mass in circulation, as well as what prices are witnessing worldwide."
He concluded, by saying that "inflation in all countries has risen, as a result of the rise in food prices in the global market, and the interruption of the supply chain between countries due to the pandemic." Ended 29/A 4
Planning: Positive Indicators For The Economy Will Rise In 2021
Money and business Economy News _ Baghdad Today, Monday, the Ministry of Planning announced an increase in positive indicators for the economy in 2021, while identifying factors to increase the movement of the economic wheel.
Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency and followed by "Economy News", that "the rise in the prices of goods and commodities worldwide came due to the interruption of the supply chain between the countries of the world, which led to a scarcity of materials and an increase in demand for them, whose price will certainly rise."
Regarding economic indicators and readings after changing the exchange rate, and Iraq’s reliance on the local product, Al-Hindawi explained, “The reading and the emergence of results will be after two years at least,” noting that “the return of life to normal and the suspension of the embargo measures related to Corona contributed to the rotation of the economic activity in a way.” general".
He stressed, "All economic development movement has positive results and effects on reality," noting that "the ministry has not prepared a report on economic indicators during the year 2021 because the year has not ended yet, but there is an improvement in many joints."
He pointed out that "all the projects that were suspended, work has resumed, as the government projects that were suspended due to the financial and economic crisis," stressing that "the movement of these projects generates job opportunities."
He added, "Those who lost their jobs in the past year 2020, returned to it, which helped in the economic movement, as well as many projects in the private sector, in the field of housing and in other fields, and they began to work, all of these are positive indicators in the year 2021."
And he stated, "Inflation is calculated according to indicators, including the rise and fall of the local currency, the increase in demand for goods from existing goods and the presence of a monetary mass in circulation, as well as what prices are witnessing worldwide."
And he concluded, by saying: “Inflation in all countries has risen, as a result of the rise in food prices in the global market, and the smoothness of supply between countries has stopped due to the pandemic.”
Views 196 Date Added 12/27/2021 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=27021
Al-Nusairi In A Comprehensive Analytical Dialogue Expects Macroeconomic Indicators And The Banking Sector In Iraq 2022
Dialogues Economy News _ Baghdad The economic and banking advisor to the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, member of the Banking Advisory Committee in the Central Bank of Iraq and member of the International Union of Arab Bankers, Mr. Samir Al-Nusairi, has been interested for several years in analyzing and diagnosing the challenges facing the Iraqi economy and the banking sector and his proposals for policies, programs and visions to overcome them,
in addition to his expectations of the effects and repercussions of economic variables The international community will affect the Iraqi economy in the coming years, especially in 2022. On the occasion of the end of 2021, we conducted a specialized dialogue with him about his predictions for the banking sector and the national economy in 2022, and the Nusayri consultant replied as follows:-
On the occasion of the end of 2021, and in view of the special and new circumstances that our beloved country is going through due to waiting for the formation of the new government after the approval of the election results by the Federal Court and the legitimate popular demands for political and economic change and reform, and because our banks are the first main link in the national economy, we must clarify by analyzing and evaluating the results The initial business of the banks in 2021.
That it faced the challenges of an unstable work environment, the non-performing debts reaching more than (6) trillion dinars, the decline in the prices of shares traded in the Iraqi stock market by (80%), the decrease in the liquidity of some banks to the minimum limits set by the Central Bank, the decrease in the realized revenues and deposits for some banks, and the impact of some The other is the delay in approving the 2021 budget, which affected the investment side of development projects, legislative shortcomings, and the lack of clarity in financial policies and the determinants of instructions that regulate the economic process, as well as tax and customs laws and instructions.
Al-Nusairi pointed to the role played by the Central Bank in facing these challenges, leading the banking sector, organizing it and reforming some of its links towards helping it overcome those challenges.
Through its financing procedures and initiatives to stimulate the economy and support banks. And that our banks confirmed their sobriety and strengthened the public’s confidence in them during 2021 and the continuation of their activities and daily work despite the administrative, logistical and technical difficulties, which made an effective contribution to the implementation of the Central Bank’s policy in achieving stability in the banking market and perpetuating internal and external banking operations, which enhanced international confidence in our international banking transactions.
This is evident when comparing the state of our banks with other countries experiencing the same conditions as happened in Lebanon, Syria and Iran, for example, and this confirms that our banks are moving in the right direction.
Therefore, it requires it to complete its plans for 2022 in the light of the analysis of the results of its activities and activities in light of the current conditions and expectations in 2022 after the formation of the new government and the requirements of the new situation and in accordance with the objectives of the second central bank strategy for the years (2021-2023) with a focus on contributing to the implementation of strategic banking projects Which the Central Bank planned, developed and set its objectives, which are about 15 main objectives and 75 sub-targets (technical, financial, administrative and developmental).
Stressing the need to reach policies and procedures according to their actual needs in the sustainability of their banking products, and to complete the preparation of these plans in coordination with the specialized departments of the Central Bank in cooperation with the Association of Iraqi Private Banks and to develop policies and procedures to meet the major challenges facing banks.
The banks’ completion of their plans for 2022 requires them, under the supervision and control of the Central Bank, to work in quick steps, which is to move the Iraqi banking sector to a sober and developed economic sector that is committed to international regulations, rules and standards for compliance, combating money laundering, financial reporting and risk management, and thus moving from the role of banking to a developmental role and contributing to the revitalization of The economic cycle is to activate and support the financing of small and medium projects and large development projects, through which the building of a solid national economy and sustainable development is achieved, ultimately serving the Iraqi people and their aspirations for a better life.
This requires work in the areas of developing the structural structure of the banking sector, in addition to paying attention to the application of financial stability standards, which are indicators of financial safety such as the capital adequacy ratio, the liquidity ratio, the profitability ratio such as the ratio of profit and net profit to capital, the ratio of return on assets, the ratio of return on shareholders’ equity, the ratio of activity costs and leverage Finance and money investment ratio, in addition to adopting indicators to measure performance efficiency and creating units for statistics, studies, analysis and financial forecasting to indicate monthly, quarterly and annual deviations in the drawn plans. Relevant to revitalizing banking work, especially in the field of credit, bank financing, loans and banking facilities, giving a key role to private banks and involving them in central economic decision-making.
As for the expectations of the effects of changes in the global economy on the Iraqi economy, Al-Nusairi spoke, reviewing the reality of the Iraqi economy, noting that since the first quarter of 2020, the Iraqi economy has faced challenges and stifling economic and financial crises due to changes in the global economy and the slowdown in global economic growth due to the conditions of the American-Chinese conflict, the Corona pandemic and the decline International oil prices in 2020, reaching a drop of more than 70%, economic stagnation, and most countries of the world were affected by these repercussions, which had their effects on the Iraqi economy, and what concerns us is what are the results of these repercussions and what are the expectations, effects and repercussions on the current economic reality in Iraq in 2022.
In the light of the study and analysis, Al-Nusairi expected: the repercussions of the changes in the global economic system on the Iraqi economy in 2022, as follows:-
1 - The economic growth rate will not exceed 3%, the annual inflation rate will exceed 5%, the foreign cash reserve will maintain a level of no more than 65 billion dollars, and the contribution of oil to the gross domestic product will be up to 60%, and it will constitute up to 91% of the revenues of the general budget, and the external debt will be formed And the interior is at 50% of the GDP. As for the growth rate of the gross domestic product at constant prices, it is around 3%
2‐ He sees, with an insightful analytical look at the current economic reality, that we urgently need a radical comprehensive economic change that adopts the following main axes:-
* Re-change the map of national income resources by reducing dependence on oil as a major resource by activating other resources to bring them to 30% within the next ten years of the total resources.
* A radical and comprehensive change of agricultural, industrial, commercial, oil and water policies by adopting local resources in securing food security, encouraging, protecting and supporting the local Arab and Iraqi products, setting programs and strategies in consumer protection, and emphasizing Arab economic integration.
* Supporting, developing and motivating the private sector and benefiting from its capabilities, capabilities, capital and investments in building the national economy and involving it in economic decision-making and management of the economy.
* Develop a new methodology to overcome the challenges of instability in the financial system and the monetary system, and this means developing coordinated and balanced plans to overcome the challenges of monetary policy and the challenges of deficit in non-oil revenue and deficit in the balance of payments and trade balance and increasing the contribution rate of the productive sectors (real economy in GDP). Views 116 Date Added 12/27/2021 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=27019
7.6 Billion Dollars, Iraq's Oil Revenues During November
Energy Economy News – Baghdad The Ministry of Oil announced the total oil exports and revenues generated for the month of last November, according to the final statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO).
The amount of crude oil exports amounted to (98) million (192) thousand and (317) barrels (ninety-eight million one hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and seventeen barrels), with revenues amounting to (7) billion (610) million and (850) thousand. Dollars (seven billion, six hundred and ten million, eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars).
The statistics indicated that the total quantities of exported crude oil for the month of last November from oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (95) million (860) thousand and (149) barrels.
While the quantities of Kirkuk oil exported through Ceyhan port were (2) million, (32) thousand and (685) barrels, and the average price per barrel amounted to (77,510) dollars.
The statistics pointed out that the exported quantities were loaded by (30) international companies of different nationalities, from the ports of Basra, Khor al-Amaya, mono-buoys on the Gulf and the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
The Ministry of Oil recently announced that Iraq's total oil exports increased to 3.12 million barrels per day in October from 3.081 million barrels per day in the previous month.
Views 107 Date Added 12/27/2021 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=27018
61 Billion Dinars, The Value Of The Weekly Trading Of The Iraqi Stock Exchange
stock market. "Economy News" Market Economy News – Baghdad The Iraqi Stock Exchange announced, on Monday, that 55 billion shares, worth 61 billion dinars, were traded during the past week.
The market said in a report seen by "Economy News", that "the number of companies whose shares were traded during the past week amounted to 50 joint-stock companies, and the shares of 33 companies did not trade due to the lack of convergence of the prices of purchase orders with sales orders, while 22 companies continue to be suspended for not providing disclosure out of 105 companies listed on the market.
And he indicated that "the number of traded shares amounted to 55 billion and 164 million and 56 thousand shares with a financial value of 61 billion and 460 million and 589 thousand dinars through the implementation of 3136 transactions," noting that "the ISX60 traded price index closed at 98.565 points, recording an increase of 0.71% from its closing in the previous session.
He pointed out that "the number of shares purchased from non-Iraqi investors for the past week amounted to 757 million shares, with a financial value of 770 million dinars, through the implementation of 138 deals, while the number of shares sold from non-Iraqi investors amounted to 354 million shares, with a financial value of two billion dinars, through the implementation of 468." Deal".
Views 147 Date Added 12/27/2021 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=27024
A Slight Decrease In The Exchange Rates Of The Dollar In The Local Markets
Economie| 11:34 - 27/12/2021 Baghdad - Mawazine News, the dollar exchange rates fell, on Monday, in the main stock exchange and local markets in the capital, Baghdad.
The dollar exchange rates fell on the Central Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad today, recording 147,900 dinars, for each $100 bill.
And the prices of buying and selling the dollar have stabilized in banking shops and local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price reached 148,500 dinars for each denomination of 100 dollars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147,500 dinars for each denomination of 100 dollars. Ended
Experts: 5 Years For Iraq's Economic Prosperity
Monday 27 December 2021 257 Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif Experts in the economy and former deputies in the parliamentary financial and economic committees suggested that Iraq will recover and prosper economically within the next 5 years, provided that real reforms are implemented in the financial and economic systems, stressing that the partnership between Iraqi and foreign banks will contribute to increasing investments and reducing the level of unemployment in the country. The Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, described the "white paper" as a dual government reform project.
Saleh told "Al-Sabah": "(The White Paper) constitutes the government's beginning towards adopting a package of measures in managing the course of economic policy according to a principle called (audit and correction), to achieve the required balance in procedures and in public policy tracks after years of imbalance. unfortunate economist.
Saleh considered the "white paper" to be "a government reform project with dual goals that seeks to achieve the country's financial sustainability, with the ability to be economically sustainable in a truly integrative manner," noting that "this long-term paper has established in the short period an understanding of an alternative ideology that was confused. In the economic meeting until recently, to answer an important question (how do we establish a practical path to economic reform?), the white paper is an economic surgical process that requires patience, determination and will to build the country’s future in stability and development, and it is closer to an applied economic constitution in the outline of reform.
As for the economic expert, Safwan Taha, he explained in his interview with Al-Sabah that "decreasing the value of the dinar means increasing prices, and waiting for local production to be able to raise its capabilities to cover the import deficit in order to price reduction" .
He added, "The local production is still sluggish due to the inclusion of raw materials at the high price, the scarcity of water and the inability to attract local, regional or international investment," noting that "whenever we expand the circle of investment in local production, these prices are controlled."
And he indicated that "Iraq succeeded in changing the compass of its revenues from oil to diversified, and in practice Iraq seeks to attract Gulf, European and American investments," stressing that "the return on investment in the Iraqi environment is high, and the stability of the political reality will force the investor to go to it, and the partnership between banks is Public and private relations with the international environment - in the event of exit from the list of Chapter VII sanctions - means attracting investment, which will increase diversified production, but this issue needs 3 to 5 years.
He explained that "moving the investment compass towards Iraq will contribute to reducing the level of unemployment, and that the government has abundant financial resources that can be directed in the 2022 budget to address the fragile classes and reduce poverty level.
In turn, a member of the Committee on Economy and Investment in the former House of Representatives, Mazen Al-Faili, criticized the slow pace of the reform measures and their increase in prices and the rise in poverty rates, and warned that “the rate of spending this year’s budget amounted to 88 trillion dinars of actual expenditures, after it was determined By 164 trillion dinars, then reduced to 130 trillion dinars," explaining that "the budget was presented at this level of expenses, and the committee demanded that it be at least 90 trillion dinars, similar to previous years." The response document and the recovery plan from the repercussions of "Corona" issued by the Ministry of Planning, confirmed the payment of nearly 4.5 million Iraqis,
(11.7%) of the total population, below the poverty line, and its rates increased from 20.05% in 2018 to 31.7%,
Al-Faili warned that "the complex crisis and its economic and social repercussions contributed to crystallizing an unstable development scene, and led to negative results that threaten the human security of the individual, family and society. Perhaps the most prominent manifestations of it are the high levels of poverty and the deterioration of the living conditions of some social segments of the vulnerable and marginalized groups." LINK
To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 12-27-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly Al-Sadr welcomes the decision of the Federal Court: The formation of a national majority government must be expedited
2021-12-27 07:32 Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, welcomed, on Monday, the Federal Supreme Court’s ratification of the election results, calling for the speedy formation of a national majority government. Al-Sadr said in a tweet to him, seen by Shafak News Agency, “Thank you to everyone who contributed to this national democratic wedding, especially the Supreme Judiciary, and I especially mention Brother Faiq Zaidan, the Federal Court, the Electoral Commission and the Special Representative, the Secretary-General of the United Nations: (Jeanine Plasschaert) and to all partners. For the Iraqi people who were patient and won, and thank you for the reference, the sponsor and advocate for this electoral carnival, which deserves our praise, thanks and celebration.
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
butterfly Al-Sadr welcomes the decision of the Federal Court: The formation of a national majority government must be expedited
2021-12-27 07:32 Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, welcomed, on Monday, the Federal Supreme Court’s ratification of the election results, calling for the speedy formation of a national majority government. Al-Sadr said in a tweet to him, seen by Shafak News Agency, “Thank you to everyone who contributed to this national democratic wedding, especially the Supreme Judiciary, and I especially mention Brother Faiq Zaidan, the Federal Court, the Electoral Commission and the Special Representative, the Secretary-General of the United Nations: (Jeanine Plasschaert) and to all partners. For the Iraqi people who were patient and won, and thank you for the reference, the sponsor and advocate for this electoral carnival, which deserves our praise, thanks and celebration.
Al-Sadr called for “preserving peace and peace, as the homeland is a trust in our necks, by expediting the formation of a government (a national majority), neither eastern nor western, that shines its light from the homeland and provides the people with service and safety.”
For his part, the victory coalition led by Haider al-Abadi announced its acceptance of the Federal Court’s decision regarding the 2021 elections.
He stressed in a statement, “The basis of the electoral and political process is that it is based on constitutional and legal contexts, and therefore, despite our reservations about many of the procedures that accompanied the electoral process and the work of the Commission, we affirm that adhering to the legal and constitutional contexts of the state requires us to accept those contexts, despite the unfairness that Sign for victory, especially in this election or the one before it.”
butterfly The Victory Coalition continued that “its positions were and will remain in the interest of the citizens’ state, the consolidation of its practices, the sovereignty of its institutions and the unity and pride of its people,” calling on all political forces to “unify the ranks, uphold public interests, and agree on a successful, strong and rational governing equation that is able to carry out its duties to save the state.” shafaq.com
butterfly The Federal Court ratifies the results of the House of Representatives elections
2021-12-27 Today, Monday, the Federal Supreme Court announced the approval of the results of the elections for the House of Representatives during its session held today.
And the judiciary’s media said in a brief statement, “The Federal Supreme Court ratified the results of the House of Representatives elections.”
Meanwhile, the Federal Court held a deliberative session regarding the results of the general elections.
butterfly The coordination framework calls for not accepting the resignation of any official “under pressure”
2021-12-27 The coordination framework of the Shiite forces called, on Sunday, not to accept the resignation of any official who submitted under pressure and threat.
In a statement, Al-Attar expressed his “grave concern and rejection of the illegal pressures and threats being exerted on people and families of governors and heads of institutions and departments (with our reservations about the performance of some of them) to force them to resign in violation of the law and the constitution and in violation of the legal and administrative frameworks and under pretexts, the motives behind them became clear. “.
The coordination framework called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, “as the first responsible for the governors and department officials, to protect them and prevent transgression against them, and everyone must abide by the legal and administrative contexts to prevent the spread of administrative chaos.”
He also called for “not to accept the resignation of any official who submitted under pressure and threats to prevent this dangerous trend from violating the law.” burathanews.com
butterfly Iraqi Dinar/US Dollar auction results for Tuesday 12-28-2021 executed today 12-27-2021
25k Iraqi Dinar notes The results of the foreign currency sale window,
Announcement No. (4556)
Sale date – Tuesday 28/12/2021 and executed today the details Amount
Total sales for the purposes of strengthening balances abroad (remittances, credits) 154,689,408
Total cash sale 47,940,000 total total sales 202,629,408
Note that: The selling price of the amounts transferred to bank accounts abroad is ( 1460 ) dinars per dollar.
The cash sale price is ( 1460 ) dinars per dollar. cbi.iq/currency_auction/view/1183
Sheila Video: The Biggest Stock Market Crash Is On Us NOW, Robert Kiyosaki -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00vNXWFHKyQ
butterfly I remember that was also said back when djt was in office......the stock market goes up and down all the time. People were scared bc of the investment, but it all came back.
butterfly He released a book in 2013 that the stock market will crash soon and it will be one of the biggest crash in history....that never materialized. In his case, he seems to predict it on a yearly basis....you know what they say, a broken clock is right twice....I'll bet you when it happens, he will shout it loud that he had predicted it.
butterfly Because of Corona .. the World Bank: nearly 100 million people are in poverty
Monday 27 December 2021 19:36 The World Bank announced that nearly 100 million people are in poverty due to the Corona pandemic.
According to the forecasts of economists at the World Bank, globally, the increase in poverty rates due to the Corona virus pandemic, which spread in 2020, is still remaining. There has been slight improvement since then.
The bank added: In 2021, the average income of the poorest 40% of the population in the global income distribution decreased by 6.7% from pre-pandemic expectations. While the average income of the richest 40% of the population decreased by 2.8%.
He attributed the reason for this large difference to the fact that the poorest 40% of the population did not start to recover their income losses, while the richest 40% recovered more than 45% of their initial income losses. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947208
butterfly Congratulating the election winners.. Al-Halbousi: Commitment to the decisions of the Federal Court is a step towards achieving the democratic path
Monday 27 December 2021 20:15 The head of the Alliance for Progress, Muhammad al-Halbousi, congratulated all the blocs and personalities who won the elections for the House of Representatives in its fifth session, after the decision of the Federal Supreme Court.
And he stressed in a statement: The unanimity to abide by the decisions of the Federal Court and respect the legal and constitutional contexts regarding the approval of the election results is a step towards achieving the democratic path away from the options of chaos and lawlessness and preserves the prestige and sovereignty of the state and protects its gains.
Al-Halbousi stressed the importance of completing the constitutional procedures to meet the aspirations of the citizens and achieve a new and different reality from the previous ones.
The Federal Supreme Court had rejected the lawsuit submitted by the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi al-Amiri to cancel the elections.. and ratified the results. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947221
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM 12-27-21
.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Bobby Cahill Iraq's Federal Court dismisses Al-Fatah's complaint against the October 10 vote...... 2021-12-27 05:39.........Shafaq News/ Iraq's Supreme Court rejected on Monday the complaint lodged by the head of al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, to dispute October's election results, a court ruling read by the court's chairman, Jassim Mohammed, said.
Bobby Cahill 15 days to seat the Parliament
Bobby Cahill I should've said if this is the official ratification, that 15 day time frame begins. Could be just the dismissal of the appeals. Either way that clock will begin sooner rather than later
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM 12-27-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
Bobby Cahill Iraq's Federal Court dismisses Al-Fatah's complaint against the October 10 vote...... 2021-12-27 05:39.........Shafaq News/ Iraq's Supreme Court rejected on Monday the complaint lodged by the head of al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, to dispute October's election results, a court ruling read by the court's chairman, Jassim Mohammed, said.
Bobby Cahill 15 days to seat the Parliament
Bobby Cahill I should've said if this is the official ratification, that 15 day time frame begins. Could be just the dismissal of the appeals. Either way that clock will begin sooner rather than later
butterfly Al-Amiri announces commitment to the decision of the Federal Court
Monday 27 December 2021 The head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, announced his commitment to the unilateral court's decision to ratify the results of the parliamentary elections.
Al-Amiri said in a statement: “Out of our keenness to abide by the constitution and the law, and our fear for Iraq’s security and political stability, and our belief in the political process and its democratic path through the peaceful exchange of power through election boxes, we adhere to the decision of the unilateral court despite our deep belief and our firm belief that the electoral process was marred by a lot of fraud. and manipulation."
He added, "The appeals we submitted to the Federal Court were court, logical and acceptable, and if they were submitted to any constitutional court in any country that respects democracy, it would have been sufficient to annul the results of the elections."
Al-Amiri added, "With all this, we affirm our commitment to the decision of the Federal Court, which was subjected to very great external and internal pressures. May God protect Iraq and its people from all evil and peace be upon you." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947184
butterfly The decision of the Federal Court to ratify the results of the elections to the House of Representatives
Monday 27 December 2021 The National Iraqi News Agency publishes the text of the Federal Supreme Court's decision to ratify the results of the elections for the House of Representatives 2021.
To view the complete ratification decision, please click on the electronic link below
https://www.iraqfsc.iq/krarat/ 1/2201/175_fed_2021el.pdf all in arabic
butterfly https://www.iraqfsc.iq/krarat/1/2021/175_fed_2021el.pdf
butterfly Al-Maliki: We hoped the Federal Court would do justice to those affected by the blocs, lists and quotas
Monday 27 December 2021 Head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, said that he had hoped that the Federal Court would do justice to those affected by blocs and lists, and what is related to the problem of women's quota.
Al-Maliki wrote in a tweet via the Twitter platform for social networking, “It was expected, and for reasons related to the country’s situation, that it was not possible to cancel the elections and repeat them, although the clear defect and documents and evidence exist,” but we hoped the Federal Court would do justice to those affected by the blocs and lists, and what is related to the problem of women's quota.
And the Federal Court, in its session held today, Monday, approved the results of the House of Representatives elections. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947171
butterfly The tenth of next January is the date of the first session of the new parliament
Monday 27 December 2021 According to parliamentary and political circles, the House of Representatives will hold its first official session for the new session on Monday, corresponding to the tenth of January 2022. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=947166
butterfly Al-Amiri: We are committed to the decision of the Federal Court, despite our belief that the elections were marred by fraud
27-12-2021 04:29 PM The head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi Al-Amiri announced his commitment to the decision of the Federal Court, which rejected the appeal and ratified the election results, today, Monday, indicating that his decision came "in the interest of the stability of the country."
Al-Amiri said in a statement, "Out of our keenness to abide by the constitution and the law, and our fear for Iraq's security and political stability, and our belief in the political process and its democratic path through the peaceful exchange of power through election boxes, we adhere to the decision of the Federal Court despite our deep belief and firm belief that the electoral process was marred by many fraud and manipulation.
He added that "the appeals that we submitted to the Federal Court were courteous, logical and acceptable, and if submitted to any constitutional court in any country that respects democracy, it would have been sufficient to annul the election results, and with all this we affirm our commitment to the decision of the Federal Court, which was subjected to very great external and internal pressures." https://www.dijlah.tv/index.php?page=article&id=295918
butterfly After the resignation of al-Yasiri and al-Khafaji, al-Maliki warns of "administrative chaos" 2021-12-27 04:58
Shafaq News/ The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, warned in a strongly worded tweet of "administrative chaos" in the aftermath of the forced resignation of some governors.
The resignation of the governors of Dhi Qar and Najaf has stirred a wave of controversy amid talks about political pressures exerted upon them to leave their positions.
Al-Maliki tweeted, "a question to all the parties: does not the governors know that they are directly linked to the Prime Minister? Does not the departments' directors know that they are linked to the governors; and neither they nor the governors have the right to respond to any demand and file their resignation?
Does not the Prime Minister know that he has responsibility for the governors and departments directors and has to protect them from pressure? Does not the political forces know that they have no right to force the officials to resign?"
"For chaos not to prevail, everyone shall commit to the legal and administrative procedures. The resignation of an official shall not be accepted unless submitted in accordance to the law in force." https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/After-the-resignation-of-al-Yasiri-and-al-Khafaji-al-Maliki-warns-of-administrative-chaos
butterfly Al-Fateh announced its commitment to Federal Court's decision regarding the elections 2021-12-27 09:11
Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Head of Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, announced a commitment to the Federal Court's decision in the ratification of the election results, noting that his step comes "in the interest of Iraq's stability."
"committed to the constitution and the law, and due to our fear for Iraq's security and political stability, and our belief in the political process and its democratic path, we adhere to the Court's decision despite our belief that the electoral process was full with fraud and manipulation," Al-Amiri said in a statement.
He added, "The appeals we submitted to the Court were solid, logical, and acceptable. If we submitted them to any court in any country that respects democracy, it would have been sufficient to cancel the election results."
"Despite all this, we affirm our commitment to Court decision, which was subjected to great external and internal pressures." He concluded.
On Monday, the Federal Supreme Court ratified the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections that were held on October 10.
butterfly By taking this decision, the Federal Court resolved a three-month controversy over the election results, which were rejected by some blocs, including the Shiite Coordination Framework that escalated its position by protesting for more than two months in front of the gates of the Highly-fortified Green Zone in Baghdad.
The final results showed that the Sadrist Movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr won 73 seats, followed by the "Progress (Takadum)" Coalition led by Muhammad al-Halbousi with 37 seats. Next, the State of Law Coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with 33 seats, then the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani with 31 seats.
Compared with 2018 results, The Al-Fateh Alliance lost 31 seats, taking only 17 seats in the last elections.
Iraq's Supreme Court rejected the complaint lodged by the head of al-Fatah, Hadi al-Ameri, to dispute October's election results, a court ruling read by the Court's chairman, Jassim Mohammed, said.
The Court called on the Iraqi Parliament to amend the law and adopt hand counting and tallying exclusively.
butterfly "The Federal Court decided to dismiss the complaint of the plaintiffs Hasan Farhan Abdallah -al-Ameri- and Mohammad Jasim, charge them with the expenses and fees, and dismiss their request to issue a preliminary decision to halt the ratification of the final results of the election."
On the other hand, an informed political source said that the new Iraqi Parliament will hold its first session on Monday, January 10, 2022. https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Fateh-announced-its-commitment-to-Federal-Court-s-decision-regarding-the-elections
butterfly USD/IQD exchange rates decline in Baghdad and Erbil 2021-12-27 02:15
Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) dropped in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Monday.
Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147,900 IQD to 100, 50 IQD below Sunday's opening rate.
Our correspondent said that the buying and selling rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148,500 and 147,500 IQD, respectively.
In the capital city of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, the selling and buying rates stood at 148,000 and 147,800 IQD to 100 USD, according to our correspondent. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-decline-in-Baghdad-and-Erbil
Dave The first response from those who objected to the “Federal” decision… Al-Hakim congratulates the winners: We will not participate in the government
Dave He added, “While we renew our congratulations to the winners, we urge them to work as required by their responsibility in serving the people and to expedite the formation of an efficient and harmonious government that brings together the parties willing to participate in it and ready to assume responsibility before the Iraqi people, and we also reiterate our position not to participate in the next government.
butterfly Iraq's top court ratifies election results after rejecting fraud claims
The Iran-backed Fatah Alliance and other Shiite groups had contested the election results, saying there were many irregularities Dec 27, 2021 Iraq’s Federal Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a case filed by several Shiite political parties, including some linked to Iran-backed militias, to annul the results of the general election in October on grounds of fraud.
The ruling came amid tight security in and around Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, where the court building, government offices and embassies are located. The security measures and protests by supporters of Shiite militias outside the zone have snarled traffic and disrupted daily life.
The verdict read out by the Chief Judge Jassim Mohammed Abood is final and cannot be appealed.
The court also ratified the election result, setting the stage for the formation of a new government.
Iraqis voted on October 10 in an early election demanded by a pro-reform, youth-led protest movement that swept central and southern Iraq two years earlier. The Sadrist bloc, a political group sponsored by populist Shiite cleric Moqtada Al Sadr, emerged as the clear winner with 73 seats in the 329-seat parliament. The Taqadum party, one of two main Sunni political groups, and led by former parliament speaker Mohammed Al Halbousi, followed with 37 seats. Former prime minister Nouri Al Maliki’s State of Law bloc came third with 33 seats.
Mr Al Sadr’s main rival, the Iran-backed Fatah Alliance, won only 17 seats, compared with 45 in 2018.
The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) won 31 seats, while the Kurdistan Alliance led by the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) party won only 17 seats.
butterfly State of Law, Fatah and other Shiite groups formed the Co-ordination Framework to contest the election results. Their appeal to the Supreme Court alleged many electoral irregularities, including the failure of the electronic voting system to recognise the fingerprint identification of many voters.
Iraq's Independent High Elections Commission conducted a recount in some areas after the Co-ordination Framework challenged the initial results. It said the recount altered the results for only five seats.
butterfly Shiite cleric Ammar Al Hakim, whose National Power of the State Coalition is part of the Co-ordination Framework, said he would respect the Supreme Court's verdict.
“We are committed to the Federal Court ruling in regard to the results, despite our serious observations regarding the election process,” he said.
Mr Al Hakim's coalition, formed in alliance with former prime minster Haider Al Abadi, won four seats.
He said he stood by his decision not to take part in the next government.
President Barham Salih now has 15 days to convene a sitting of the new parliament, which then has to agree on a new government within 90 days.
The oldest member of parliament will chair the legislative body as acting speaker until one is elected. After electing a new speaker and two deputies, MPs will vote for a new president and the prime ministerial nominee of the largest parliamentary bloc will form a government. All cabinet appointments require parliamentary approval.
Under an unofficial agreement, Iraq’s presidency — a largely ceremonial role — is held by a Kurd, while the prime minister's post is reserved for a Shiite and the parliament speaker's position is held by a Sunni.
butterfly Other government posts are divided among the country’s political parties based on their religious and ethnic backgrounds.
The system, adopted after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's dictatorial regime in the 2003 US-led invasion, is thought to have led to widespread corruption and mismanagement. https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/2021/12/27/iraqs-supreme-court-dismisses-claims-of-fraud-in-october-elections/
Dave butterfly See that Hakim and the sore losers reiterate their position not to participate in the next government.......offers his congratulations though....lol … offering congratulations at least..... seems to be taking the high ground..... next step 165 votes..... :Fingerscrossed:
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