Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Tuesday Night 4-12-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Tuesday Night 4-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig You don't have to believe in an overnight RV to be in here....You could be in @Kaperoni's "Float" camp or like @wdave1 who is a relatively "friendly" naysayer....we do not boot people out for having different views about any currency "speculations"....as long as they are not nasty and do no name-calling....no problem.....

Soenfat Di Indonesia banyak sekali ekonom pintar yg korup.

Soenfat Dan lebih banyak lg yg jadi penghancur harapan seperti Kaperoni.

Zig @Soenfat : We only use English in here....I see that you are in Indonesia...

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Tuesday Night 4-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig   You don't have to believe in an overnight RV to be in here....You could be in @Kaperoni's "Float" camp or like @wdave1 who is a relatively "friendly" naysayer....we do not boot people out for having different views about any currency "speculations"....as long as they are not nasty and do no name-calling....no problem.....

Soenfat   Di Indonesia banyak sekali ekonom pintar yg korup.

Soenfat   Dan lebih banyak lg yg jadi penghancur harapan seperti Kaperoni.

Zig   @Soenfat : We only use English in here....I see that you are in Indonesia...

Zig  sheila : see if you can understand @Soenfat maybe that person knows some English or can translate his/her language via google translate....

butterfly   Life is short, keep your dreams big and your hair bigger .............. Dolly Parton

TWW   sheila I have asked my friend from IRAN to view & possibly to join our chat room. I see we have a peep from Indonesia here. I'll see if I can translate his Comment.

TWW   In Indonesia, there are many smart economists who are corrupt. (the other one) And more lg are as hopeful destroyers as Kaperoni.

TWW   sheila above is the translation

TWW   @Soenfat Soenfat apa kabar? Semoga Anda menikmati ruang obrolan kami. Sebagian besar di sini tidak membaca atau berbicara bahasa Anda, maaf.

Sheila   TWW good of you to do this

Sheila   @TWW Did you read Nick Flemings Update today? https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/04/12/04-12-2022-update/  - Enlightening.

TWW  sheila We all just bk from a big dinner. Heading to our other meeting at 6am. I hope no one is ruse to him our new guest Soenfat.

TWW sheila no ide not been quite bizi.

Sheila   TWW Nope, not that I have read.

TWW   *did not

Sheila   TWW no idle hands for you

TWW   sheila well not as bad mayb as it seems

Sheila   TWW purpose is good

TWW  sheila Is it ok for me to have an Iranian join our chat rm?

Sheila   TWW Zig is the one to ask.

TWW   TWW Mayb some other folks internationally will join as well

Sheila   TWW Maybe they will be better behaved than some others that post here. 

TWW   sheila Well Zig did ask me abt a month ago.

Sheila   TWW there you go

TWW   sheila I am answering a messenger comment from my long time from Taiwan. I invited him to come bk. he was viewing here a couple yrs ago

NORV   Zig, here is the problem with the other ideas...such as a RV. There has never been any documents or factual information to support those ideas. And second, the actual documents from the IMF and CBI never have supported or provided any information that would make them plausible, My float camp, has been discussed by numerous individuals in Iraq from economists, to the IMF.

Floating a currency is what other countries have done. And there are numerous documents discussion how countries transition. None of these other so called guru ideas has any supporting documents, or examples and experience will similar money supply or wealth as Iraq. In other words, its a pie in the sky idea without facts to supports. And a float is a proven method used by many countries including the middle east and discussed within Iraq. To me that is realistic.

Zig  TWW : Thanks for the translation of what @Soenfat posted....I went to google translate and he/she was writing in "Indonesian".....I translated what you wrote addressing him/her: "How are you Soenfat? Hope you enjoy our chat room. Most here don't read or speak your language, sorry.".....And of course it is okay to have an Iranian join our chat room!!....we welcome people from all countries to join us...

Zig   @NORV : If you stuck to writing posts like that you would be fine in here....just stay away from name-calling like referring to any member here as a "fool" or an "idiot" and you will be okay....we do not stop anyone from voicing their views if done in a friendly manner....

butterfly   Zig apparently you did not understand what I was posting. She wouldn't waste her time coming in here.

 Zig   butterfly : I understood but wanted you to invite her anyway....lol....so @Kaperoni and @wdave1 would have a friend in here....lol

Zig   In case anyone out there does not know this: @NORV is @Kaperoni and if you have been in this community for a while that name will be familiar to you....lol


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Afternoon 4-12-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Afternoon 4-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly 2022-04-12 07:12 Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $180 million in foreign currency today, Tuesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction reached $200,466,845. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Afternoon 4-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   2022-04-12 07:12  Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $180 million in foreign currency today, Tuesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction reached $200,466,845. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 22 banks and 259 exchange companies cashed out $54,950 million. The remaining $145,516,845 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 28 banks meeting those demands. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-sells-200-million-in-the-currency-auction-on-Tuesday

butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 12) ........... SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was down in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Tuesday (April 12).

$100 was at 147,750, down from 147,950 Iraqi dinars the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3111

butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 12) ............ SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were down on Tuesday (April 12) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $100.3, down from $100.5 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $96.17, down from $96.5. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3110

butterfly   Russia ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’ https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Russia-using-weapons-smuggled-by-Iran-from-Iraq-against-Ukraine

Zig  :Garfield: Members & Readers!... :Coffee: and a coffee roll...yummy...on a sugar high sheila .... wdave1 is what I call a "gentleman naysayer"...lol...he was also at the other chat...been around a long time...never had an issue with him as he is entitled to his opinion...I will repeat that WE GIVE NO INVESTMENT ADVICE and do not advocate getting involved in anything....this is a speculative venture with no guarantees...Scam??...Well no currency speculation is a scam per se but there are con-artists within this community so beware... :Nice day:

Zig   sheila : I believe that wdave1 was referring to https://www.forbes.com/sites/jayadkisson/2012/07/30/you-cant-fix-stupid-the-iraqi-dinar-scam-lives/?sh=63809d4150be

Butterfly   POLITICAL DEADLOCK NEGATIVE FOR PARLIAMENT- IRAQI MP https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3113

Sheila   Zig That's it! One source from 2012. That's when the PTB were trying to really keep regular people from benefiting from this kind of windfall. Still lame his trying to convince people to get out and not continue to share this information with anyone. lame, lame, lame

Sheila   Zig You must be doing something right. Much of postings last few days are ending up on Recaps.

Zig   :Think: Does that make us famous or infamous?...lol  https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/zigs-place-chatroom-news-monday-afternoon-4-11-22  I think we can thank butterfly as when she has stopped posting in the past Recaps has lost interest for a while....lol

Zig   From what I have seen Recaps likes posting news articles among other "stuff"

Sheila   Check out his latest update. Should get extremely interesting in the coming days. As always - YOU READ, YOU FILTER - DISCERNMENT ADVISED: Nicks Intel Update /4/12/2022 - https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/04/12/04-12-2022-update/

Butterfly   sheila all read very good until he posted this: There is no Justice with this Biden Administration, only a viscous Cartel seeking to corral and eliminate Sovereignty. Until this corrupt, Agency-Nazi-mafia-controlled lying government is removed, then Sovereignty, recompense, redemption, restoration; remain impossible.

Sheila   butterfly Prefer to focus on ISO20022 and the Protocols he discussed.

butterfly   sheila My friend told there were changes being made in banks.......BUT......did not know what changes.

12 Apr 22, 04:24 PM butterfly   I forgot to mention this........she is NOT involved with the dinar, never has purchased any.

butterfly   still thinks people are foolish to even have bought any of it.

Sheila   butterfly shoulda, coulda, woulda

Zig   butterfly : Maybe invite your friend to drop by??

butterfly   Zig she wouldn't come on here.

Zig   sheila : I would suggest inviting Nick but I'm afraid he may get bashed in here by a few peeps....

Sheila   Zig I do not know Nick in any way.

Zig   "Poppy 3" came in here once and got hammered....some may remember him from BGG chat....


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-11-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-11-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

wdave1 Hey! Just curious , who told you about this investment?

Sheila who are you addressing?

wdave1 Everybody.

Sheila wdave1 international banker/securities friend told me about it in late 2009

wdave1 My adult children, mother in law and a number of friends are in it.

wdave1 So sad.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-11-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

wdave1   Hey! Just curious , who told you about this investment?

Sheila   who are you addressing?

wdave1   Everybody.

Sheila   wdave1 international banker/securities friend told me about it in late 2009

wdave1   My adult children, mother in law and a number of friends are in it.

wdave1   So sad.

sheila   wdave1 why sad?

wdave1   Listen to NORV who fell for it himself.

Sheila   wdave1 not gonna listen to him

wdave1   sheila Thats because you believe like NORV used too.

Sheila    wdave1 what

Sheila   wdave1 got it. lol

Sheila   wdave1 no matter. he does his thang, and I'll do mine.

wdave1   NORV was a believer at one time. When I was told about it from a friend of 55 years I called it B.S. in no more than a minute and I can assure you that it is.

Sheila    wdave1 believe you believe. and mine is my belief. respect you enough not to try to convince you otherwise. why can't you do the same for us?

wdave1   y only concern when I first found the other site was to let people know not to bring other people into this Scam cause you will feel bad later. I just ask that you lose your own money and not other peoples who may be down and out. You will regret it.

wdave1   There are still people falling for this.

Sheila   wdave1 If it's really a Scam, then where are the Treasury Dept warning letters posted about Dinar?

wdave1   I ask that you keep it to yourself.

wdave1   Look for them they are there. Type in Forbes Dinar and read.

Sheila   wdave1 No, if you are going to come in and make your case, then you provide the actual links to support your beliefs.

wdave1   Sadly as a old man I dont know how to type in links but I told you where to go.

wdave1   Have a Good night all.

Sheila   wdave1 since you are here, then your claim for lack of computer skills does not fly on that one.

wdave1   sheila I told you where its at. They are all old but then so is this Scam. Just so yous know Zig fell for it also.

butterfly   t sheila sheila ok, I stopped by and read what he/she was posting and it amazing me that people want to come in chat rooms and tell people......or should I say, take out their aggravations on people that they don't even know. If it is a scam, why are they even here? Don't they have other things to do in their life?

wdave1   butterfly I just ask that you dont spread the WORD. It is a Scam!

Dave   wdave1 Scam....paid 700/million IQD.....sell it on Ebay fer much more than Today...How is that a scam?

Sheila  wdave1 your case is stated. you may go now.

Sheila   Dave exactly.

Dave   https://www.ebay.com/str/iraqidinar

wdave1   In my mind thousands of people are trying to sell on Ebay.... let me know what you get.


Sheila   wdave1 this is a speculation. we all know that. Now if you are not going to supply actual links to support your case, then you lack credibility.

Dave   almost doubled my investment!!!!!

Dave   Prove what sheila ????

Dave   I already did!

wdave1   Dave Show me.

Dave   with link

Dave   https://www.ebay.com/str/iraqidinar

Dave   wdave1 clink on the above

wdave1   Bwah ha ha!

Sheila  Dave He keeps saying it's a "Scam"... Said something about searching "Forbes Dinar" and that would get me links to support his claim of Scam. Then claimed he didn't have computer skills to post links here in chat.

wdave1   sheila Type in Forbes Dinar and read.

Sheila   wdave1 You do your own work.

Dave   wdave1 CHECK Ebay

wdave1    sheila I have already read them but did not need to.

Sheila   wdave1 So bring them here.

wdave1   Doesnt take a jenius to know its a Scam.

Dave   We dealing with TEBOW?

Sheila   Dave don't know, don't care. If it continues, maybe take action.

wdave1   Guys lose your own money, dont bring anyone along for the ride.

wdave1   I know you have.

Dave   wdave1 I am UP!!!

Dave   IQD selling on EBAY ....NOW....LOTS........1200/million

wdave1   Dave I know you are.

Dave   wdave1 do not call it a scam then

wdave1   Dave But it is.

Sheila   wdave1 Can people get all or most of their money back, easily?

Dave   according to whom?

Dave   sheila bought mine on ebay ...can sell on ebay anytime -  sheila easy peasy

Sheila  Dave exactly. and I have sold some over the years to help get through lean times. Okay with that.

Dave   a monkey could do it  without computer skills

wdave1   sheila I doubt it. Where you going to sell it other than Ebay or a neighbor that you convinced will happen this weekend. DUH!

Sheila   wdave1 Sell back to dealers, ebay... DUH!!!

Dave   HMMMM...No argument there LOL

Sheila  wdave1 legal and lawful exchange of values

Dave   sheila Many ebay sellers making daily sales

Sheila  wdave1 this all sounds like you have issues to be resolved. it would be nice for you not to project them upon all of us.

Dave sheila BINGO!     gloomy gus......

butterfly   sheila As I tried to warn all of you.........you nailed it girl.

Dave   butterfly just here to provoke......

Sheila   butterfly yes, you were right on point. we know that's right. it is chat box.

wdave1   All I have ever asked is that you keep it to yourselfs then maybe people like my own would not be involved.

Dave   commonly referred to as INTERNET TROLLS

Sheila  wdave1 you've made your point. moving on

Dave  wdave1 Have a bunch of 50 dinar notes to sell you    CHEAP!

wdave1   sheila Curious how many people did you bring along for the ride?

Sheila   wdave1 NOYB

Dave  sheila CRYPTIC?

Sheila  Dave NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS  -  Dave lol lol - meant for wdave1

Dave  LOL

wdave1  sheila Smart move where Im at it spread Bigly (Trump word) and sadly many fell for it.

Dave   So you are here just to be provocative   nothing better to do? you call it a scam.......ebay proves otherwise

Dave   proving otherwise... would suggest you be full something

wdave1   Dave Im here to ask you to not spread the word cause it is indeed {the hope for a RV} i a Scam and hope that you dont bring others into it.Amen!

Dave  wdave1 SCAM means total loss!  IQD currency exchanges ....SPECULATION

wdave1   Dave Other than Ebay tell me where you can sell it?

Dave   Stock market etc  other online sales venues

wdave1   Dave You can sell it in Iraq.

Dave   aint selling ,,,,,dont care   wdave1 hope you dont invest in lottos

wdave1   Dave I invest on Wall St.

Dave   hear folks have lost their shorts doing that

wdave1   Im not the Greatest.  Made many mistakes.

Dave   and i tell folks not to invest what they cannot afford to loose

wdave1   Dave Thats smart.   so no harm no foul  But to waste money on this?

Dave   wdave1 I AM UP!!!!!

wdave1   Dave Sell it and let me know how far up you are.

Dave   you can check now...provided you the link.  wdave1 I await my RV instead

wdave1  I said SELL IT!

Dave   wdave1 NAW!!!

wdave1   Actually sell it.  Dave Thats dream money on Ebay.

Dave   why i could afford to lose it......I am still up

Dave   wdave1 yes bought mine there

wdave1   Dave I dont care that you are up down or in between all I ask is that people dont bring others into this Scam. So many people are elderly who fell for this I feel for them.

wdave1   Gotta go.

Dave   TELL them to sell it then on EBAY

TWW   sheila R U sure that xdave1 is not another 'troll' or is even kap/nova mayb even someone from Monroe, LA just to choose a place.

Sheila   TWW don't know, don't care. he had no links to provide to make his case. and lame excuse that he didn't have computer skills to copy and paste link to Forbes Dinar search that he kept pushing as his source/s. lame, lame, lame

TWW   or is it wdave1??

Sheila   TWW either, either... no matter, still lame

TWW   Possible at an internet cafe using their computers

Sheila   @TWW each day closer and closer

Sheila   TWW still lame, lol

TWW   sheila yes a very very long day

Sheila   TWW all that's happening from big picture where dinar is linchpin event. closer and closer.

Sheila   TWW week's getting started

TWW   sheila some think some think the IMF, WB, WTB & others as well think many believe iqd has lost in the bid. Mayb Viet Nam will take their place. (just thinking out loud)

sheila   TWW okay, linchpin is now Viet dong... either, either

TWW   sheila possible

Sheila   TWW heard .47 -- now consensus out there saying 2+, maybe up to 4

TWW   sheila yes indeed

Sah   Dong has al most doubled in price from the time I first bought years ago.


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 4-11-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 4-11-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly 2022-04-11 03:42 Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a slight rise in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147900 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148500 and 147500 IQD, respectively.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 4-11-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   2022-04-11 03:42   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a slight rise in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147900 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148500 and 147500 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the USD buying and selling rates stood at 147900 and 147700 IQD to 100, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-inches-up-in-Baghdad-and-Erbil-5-1

butterfly   Oil prices edge lower in early trading https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-prices-edge-lower-in-early-trading

Sheila   butterfly yes, gas prices are slooowly coming back down. guess they got their pounds of flesh out of us once again.

butterfly   sheila They will want more of that flesh. OPEC lost a lot of money due to the pandemic. Just like the food prices will continue to go up until those products have their share of flesh.

butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 11) SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Monday (April 11).

$100 was at 147,950, up from 147,650 Iraqi dinars.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD.


butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were down on Monday (April 11) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $100.5, down from $102.8 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $96.5, down from $98.26. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3099

Sheila   butterfly ISO 20022 -- hot topic

butterfly   Iraq Market Review: "The Opportunity in Retail Banking" https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/10/iraq-market-review-the-opportunity-in-retail-banking-2/

Dave   No foreign investments in Iraq..... Adviser to Al-Kazemi: The results of the Kuwait Donors Conference {zero} and no final accounts for 2021 LINK

butterfly   Sinan al-Shabibi, (DFI) fund.........wow two things I haven't heard in many years.

Dave   Many good plans...just rotten politicians

butterfly   Dave I read where Al-Sadr is making millions/billions......just like Maliki

Dave   :Proof:

butterfly   I knew I should have posted that information.

Dave   HA...Coming from Maliki?

butterfly   It was an article

Dave   Sadr going after corruption top of his White Paper Reforms bill

Dave   Kuwati conference a bust due to corruption......RV SOON!

butterfly   Oh wait...........I made a mistake...........too much in my brain..........BUT it was Barzani, the older one.

Dave   butterfly LOL Barzani a billionaire also    on that Forbes list

butterfly   Dave yup

Dave   Still SOON?

butterfly  40 days are vey long

Dave  40 days 10 days ago......

butterfly   still 40 days are very long when you are hoping they would get their act together and form a government.

Dave   doubt 30 days much will change

Dave   Possible new election again......No Confidence

butterfly   Analysis: Al-Sadr’s new demands In name of nation, in interests of US https://en.abna24.com/news//analysis-al-sadr%e2%80%99s-new-demands-in-name-of-nation-in-interests-of-us_1246864.html

TWW   sheila I was just notified of another _20 in Monroe, LA to join us tomorrow, oh it is snowing here with 3-4 inches

sheila   TWW great

TWW   sheila everything was sent out by 8am

Sheila   TWW One day soon, we'll discuss details of the great wonderful travels of TWW. Thoughts of these memories to come make me smile, laugh.

TWW  gotta go for now, lunch is over...

Sheila   TWW see ya

sheila   Something caught my attention. Keep reading about food shortages and seeing scarcity and empty grocery store shelves. There was one person's viewpoint that said it was because the garbage processed food would become short in supply because that food would no longer be allowed on our shelves. This would happen over the next couple of years. Interesting viewpoint.

Sheila   Have no proof of this person's viewpoint. Guess they were expressing what they thought or hoped would happen. I don't know - just saying.

Dave   sheila Imagine a World without Dorridos.......

Sheila   Dave okay by me

Dave   sheila Empty grocery shelves????  never considered junk food groceries    talk of our schools eliminating junk food entirely.....

Sheila  Dave even ketchup

Dave   ketchup........mostly sugar....

Sheila   Dave I don't know. Thought it was interesting viewpoint.

Dave   Hate to say it ...Americans fattest folks on the Planet.....

butterfly   Dave I will agree on that

Sheila   Dave yes, would agree. I was one of them. Took me couple of years, lost and maintained 100#. Now going into 2 years to lose and 7 months maintained. Shamed and amazed every day. Happy to have it gone.

Dave   sheila .....and feeling less sickly too.....

butterfly   I just witnessed a food give away, and another one at another church on Wednesday. Maybe no more going to the stores, just go to the churches bc they love to give you food. In KY I experienced that also. I would go around to the churches for my "shy" friends, bring back the food and give it to them. One church gave me 4......four......extra boxes to give away to friends.

Dave   Boxes of Kraft dinner?

butterfly   Sorry Dave, but no, all those boxes were filled with frozen meats, vegetables, breads, eggs, on and on.

Dave   butterfly LOL.....GOOD!!!

butterfly   This one church,here, is waving and telling people to come in and get free food.

butterfly   I told my d-n-l I was going to check it out in a few days. She doesn't need the food, I don't need the food, but there are people I can give it to here.

Sheila   butterfly How do find these churches in your area?

butterfly   There are a lot of churches in this area as it was where I live in KY. They advertise with big signs at their church.

Sheila   butterfly Would get out and drive around if gas prices weren't so high. Maybe I will check FB.

butterfly   In KY friends told me where they have free food, so I would go there for them.

butterfly   Pride.......I asked them why they didn't go and get the food, instead of me. Too many people would know who they were.

Sheila   @Dave not sickly. mostly tired, lethargic, no stamina, endurance. feel better not carrying around almost whole person. As I said, shamed and amazed at same time.

Sheila   butterfly Will check local online newspapers. Maybe there are articles written about food programs.

butterfly  sheila I'm sure they have a food bank where you live also.

Sheila   Spirit of Opulence by Thomas Troward [Bob Proctor] - https://www.scribd.com/document/67195543/Bob-Proctor-Spirit-of-Opulence

Sheila    butterfly Will check it out in the next few days. Veggies, meats are good. Can do like you did and give away the rest of it.

Dave    sheila Get mad when I see the same young Fat kids in the gas stations getting super Big Gulps fer breakfast

Dave   i call that child abuse

Sheila    Dave Not mad for me. Sadness because they don't know what it took me lifetime to decide for myself. Going up and down over the decades. Finally found what works for me. Low carb to no carbs, every day. Just the way I roll now.


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM 4-10-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM 4-10-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sheila Excerpt, courtesy of DinarRecaps from MM: The 2022 budget apparently fits the circumstances in the present time, as an emergency issue. That budget could be on the table this next week.

The automation of the borders apparently are ready to go digitally. The BUNA plat form is ready and tested. The dust that may need to settle is settling. That dust imo is the political side of things.

Sheila Going digital... finally.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM 4-10-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sheila   Excerpt, courtesy of DinarRecaps from MM: The 2022 budget apparently fits the circumstances in the present time, as an emergency issue. That budget could be on the table this next week.

The automation of the borders apparently are ready to go digitally. The BUNA plat form is ready and tested. The dust that may need to settle is settling. That dust imo is the political side of things.

Sheila   Going digital... finally.

Sheila   https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/militiaman-and-ktfa-members-caretaker-government-4-9-2022

UNEEK   regardless of your biased opinion and/or possible dislike for Dinar Recaps and the intel providers I highly recommend you read this morning post -

UNEEK   https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/nick-fleming-the-absolute-proof-4-9-2022

UNEEK   Just my opinion of course lol which may not be regarded as worthy - and that's okay - but I still feel the post deserves some contemplation / consideration

Sheila   @UNEEK thank you for posting this morning. believe many "gurus" out there get snippets meant to keep us going. and then it's up to us to filter, discern, piece together to get shadows of what's truth or not. regardless, these snippets have kept me going for these many years.

Dave   sheila Going digital,,,,,aint my ATM card that i have had fer decades the same as digital......?

Dave   Oddly enough CBI suggested yesterday NO to crypto currency.....Who to believe.....Gurus or CBI...?

Dave   "central iraqi" prevents speculation and trading in digital currencies

Dave   LINK

Sheila   Dave digital on what banking system - maybe should have been more clearly defined.

Dave   sheila CBI's above article seems to define that perfectly?

Sheila   Dave guess I am confused again

Dave   Gurus confuse me esp every time when its time for the budget

Dave   Just cant see how some GCR could be forced onto Iraq when they may not be able to sustain a RV

Dave   sheila Perchance that I be confused that Gurus be more credible than CBI

Dave   Zig Read Nicks post....LUV to chat with him.....INVITE HIM?

Zig   Dave : LOL....I have tried to in the past...maybe sheila could try.

Zig   @TWW: Anything juicy to share with us?   :Shhhh:

TWW   Zig was told to hold bk for now

Sheila   I am a spectator. Reading, filtering, using discernment. I prefer not to shoot the messengers. Listening twice as much as talking.

Dave   Nick "These are things that are provable and make sense to any normal person."....I BE abnormal i suppose

Dave   i be confused

Dave   NICK...Over lords, CABAL ForcesWith this new digital currency for each country, this is another (potentially corrupt/corruptible) middleman cleared out of the way. That’s a HUGE HALLELUJAH!

Dave   CBI's article 100% contrary to Nicks post  ……..  HMMMM.....

Dave   Maliki ALL FER CRYTOS.......   Putin prolly has huge cryptos now

TWW   Zig was told to hold bk for now

Zig   Secret email en route....lol 

Sheila   Zig not secret. captured text from Telegram posting.

butterfly   -04-10 11:05   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a higher rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 147,950 IQD to 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges, 125 IQD above the opening rate this morning.

The buying and selling rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148,500 and 147,500 IQD to 100, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-closes-higher-in-Baghdad-on-Sunday

Butterfly   \2022-04-10 07:41   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has lowered the ceiling of bids in the daily forex auction it organizes, a government official revealed on Sunday, sending the exchange rate of the US dollar against the dinar spiraling.

The official, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Shafaq News Agency said that after reducing the bids, the market was not able to commensurate with the high demand amid shrinking supply, particularly during Ramandan.

"The ceiling for a class A exchange company was lowered to $1.5 million from $2.2 million weekly. For class B, it went down from $750 thousand to $500 thousand a week, while the ceiling for class C companies became $50 thousand per week. It was $75 thousand before," the source said.

"US dollars would not be traded at a rate higher than 150,000 Iraqi dinars to 100 since the CBI will continue to sell dollars in the daily auction," the source added.

Since 2016, the CBI has adopted a preferential criterion to determine the ceiling for the exchange companies' participation in the forex auction. Exchange companies were accordingly categorized into classes A, B, and C; class A companies having the higher ceiling, and C having the lower.

butterfly   https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Government-official-attributes-the-recent-dinar-devaluation-to-the-new-ceiling-in-forex-auction

butterfly   2022-04-10 04:22   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a slight rise in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147700 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148250 and 147250 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the USD buying and selling rates stood at 147750 and 147500 IQD to 100, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-inches-up-in-Baghdad-and-Erbil-0

butterfly   Are you smiling?

TWW   Zig could b a wk or two. lol

Sheila   TWW That's what Nick said by end of month. Because of ISO 20022 compliance.

Sheila   Zig Not profit. Exchange. Value for Value.

TWW   sheila i will b waiting for it...quite the vid.

Zig   butterfly : I'll smile when I see some   :$$$:

TWW   sheila i dont agree much abt Nick's sources

Sheila   TWW What video? Are you referencing Nick's?

Sheila   TWW Well, right now, his information is right along with Telegram/Whiplash stuff I sent you in em.

Zig   sheila : Well profit relative to what I bought it for

TWW   sheila video? the one last wk with the old man. sheila i read 2 ems just a bit ago, i'll ck again

Sheila   TWW And Nick put his info out online at least 24 hours ahead of the Whiplash posting.

TWW   sheila Vid dealing with 'coins'. The certified country coin on asset bk proof

Sheila   TWW hard to keep up, huh? lol lol lol

TWW   sheila nick???? stll not convinced

Sheila   TWW yes, lots to take in about coins. bit overwhelming

Zig   TWW : We agree about Nick...lol...so we have one thing in common

TWW   Zig thank you Zigmiester of one

TWW   sheila Zig Notice how many NEW so-called gurus now posting, kinda like 'copy & paste' with a few 'word salad' changes

Sheila   Zig I do not live by any one "guru"... believe they might have nuggets, snippets they are given to put out there. If it wasn't for them, many would have gotten out of this a long time ago without them to provide rumtel.

Zig    TWW : Yeah some people love the spotlight I suppose...lol

Sheila   TWW I stick with the ones that have been here the longest. New ones are suspect. Someone has to be first, pioneers. Some are late to the party, yet they are here.

TWW   sheila The longest, huuuummm. Like Tony/Ray, Bruce, Holly, just to name a few????.

butterfly   believe they might have nuggets, snippets .............."they are given to put out there"..............no truer words were spoken as I posted that several days ago.

TWW   sheila b bk in a few, both DHL & FedX are here, gotta sign for them

Sheila   TWW Bruce has background. Tony/Ray, not. Like Holly's encouraging messages. Many others come from investment/financial backgrounds.

Sheila   TWW Although Tony/Ray have big arse chat where many participate. Just gotta filter, discern.

TWW   sheila Yes I know as they talk abt their bkgrd but that holds for what the say. But not to some witch I rec in my delivery's that are shipped to me for research for 3 _Groups. Our meetings are all on Tuesdays. Then must b shipped out on Mondays. Like the packages I just rec'd. ..

Sheila   TWW Sounds like you are busy now till Tuesday?

Sheila   TWW I am doing best I can to stay positive and survive financially until this goes. Challenging.

TWW   sheila On Wed we fly up north, Fri just north of Seattle for meetings then Sunday a private virt conference call for 30 _ groups. Yes bizy

Sheila   TWW Life with purpose. Be safe. Take good care.

TWW   sheila bk in a few hours, need to be debriefed.

Sheila   TWW Truly hope there's fruit after all these efforts.

Sheila   TWW later

NORV   I see your still posting all that guru bs. Lol  You people never wise up.

NORV   There is no RV. Never will be.  If you spent half as much time researching and understanding how monetary policy works then you do reading all the crap from the gurus you would know by now that there could never be a significant RV of the Iraqi dinar because it's not a monetary policy works or how the Central Bank of Iraq works

Dave   @NORV if you spent a moment researching actually how CBi's monetary policy works/delete 3 zeros etc. Restoring the pre-sanction rate.... could reasonably be within the realms of possibilities

sheila    Maybe proof of QFS, NESARA, GESARA?:     At least QFS?



TWW   sheila partial em

Sheila   TWW got it... how are you feeling? ready for busy week? thinking it's going to be good for all of us.

NORV   Dave no its not. They are talking LOP dave.  The only way we could possibility significantly profit from the dinar is 1..they build an economy. 2 float the dinar. Every other option is ridiculous since the CBI has to much dinar in circulation. Not to mention the central bank does not do anything randomly. And if you spent one hour learning how central banks make money you would know there would never be a RV It's a myth and it succeeds because to many people are ignorant to how banking works.

Sheila   @NORV hey there, sweet talker. long time.

NORV   And more than likely, the Iraqi economy will continue to struggle and eventually they will LOP the dinar so you will make next to nothing.

NORV   Spend years wishing for riches and get nothing

Sheila   @NORV minority report... how does it feel to be unheard?

TWW   sheila Yes it will b a very bizi wk. Lucky that we have 2 pilots in our group. One fly's up from AZ.

NORV   I learn years ago there was no RV. So I know not to waste my time waiting for something that cannot happen -  Over 100 trillion dinar now in circulation. Lol   And a country that publically states they are only worth about $16 trillion dollar including all minerals and oil in the ground.

NORV  Actually i find it funny that so many of you believe the constant lies from the gurus  You both would rather ignore me and follow the BS than become wise and learn the truth.

Sheila   @NORV What say you about QFS?

NORV   nonsense

TWW   sheila I must stay full alert bc I speak at all of these sessions. See kap is on his usual rant.

NORV   sheila more made up crap to get people to follow -  TWW not a rant, just truth

Sheila   @NORV See this Image:


TWW   sheila Our groups here in the PNW r really bizi this month but I have to b careful what I post now.

Sheila  TWW no worries. just glad to see you here light chatting.

NORV   sheila Just a bunch posting nonsense to get you to believe.

Sheila   @NORV You are so funny. Trying to get us to jump into your mania. How much are you getting paid to troll these chats?

NORV   why do you think most people sold off or got out of dinar? because they realized its not possible

NORV   sheila my mania? lol your already in it..

Sheila   @NORV And how do you know "most" people sold off or got out?

NORV   sheila you have fallen hook, line and sinker for the lies.

TWW   @NORV Sure same old same rants. No truth on anything u post...only if u knew what I have done over the past 30 yrs.

NORV   sheila because I have been in this scam for almost 15 years...i have seen them leave. chat rooms have fallen from 100s of people to 6, forums have gone from 1000s of members to near zeros. Its a scam perpetrated by the gurus.

Sheila   I appreciate it when NORV comes in to repeat himself, over and over and over again. He is consistent. And it confirms that this is real and will happen whenever.

TWW   sheila mayb hez a troll full of disinformation

Sheila   @NORV 1000s huh? I did not learn about this from "gurus". International bank and securities people told me about dinar.

NORV   TWW well...lets see. I have been right and the idiot gurus are wrong daily. who is full of disinformation? lol

NORV   sheila lmbo yea sure

Sheila   TWW Most likely. He is repetitive and angry when no one agrees with him. Sure acts like bully. I do not appreciate bullying.

NORV   sheila i am not here to get people to agree with me. only someone who is part of the scam itself would say that.

NORV   I just encourage people to read the truth, facts only banking to realize they have been had!

NORV   on banking

TWW   @NORV I do not follow so called gurus. I work with advisors not in ANY OF THESE CHAT ROOMS. SOME OF MY SOURCES R REAL Several are well known authors.

NORV   TWW they got you fooled   there is no advisors anywhere telling people to own dinar


NORV   this is fact because if there was..they would be advising against it.  TWW huh! You don't know who I am or who I know!  but if there was any legitimate professionals here talking about dinar they would be talking about Iraq building an economy and hopefully some day floating the dinar.


NORV   TWW you sound like Frank 26!

TWW   sheila Im out of here, no use posting with guy. Hez bk, mayb I shouldn't be here

NORV   The problem with the dinar is there are just a bunch of scammers tricking people into thoughts of overnight riches. It will never happen!

Sheila   TWW Pay him no mind. We know. And he will be full of regret.

Sheila   @NORV I believe you are being paid to troll. I believe you hold dinar, maybe other currencies. That's why I appreciate the sweet talking.

NORV   sheila well prove it then

NORV   sheila i do have some dinar..it no secret. only because I was stupid 15 years ago think it could RV.

Sheila   @NORV Don't need to "prov it". It's my "belief". You know that pesky First Amendment, Free Speech and all it entails.

NORV   sheila you should take your disgust and turn it on to the liars who are manipulating you.

Sheila   @NORV "disgust" ??? I think you're funny. Committed, still funny. LOL

NORV   Nothing I say is fake or misleading..and can be backed up by professional documentation. Not one guru has any truth or facts.

NORV   i do have some good links for you

NORV   a 4 part article came out a week ago..nobody would post it here so I will...

Sheila  @NORV go ahead

NORV   https://almadapaper.net/view.php?cat=261220

NORV   The battle of the Iraqi dinar!  Opinions And Ideas 03/22/2022 11:38:56 PM

NORV   That part 1

NORV   part 2   https://www.almuraqeb-aliraqi.org/?p=352884

Another version of part 2   https://almadapaper.net/view.php?cat=261321

NORV   and part 3   https://almadapaper.net/view.php?cat=261711

NORV   not 4 parts...only 3

NORV   Part 2 seems to be the most applicable to the value of the dinar.

NORV   btw it was written by Muhammad Hamid Rashid  who appears to be a global economist at the UN


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday PM 4-9-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday PM 4-9-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish


butterfly CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 8) ................ SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were down on Friday (April 8) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $100.10 down from $102.5 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $95.72 down from $97.42. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3069

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday PM 4-9-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish


butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 8) ................ SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were down on Friday (April 8) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $100.10 down from $102.5 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $95.72 down from $97.42. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3069

Sheila   "Protect Your Currency's Value" http://www.cbdc-tokens.org/about-us/

butterfly   04-09 04:20   Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates stabilized in the Iraqi market today, Saturday (April 09, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,500 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,000 dinars for $ 100 while the Purchase price stands at 147,000 dinars for $100. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-in-Iraq-4

butterfly   al-Khazali: next PM should be nominated by the largest parliamentary bloc https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/al-Khazali-next-PM-should-be-nominated-by-the-largest-parliamentary-bloc

butterfly   Europe unleashes a fifth sanctions package against Russia https://shafaq.com/en/World/Europe-unleashes-a-fifth-sanctions-package-against-Russia

butterfly   40 days is a long time

butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 9) ........... SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Saturday (April 9).

$100 was at 147,650 Iraqi dinars, 100 Iraqi dinars higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3080

butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 9) ............. SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Saturday (April 9) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $102.8 up from $100.10 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $98.26 down from $95.72. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3077

butterfly   KHAZALI: COORDINATION FRAMEWORK WILL NOT ACCEPT SADRIST FORMED GOVERNMENT ............... https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3084


butterfly   sheila explain what?


April 8th Exchanges and Crypto -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On9EIpCuR90&t=296s

butterfly   sheila good luck. I, personally, don't listen to people on youtube. I know a lot do, but I am one of those that don't.

butterfly   Japan $2.5m for Preventing Violent Extremism in Iraq https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/08/japan-2-5m-for-preventing-violent-extremism-in-iraq/ (Source UN)

Sheila   About half way thru video (@22:45), he keeps talking about "coins" - maybe he is talking about "tokens"? geesh, this crypto is confusing. I understand exchanges, stocks - you know, trading value for value in various forms. Like fiat for gold and silver; fiat for stocks, etc. Now fiat for bitcoin out in the netherland? what the heck?

Sheila   Okay, coins are what he meant, not tokens. bitcoins? why do people assume newbies will grasp their shorthand? Somebody needs to tell him to stop speaking in shorthand for those of us out here lacking his knowledge base.

butterfly  sheila good luck on him changing/explaining his schpeeeeel

Sheila   butterfly venting. LOL -- will do some researching today and try to come up to speed.

butterfly   sheila yes that is okay but as I stated I don't listen to youtube. If I don't know the person and their background, I don't waste my time.

Dave   butterfly Dont ya know social media has replaced that mainstream crappolla

Dave   HMM......Iraq going fer digital currency?.... The Central Bank of Iraq prohibits speculation and trading in digital currencies LINK

Sheila   Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSR9-43-z9o

Sheila   Where Are We Now?

butterfly    Dave how many times that all are going digital? Yup another step towards happiness for all. As I stated, can you imagine carrying a load of dinar just to buy a coke.

Sheila   butterfly I watched and rewatched the video posted earlier today about Exchanges and Crytpo. So I'm gleaning what was said, there needs to be 109 countries in agreement with ISO 20022 (digital wallet?). Further, that guy said Iraq needed to be in that 109 and wasn't yet? -- I do not know what I do not know. You get what I'm saying? LOL LOL

butterfly   sheila I had to find the information I posted the other day, so here is part of it:............. 209 countries have now complied with Gesara requirements to back their currencies with assets to meet Basel III and IV requirements in banking.

butterfly   The conversion of banking to a Quantum system is transitioning well. Many historic bonds are being paid out.

Sheila   butterfly Does GESARA have digital banking requirements pertaining to ISO 20022?

butterfly   sheila first I know this is a typo, but it did make me laugh.....20022! Answer as I've said many times, set back enjoy life bc it will happen.

Sheila   https://www.iso20022.org/

butterfly   Thanks, but it still made me laugh.

Sheila   www.cbdc-tokens.org ??? digital coins? digital wallets?

Sheila   I didn't discover these web sites. Read about them from recaps or chronicles. So much out there. Feeling overwhelmed. geesh

butterfly   sheila girl you are going to drive yourself cray cray listening/reading all of this. I stopped reading/listening a very long time ago.

Sheila   butterfly Yes, most likely. Yet it will be special kind of crazy. LOL

Dave   CRAZY.....fer over 12yrs.still reading the Same SOON stuff, either from the Iraqi politicians.........or the Gurus. I READ you now mention SOON........??!!^&$^$^$

Dave   :Waiting:

Dave   butterfly ?

Sheila   Excerpt, courtesy of DinarRecaps from MM: The 2022 budget apparently fits the circumstances in the present time, as an emergency issue. That budget could be on the table this next week.

The automation of the borders apparently are ready to go digitally. The BUNA plat form is ready and tested. The dust that may need to settle is settling. That dust imo is the political side of things.

Sheila   https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/militiaman-and-ktfa-members-caretaker-government-4-9-2022

Sheila     Going digital... finally.


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly The dollar exchange rates dropped in the Iraqi market today, Wednesday (April 06, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,400 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,000 dinars for $ 100 while the Purchase price stands at 147,000 dinars for $100.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   The dollar exchange rates dropped in the Iraqi market today, Wednesday (April 06, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,400 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,000 dinars for $ 100 while the Purchase price stands at 147,000 dinars for $100.

In Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, the selling and purchase prices are 147,600 and 147,200 respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-in-Iraq-3-5-5

Sheila   This lady called Holly has a good message this morning. We are truly blessed to be here today. Courtesy of Dinar Recaps:   Wednesday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies!   “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Rob Siltanen

This describes us to a T! We have been called crazy by our friends and family because we have a dream. We believe in something that not everyone does, or understands. Yet deep inside, we know this is why we are here.

This is why we exist, to make these dreams come true and to change the world. Yes, we are crazy enough to do it because we never, ever gave up! Keep going warriors! Stay the course!

They were to complete the German bonds and start with the dragon bonds yesterday. Apparently they did not get done with the German bonds as no-one who has the dragon bonds went yesterday. So we will see what today brings.

Keep the faith. Stay strong. The journey is not about the destination but what we have learned along the way. -Holly -- https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/holly-judy-and-morewednesday-am-4-6-2022

Dave   sheila Wow have Young German gold bonds from 1930.....those the ones you are referring to?

Sheila   Dave You will have to ask "Holly" about those bonds.

Sheila   @Dave I liked what she had to say today and thought I would repost from Recaps. lol

Dave   sheila those German gold bonds may be collectable, but US Federal Courts ruled that Germany is not on the hook

Dave   to honour those bonds......

butterfly   Hey I have some news to post and I'm sure it will go all over the dinar chats.

Sheila   butterfly share sweetie

Dave   bring it

butterfly   209 countries have complied with requirements to back their currencies with assets to meet Basel III and IV requirements in banking. The conversion of banking to a Quantum system is transitioning well. Many historic bonds are being paid out. OK that is all I will post bc I don't want to step over lines. Dinar first and then the Zim. You can try to get more out of me but that ain't gonna happen, so be happy I gave you this much for now.

Dave   ZIM...dropping 12 zeros.....???lol

butterfly   My friend has asked me over and over......how can you be so patient.

Dave   patience not a virtue?

butterfly  Are you asking Dave

butterfly   You always end your posts with a ?

butterfly   Tell me why you do that so I can understand your thinking.

Dave   patience could be confused with laziness...Momma told me that........

Dave   Clean your room......I say be patient will get around to it soon

Dave   patience a virtue when suffering with OCD?

Zig   Well I have NO PATIENCE so I will be changing the room again soon  :Experiment: .....locking it does not work well either....lol....anyway butterfly and sheila will be Mods again, etc....stay tuned....you will keep your stars....but not solid ones....

TWW   Yahoooo, ZIM$: 1.00 US Dollar = 361.9 Zimbabwean Dollars I post this bc of howI was mocked a fews bk I have been vindicated: Wheelbarrow: Money

Dave   Dang....Zim.....missed that boat too

butterfly   Dave I know, my friend, who is dead now, told me to get just one of them. I never did.

TWW   Dave I am glad I bought in 2014

Dave   100 trillion notes.....

Dave  300 bucks on ebay

Dave   'https://www.xe.com/currency/zwd-zimbabwean-dollar/

Dave  https://www.xe.com/currency/zwd-zimbabwean-dollar/

Dave   Notice: The Zimbabwe dollar has been suspended indefinitely.

TWW   Dave A few yrs ago I was mocked, laughed at, called names when I posted the Zim$ being in the 1st basked. (Toilet paper TW) now who is LOLOLOL

Dave   TWW just checked Zim not yet on Forex?

TWW   Hang on

Dave   hanging......

Dave  i too mocked fer IQD

TWW   I hav seen their new currency

Dave   honouring the old notes of 100 trillion

TWW   trying to get all off the streets, no use for them now

TWW   i hav several to exchange

Dave   WHERE?

TWW   Redem centers when itz time, I hope soon

Dave   SOON........

Dave   Zim in the same basket as IQD?

Zig   Dave : I may ban that word from the room....LOL

Zig   SOON

Dave   Zig LOL

Dave   :Fingerscrossed:

TWW   I think now they announced the deleted 12 zeros their rate will i increase.

Dave   happy to see just 3 zeros removed from our IQD

TWW   me too

TWW   Zig what word

Dave   TWW SOON!!

TWW    soon, oh lolololol

Dave   butterfly has some intel she aint sharing

TWW   Zig Zig, yes my skin has become 'thicker' as u once remarked to me

Zig   Dave : Guru Butterfly

Dave   LOL

Dave   Iraqi Govt in the coming days...Gurus...soon.....the race is ON!

Dave    Imagine how rich Maliki will be.....

Zig   LOL

Dave   First Trillionaire?

Dave   average home price here 1.4 million......

butterfly   It gives/gave me great pleasure to tell what I knew several months/weeks ago. People said their same nasty things about me, but who is laughing last now? LOL As I've said, there is NO room for negativity in my life.

Dave   butterfly Not scoffing at you........YET!

Zig   butterfly : :hug:

butterfly   Dave have at it, like I said it is not what you know............it is who you know.

butterfly   I have been very fortunate all my life with that saying.

Zig   butterfly : Tell me!!!!!.... :Shhhh:

Dave   butterfly KNOW CBI governor?

butterfly   It is not what you know, it is who you know Dave

Dave   that would be insider trading.....CHEATTING

Zig   :Shocked:

Zig    :Jail:

Dave   yeap!

butterfly   It is not what you know, it is who you know @Dave

TWW   Zim$ must be AA 2008 series

Dave    butterfly first name Mustafa?

Dave   TWW links?

TWW   Dave to what

Dave   Zim being tradeable......300 bucks fer 100 trillion notes on ebay

butterfly   Dave you are being a very bad boy right now. As I told you when I posted what I heard, don't ask questions bc I'm not gonna give you any.

butterfly    Answers will come when it is necessary, until then just do a very big smile and keep it on your face.

TWW    Dave im still looking for that older link from 2014

Butterfly   Dave just read something that I need to post for you bc it pertains to Canada.

butterfly   Over the last 3 weeks, most of the EU has joined the unprecedented PNGpalooza against Moscow in a big way. US & UK already expelled a bunch of Russian "diplomats."

Ball to you, Canada (and by Canada I mean Justin). Time for Ottawa to get in the game. https://twitter.com/20committee/status/1511807049771978760 https://topsecretumbra.substack.com/p/update-europes-pngpalooza-keeps-rolling?s=w

Dave   butterfly All I know is that Trudeau is not supporting Russia in any way....

Dave   Taking in 90K refugees though.....

Dave   with open arms........alot of public/private support here...

butterfly   Dave yes I heard that but they are wanting all the sanctions they can apply towards Russia.

Dave   Sad that the EU reliant on oil from Russia though

Dave   ...and OPEC doing little........

Dave   .......But building that pipline from Saudi Arabia to Germany aint getting built tomorrow

Dave   Sending weapons/tanks to Ukraine better than foreign troops on the ground........

Dave   Actually surprised that they still have some jets.....

butterfly   People have to think that this could happen here. Towns/Cities/States are bombed for no reason. Women are being raped, children being shot, no they are being murdered. For what? Because a DICTATOR wants your land so he can have a bigger property to rule.

Dave    butterfly HERE?????

butterfly    Dave LOL Ukraine.

Dave   ops...lol

butterfly    Dave You do give me some laughs. LOL

Dave   Russia going to be sanctioned like Iraq........

Dave   War.Reparations.....

Dave   Invest in that Ruble....cheap now

butterfly   Dave less than a penny. I will be dead and gone b4 it is worth more than a penny.

Dave   butterfly Russia will have to repair the damage done

Dave   30 yrs ruble may be worth it...

Dave   took awhile fer iraq to pay kuwait

butterfly   Dave what are you talking about? They already paid them back.

Dave    after 30yrs

butterfly    LOL yup LOL

Dave   to late fer me on the ruble......

Sheila  @TWW em

Sheila    IMHO,,, good article: Poking Russia Was a Bad Idea and Now We Have To Live With the Results

Nick Barisheff: How do we get $14,000 Gold?

Palisades Gold Radio: 4-6-2022

Tom welcomes back Nick Barisheff, President and CEO of BMG, to the show. He points out that poking Russia was a bad idea and now we have to live with the results of the sanctions.

Russia now wants Rubles or gold in exchange for all their commodity exports. This was an obvious retaliation. Gold does best in stagflationary periods and we're starting to see it now.

Stocks, bonds, and real estate are all in historic bubbles and grossly overvalued. We're well past due for a major correction and such a correction will only aggravate the problems.

The Fed is cornered and has no viable way out. Gold and silver are highly manipulated so that throws off-price discovery.

Central banks lease their gold and may have leased much of it to China and Russia while still counting it on their books.

Russia and China have some official gold but many estimate they have much more in their sovereign wealth funds. Those funds don't report their holdings. continued... https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/poking-russia-was-a-bad-idea-and-now-we-have-to-live-with-the-results

butterfly   2022-04-06 11:19   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a higher rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 147500 IQD for every 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges, 100 IQD above the opening rate this morning.

The buying and selling rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148000 and 147000 IQD for every 100, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-closes-higher-in-Baghdad-on-Wednesday

TWW   sheila ck em

Sheila   TWW got it, reply

TWW   sheila His vids are very long. I will listen L8TR tonight. I dont have that hour++ long vid in the evenings. Just got bk from Seattle & tomorrow PDX . Our of group of 20 meetings most of this week. In fact, I will listen to while in Seattle. Thanx

Sheila   TWW group of 20 meetings? maybe near future you can share what those are about.

TWW    sheila we chatted abt that a few months ago.

TWW    i may talk abt it again in LV/RENO

Sheila    TWW I have slept since then... LOL it my come to me when I think about it for a little while.

Sheila   may


Sheila    TWW I use the Account Settings and speed up videos to play at 1.5 Speed.

Sheila   TWW drawing a blank. regardless, happy to chat with you

TWW   sheila Hint G20...Recounting

Sheila   TWW cool


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday PM 4-1-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday PM 4-1-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly Source denies claims that al-Sadr asked Salih to withdraw his candidature https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Source-denies-claims-that-al-Sadr-asked-Salih-to-withdraw-his-candidature

butterfly Ramadan 2022: When does it start and everything else you need to know

Middle East Eye answers key questions about the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, including its religious significance and what fasting entails .................

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday PM 4-1-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly   Source denies claims that al-Sadr asked Salih to withdraw his candidature https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Source-denies-claims-that-al-Sadr-asked-Salih-to-withdraw-his-candidature

butterfly   Ramadan 2022: When does it start and everything else you need to know

Middle East Eye answers key questions about the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, including its religious significance and what fasting entails ................. https://www.middleeasteye.net/discover/ramadan-when-does-it-start-everything-you-need-know 

butterfly   UK: MP says Britain wants Qatari and Ukrainian refugees not 'people in rubber boats'

Conservative MP Bill Wiggin sparks anger after saying Prime Minister Boris Johnson should only accept 'right' sort of refugees ............ https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/britain-mp-wants-qatari-ukrainian-refugees-people-rubber-boats

Sheila   1.00 Venezuelan Bolívar = 0.22879182 US Dollars  1 USD = 4.37079 VES

We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only. You won’t receive this rate when sending money. Check send rates https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=VES&To=USD

butterfly   USD/IQD exchange rates stabilize in Baghdad ................ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) stabilized in markets of Baghdad and dropped in Erbil, on Thursday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147100 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the buying and selling rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 147500 and 146500 IQD, respectively. ...................... https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-stabilize-in-Baghdad-6-3

Dave   butterfly Read some chatter about economic reforms in Iraq.......Still awaiting those guys to elect a President.......thought that was the easy part....

Dave   ....no vote....No reforms?

butterfly   Dave Wait Wait Wait and now they are going in to the long month of Ramadan.

butterfly   As all of the gurus have stated in the past and I'm sure it will be repeated this time.......about it will happen while they are on their holiday. Get ready to read it.

Dave   butterflyYes every year fer 12 yrs have read that Gurus said it would be coming during Ramadam.....

butterfly   Al-Sadr withdraws from negotiations to form the government, Al-Maliki starts talks https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Sadr-withdraws-from-negotiations-to-form-the-government-Al-Maliki-starts-talks ................. "For Iraq not to remain without a government which will deteriorate the security, economic, and service conditions, I am giving (the third: the Framework) an opportunity to negotiate with all the blocs to form a national majority government, without the Sadrist bloc, in a period from the first day of Ramadan until the ninth of Shawwal (40 days)." He added.

TWW   sheila https://rumble.com/vz23wt-breaking-news-mark-z-charlie-ward-and-chas-carter-3-30-22-ppn-at-12pm-cst-1.html   Today with Dr Charley, David Mahony, Chas Carter & MarkZ...A lot of blanks filled in during this amazing Q & A.

Sheila   @TWW - truly appreciated that Rumble video. Now it's all over the dinar guru postings. lol

butterfly   Oil slumps 7% as U.S. plans record crude reserve release .......... https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-slumps-7-as-U-S-plans-record-crude-reserve-release .................. Biden's 180 million-barrel release is equivalent to about two days of global demand, and marks the third time Washington has tapped the SPR in the past six months.

Starting in May, the United States will release 1 million barrels per day of crude oil for six months from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden said, adding that 30 million to 50 million barrels of oil could be released in addition by allies and partners.

"We need to increase supply... Oil firms sitting on idle wells or unused leases will have to start producing or pay for their inaction" he said......more in the article

butterfly   KDP, Al-Siyada confirmed their commitment to the "Saving the Homeland" Alliance with Al-Sadr https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/KDP-Al-Siyada-confirmed-their-commitment-to-the-Saving-the-Homeland-Alliance-with-Al-Sadr

butterfly   Oil slides before consumer nations' meeting on stocks release https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-slides-before-consumer-nations-meeting-on-stocks-release

butterfly   Iraqi cleric Al-Sadr steps back and asks rivals to form government amid ongoing political deadlock https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/iraqs-al-sadr-steps-back-asks-rivals-form-government

Butterfly   Basem Khashan: I will appeal all violations of the House of Representatives in the Federal Court LINK

butterfly   Just in that 90% of the jobs lost during the pandemic have returned. Unemployment rate 3.6%. Finally we are way back.

butterfly   on our way back.

Sheila   Forfaiting  By Caroline Banton  Updated October 26, 2020  Reviewed by Michael J Boyle

What Is Forfaiting?

Forfaiting is a means of financing that enables exporters to receive immediate cash by selling their medium and long-term receivables—the amount an importer owes the exporter—at a discount through an intermediary. The exporter eliminates risk by making the sale without recourse. It has no liability regarding the importer's possible default on the receivables.

The forfaiter is the individual or entity that purchases the receivables. The importer then pays the amount of the receivables to the forfaiter. A forfaiter is typically a bank or a financial firm that specializes in export financing. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/forfaiting.asp

Zig   sheila : Well that is certainly something I did not know....Does it somehow relate to currency exchanges?

Sheila   Zig Banking

Sheila   Zig More specifically, this looks like Platform Trading banks do with our accounts after hours?

butterfly   sheila I guess you missed that post I made sometime ago about the banks. Every night at 12 the amount in the banks, your account/s, are traded. This came from a retired bank president that was told to me years ago. The banks are making a lot of money off of your money AND the charges they charge you.

Sheila   butterfly Yes, I remember reading that post. Just heard the Forfaiting word today and thought I would post meaning.

butterfly   What is the meaning of forfaiting?

Forfaiting is a method of trade finance that allows exporters to obtain cash by selling their medium and long-term foreign accounts receivable at a discount to a forfaiter, a specialized finance firm or a department in a bank.

butterfly  When I confronted the CEO of a local bank, he was shocked that I knew about that.

butterfly   My friend in CA, sometime ago, wanted to cancel her one account and the bank would not allow her to do it. So her accountant told her to write several checks against that account until she depleted that account.

butterfly   Oil benchmarks on course for biggest weekly losses in 2 years ................. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-benchmarks-on-course-for-biggest-weekly-losses-in-2-years

Sheila   1.00 Venezuelan Bolívar = 0.22859497 US Dollars  1 USD = 4.37455 VES

We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only. You won’t receive this rate when sending money. Check send rates

Venezuelan Bolívar to US Dollar conversion — Last updated Apr 1, 2022, 18:08 UTC

Sheila   https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=VES&To=USD

Sheila   Curious as to why www.xe.com would have Bolivar Rate change, as they are supposed to get their information from Forex?

TWW   sheila Just rec'd email from Riyadh with update. I will b bk in an hour or so so I can verify with unc mike. May send via ur em.

 Zig   TWW : So that is something that you can't share with the whole chat??.....

Zig   If so then why tease us with a post like that??.....lol

Zig   Use email or PM her

Dave   Zig HAVE to be cryptic after you sign that NDA?

Dave   butterfly Same apply to you....? I be So confused........Iraqi Govt seems to be moving backwards not progressin no where....what would i be missing other than the boat?

butterfly    Dave hey there. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be.

Dave   whats not happening?

Dave   Sadr now taking about resigning.......AGAIN......

Dave   heard much about this White Paper..Parliament requires a vote to pass bills and reforms......or so i thought

TWW   Zig not yet, waiting for my call...diff time zones

Sheila   TWW hey there

TWW  sheila hey there, zig must be having a great day

Sheila   TWW He doesn't want to be left out.

Sheila   TWW We are all privileged to be here.

TWW   sheila i understand. I may em u within the hr to share a few tidbits. my morning info was worded very oddly. I need to hav some clarity on it.

Sheila   TWW Appreciate being included. LOL - Most likely it will appear on Recaps in couple of days. Rumtel heard round the world. LOL LOL

TWW   sheila ck ur em.

Sheila   TWW got it - leverage

Sheila   1.00 Venezuelan Bolívar = 0.22858341 US Dollars  1 USD = 4.37477 VES

We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only. You won’t receive this rate when sending money. Check send rates

Venezuelan Bolívar to US Dollar conversion — Last updated Apr 1, 2022, 22:13 UTC

TWW   sheila Hope u got the jest of it. sorry for the blanks. Now u know

butterfly  I thought this was interesting for all:

butterfly   Are Iraqi dinars worth anything?

“IQD is heavily undervalued at present and will rise significantly against USD in mid-to-long term due to a pending revaluation bound to happen soon.” Supporters of Iraqi dinar Investment are reported to be confusing two economic terms: Revaluation and Redenomination.

Dave   butterfly i like both terms

Dave   best.....delete 3 zeros....

 Sheila   TWW leverage - good and evil sometimes evokes same responses

butterfly   Can you imagine what they go through just to buy a coke.....a very big purse to carry all those IQDs

Sheila   evoke

Dave   butterfly lol thanx

Sheila   butterfly How much in dinar is a Cola in Iraq?

Zig    Please don't start with the fils Dave LOL

butterfly   The price of 2 liters of Coca-Cola in Baghdad is 1,453 Dinar

Dave   folks can relate to coke

butterfly   Kuwait: The price is 0.36 USD. The average price for all countries is 0.94 USD. The database includes 52 countries. https://www.globalproductprices.com/Kuwait/coca_cola_price/

butterfly   Coke will also clean the "crap" on your auto battery.

Sheila   butterfly cool web site

Zig   butterfly : Where did you see this? "Are Iraqi dinars worth anything?

“IQD is heavily undervalued at present and will rise significantly against USD in mid-to-long term due to a pending revaluation bound to happen soon.” Supporters of Iraqi dinar Investment are reported to be confusing two economic terms: Revaluation and Redenomination"

Dave   Zig Soon relative term

butterfly   Zig googled it

Dave   IQD is heavily undervalued at present and will rise significantly against USD in mid-to-long term due to a pending revaluation bound to happen soon.

Dave   soon.....12 or more yrs

butterfly   This site will give you a lot of information: ................

butterfly   https://www.google.com/search?q=iqd+to+us+dollar&oq=&aqs=chrome.1.69i59i450l8.212391j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Dave   0.00068 United States Dollar

butterfly   https://www.google.com/search?q=iqd+to+us+dollar&oq=&aqs=chrome.1.69i59i450l8.212391j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   ...........Will the dinar go up in value?

There has been an increase in the value of the Dinar; although it has been slow. A true Iraqi Dinar reevaluation does show growth. As the region stabilizes and commerce and industry return the dinar has shown some improvement. Investing in the dinar is a good way to buy low and eventually sell high.

Dave   .There has been an increase in the value of the Dinar; although it has been slow...;.....gone backwards

Dave   Throw us a bone.....

Dave   As the region Stabilizes???????

Dave   Never ever been this slow in forming a GOVT

Dave   commerce and industry return the dinar has shown some improvement.......SOME????

Dave   WHO What WHERE WHen ,,,and WHY?

butterfly   I believe the truth will eventually come out Dave

Dave   I would not invest a Nickle with those crooks

Dave   no foreign investment laws ....yet......

Dave   SOON........

Dave   butterfly Which Truth....?

butterfly   I know I know, just try to be patient.

Dave   Kurdish headquarters just got scorched......

Dave   These Polliticians/media must be brilliant with all the Choreography......No Oscar though

Dave   butterfly Holy flashing Bank screens...Batman!,,,,was talking to a banker I know.....Take no offence but I have heard that....1000x or more in the last 12 yrs..../

Sheila   You view, You discern: One man's opinion: 04/01/2022 Update - https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/04/01/04-01-2022-update/

TWW   sheila em: u m asked me to bid U a .   :Hammock:   :Yacht:

Sheila  Gimme Little Sign by Brenton Wood - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W79LIAy_qp8

Sheila   TWW still here, listening to music, chillin

Sheila   Part of Nicks discussion said it was all about "politics" holding this from activating.

Sheila   Pictures Of Matchstick Men (1968) by Status Quo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6RzRfVlpA

Sheila   good night all       

Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 3-16-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 3-16-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Joetato Some One just this morning said the deficit was going down. Federal Budget Deficit for February 2022: $217 billion. One month! That's money the country didn't have but spent away. But she thinks it's OK to spend anyways as long as it goes down a bit. Another example of you can't fix stupid.

Sheila Got my green ready for tomorrow, St Patrick's Day. Sure wish it was greenbacks in my pocket, wallet, purse - every nook and cranny... lol

butterfly sheila I would like to share mine but it is going to humariantian systems. Your time will come, just wait.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 3-16-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Joetato   Some One just this morning said the deficit was going down. Federal Budget Deficit for February 2022: $217 billion. One month! That's money the country didn't have but spent away. But she thinks it's OK to spend anyways as long as it goes down a bit. Another example of you can't fix stupid.

Sheila   Got my green ready for tomorrow, St Patrick's Day. Sure wish it was greenbacks in my pocket, wallet, purse - every nook and cranny... lol

butterfly   sheila I would like to share mine but it is going to humariantian systems. Your time will come, just wait. 

Sheila   butterfly No worries. You go add value where you choose. All good here.

Sheila   Oil down below 96... www.marketwatch.com -- www.oilprice.com

butterfly   Reserves are being used.

Sheila   April Futures locked in around this 96 pricing. Maybe see gas go down a bit by end of March? maybe?

Sheila    butterfly Those 60M barrels only good for 2 or 3 days in this country. Makes for good press.

butterfly   The United States holds 35,230,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 11th in the world and accounting for about 2.1% of the world's total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels. The United States has proven reserves equivalent to 4.9 times its annual consumption.

butterfly   How much oil reserve do we have in us?

National summary

Crude oil billion barrels Total natural gas trillion cubic feet

U.S. proved reserves as of December 31, 2019 44.2 495.4

Extensions and discoveries 3 39.8

Net revisions -8.8 -98.2

Net adjustments, sales, acquisitions 1.2 73.4

butterfly  https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/crudeoilreserves/

butterfly    https://www.aogr.com/web-exclusives/exclusive-story/u.s.-holds-most-recoverable-oil-reserves

butterfly   How long will US oil reserves last?

The United States has proven reserves equivalent to 4.9 times its annual consumption. This means that, without imports, there would be about 5 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

butterfly   Where is the largest oil reserve in the US?

Image result

Oil highlight

Texas, the state with the largest volume of proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate, had the largest net decrease in proved reserves in 2020 (3.1 billion barrels or 16%) (Table 6).Jan 13, 2022 u.s.%20oil%20reserves%202021 - Google Search

u.s.%20oil%20reserves%202021 - Google Search


Crude oil is the world's main source of energy. In 2018, the world used approximately 99.3 million barrels per day of oil.   Oil Reserves by Country 2022.   LINK

Here are the 10 countries with the most oil reserves:

Venezuela (300.90 Bn)  

Saudi Arabia (266.50 Bn)

Canada (169.70 Bn)

Iran (158.40 Bn)

Iraq (142.50 Bn)

Kuwait (101.50 Bn)

United Arab Emirates (97.80 Bn)

Russia (80.00 Bn)

Sheila   Yes, there must be large reserves, yet didn't the Press Release say they were only going to release 60M barrels?

Joetato   Largest reserves are in the ground.

Joetato   Reserve Estimates

U.S. Holds Most Recoverable Oil Reserves

By Per Magnus Nysveen   OSLO, NORWAY–The United States now holds the world’s largest recoverable oil reserve base–more than Saudi Arabia or Russia–thanks to the development of unconventional resource plays.

Ranking nations by the most likely estimate for existing fields, discoveries and as-of-yet undiscovered fields (proved, probable. possible and undiscovered), the United States is at the top of the list with 264 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves, followed by Russia with 256 billion, Saudi Arabia with 212 billion, Canada with 167 billion, Iran with 143 billion, and Brazil with 120 billion

Doug_W   SO then lets GO get it

Dave   Joetato .The United States now holds the world’s largest recoverable oil reserve base–more than Saudi Arabia or Russia–thanks to the development of unconventional resource plays.

Dave   Break even for oil companies fer tight oil in the USA.....60.00 barrel......bitumen...90.00 barrel

Dave   Middle East oil.......much higher grade......and easier to get to...though Saudi Arabia now required to do much more fracking

Dave   FRACKING not nice to the environment.......nor the water table

Dave   Yes The Moon may have Huge metals/minerals reserves also....

Butterfly   Schumer: “The bewildering incongruity between falling oil prices and rising gas prices smacks of price gouging … The Senate is going to get answers, and that's why we will be calling on the CEOs of major oil companies to come testify before the Congress.”



butterfly   The United States has issued unprecedented sanctions against Russia. The result has Russian currency in a freefall. The Russian stock market is closed. The credit rating of Russia has now been designated as "junk." Vice President Kamala Harris

Butterfly   "[Top DOJ prosecutor Andrew Adams] said 'I'm not looking to put banks out of business. But if there are some banks that have not done the right compliance work, 'hear no evil, see no evil' is no longer in play. And he'll go after them" -

@Tom_Winterw/@NicolleDWallace  https://twitter.com/DeadlineWH/status/1504238688900890629 video

butterfly   Russia claims its only hitting military targets. What does the Kyiv Mayor say to that? "BULLSHIT!" he spits. A former boxing champion, Vitale Klitschko delivers knockout sound bites that get straight to the point. Feel free to share #Ukraine #Kyiv video https://twitter.com/ChrisReason7/status/1504008559566426115

butterfly   The Russians just bombed the Mariupol city theater (with the word “children” written on both sides) containing the city’s largest bomb shelter. The shelter can hold up to a thousand, and it is known that hundreds of civilians were sheltering there. Rescue is hampered by shelling. https://twitter.com/APrettyLeaf/status/1504205576141611008

Joetato   Americans’ Spending Slows Dramatically Amid Surging Inflation And Gas Prices

Joetato   Saudi Arabia, UAE Welcome UK Prime Minister For Oil Talks After Reportedly Shunning Biden

Joetato   Farmers Warn About Rising Food Prices — One Way To Prepare - American farmers are getting hit by higher costs of fertilizer, gas and everything else.

Now, they’re warning America that the result will be rising food prices. “Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices. If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000.00 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty Shelf syndrome may be starting.”


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM 3-13-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM 3-13-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sheila Price increases over last year (CPI report)

Used Cars: +41.2%, Gasoline: +38.0%, Gas Utilities: +23.8%, Meats/Fish/Eggs: +13.0%, New Cars: +12.4%, Electricity: +9.0%, Food at home: +8.6%, Overall CPI: +7.9%, Food away from home: +6.8%, Apparel: +6.6%,Transportation: +6.6%, Shelter: +4.7%, -- https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/consumer-prices-up-7-5-percent-over-year-ended-january-2022.htm -- Prices for food at home rose 7.4 percent over the last 12 months. All of the six major grocery store food groups increased over the period. By far the largest increase was that of meats, poultry, fish, and eggs, which rose 12.2 percent over the year. Prices for dairy and related products increased 3.1 percent, the smallest 12-month increase among in the food at home category.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday PM3-13-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sheila   Price increases over last year (CPI report)

Used Cars: +41.2%, Gasoline: +38.0%, Gas Utilities: +23.8%, Meats/Fish/Eggs: +13.0%, New Cars: +12.4%, Electricity: +9.0%, Food at home: +8.6%, Overall CPI: +7.9%, Food away from home: +6.8%, Apparel: +6.6%,Transportation: +6.6%, Shelter: +4.7%, -- https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/consumer-prices-up-7-5-percent-over-year-ended-january-2022.htm -- Prices for food at home rose 7.4 percent over the last 12 months. All of the six major grocery store food groups increased over the period. By far the largest increase was that of meats, poultry, fish, and eggs, which rose 12.2 percent over the year. Prices for dairy and related products increased 3.1 percent, the smallest 12-month increase among in the food at home category. 

Prices for food away from home rose 6.4 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since January 1982.

Within the energy category, gasoline prices rose 40.0 percent over the last year, despite declining in January. Prices for natural gas rose 23.9 percent over the last 12 months, and prices for electricity rose 10.7 percent.

Prices for all items less food and energy index rose 6.0 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. Within this grouping, prices for shelter increased 4.4 percent over the past year, prices for medical care services were up 2.7 percent, while prices for transportation services increased 5.6 percent.

These data are from the Consumer Price Index program and are not seasonally adjusted. To learn more, see "Consumer Price Index — January 2022." Also see more charts related to the latest Consumer Price Index news release. https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/consumer-prices-up-7-5-percent-over-year-ended-january-2022.htm

Sheila   This guy has some interesting stuff to say: It's All Playing Out In Front of Our Eyes | Imminent Reset of Financial System - Alasdair Macleod -- I Love Prosperity: 3-10-2022

In this video, I speak to one of the top financial researcher in the world, Alasdair Macleod.

He discusses the imminent reset of the global financial system, the debt markets, hyperinflation, and more.

We talk about the coming revaluation of Gold to stabilize the financial system, why he loves Silver, and what he thinks is coming next.

Alasdair has been one of the top researchers in the world on the debt markets, how this will play itself out in the future, the currency collapse, gold, silver and more.

Alasdair has been 'spot-on' for most of his predictions and is one of my favorite guests to discuss the financial system, the stock market, and of course, gold and silver.


Sheila  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-5AfFC_JSE

Sheila  That video was posted on Recaps, so I wanted to give them credit where credit is due: https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/news-rumors-and-opinions-saturday-3-12-2022

Sheila   The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6fBAT8f-s

Sheila   Time Is On My Side by Irma Thomas 1964 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McOmcNwqprA 

Dave  sheila Yes i do try telling me this each day....not working.......

Dave   lucky me ....this is the oldest i have ever been

Sheila   Dave lol, can relate

Eyeguy1   what`s the up folks   what makes Putin any different than ISIS if not for the nukes ....such a dangerous character needs to be ended

Sheila   Reading perspectives put forth by Fleming. He sure has some good stuff. Guess it's all about reading, filtering, etc. LOL -- Here is the link: 03/12/2022 Russia takes Center Stage - https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/03/12/03-12-2022-russia-takes-center-stage/

Eyeguy1   Hi sheila

Sheila  Eyeguy1 Hey there

Eyeguy1  dont know about this financial reset of sorts  swift and us dollar are not going away

Sheila  Eyeguy1 Something gotta happen. Extreme conditions require extreme measures. Like cracks in dam, pressure is going to break it wide open.

Eyeguy1  maybe ....I hope we are on the right side of the dam

sheila   Eyeguy1 History says it can. It's happened before.

Sheila  Eyeguy1 Me, too. lol lol

Eyeguy1   horrible situation in Ukraine ......dont think Putin will stop there

sheila  Eyeguy1 Maybe Ukraine not as innocent as we are lead to believe? I don't know. World will have to wait and see.

Eyeguy1  My wife is from Russia and Putin is a liar .....no reguard for the people there ....and yes Ukraine is innocent and dont believe other wise anyone supporting Putin is not informed or are just morons

Sheila   Eyeguy1 Like I said, I don't know. Waiting to see what happens.

Eyeguy1  UN needs to go in and stop this sensless killing

Sheila  Eyeguy1 Politicians are typically liars. Question is if they are actually criminals using their positions to do really bad stuff to people?

Sheila  Eyeguy1 I only have questions. No answers to contribute.

Eyeguy1   Putin is a dictator not a politician

Eyeguy1   we need legislators not politicians   

Sheila   Eyeguy1 Remember from Civics Government classes many decades ago, elected officials were called Statesmen. Thinking it meant something back then. 

Eyeguy1   I understand  to many Morons these days in positions of power  ok time to talk to my pillow

Sheila   Eyeguy1 me, too. good night all. Taking my faith and a prayer to bed with me tonight.

Eyeguy1   sheila be well and safe..hope the Dinar does what we are hoping soon

Sheila  Eyeguy1 15th Ides of March. 17th St Patrick's Day... double up

Eyeguy1   ?

Sheila  Wasn't Ides of March when they had debt jubilee? St. Patrick's Day is the luck of the Irish? Double up on this coming week.

Eyeguy1   would be nice thank you 00...

butterfly   Michael McFaul  @McFaul  Putin's evil ways seem to have no limits. Every day we learn of a new atrocity.

butterfly   2.7 have had to flee their homeland bc of one crazy dictator.

butterfly   What I love about this whole craziness is that the "world" is coming together to show support for Ukraine. Unfortunately it has hit the world economy. The world is suffering from his craziness.

butterfly  With that being said.....have a great day and enjoy your life bc it could happen to the USA.

Dave  Joetato thought all car manufactures world wide were to eliminate all gas cars in about 10 yrs

Dave oops making......

Sheila   Dave Believe I might be one of the last ones to go electric.

Sheila   Dave Insurance on EV's? Electric power as source? Battery technology? Battery toxicity?

Dave   sheila nuclear energy, hydroelectric,solar, wind turbines,.tidal etc

Dave   Gas not toxic?

Sheila   Dave What are batteries made from?

Dave   lithium

Sheila  Dave Just lithium?

Dave   china refines that........

Dave  sheila lithium also used to treat diseases of the mind

Dave   lead.copper acid used in regular batteries as well

Sheila   Something I did not know until today: "This is a 'miracle' for US gas supply" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5LahdalswQ

Dave   sheila Each and every year Big Oil Companies have record breaking profit from one year to the next...... 130 ish billion dollars profit...... not including Opec nations 

Dave  How much profit does Chevron make a year?

Chevron's annual profit and revenue surpassed pre-pandemic levels. The company's $15.6 billion profit in 2021 compares with a loss of $5.5 billion in 2020 and a profit of $2.9 billion in 2019. Annual revenue in 2021 soared to $162 billion, compared with $94.7 billion in 2020 and $146.5 billion in 2019

Dave   seems like covid killed their profits lately.........146.5 billion 2019 when gas was like half the price of what it is today   - betcha Chevron will profit 300 billion this yr

Sparky   ... funny how the Suez canal suddenly got blocked, chocking the supply chains, just after Biden took over ... hmmm ...

Dave   SparkyHowdy......... another Rabbit Hole?

Sparky  ... nobody driving their cars during covid ... have to make up for two years of profit loss somehow ..

Dave   hehe   Blaim Biden!

Sparky   ... they couldn't give oil away 3rd quarter of 2020 ...... negative profits for months ...

Dave  oil in the minus hehe   Sparky Should have belonged to OPEC

Dave   they avoided that curve?

Sparky  Dave ... if IQD dosn't increase in value, when ? Oil $150 bbl ...

Dave  NO GOVT.......NO value in IQD

Sparky  ... bigger yauchts for oligarchs ...

Dave  Still holding my cue in Reno Exchange center?

Dave   OIL Companies no different than Big Pharm

Sparky  Dave ... nope, ran out of hotdogs and mustard ...

Dave   Covid .....sorry Customs cut off my air drops

Sparky   ... understandable, I forgive you ... hehehe ...

Dave  I have Papal connection

Sparky   ... I don't think Putin thought Ukrainians would put up a fight ...

Dave   Yep   Doubt Putin will run away either

Sparky   Dave ... his ego will not let him acknowledge defeat ...

Sparky   ... Putin will rue the day he invaded Ukraine ... imo ...

Dave   War Crimes trial or WW!!!

Dave   ?

Sparky  ... Russian stock market hasn't been open for two weeks, 'cause it will crashh the day it opens ...

Dave   Saddam didnt like how that panned out

Dave  Russians will need to take him down then

Sparky   ... if the Russian soldiers pull a Maliki, they will be executed ...

Sparky   ... I actually feel badly for Russian soldiers ...

Dave   Putin would get BUSTED today if he were in LE Hague


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Evening   2-15-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Evening 2-15-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig TWW referred to his Kuwaiti Dinar experience in a post made last evening...here is his story which I post from time to time....

"TWWlll:... "I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency...

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Evening   2-15-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig  TWW referred to his Kuwaiti Dinar experience in a post made last evening...here is his story which I post from time to time....

"TWWlll:... "I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency...

Remember, Iraq was attacking Kuwait's oil wells... Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05... While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh...

I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past called me at home, and mentioned that Kuwait's currency was adjusted to a higher value, 3.47 USD... I called my bank, Bank of Hawaii, and they confirmed... So I went with my bills and cashed (exchanged) them in...

I had to show my passport with the date when I was in Egypt... it was my former boss in SA that called about their RI/adjustment and then I went through his broker... It went from 0.05 to 3.47 USD... It was just an exchange, no tax. ... There is more to the story but this should give you enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called Gurus are telling you."

Zig   FYI: butterfly has not left the chat....she emailed me last evening....she has been busy attending to other matters.... :)

butterfly   Just a few minutes and then I am out again. I just read TWW's post and I will add, this also applies to what is happening with the IQD: It went from 0.05 to 3.47 USD... It was just an exchange, no tax. ... There is more to the story but this should give you enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called Gurus are telling you."

butterfly   Read what the articles have been telling you..........some don't like to read...........but there is a lot of information in them. Remember one thing, their verbiage is different from ours..........but it is in there. I agree with TWW.........ignore the gurus....they are making a LOT of money off of your................. you can insert the word appropriate.

butterfly  Have a great day, I am out again.

Dave   The text of the Federal Court’s decision on the unconstitutionality of the oil and gas law for the regional government and its abolition

Dave   The Federal Court issued its decision on Case 59/Federal/2012 and Unified 110/Federal/2019 on 15/2/2022, which includes the ruling on the unconstitutionality of the Oil and Gas Law of the Kurdistan Regional Government No. (22) of 2007 and its cancellation for violating the provisions of Articles (110, 111, 112, 115, 121 and 130) From the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005.

And obligating the regional government to hand over all oil production from the oil fields in the Kurdistan region and other areas from which the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government extracted oil and handed it over to the federal government represented by the Federal Ministry of Oil and enabling it to use its constitutional powers regarding oil exploration extract it and export it.

The Ministry of Oil has the right to follow up on the invalidity of the oil contracts concluded by the Kurdistan Regional Government with foreign parties, countries and companies regarding oil exploration, extraction, export and sale.

Dave    Seems we are done with the HCL and art 140.....?

Doug_W   tune in tomorrow to "As Iraq turns" same time same channel

Zig      Dave : Thanks....you follow that stuff more than probably 95% of those invested do...It would be good if after posting something like that you also would comment as to its significance related to what we seek....in your opinion....only if you wish to and have some time of course.....

Zig   Hi @TWW I posted your story again and @butterfly liked it

TWW   Zig ty Zig. I kno I dont come here very often to post but only to review. I posted this again after to let folks kno that this next huge RI/RV really will take place like in '91. There is so much disinformation out there that many people reading other so-called-gurus are confused & leaving comments of Sh*t... Well thanx for the posting. Shalom

EYEGUY   Zig thanks for the story ......waiting so we can tell our story to our kids ......

Zig    EYEGUY :You're welcome...I believe @TWW's story but some do not....

TWW   #30 Long Island Democrat Kathleen Rice of New York's 4th congressional district announced Tuesday that she will retire, becoming the 30th House Democrat to announce they will leave the House this election cycle.https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/congresswoman-kathleen-rice-is-the-30th-democrat-to-leave-the-house/ar-AATTpEa?ocid=winp-sf

sheila   rats jumping ship - lol

sheila   how many repubs have announced same?

sheila   It would appear our next date to look forward to is 2-22-2022.


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