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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Evening 5-9-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Evening 5-9-22
Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates were up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Monday (May 9). $100 was at 147,900 Iraqi dinars, 100 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 184,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 158,000 IQD Iraqi dinars.

butterfly SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Monday (May 9) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was stable at $112.70, up from $112.4 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $109.9, up from $109.8.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Evening 5-9-22
Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates were up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Monday (May 9).  $100 was at 147,900 Iraqi dinars, 100 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 184,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 158,000 IQD Iraqi dinars.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Monday (May 9) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was stable at $112.70, up from $112.4 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $109.9, up from $109.8.

butterfly   2022-05-09 05:21   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $195 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $195,557,250. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 15 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $36.950 million. The remaining $158,607,250 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 29 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   2022-05-09 01:15   Shafaq News / The dollar hit a two-decade high on Monday as investors searched for safety and yield due to growing concerns over slowing global economic growth and rising interest rates.

Surging inflation, the war in Ukraine, and tighter lockdowns against COVID-19 in Beijing and Shanghai, have left investors uncertain on many counts, but they are sure that U.S. interest rates are going up -- and the dollar is following.

"Moves in U.S. interest rates are not the only dollar support," said strategists at NatWest Markets in a note.

"Downside risks to global growth stemming from Ukraine and China are more pressing for Europe and Asia relative to the U.S., creating an air of 2018-style dollar exceptionalism."

The greenback made a 22-month high on the growth-sensitive New Zealand dollar and rose 1% to a three-month high against the Australian dollar as Asia's stockmarkets tumbled. It rose 0.3% to its highest since 2019 on the Swiss franc.

The euro was down 0.4% at $1.0508 and a whisker above a recent trough of $1.0469. The yen was close to two-decade lows at 130.96 per dollar, while sterling wallowed at $1.2294, barely above Friday's 22-month low. The Canadian dollar hit its lowest since December.

butterfly   In China trade data showed imports flatlined in April and exports rose 3.9% - a little better than expected and enough to hold the Australian dollar at $0.7006 and off January's low of $0.6967.

However the yuan was dragged to a fresh 18-month low of 6.7110 per dollar as lockdowns in Shanghai were tightened. Traders see the fallout from the inevitable drag on China's economy raking across the region.

The dollar index is up nearly 9% for the year and gained for a fifth week in a row last week. It equalled Friday's near 20-year high of 104.070 during the jittery Asia session.

Speculation that Russian President Vladimir Putin might declare war on Ukraine in order to call up reserves during his speech at "Victory Day" celebrations also hurt market sentiment.

Putin has so far characterised Russia's actions in Ukraine as a "special military operation", not a war, or an invasion.

The U.S. Federal Reserve hiked its benchmark funds rate 50 basis points (bps) last week and strong jobs data has reinforced bets on further big hikes, with inflation figures due on Wednesday in focus as next risk of an upside surprise.

Futures markets are pricing a 75% chance of a 75 bp rate rise at the Fed's next meeting in June and more than 200 bps of tightening by year's end

Cryptocurrencies have been battered in the rush from risky assets and bitcoin was nursing weekend losses and near its lowest levels of the year at $33,780 while ether , which fell 4% on Sunday, was at $2,470.  (Reuters)

butterfly   2022-05-09 05:21   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $195 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $195,557,250. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 15 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $36.950 million. The remaining $158,607,250 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 29 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   A financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister has said he expects Iraq's revenues this year to exceed $150 billion.

Speaking to the state-controlled Iraqi News Agency (INA), Mudhar Muhammad Salih said sustained high oil prices, combined with non-oil revenues of "no less than $8-10 billion", will result in total revenues for whole of Iraq (including the Kurdistan Region) of at least $150 billion.

His estimates were based on IMF assumptions, including an average oil price of $104, and daily exports of crude oil from the Baghdad-controlled region of 3.4 million barrels per day.   (Source: INA)

Butterfly   Mishaan al-Jubouri threatens to split from the alliance of sovereignty and wonders where the trillion and 60 billion dinars are............ The leader of the Sovereignty Alliance, Mishaan al-Jubouri, threatened, today, Monday, to split from the alliance.

Al-Jubouri wrote, in a tweet to him on Twitter, that "the files revealed by the Governor of Salah al-Din Ammar al-Jabr showed that Ahmed al-Jubouri (Abu Mazen) seized a trillion and 60 billion dinars of people's money."

He added, "If the (Save the Homeland) coalition gets involved in targeting, dismissing or offending it, this will inevitably lead to its exit and other statures from the coalition, and it will be the beginning of major splits in the Sovereignty Alliance."

butterfly   US has completed training hundreds of Ukrainian forces on new weapons: Pentagon https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/05/09/US-has-completed-training-hundreds-of-Ukrainian-forces-on-new-weapons-Pentagon

Zig   butterfly : Aren't you sick and tired of Iraqi politics by now??.....lol....Jeez

Zig   @sheila: Just read about Stephen King....as an "author" you may find this of interest....he is 74...tries to write at least 2,000 words a day...and he does it the old fashioned way: with paper and a fountain pen......0

Sheila   Zig nice bit of information

Dave    butterfly Mishaan al-Jubouri also admitted he also accepted 2 million in bribes a few yrs ago....

Dave  at least he be transparent...........

Butterfly   Good for them! As they stated there are still sleeper cells: ............ 2022-05-09 16:16

Shafaq News/ A security source revealed that only a few ISIS members are still present in the Waqf Basin, between Al-Abbara and Abu Saida, 25 kilometers to the northeast of Baqubah.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "No more than 16 ISIS elements are deployed in the Waqf Basin, including 17 villages."

"The surveillance cameras monitor daily the movements of terrorists in the agricultural villages."

"It is not possible to eliminate ISIS elements with missiles or mortar shells because they are present in residential villages, which would affect the civilian casualties."

The source denied that ISIS controls any village or hotspot in Diyala, especially since ISIS elements cannot appear publicly but attack at night with sniper weapons.

In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country; the militant group captured about a third of Iraq's territory.

The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced.

Yet, ISIS still has sleeper cells in several Iraqi Governorates.

butterfly   2022-05-09 11:12   Shafaq News/ The "Saving the Homeland" Alliance, which includes the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the Al-Siyada Alliance, and the Sadrist bloc, confirmed that it is open to discussing all possible options with political forces to form a national majority government.

In a statement after a meeting in Erbil, the Alliance stressed the need for the Iraqi Parliament to "take its legislative role and its monitoring responsibility for the interest of citizens," noting that it "continues holding talks with independent deputies about the initiative for forming the next government."

Earlier, the Coordination Framework launched a 9-point initiative, while the Sadrist movement called on independent MPs to ally and form the government.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the independent representatives in the Iraqi Parliament failed to reach a unified position about the two initiatives.

The source revealed that 46 independent MPs met yesterday at MP Haidar al-Shamkhi's residence to discuss the latest political developments, noting that a new decisive meeting will be held in the next few days.

Since the Iraqi Parliament held its first session on the ninth of last January, the situation became more complicated with the Framework insisting on having the "Shiite" largest bloc because the prime minister is entitled to the Shiites, while the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr refuses to engage in an alliance with the Framework forces and adheres to excluding the leader of the State of Law coalition Nuri al-Maliki from any alliance.

On the other hand, the dispute between the two Kurdish poles continues; the Kurdistan Democratic Party says the position of the President of the Republic is a "Kurdish entitlement, and not for a specific party." At the same time, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan asserts that this position is its right.

butterfly   The scene became more critical after al-Sadr announced his withdrawal from negotiations to form the next government and choose the next prime minister giving this task to the Framework to solve in 40 days but the Framework "failed."

The Sadrist Movement leader then called for independent deputies to form the next Iraqi government within 15 days.

The Shiite Cleric renewed his call to some of the Framework's forces to join the Alliance with the Sadrist bloc.

This situation created differences of opinions among the independent representatives over the initiatives of the Shiite rivals, the Sadrist movement, and the Coordination Framework.

butterfly   A representative from Basra reveals the stalled negotiations with Kurdistan on the oil and gas law, and hints at the possibility of dealing with the issue criminally and internationally

Monday 09 May 2022 22:21 ............. The representative of Basra Governorate, "Ali Shaddad," revealed that negotiations between the Ministry of Oil and representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government, which were launched last month, have faltered, to persuade the regional government to implement the Federal Court's decision to abolish the oil and gas law in the region, which may push the central government to proceed with the implementation of the law. Literally and dealing with Kurdistan according to Iraqi regulations and laws.

” Shadd said in a statement that Federal Court decision No. (110) in (2019) issued on 02/15/2022 nullified the oil and gas law inad the region based on a lawsuit filed by us before the judiciary. In order to achieve the principle of balance and equality among all Iraqi cities, and limit the oil file to the federal government represented by the Ministry of Oil.

He pointed out that the regional government insisted on violating the constitution and Iraqi laws through the continuation of the oil and gas law and the resumption of oil export operations in illegal ways and in isolation from the federal government.

"Shaddad" explained that Kurdistan's failure to comply with the decision of the Federal Court and the failure of talks with the Ministry of Oil allows the Iraqi government Dealing with the matter criminally by filing lawsuits against officials in the region for not implementing the rulings of the Iraqi judiciary, which is considered a crime according to the Iraqi Penal Code, in addition to the possibility of dealing with it internationally through understandings and agreements with Turkey to prevent the export of oil through its territory.

butterfly   Time for some more updates. Get your beverage.

Butterfly   10th May 2022   Iraq Business News Expert Blogger, Dr Amer K. Hirmis, has just published a book that takes readers 6000 years back to early Mesopotamian polity, culture, and religious codes which shaped the economy, and continue to shape much of the body of Iraq's polity, economy and society today.

Economic inefficiency, inequality and lack of sufficient employment are common threads that run throughout Mesopotamian/Iraqi economic history. The persistence of poverty, high unemployment, conscious discrimination against women, and a polity dictating blind allegiance and obedience from the subjects to the ruler, denied the Iraqis achieving economic development, the ultimate aim of which is the sustained improvement of the well-being of the people. Even when economic growth was attained, it was desperately non-inclusive.

With a novel approach to economic development, this book examines Iraq's economy over the past 100 years. It establishes the historical roots in the consumption patterns, nature of the producers, the economic structure, trade, monetary and fiscal policy and resource allocation. In all these areas the echoes from the ancient past are striking. The principles of Sumerian taxes are still applied in present-day Iraq.

The book proposes a set of conditions, which will need to be created for Iraq to achieve economic development and functional democracy, in the distant future.

Download the book free of charge. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Economics-Iraq-Ancient-distant-future-ebook/dp/B079ZS74XY/?pldnSite=1

Sah   I think it will be very hard for Kurdistan to become independent as Iraq owns all the oil and minerals rights on their land. Iraq just needs to shut the main oil pipe line to Turkey down, and make it illegal for Turkey to buy from Kurdistan.

Dave   Sah Kurds be very happy with HCL art 140......

Sah   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=974566

Sah   National Oil Company of Iraq is supposed to control all oil sales in Iraq.

Sah Kurdistan turning their oil over to be sold by the National Oil Company in exchange for their percentage should tempt them now, hopefully with millions more to their budget. Otherwise Iraq is going to have to get tough on them. Iraq can make their oil illegal to buy from any country. Shut their oil lines down. Do something to get this oil and gas law implemented.

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Night 5-8-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Night 5-8-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates was stable in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Sunday (May 8).

$100 was at 147,800 Iraqi dinars, 150 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 184,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 158,000 IQD Iraqi dinars.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Night 5-8-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates was stable in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Sunday (May 8).

$100 was at 147,800 Iraqi dinars, 150 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 184,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 158,000 IQD Iraqi dinars.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were stable on Sunday (May 8) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was stable at $112.4, and the price of WTI crude was at $109.8.

butterfly   Some parties bought off lawmakers for two million dollars, official says .... https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Some-parties-bought-off-lawmakers-for-two-million-dollars-official-says

butterfly   2022-05-08 06:54   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $191 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $191,771,630. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 13 banks and 138 exchange companies cashed out $19.500 million. The remaining $172,271,630 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 29 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   The Union of Arab Banks discusses the repercussions of the international crisis ... The Union of Arab Banks will hold a conference under the title “The Repercussions of the International Crisis and Its Impact on the Economic Conditions in the Arab Region” on the eighteenth and nineteenth of this month in Cairo, with the participation of a group of high-level Arab and international banking leaders.

The Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks, Wissam Fattouh, said in a statement today: "The conference will discuss the repercussions of the current international crisis and its impact on the economic conditions in the Arab region, and the challenges and risks facing economic security in light of the international geopolitical crisis and its impact on Arab food security, in addition to the repercussions of prices Global oil and gas, the interaction of Arab financial markets with the crisis, and the prospects for remittances.

He pointed out: "The conference will discuss the opportunities available for Arab banking investment in alternative energy, the interaction of Arab financial markets with the crisis, the prospects for remittances, and the role of the private sector in combating climate change."

Dave   butterfly MPs bought off for only 2 million dollars...those independents should of held out longer....Maliki has a huge wallet......Great perks packages available or those MPs.....

butterfly  Dave It doesn't matter what country, the billionaires are always the ones tell everyone else they do...follow their demands so more like it. These billionaires don't help the ones they want to follow their demands, they just collect more moola. We just went through that here in the US.

butterfly   This is worth reposting dated June12, 2021: Central Bank Warns Against Speculation in Iraqi Dinar ....... The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has confirmed its commitment to a stable foreign exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar.    According to a statement from the bank, "the dollar exchange rate is fixed and there are no intentions to change."   It added that the rate chosen at the end of 2020 was "based on in-depth studies of the requirements of the economic and financial situation and the objectives of monetary policy."

The CBI also cautioned that "statements related to the exchange rate are promoted for speculators to benefit from."   (Source: CBI)

Zig   So we are wasting our time

Dave   Zig where have you been fer the decade or more????

butterfly  Zig Nope bc I find it not true

Zig   butterfly : Okay

butterfly  Basel III and Basel 4 ISO 200022

butterfly   Banks are already changing

Dave   butterfly Iraq yet a full member of the IMF......

Dave  observer status only....

butterfly   I don't know if Iraq is one of them holding out.

butterfly   That big curtain

Dave  Holding out.....CBI not ready to sustain nodda

butterfly   I don't know, all I was told was two more had to conform.

butterfly   That article was written almost a year ago.....so that tells me this has been in the works for almost a year now.

Dave   CBI has yet to go Global with its currency

Dave   recollect Basel 3....should have happened then too

butterfly  Basel 4 is the hold up from my uderstanding

Dave   Guru chatter.....

butterfly   All have conformed to Basel 3, but two holding out on Basel 4. I wished I knew who those two are.

butterfly  No guru chatter.

Dave   butterfly Basel 3 about 3-4 yrs now......

butterfly   The information I get is NOT from a guru, this person doesn't even own any dinar.

Dave   information?????

butterfly   There is going to be big change in the banking system as it has been in the works for sometime now.

Dave   Heard that fer yrs....still Nodda

Zig   butterfly : But a big change in the banking system does not mean the Dinar will increase in value as we are looking for......

butterfly   Remember me tell you about my friend's daughter was ask to help on foreign language speak to help other countries to go digital. That was sometime she helped out.

butterfly   Zig how do you know that? I don't but it is in the works.

Dave   Digital......I have that card so do a few Iraqis

Zig   butterfly : I know nothing....lol....just thinking.....

butterfly   Zig I know. It is frustrating not knowing what is going on behind that ** big curtain.

Butterfly   I could set back and not post anything what I have found, or even share a bloody thing, but I will say this again, hang in there, keep smiling, don't let the negativity get you down. Always think positive.

Dave   Wish Iraq gave me something to be hopeful about

Butterfly   WOW I got a text and an excellent email with an update, but sorry all you naysayers, I will not post it on here.

Dave   butterfly you sign that NDA?

butterfly   All I will say is.........keep smiling.

Butterfly   Dave I keep telling you and others......there is NO DNA. Period. That is guru BS.

Sheila   butterfly good onya... saying, not saying, tells me it's good news

butterfly   sheila absolutely

Dave   Iraq RVs...should be on CNN even Fox.....

Dave   at 3.26.......

butterfly   3.61 would be better Dave lol

Dave   going Glabal at a nickle would still make HEADLINES

Dave   Zim in the same basket with IQD.......?

Sheila  Dave Zim - hopefully

Dave  after deleting 12 zeros

Sheila   Dave also hoping for Bolivar to be in basket

Sheila   Dave repeatedly hearing 6 zeros

butterfly  OMG....that SC leak has put men and women on alert to what is happening. This made me chuckle a bit, but sad at the same time: Are we still calling it Mother's Day or is it now just Domestic Infant Supplier Day?

Dave   sheila   :Proof:

Dave   from WHOM????

Sheila   Dave hearing rumtel just like you

Dave   ZIM Central Bank?

butterfly  I guess one ZIM will set a person up for a lifetime.

Butterfly   I never got into the ZIM.

Sheila   butterfly that would be wonderful

Dave   sheila yeah all news FAKE/HOAX......l..

sheila   butterfly bought it on a whim about 7 years ago

butterfly   sheila My VN friend told me years ago to buy one, but I decided not to. I have enough dinar, but he said just a small rv on the Zim will blow people's minds.

Dave   Elvis is Alive and well

Sheila   butterfly bought it when gurus were telling everyone there was nothing to it. Then I read article about China buying about 45% of mining industries in Zimbabwe. Know China buys for short and long term wealth.

Sheila   butterfly don't have much Dinar

Zig   I have been thinking about running a contest in here....I would give clues as to where in the world I have hidden my Dinar....only "active" members would be eligible to win the prize which would be 500, 000 Dinar...the catch: the prize would only be given out if//when the Dinar would be worth 25 cents or more.....

butterfly   Zig wait, hold the bus, now that is taken right out of PTR's book. Right? I remember Dan giving away dinar.

Zig   LOL....No No No!!!....I do not charge a fee to be a member here!!!!!!!

butterfly   Zig Well ya, but I suggest you hang on to your dinar.

Zig  I would not mind giving away 500, 000 if the rate were to hit 25 cents as I have plenty....

Zig   Just thinking at this time

Dave   offered Shelia a shiny new Rolex Zig

Zig   Dave : Cheapskate!!....I offered her a car.....lol

Dave   Zig not a whale like you i suppose

Zig   Dave : Nah....maybe a shark....lol

Zig   butterfly : I remember Dan "only" giving away a 25K note at times to some callers....

Zig  But Dan has become filthy rich from his member monthly fees over the years

Sheila   Dave Would take it in a heart beat

Sheila   Zig would take the car, too. lol

Butterfly   2022-05-08 10:41  Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a higher rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 147800 IQD to 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges.

The buying and selling rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148250 and 147250 IQD for every 100, respectively.

Dave   sheila Have another RV date in mind,...? Rolex offer could be reopened

Sah   I always seem to miss the crowd so I can comment. I like butterfly also try to stay positive and also have been packing. I wish my currencies would revalue so when I move I could get a bigger house.

Zig   Sah : You can comment about anything at any time....most members go back and start reading from when they were last here so they will see all comments.....

Sah   I thought they would at least Iraq would revalue their currency to last years rate that they devalued in order to make salaries. They promised the people when the new government was seated that it would be the first thing on their list to do. Still no government seated. everything takes forever in that country to do anything.

Sah   I always read the past comments from last time I was here to catch up. This is a great place to catch up, but usually everyone is pretty much gone when I get in here. I have enjoyed the chat room.


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Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Night 5-5-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Night 5-5-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly Good just saw that the stock market lost over $1,300. Those poor babies are probably crying crocodile tears, but others are saying good, I can go in and purchase and make more when it goes back up.

Dave USA not the only nation to be hit with inflation......

butterfly Not so long ago it was in 7,000 area and bam it is up in the $30,000 plus. They are making a ton of moola.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Night 5-5-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   Good just saw that the stock market lost over $1,300. Those poor babies are probably crying crocodile tears, but others are saying good, I can go in and purchase and make more when it goes back up.

Dave   USA not the only nation to be hit with inflation......

butterfly   Not so long ago it was in 7,000 area and bam it is up in the $30,000 plus. They are making a ton of moola.

Dave   fire sale.......

Dave   buy stock cheap

butterfly   bingo.......the games they play

Dave  yep......

Dave    Coca cola going no where

butterfly   It clears the corrosion off of vehicle batteries lol

Dave   esp if you own an electric car

Dave   gas just up to 2.10/liter

Dave   guessing 10 bucks a gallon by summer

butterfly   speaking of vehicles I just came across this about OPEC: 2022-05-05 09:54

Shafaq News/ The undersecretary of Iraq's ministry of oil, Hamed Younes, said that his country upholds OPEC+ group's decision to leave production plan unchanged with a small increase in targets in June.

Following a very short virtual meeting on Thursday, the OPEC+ ministers decided to keep the production plan as-is, continuing the modest monthly increases in nominal production.

"OPEC's specialized research agencies will continue to monitor the global oil market developments and provide technical reports and recommendations for the ministerial meetings," Younes said.

Younes said that OPEC will boost crude oil production in June by 432,000 barrels per day.

This was the third OPEC+ meeting since one of the key members of the alliance, Russia, invaded Ukraine. For a third consecutive month, OPEC's press release on the record short meeting read that "it was noted that continuing oil market fundamentals and the consensus on the outlook pointed to a balanced market."

butterfly   The meeting "further noted the continuing effects of geopolitical factors and issues related to the ongoing pandemic," OPEC said.

Dave   butterfly Russia 2nd largest exporter of oil also

butterfly   Iraq will be making a ton of money off of their oil with the increase of price

Dave   butterfly CBI has doubled their reserve.....

butterfly   yup

Dave   still no Govt....or foreign investments...

Dave  Thought we were to be rich this week.......?

butterfly   yup, but the crap that goes on behind the curtain lol

Dave  What Curtain?

butterfly   the big curtain

butterfly   two countries were to conform but behind the curtain they may say....nah not now lol

Dave   Political ecanomic and social stability curtains?

butterfly   Basel 4

butterfly   So far all have conformed to Basel 3

Dave   Iraq not yet in with the IMF.....

Dave   Cant force them to RV

Dave   how to sustain that?

butterfly   When you are going to have a surprise party, do you tell people that it is a surprise party.

butterfly   To you go on social media, websites, emails, etc

butterfly  Do....not To

Dave  Prefer that Fake news over social media

butterfly   I have stopped listening to the media/news

Dave  Why unable to discern fact from fiction?

butterfly   Nice chatting but I have work on getting the 3/4th of my kitchen packed......AND......I am hungry. lol

butterfly   my break time is over

Dave   Foreign investments flooding into IRAQ...... missed that boat

Dave   on a passing note.....Independent MPs maybe joining Sadr....with no Maliki/SLC........

Dave   Would suck if they miss quorum by 1 vote.......

Dave  like when Maliki missed impeachment by 1 vote yrs ago

Dave   but then again...Chatting about IQD is not popular any more.....SLO Joe and that Orange Orangutan seems to the chat of the Day


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 4-27-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 4-27-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Wednesday (April 27) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $105.4, up from $103.60, and the price of WTI crude was at $101.9, up from $99.51.

butterfly Something is happening with the dinar bc NRT has not been posting. hmmm

butterfly SULAIMANI — The Iraqi Oil Ministry exported more than 100 million barrels of oil in March bringing in more than $10 billion in revenue, according to a report published by the ministry.

A survey by state oil marketer SOMO showed Iraq exported 100,579,612 barrels of oil in March and revenue reached $10,913,197.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 4-27-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Wednesday (April 27) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $105.4, up from $103.60, and the price of WTI crude was at $101.9, up from $99.51.

butterfly   Something is happening with the dinar bc NRT has not been posting. hmmm

butterfly   SULAIMANI — The Iraqi Oil Ministry exported more than 100 million barrels of oil in March bringing in more than $10 billion in revenue, according to a report published by the ministry.

A survey by state oil marketer SOMO showed Iraq exported 100,579,612 barrels of oil in March and revenue reached $10,913,197.

The ministry said the amount of oil exported from fields in central and southern Iraq was 99,130,677 barrels and the amount imported from Kirkuk through the Turkish port of Ceyhan reached 1,448,935 barrels.

The average price of a barrel of oil was at $108.50, according to the ministry.

butterfly   2022-04-27 05:40   Shafaq News / Iraq's incumbent President, Barham Salih, warned on Wednesday of new dangerous crises that may affect the country.

Salih said in a series of tweets today, "#Sawa_Lake, the Pearl of the south in Samawa, I recall visiting it with my father in my youth and admiring its beauty."

"It’s drying is to be lamented and a reminder of the existential dangers of climate change. Confronting climate change issues must become a national priority", he added.

The incumbent President stressed, "MesopotamianRevitalization Initiative is for Iraq and the region and is comprised of strategic projects for reforestation, modern management of water resources, clean energy, and cross border cooperation to face climate change dangers."

"The #Mesopotamian_Revitalization Initiative published and approved by the council of ministers last year, should be developed and activated as a framework to build a green supporting economy and avoid water resources bankruptcy and associated migration and abandonment of farms."

butterfly   2022-04-27 07:38   Shafaq News / The price of OPEC basket of thirteen crudes stood at US$102.94 a barrel, compared with US$101.93 the previous day, according to OPEC Secretariat calculations.

The OPEC Reference Basket of Crudes is made up of the following: Saharan Blend (Algeria), Girassol (Angola), Djeno (Congo), Zafiro (Equatorial Guinea), Rabi Light (Gabon), Iran Heavy (Iran), Basra Light (Iraq), Kuwait Export (Kuwait), Es Sider (Libya), Bonny Light (Nigeria), Arab Light (Saudi Arabia), Murban (UAE) and Merey (Venezuela).

Zig   No change in the Dinar//US $ exchange rate https://cbi.iq/

butterfly   2022-04-27 04:26   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) climbed in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147500 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital rested at 148000 and 147000 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, the selling and buying rates settled at 147600 and 147400 IQD to 100 USD.

butterfly   Zig that website has the dinar and the oil listing every day but the last couple days....no listing of the dinar. Even if it stays the same, nothing is being posted. I say hmmmm

butterfly   Oil rises on Russia gas tension, China stimulus hopes https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-rises-on-Russia-gas-tension-China-stimulus-hopes

butterfly   WHO marks 5 Yrs of Strategic Partnership with USAID in Iraq https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/27/who-marks-5-yrs-of-strategic-partnership-with-usaid-in-iraq/

butterfly   Outdated laws are a major economic challenge for the next government, Allawi says https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Outdated-laws-are-a-major-economic-challenge-for-the-next-government-Allawi-says

Zig   Worlds oldest person has died at 119 https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/25/asia/worlds-oldest-dies-scli-intl/index.html

butterfly   Middle East "poor and rich"... The International Monetary Fund warns 4/27/2022 17:34:39 LINK

butterfly   The International Monetary Fund warned, on Wednesday, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is affecting the growth prospects of the poorest economies in the Middle East and North Africa, while oil-exporting countries benefit from higher crude prices.

Butterfly   2022-04-27 11:11  Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) stabilized in the markets of Baghdad on Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147500 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital rested at 148000 and 147000 IQD, respectively.


Butterfly   Iraq’s Deputy PM meets with World Bank VP for MENA Affairs ............... Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, met today with Ferid Belhaj, Vice President of the World Bank for MENA Affairs. The two discussed progress and support for the banking industry in Iraq as well as enhancing the private sector in Iraq.

Earlier this month, the World Bank issued a report expecting Iraq to achieve the largest growth in GDP and per capita amongst the Arab countries for the year 2022. .............. https://www.iraqinews.com/iraq/iraqs-deputy-pm-meets-with-world-bank-vp-for-mena-affairs/

Butterfly   Iraq grapples with rising food costs as a result of Ukraine war ................. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/04/iraq-grapples-rising-food-costs-result-ukraine-war

butterfly   April 27, 2022  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its economic outlook for the Middle East today. The report from the DC-based financial institution highlighted the economic effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the two regions. Global commodity prices have surged in response to the war, particularly those of oil and wheat.

The following are some Middle East-related highlights from the report: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/04/imf-oil-producers-better-prepared-ukraine-related-economic-downturn

butterfly   World Bank: Food and energy prices will rise significantly for the next three years

Wednesday 27 April 2022 19:57 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=972818

butterfly   The Central Bank withdraws the license of a financial mediation company for violating the instructions   Wednesday 27 April 2022 13:21 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=972737

butterfly   A slight increase in the price of the dollar on the local stock exchange

Wednesday 27 April 2022 10:43 The exchange rates of the US dollar rose against the Iraqi dinar, today, Wednesday, on the local stock exchange.

The central stock exchanges of Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya in Baghdad recorded this morning 147,500 Iraqi dinars, compared to 100 US dollars.

Yesterday, Tuesday, prices were recorded at 147,375 Iraqi dinars, compared to 100 US dollars.

The buying and selling prices were also stable in the banking shops in the local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price amounted to 148000 Iraqi dinars per 100 US dollars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147,000 Iraqi dinars per 100 US dollars. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=972693

butterfly   Al-Mashhadani: There is hope that the crisis will ease after Eid, and the political forces have realized the danger of continuing the blockage   Wednesday 27 April 2022 23:02 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=972859

butterfly   Security media: 3 terrorist hideouts destroyed by airdrops in western Anbar

Thursday 28 April 2022 01:17 The Security Media Cell announced the destruction of 3 terrorist hideouts, through airdrops, west of Anbar.

And it stated in a statement that: "3 airdrops were carried out by the anti-terrorist agency in the Rutba desert south of the highway, which resulted in the destruction of 3 terrorist hideouts." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=972879


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Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-25-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-25-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly The price of Brent crude was at $103.3, down from $106.7 and the price of WTI crude was at $98.72, down from $102.1.

butterfly 2022-04-25 07:42 Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $216 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to $212,967,148. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar. Our correspondent explained that 14 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $31.450 million. The remaining $181,517,148 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 33 banks meeting those requests.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Night 4-25-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   The price of Brent crude was at $103.3, down from $106.7 and the price of WTI crude was at $98.72, down from $102.1.

butterfly   2022-04-25 07:42   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $216 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to $212,967,148. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar. Our correspondent explained that 14 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $31.450 million. The remaining $181,517,148 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 33 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   Baghdad Elevated Train (BET) is "Vital" and "Strategic" https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/25/baghdad-elevated-train-bet-is-vital-and-strategic/

butterfly   Zain Iraq's Revenue Increases https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/25/zain-iraqs-revenue-increases/

butterfly   Iraq's Oil Dysfunction https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/25/iraqs-oil-dysfunction/

butterfly   In pictures, a citizen hands over seven artifacts dating back to the Islamic period to the Dhi Qar Antiquities Inspectorate   LINK 04/25/2022 16:35:32

butterfly   In numbers.. Iraq achieves a surplus of 7 trillion dinars within two months  LINK ..

Butterfly   Dave will enjoy this one............... Dialogues between the Sadrist and the Framework continue; an Official says .............. https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Dialogues-between-the-Sadrist-and-the-Framework-continue-an-Official-says

Butterfly   2022-04-25 13:32   Shafaq News/ Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin slipped into Ukraine on Sunday for an extraordinary wartime meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, bringing new promises of military and diplomatic support and defying grave concerns about whether it was safe to make the journey.

The trip, the highest-level American visit since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, was designed to show steadfast U.S. support for Ukraine and its defense as the war enters a new, worrying phase expected to be marked by a major Russian offensive in Ukraine’s south and east.

Speaking to reporters in Poland on Monday morning following the meeting, Blinken said that a coordinated effort between the United States and its Western allies to support Ukraine and pressure Russia “is having real results.”

“We’re seeing that when it comes to Russian war aims, Russia is failing. Ukraine is succeeding,” he said.

Blinken said he and Austin took the train from southwestern Poland to Kyiv and met with Zelenskyy and other senior Ukrainian officials for three hours at the presidential palace. Blinken said they did not meet with the public or tour parts of the country damaged by the war.

"We don’t know how the rest of this war will unfold, but we do know that a sovereign, independent Ukraine will be around a lot longer than Vladimir Putin is on the scene," he said. "And our support going forward for Ukraine will continue until we see final success."

butterfly   The pair arrived in Poland on separate planes for a visit shrouded in secrecy. The U.S. government declined to confirm it happened until it was over and Blinken and Austin were safely out of the country — even after Zelenskyy announced the day before that they’d be coming. Zelenskyy's revelation during the Saturday news conference had caught Washington off-guard, prompting a last-minute scramble to determine whether it was still safe for them to go, U.S. officials said.

It’s typical for war zone trips by U.S. presidents and other high-level officials to be unannounced in advance, lest it make it easier for enemy forces operating in the country to target them. Blinken and Austin traveled to Poland with small contingents of journalists under U.S.-imposed ground rules requiring them not to report on the trip until it was finished. No U.S. journalists accompanied the secretaries on the journey from Poland to Ukraine.

In his comments ahead of their visit, Zelenskyy had publicly urged the U.S. secretaries not to show up empty-handed — and they didn’t.

Blinken came bearing news that the Biden administration will finally nominate an ambassador to Ukraine: Bridget Brink, currently the U.S. ambassador to Slovakia, who for weeks has been widely reported to be President Joe Biden’s likely pick.

The U.S. has not had a Senate-confirmed ambassador to Ukraine since then-President Donald Trump fired Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch in 2019, and the vacancy had become a diplomatic black eye for the U.S. as the Ukraine war erupted into the top global crisis. Brink, who has deep experience in Eastern Europe, will face another Senate vote to be confirmed for the post in Ukraine.

butterfly   While in Kyiv, Blinken also informed Zelenskyy that U.S. diplomats will return to Ukraine this week — possibly as early as Monday — for the first time since the U.S. evacuated its remaining diplomats in the country to Poland weeks ago, a senior State Department official said. At first, U.S. diplomats temporarily based in Poland will make day trips over the border to the Ukrainian city of Lviv and then to other parts of the country, the official said.   Source: NBC News

butterfly   The price of Brent crude was at $103.3, down from $106.7 and the price of WTI crude was at $98.72, down from $102.1.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — The total foreign reserve currency in Iraq's Central Bank has topped 70b dollars as crude oil prices soared recently.

Financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said on Monday (April 25) that the total reserve currency in the country's central bank has topped 70b dollars.

Mazhar Mohammed Salih told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the reserve is three times all of Iraq's debts that must be paid back between 2022 to 2028.

He said that between 2020 and 2021, Iraq faced financial difficulties as the price of oil plummeted due to the coronavirus pandemic, which reduced crude oil demand.

In December, the central bank said that foreign currency reserves had reached 64b dollars.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — The Presidency of the Iraqi parliament summoned The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, to discuss Turkey’s recent cross-border offensive against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Hussein met on Sunday (April 24) with the first Deputy Speaker in the Iraqi parliament, Hakim al-Zamili.

Hussein said according to an agreement between Iraq and Turkey that was signed in 1984 by Tariq Aziz, the former foreign minister of Iraq, Turkey is allowed to pass 5 km across the Iraqi border under the condition Ankara informs Baghdad 72 hours before entering the country’s territory.

The agreement was for only one year and no further agreements were signed, Hussein said.

Turkey began its fresh cross-border offensive known as Operation Claw Lock against the PKK early on Monday.

The Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Ahmed al-Sahhaf, said on Thursday the ministry regards Turkey’s attack as "a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty, and a threat to its territory’s unity and the country’s security.”

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan claimed on Wednesday the operation was conducted in cooperation with the Iraqi government.

The foreign ministry condemned Turkey’s offensive earlier in the week and summoned the Turkish ambassador over the attack.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — The Turkish Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar, said on Monday (April 25) the first phase of the country’s cross-border Operation Claw Lock against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has come to an end.

Akar said Turkish forces killed 56 PKK members in the operation that was launched on Monday and claimed 991 "terrorists” have been killed in the Kurdistan Region and Syria this year, according to Anadolu Agency. Turkey considers the PKK to be a terrorist organization and views the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) as an affiliate of the group.

The operation’s main target was the Zap region, 30 km into the Kurdistan Region from Turkey’s border, according to Hurriyet Daily News.

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Monday three PKK members were killed in the southeast province of Sirnak as part of Operation Eren Blockade-5, which was conducted by special forces and gendarmerie teams, and was supported by drones, Anadolu said.

Anadolu said.   The People’s Defense Forces (HPG), the military wing of the PKK, said in a statement posted by Firat News Agency that 218 Turkish soldiers were killed in the operation since April 17 and that Turkey carried out 387 air strikes by fighter jets.

Hulusi Akar will join a meeting with defense ministers from 30 countries to discuss Ukraine at NATO’s Ramstein Air Base in Germany on Tuesday, according to Anadolu.

Akar posted a statement on Twitter on Monday commemorating "Turks massacred by the Armenians in 1915” a day after April 24, the day traditionally used to mark the beginning of the Armenian genocide.

Professor dinard https://i.imgur.com/9GX7bpi.jpg

Professor dinard   butterfly given the current status of energy in the world do you agree with bidens decision to reduce u.s. energy independence? Is so why?

Dave   Eid over July !0th.......dont hold your breathe

Dave   OPPS... May 2nd..........can hold my breathe that long....

Dave   ......though doubt that maliki and the slc will enjoy being muted or hamstrung.....

Sheila   BREAKING - Twitter has been sold to Elon Musk and will go private after agreeing to a deal worth $44 billion.

Tebow   Twitter says it's being acquired by Elon Musk for $44 billion.

Tebow   Time to clean house

Zig  sheila : Wish I had 44 billion to play around with...lol

sheila   Zig petty cash

Zig   @TWW: Hi...where ya been?

TWW   Zig Am fine, & u Zig

Zig   TWW : Okay

TWW    Zig Been to Seattle & over to NV on bizness

Butterfly   2022-04-25 07:42   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $216 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to $212,967,148. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 14 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $31.450 million. The remaining $181,517,148 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 33 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly  Donald Trump will not return to Twitter even if the social network has a new owner

The former US president was once one of Twitter's most active users. Now he has TRUTH, his own social network. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/425677

butterfly   Twitter CEO tells employees company is in the dark over future under Musk .................. After it was confirmed that Elon Musk will buy Twitter , Donald Trump spoke about it on the Fox News network and explained that he would not return to Twitter even if his account was reinstated: “I will not use Twitter, I will stay on TRUTH. I hope Elon buys Twitter because he'll make it better and he's a good man, but I'm staying at TRUTH." ............................... https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/425677


Zig: If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Night 4-19-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Night 4-19-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly $100 was at 147,800 Iraqi dinars, 100 IQD lower than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3176

butterfly CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 19) The price of Brent crude was at $113.5, up from $112.4 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.6 up from $107.6. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3175

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday Night 4-19-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   $100 was at 147,800 Iraqi dinars, 100 IQD lower than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3176

butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 19) The price of Brent crude was at $113.5, up from $112.4 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.6 up from $107.6. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3175

butterfly   2022-04-19 06:02   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) dropped in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Tuesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147,700 IQD to 100, 50 IQD below Monday.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital rested at 148,000 and 147,000 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, the selling and buying rates settled at 147,800 and 147,600 IQD to 100 USD. https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-ebbed-in-Baghdad

butterfly   2022-04-19 06:50   Shafaq News/ Basra's heavy crude exported to Asia on Tuesday dropped by 1.77%, equivalent to $1.94, settling at $107.86 a barrel.

The Saudi Arab light crude rested at $116.66 a barrel, while UAE's Murban Mixture and the Algerian Saharan blend registered $109.96 and $108.45 a barrel, respectively. A barrel of Bonny light (Nigeria) reported $107.08, while Iran's heavy blend and Angola's Girassol registered $106.01 and $106.2, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Basra-s-heavy-crude-shrugs-1-94-on-Tuesday

butterfly   Al-Ameri calls to find “realistic” solutions to the political deadlock https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Ameri-calls-to-find-realistic-solutions-to-the-political-deadlock

butterfly   Iraq’s President is “worried” about the political situation in the country https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraq-s-President-is-worried-about-the-political-situation-in-the-country

Sheila   I would like to invest in this equipment: Xenex LightStrike - https://xenex.com/

butterfly   {Economic: Al Furat News} The Central Bank of Iraq revealed its reserves of foreign currency {dollar}.

The Deputy Governor of the Bank, Ihsan Shamran, said in a televised statement this evening: "The reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq rose to 70 billion dollars, which is good news for Iraq and its obligations before the international monetary institutions,"

noting that "the government's balance is 6 billion dollars, and the good is much." 04/19/2022 22:59


butterfly   04/20/22 Al-Abadi: Delaying the formation of the government will lead to negative results for everyone ......... LINK

butterfly   04/20/22 Al-Saadi: I do not aspire to the position of Prime Minister and new conditions for volunteering to combat terrorism LINK

butterfly   Iraq-Jordan Pipeline Decision Delayed Again ... https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/20/iraq-jordan-pipeline-decision-delayed-again/

butterfly   US issues Report on Human Rights in Iraq .......... https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/20/us-issues-report-on-human-rights-in-iraq/


Zig: If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday Night 4-16-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday Night 4-16-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

TWW Knowing that Iraq has no confidence in the parliament for a currency revalue & nor plan to change it until 2023, I have a plan/thought: With all of us currency holders we all ban together & petition the so-called agencies, IMF, WK ect to select an alternative solution currency. Mine is the Viet Nam's DONG. Extremely high GDP. Moving to a Market Economy ext. (just my thought, what's urs)

sheila TWW Need a linchpin event. Dinar, Dong, Bolivar, Zim,,, etc...??? Just get on with it.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday Night 4-16-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

TWW   Knowing that Iraq has no confidence in the parliament for a currency revalue & nor plan to change it until 2023, I have a plan/thought: With all of us currency holders we all ban together & petition the so-called agencies, IMF, WK ect to select an alternative solution currency. Mine is the Viet Nam's DONG. Extremely high GDP. Moving to a Market Economy ext. (just my thought, what's urs)

sheila   TWW Need a linchpin event. Dinar, Dong, Bolivar, Zim,,, etc...??? Just get on with it.

Butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 16) SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Sunday (April 16).

$100 was at 147,900 Iraqi dinars, 900 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3147

butterfly  CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 16) SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were stable on Saturday (April 16) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was stable at $111.7, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.0. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3146

butterfly   WORLD BANK SAYS IRAQ’S ECONOMY SLOWLY REBOUNDING FROM 2020 https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3143

butterfly   Shiite politician warns of a "new Iraqi spring" https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Shiite-politician-warns-of-a-new-Iraqi-spring

butterfly   2022-04-16 04:09   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a slight decline in the markets of Baghdad on Saturday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147,750 IQD to 100, 25 IQD below Thursday.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148,250 and 147,250 IQD, respectively.

Exchange transactions are halted in the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, on Sundays. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-drop-in-Baghdad-0

butterfly   Dollar exchange in Iraq ......... 2022-04-16 11:40

Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates inched up in today's Iraqi market (April 16, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,750 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,250 dinars for $ 100, while the Purchase price stands at 147,250 dinars for $100. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-in-Iraq-0-9

butterfly   SECURITY MEDIA CELL DENIES REPORT OF DRONE ATTACK ON HASHD AL-SHAABI .......... https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3149

Zig   :Garfield: Members & Readers....  When I was at the other forum I invited @Kaperoni to come there via PM at Dinar Alert forum....I knew of him from listening to his calls....

He is here now as @NORV as most know...Most people in this community don't like him because IMO he tells you (me) what we don't want to even "consider".....that's human nature...we love listening to those who tell us what we want to hear....I consider "everything" as I do not have a :Crystal ball:

Of course there are people in this community with an agenda, etc....you just have to take it with a grain of  :Salt: IMO....remember that we are "speculators"....no guarantees!!....as long as people who come in here stay away from "name-calling" and being "nasty" they are welcome here....we won't kick anyone out for telling us what we would rather not even hear....lol...stay safe and  have a :Nice day:

Zig:  I want to remind everyone who reads this chat that WE GIVE NO INVESTMENT ADVICE HERE.....This chat is used by people to DISCUSS and not to ADVOCATE doing anything based on what you read here....Please make your own investment decisions!!...much of what is posted here are OPINIONS and HEARSAY.....there are UNSCRUPULOUS people in this community so please BE CAREFUL!!....My advice is to take anything you hear or read in any chat//forum this way:  take it with a grain of salt


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Night 4-15-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Night 4-15-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 15) ............... SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Friday (April 15) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $111.7, up from $108.8 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.0, up from $103.8. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3139


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Night 4-15-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 15) ............... SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Friday (April 15) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $111.7, up from $108.8 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.0, up from $103.8. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3139

butterfly   BRITISH ISIS MEMBER CONVICTED FOR ROLE IN KILLING OF US HOSTAGES https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3138

butterfly   World Bank forecasts uneven recovery in Middle East and North Africa https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/World-Bank-forecasts-uneven-recovery-in-Middle-East-and-North-Africa

butterfly   "Iraq is Booming" - New Employment Report ................ https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/15/iraq-is-booming-new-employment-report/

butterfly   KRG to continue Oil Negotiations with Baghdad ..................... https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/15/krg-to-continue-oil-negotiations-with-baghdad/

Sheila   Article: Breakthrough ‘time jump’ technique de-ages human skin cells by 30 years

April 8, 2022 by Chris Melore https://www.studyfinds.org/time-jump-de-ages-cells-30-years/

NORV   The dinar nonsense only continues in part because it cycles a new group of "wanta get rich" suckers ever year or so.

NORV   Where is my buddy Dave?

Zig   I wanna get rich!!!!!! :$$$:

NORV   lol  someday maybe

Zig   I guess I'm a sucker after all    :Sob:   Right @sheila??

Dave   ME three!

NORV  Why you take my float pics away?

Zig   @NORV : I'll put it back

15 Apr 22, 03:24 PM NORV   k

NORV   its summer   :Bigsmile:


Zig   :Floating:

NORV   Dave that why i need the hot tub lol

Zig  Dave : Are we SUCKERS to still be in this??

Dave  Where be the BLA BLA BLA......ACCORDING TO KAP????LOL

NORV   Well the good news is zig, you waited this long you should be able to wait to 1/1/2023 or so to find out

Zig   @sheila: Give me some hope!!!!.....lol

Dave   @NORV YES you do have a date and rate in mind

NORV   Dave nothing is according to me.

Zig   @NORV : I suppose   :Waiting:

Dave  @NORV NODDA from CBI......

NORV   Dave Nope, just that the proposal has a date

Dave   NODDA from CBI.....

NORV   the recommendations from the proposal stated...3- It is preferable that the implementation date be from 1/1/2023 to 31/12/2023:

Zig   @NORV : Has Enorrste given up??


NORV   Zig Nah, we will probably hold a conference call to discuss the probablity of the CBI accepting this proposal and going forward with it. I told people over and over that that delete 3 zeros was not a good thing. nobody listened and thought it was a RV. lol


Dave   RWHANDA?????

NORV   Dave Saleh confirmed it. He used to be deputy at the CBI. And of course there are numerous symposiums in Iraq teach citizens so believe what you want.

Dave   @NORV YEAH....CBI going to advertise a RV

Dave   HE mentioned Fils while working fer CBI

NORV   Dave obvious you dont read. The new currency is not what turkey did. They is a replacement and international convertibility as a result. Big difference.

Zig   Not the coke and fils again...lol

NORV   here is a quote from an article on this proposal

NORV   Economic analyst Mazen Al-Ashekar, in an interview with PUKmedia , said that the idea is not to remove zeros from the dinar. We want to issue a new Iraqi currency, and the new dinar could be equivalent to 1000 dinars of the current dinar or more, and this is not a condition that it be linked to deleting zeros.

He added, "A new currency must be issued for Iraq that is linked to a basket of currencies, as is the case in several countries in the Middle East, in the UAE, for example, the dirham has been linked to the dollar and its price has been fixed for about 20 years," noting that they suggested that the price of the new dinar be equal to 50 cents of the dollar, and 25 A penny from the Australian pound, and 25 cents from the euro and is linked to the euro, sterling and dollar basket, and in this case, the higher the price of these currencies, the higher the price of the Iraqi dinar, and the dinar will turn into a hard currency, and all government contracts will be signed in dinars and there will be no need for a currency auction that witnesses corruption and thefts."

Dave   Economic analyst Mazen Al-Ashekar,?????

Zig   Not the CBI as Dave would say....lol


Zig   :Thankyou:   LOL

NORV   nope not the CBI as dave says...but then again I ask...why are teaching citizens something that wont happen?

Zig   Just in case....lol

NORV   lol


Zig   :Headbang:



NORV   Well if they accept the proposal you will learn from the CBI soon

Dave   IF.....

Zig  Lots of IFS in this


NORV  2023 not that far away


Dave   2023?????

NORV   good info in the proposal

Dave   mark that on my calendar......

butterfly   What is the English meaning of word guru?   a personal religious teacher

Definition of guru   1 : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism. 2a : a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern has been a guru to many young writers. b : one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent became the guru of the movement.

NORV   Conclusions and Recommendations

NORV   1 - Most of the countries in the world that have deleted the zeros of their currency have achieved success in facing problems 2

Economics such as inflation and dollarization” and reduce their negative effects on the economy and then restore confidence in their currency  National.

NORV  2- The project to delete zeros from the Iraqi dinar is one of the projects that support the Iraqi economy if it is done      Take the appropriate time to implement it.

NORV   3- The Iraqi economic environment is suitable for the Central Bank of Iraq to initiate the deletion process

Zeros from the Iraqi dinar if the necessary will and the appropriate timing are available by those concerned.

This is done through the economic criteria that have been relied upon by my agencies:

The high levels of inflation in the Iraqi economy during the first four years of the study

Its peak in 2006 when it exceeded 9053: then its decline as it began to decline until 2015, then its trend.

butterfly   How many types of guru are there?

Guru is the one who takes you towards light from dark. As per Sakand Purana, there are seven types of Guru.

Dave   butterfly ALL HAIL GURU KAP.....

NORV   - The depreciation of the Iraqi dinar, which had a prominent impact on the spread of the dollarization phenomenon in transactions  economics in the local market.

NORV   - The independence of the Central Bank of Iraq “which was clearly supported by the Iraqi constitution,” including Bank Law No. 56) for the year 2004.

butterfly   What makes someone a guru?

Though any master teacher is sometimes referred to as a guru (nowadays the word guru is used in English very loosely), traditionally guru refers to a religious or spiritual teacher who not only has deep knowledge that can lead to moksha (liberation or enlightenment), but also has direct experience of Divine vision or ...Feb 27, 2019

NORV   - The commercial openness of the Iraqi economy is broad in front of the global economy.

Second: Recommendations

Dave   @NORVIRAQ WEALTHIEST nation in the WORLD....like RWANDA...lol

NORV   Dave bull crap they are only worth $16 trillion dollars

butterfly  I would never tell people what to do or believe, so I guess I'm not a guru LOL LOL LOL LOL I just can recognize when someone is trying very hard to be a guru.

Dave   @NORV HA!

NORV   1- Deleting the zeros of the Iraqi currency and renaming it with the name of the new dinar to replace the dinar with an exchange ratio of (1 New dinar - 1000 dinars).

NORV   butterfly tell that crap to the iraqis who are teaching the citizens

NORV   2- The new dinar is traded side by side with the dinar to remove all circumstances that may result from similarities   Currency name.

butterfly   @NORV what? you call all of that crap? You just proved my point....thanks

NORV   3- It is preferable that the implementation date be from 1/1/2023 to 31/12/2023: and then keep

4- Issuance of a new denomination of (100) dinars, in addition to the issuance of coins worth (250 fils) and (500 fils).

Dave   FILS....LUV THAT!!!

NORV    butterfly talking about your naysaying crap

NORV   https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

butterfly   @NORV More and more you are proving my point....

NORV  Read and enjoy

Dave   coins to be worth more than notes........

butterfly   Dave I have some of their coins.

Dave   50 dinar coins?

Dave   2013?

Dave   would cost more to mint than they would be worth

NORV   Dave already have them dave

butterfly  Dave I am keeping them as I have coins from Africa that my sister sent me when she was a minister over there.

NORV    and a new currency with a new exchange rate is not wheel borrows

NORV   get your dinar ready to exchange . 1000 dinars to 1 dinar

NORV   Dave you can take ur 10 million dinar and trade it for 10,000 new dinar

NORV   and then run to the bank and get .50 cent to the dinar trade or $5000

Dave   https://cbi.iq/page/89

Dave   NO FILS......

Dave    @NORV CBI suggests same face value fer 10yrs

Dave   Concurrent

NORV   Dave sure


NORV   what you going to do with a dead currency?

Dave   ask CBI

NORV   be just like Zimbabwe

NORV   You can put it on ebay and find a sucker

Dave   @NORV IRAQ like Zimbabwe.....

NORV   butterfly can ask all these people if they believe they will do this...

NORV   www.baytalhikma.iq/News_Details.php?ID=1467

NORV   Since the government is putting on these seminars /  symposiums -    seems pretty offical

NORV   maybe according to Dave all a scam because the CBI isnt there lol

Zig   But the CBI would have to agree

Dave   He pointed out that” the new currency entry does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about ten years , “pointing out that” this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the dynamics and mechanics in order to preserve liquidity In the market “. https://dinarrvnews.net/central-bank-of-iraq-delete-zeros-off-iqd-early-2017-arabic-news/

Dave   YEAH Central BANKS all full of hot air

NORV   Zig of course and parliament would have to vote on it.

NORV   but we will learn soon enough     if they ever form a government  

NORV   i just got flower delivered   :GoodMorn:   :HaHaHa:  someone loves me

NORV   Zig you asked about my book? it is done and in production

Dave   Like fils circulating in Iraq?      like to see those

NORV   ok gotta run. Dave take some time and actually start to read a little. lol

Dave   if you read what CBI tells....I may

Dave   nominal rate with fils.........lol

Dave   WHere is my wheelbarrow ZIG?

Dave   50 coins to buy my soda...... CBI did have 25 dinar coins,,,,  1200 dinar fer my coke

Dave   ......and get notes back fer change.......  at least notes are cheaper to print than coinage

Zig   Dave : It is in there

Zig    wheelbarrow of money

Zig   Dave : You can't deny that it is being discussed....

Zig   I think many people simply ignore what @kaperoni says because they don't like him and his style....lol....

Zig    Even though he may be right

Dave   Zig Blanket Statements from KAP     Economists set fiscal policy"

Dave   Kap could be right .......Global at a nominal rate less 3 zeros......would be even more inflationary

Dave   CBI aint going Global until ready........

Zig   Yes, the CBI has final say....of course....and Parliament must vote....who knows....

Dave   OUt of Ch7 sanctions........not yet global.......wonder why......?

Dave   okay with wheelbarrows then

Zig   Not what we want of course so I hope Kap is wrong....as usual....lol   We wait....what else can we do??????

Dave  Zig What ever seems most reasonable to ya    :Headbang:

Zig   :Don't know: all I get is a   :Headache: from all this.... :Laughing:

Dave   Zig Confused HOW?

Zig   I'll let you and Kap figure it out while I :Hammock:  relax   Not a confused pic....a HEADACHE!!!!!!!!!

Dave   Zig WHY?   got into this yrs ago......when their seemed to have hope in IRAQ post Saddam....

Dave   not much has changed....   CBI..."Economic ,political ,and social stability,,,,ARE WE THERE YET?

Dave   Odd that Iraq prolly the only/very few NON SANCTIONED nations with no globally traded currency?

Dave   CBI now GOOD to go Global........if they wished to do so.......wonder what the hold up be?

sandyf   @zig, The truth behind Kuwait can be found in this document "The Impact of the Iraqi Invasion on the Kuwaiti Banking and Financial System: Lessons Learned from a Financial Crisis". Some made a profit through speculation, not any RV.

sandyf   The CBK went into exile and continued to function at the same rate. At the end of the occupation the KWD was reinstated as the national currency at the same rate as it had prior to the invasion.


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Thursday Night 4-14-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Thursday Night 4-14-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig: Member TWW's account of his experience with the Kuwaiti Dinar:... TWWlll:... "I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency... Remember, Iraq was attacking Kuwait's oil wells...

Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05... While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh... I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past called me at home, and mentioned that Kuwait's currency adjusted to a higher value, 3.47 USD...

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Thursday Night 4-14-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig:   Member TWW's account of his experience with the Kuwaiti Dinar:... TWWlll:... "I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency... Remember, Iraq was attacking Kuwait's oil wells...

Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05... While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh... I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past called me at home, and mentioned that Kuwait's currency adjusted to a higher value, 3.47 USD...

I called my bank, Bank of Hawaii, and they confirmed... So I went with my bills and cashed them in... I had to show my passport with the date when I was in Egypt... it was my former boss in SA that called about their RI/adjustment then I went through his broker... It went from 0.05 to 3.47 USD... It was just an exchange, no tax. ... There is more to the story but this should give you enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called Gurus are telling you."

wdave1   Dave Most people I know that got involved with this brought other people along for the ride or at least tried to.

Sheila   Zig Thank you for reposting TWW's experience.

Butterfly   2022-04-14 11:21   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) closed at the opening rate against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, on Thursday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that al-Harithiya and al-Kifah Central Exchanges traded the USD at a rate of 147,775 IQD to 100 ahead of the market closure.

In the local markets of Baghdad, the buying and selling rates settled at 148,250 and 147,250 IQD for each 100 USD, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rate-remains-unchanged-on-Thursday-7

butterfly  Al-Maliki: Iraq seeks to make understandings with all political forces ............ https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Maliki-Iraq-seeks-to-make-understandings-with-all-political-forces

NORV   butterfly I don;t see people spreading "hatred" as you call it..Just facts that people don't want to accept. Anyone can tell you what you want to hear, but that is not reality!

NORV   I can tell you for fact, that what is proposed in Iraq and being introduced and educated via symposiums throughout Iraq is a currency exchange. Whether or not the CBI accepts that proposal is yet to be seen. To me, why would they allow the citizens to be educated on such an event if that was not going to happen?

NORV   The currency exchange is a 1000 current dinar to 1 new dinar exchange beginning 2023.

NORV   I would assume that they would have to form a new government prior

NORV  I also believe they would have to officially tell the citizens via public announcement that is going to happen.

NORV   I also believe that parliament would have to vote and approve a new currency

NORV  But is fact that is what is being discussed. They are NOT talking about a RV or any other significant gain.

NORV  So we will see what happens over the next 8 months or so.

NORV   People need to come to realize a LOP is very possible.

Sah   If Iraq were to do a lop like some other countries have done, it could tend to cause high inflation in the country. I don't think they will do it. They just brought food prices down some and are trying to keep it from inflating in price again. I think the first thing they want to do is bring the value up to 1200 dinar to 1 dollar. This will help the poor people from when the government devalued it last year to pay it's employees. I am hoping that it will be better than 1200 to 1.

Sah   1 to 1 would be a good start.

Sheila   Sah welcome back

TWW   ع.د   1,200  From  IQD – Iraqi Dinar  Type to search... To  USD – US Dollar

Type to search...  1,200 Iraqi Dinars = 0.8159975 US Dollars   1 IQD = 0.000679998 USD  1 USD = 1,470.59 IQD...xe currency converter

TWW    Early flight in the am morning

Sheila   TWW sleep good TWW safe traveling

NORV   Sah Unfortunately, that is NOT what they are planning at this time. They ARE planning a new currency with a conversion of 1000 current dinar to 1 new dinar. That new dinar would open the economy to global investment, international transactions using new dinar and give them the ability to raise the value of the new dinar based on the growth and success of Iraq's economy. The initial exchange rate of the new dinar to the USD would be $0.50 according to reports. which is not a RV, in fact a loss in value considering the current dinar is worth about $0.68. Of course they is subject to the central banks approval and parliament passing legislation allowing for a new dinar. But I cannot see the purpose of these symposiums teaching citizens that have been going on since mid last year if they were not going to do it.

NORV   TWW any numbers on FOREX mean nothing since the dinar is pegged to the dollar. The rates you see simply reflect the rate of the dollar against the dinar since the dollar is floating. Until Iraq unpegs and floats themselves does this benefit us.

NORV   The documents published on this new dinar do reflect floating the dinar with a basket of Middle East currencies.

NORV   Sah I would recommend reading the presentation/report submitted to the central bank on the need for this new dinar. They cover in detail the current conditions in Iraq and how those conditions now warrant the change. You will need to translate.   https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

Sheila   Sah I believe there is so much going on here than just the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. I am staying the course regardless of what the NORV's in this community are posting.

NORV    sheila There can never be a significant RV of the dinar under the currency circumstances. There is well over 100 trillion dinar in circulation.

NORV   sheila You can believe whatever you want, but that is fact. Until that changes you theory of a RV is not going to happen.

NORV   People that know me know that I have been a huge proponent of Iraq building a diverse private economy away from oil. Such growth could then raise the value of the dinar gradually over time as the economy succeeds. But there appears to be no indication they are going to do that...especially since they have this new economic study and various symposiums to push for a new currency.

Sheila   @NORV Wow, you really got that copy/paste thing down pat.

NORV   I been typing not coping and pasting.

NORV   You can dream till the cows come home, but reality is reality. And the reality is Iraq is pushing for a new dinar which is a re-denomination or LOP. There is no gain.

NORV   Clearly stated in the publication the proposal is a 1000 dinar to 1 new dinar exchange. That new dinar would have an exchange rate of $0.50

NORV   in other words, you could exchange 1 million dinar for 1 thousand new dinar. They exchange it for $500 usd.

NORV   Most people I know paid over $700 per million, some as high as $900 per million so it would be a loss!

NORV   Sure Iraq could do this and eventually build a thriving economy with this new dinar, but even so, you would not see the profit you are expecting. IF the CBI were to float the dinar thereafter, it would only rise to an exchange of $2 or $3 which means your profit years from now could be 2x or 3x your initial investment.

NORV   The good news is that finally, the guru lies will end..giving people who fell for the BS and hope a chance to move forward.

Sheila   @NORV Well since you ask so nicely for all of us to "jump" - guess we should be asking you to say "how high". lol lol lol

NORV   You can bash my posts, but at least my posts are back with real documents, photos and news articles explaining what is happening in Iraq. Not one of these gurus who lie ever have any proof

Sheila   @NORV no bashing. just not going to do what you keep badgering all of us to do.

NORV   in almost 20 years invested, not one idiot guru has proven a single statement of a RV

NORV   sheila Im not tell you to do anything other than read the truth.

NORV   sheila for some reason you like to read and believe the shenanigans from the gurus over the truth

NORV   https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

NORV   legit report

NORV   https://www.pukmedia.com/AR/details/?Jimare=160032

NORV   legit news article

Sheila   @NORV "legal" is latin for "fiction"

NORV   http://www.baytalhikma.iq/News_Details.php?ID=1467

NORV   legit symposium teaching citizens of what is going to happen

NORV   lol  whatever   keep dreaming

Sheila   exactly

NORV   gurus is latin for liars!

NORV   Btw, what I posted there is only a small sample of the media news and symposiums taking place over the last 8 months or so in Iraq. Funny how not one guru talks about them lol

NORV   :Goodluck:

Sheila   Thank You!!!

Zig   :Garfield: Members & Readers....  :Coffee: and a coffee roll sheila sheila ...When I was at the other forum I invited @Kaperoni to come there via PM at Dinar Alert forum....I knew of him from listening to his calls....have regretted that ever since

:Laughing: Just kidding (maybe)....He is here now as @NORV as most know...Most people in this community don't like him because IMO he tells you (me) what we don't want to even "consider".....that's human nature...we love listening to those who tell us what we want to hear....I consider "everything" as I do not have a

:Crystal ball: Of course there are people in this community with an agenda, etc....you just have to take it with a grain of  :Salt: IMO....remember that we are "speculators"....no guarantees!!....as long as people who come in here stay away from "name-calling" and being "nasty" they are welcome here....we won't kick anyone out for telling us what we would rather not even hear....lol...stay safe and  have a :Nice day:

Zig:  I want to remind everyone who reads this chat that WE GIVE NO INVESTMENT ADVICE HERE.....This chat is used by people to DISCUSS and not to ADVOCATE doing anything based on what you read here....Please make your own investment decisions!!...much of what is posted here are OPINIONS and HEARSAY.....there are UNSCRUPULOUS people in this community so please BE CAREFUL!!....My advice is to take anything you hear or read in any chat//forum this way:  take it with a grain of salt


Zig: If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday 4-14-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday 4-14-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATE (APRIL 14) .......... SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was down in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Thursday (April 14).

$100 was at 147,000 Iraqi dinars, 750 IQD lower than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3128

butterfly CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 14) .......... SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Thursday (April 14) compared to the previous day.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday 4-14-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATE (APRIL 14) .......... SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was down in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Thursday (April 14).

$100 was at 147,000 Iraqi dinars, 750 IQD lower than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3128

butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 14) .......... SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Thursday (April 14) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $108.8, up from $104.3 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $103.8, up from $100.2. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3127

butterfly   USD/IQD exchange rates drop in Ba   ghdad ...... https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-drop-in-Baghdad-2

butterfly   OPEC daily basket price stands at $106.07 ............. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/OPEC-daily-basket-price-stands-at-106-07

butterfly   New Iranian Ambassador signals 'Changed Approach to Iraq' .............. https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/14/new-iranian-ambassador-signals-changed-approach-to-iraq/

butterfly   Iraq to sign Double Taxation Agreements ............ https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2022/04/14/iraq-to-sign-double-taxation-agreements/

butterfly   Why Won’t Iraq Ever Elect A President? – OpEd

April 14, 2022 .................. https://www.eurasiareview.com/14042022-why-wont-iraq-ever-elect-a-president-oped/

butterfly   No Business Can Be Right In A War That’s Wrong – OpEd

April 14, 2022 .............. https://www.eurasiareview.com/14042022-no-business-can-be-right-in-a-war-thats-wrong-oped/

Butterfly   If you read any of them, their numbers are different from each other. Amazing lol

Zig   When I first became involved in chat rooms//forums I used to try and get new people to participate....it never worked...why won't people post?....they won't answer that question because to do so they would have to post....lol...I think that's called a catch-22....

Zig   sheila : Are you ever going to finish writing that book???    :Reading:

Zig   I think @Kaperoni (NORV) was also writing a book...a mystery I think...Hey @Kap did ya get it finished//published yet?

Sheila   Zig back burner... too busy trying to financially survive

Zig   sheila : Yeah but the irony is that your book on the "back burner" could help you financially....lol

 Zig   Make time for the book, get it published, and then catch up on your sleep....lol

Zig   That's it for my FREE advice...lol... :G'day" peeps....

Sheila   Zig yes, you make good point

Sheila   Zig digging it out now. take a look, see where I left it.

Zig   As for this "investment".....I gave up trying to predict//anticipate anything....I will hang in there.....hmmmmm....have not emailed the 2 people recently who told me about the Dinar....will do so today....I hate them though....lol...KIDDING.....

butterfly   Zig See who doesn't come in here, he does not waste his time any longer, even closed his website and monthly just looks online to see if there is a change. Even has lost his Iraqi friend communication.

Zig   Okay I just emailed the 2 people who told me about the Dinar....invited them....one lives in England...

Zig   butterfly : Yeah....it's a lot different from what it was when everyone was all hyped up every week.....lol

Zig   I remember listening to all the Guru calls thinking I would be filthy rich and running to the bank every Monday....lol....wow

Zig   butterfly : Sergio's (Seck's) Forum is still there...he should change the scroll above and put the link to this chat there LOL https://iqdnews.forumotion.com/

Zig   butterfly : People still go there and look....... "In total there are 26 users online :: 0 Registered, 0 Hidden and 26 Guests"........Too bad I can't get in the back-office as I did as an admin. and invite those old members to visit here and say hello

Zig   I wonder if "goodyboy" is still around....lol

wdave1   Just to add to NORVS prediction of a LOP..... if and when it happens the only place you will be able to exchange them is in Iraq.

wdave1   I believe that in years to come oil producers will be begging you to buy from them. Just a thought

wdave1   How anybody fell for this is beyond me 1+1 is 2.

Dave   Odd that Iraq now formally exiting CH7 sanctions fer awhile now... they have yet to join the rest of the World in having a freely exchangeable currency......

wdave1   Dave Do you believe that Kuwait RVd?

Dave   Kuwait canned their currency once Saddam invaded.....once gone reissued new notes.....at the same pre invasion rate

Dave   thats all i got.....

wdave1   Dave Do you believe that Kuwait RVD?

Dave   answered that

wdave1   Dave I see it you are right they did not RV just as Iraq will not.

wdave1   I suspect that Sheila brought many people along for the ride so sad.

Zig   Member TWW's account of his experience with the Kuwaiti Dinar:... TWWlll:... "I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency... Remember, Iraq was attacking Kuwait's oil wells...

Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05... While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh... I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past called me at home, and mentioned that Kuwait's currency adjusted to a higher value, 3.47 USD...

I called my bank, Bank of Hawaii, and they confirmed... So I went with my bills and cashed them in... I had to show my passport with the date when I was in Egypt... it was my former boss in SA that called about their RI/adjustment then I went through his broker... It went from 0.05 to 3.47 USD... It was just an exchange, no tax. ... There is more to the story but this should give you enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called Gurus are telling you."

wdave1   Dave Most people I know that got involved with this brought other people along for the ride or at least tried to.

Zig:  I want to remind everyone who reads this chat that WE GIVE NO INVESTMENT ADVICE HERE.....This chat is used by people to DISCUSS and not to ADVOCATE doing anything based on what you read here....Please make your own investment decisions!!...much of what is posted here are OPINIONS and HEARSAY.....there are UNSCRUPULOUS people in this community so please BE CAREFUL!!....My advice is to take anything you hear or read in any chat//forum this way:  take it with a grain of salt

Zig: If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Wednesday Night 4-13-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Wednesday Night 4-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 13) SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was down in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Wednesday (April 13).

$100 was at 147,750, 100 IQD lower than the previous day. 100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Wednesday Night 4-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 13) SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was down in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Wednesday (April 13).

$100 was at 147,750, 100 IQD lower than the previous day.  100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3122

butterfly   CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 13) SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Wednesday (April 13) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $104.3, up from $100.3 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $100.2, up from $96.17. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3121

butterfly   2022-04-13 06:45  Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $200 million in foreign currency today, Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction reached $206,655,559. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 22 banks and 259 exchange companies cashed out $48,350 million. The remaining $158,305,559 went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 28 banks meeting those demands. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-sells-200-million-in-the-currency-auction-on-Wednesday

butterfly   2022-04-13 05:06   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a climb in the markets of Baghdad on Wednesday, but no change in Erbil.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147800 IQD to 100.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148250 and 147250 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, the selling and buying rates settled at 147900 and 147700 IQD to 100 USD. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-inched-up-in-Baghdad-0-7

Dave   https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/ ,,,,,,, wow only 1 article a day lately....which means no news is good news?

Sheila   Dave yep, agree, no news is good news at this point

Sheila   later

Sheila   Latest, greatest -- Nicks Update, Wednesday, 04/13/2022 QFS has everything in place - https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/04/13/04-13-2022-qfs-has-everything-in-place/

NORV   sheila nonsense.  lastest infor from Iraqi economists/symposiums is a LOP.    Issue a new dinar

Dave   with FILS!!!!

NORV   Old dinar would be 1000 old dinar to 1 new dinar

Dave   :Wheelbarrow:  

NORV  and the new dinar would be worth $.50 to the dollar.  thats a LOP

Dave  @NORV ,00006 to 50 cents...GREAT!!!

NORV   https://www.pukmedia.com/AR/details/?Jimare=160032

NORV   Dave nope ur confused..no increase. read what I said

NORV   Old dinar 1000 to 1 new dinar

Dave   HUMBUG!

NORV   So what this means is the following:

If you own a million of the current Iraqi dinars you can exchange them for 1000 New Iraqi Dinar (timeframe to exchange them not given but may be limited).

1000 New Iraqi Dinars will have an exchange rate of about $500 (1 New Dinar is equal to .50 cents in article) US dollars initially.

The intent is to peg the New Dinar to a basket of other currencies (partial float) and allow it to rise based on investment and growth of the economy in Iraq. The New Iraqi Dinar value could eventually rise higher against the dollar thereafter.

They claim this New Dinar (without zeros) would be internationally recieved and accepted in transactions. Would reduce the money supply from trillions to billions, and would create excitement in Iraq to use the New Dinar and would reduce the usage of dollars in Iraq. The currency auctions would also end since the New Dinar is internationally traded/pegged to a basket and floating. Would also eliminate corruption from the auctions since they would end.

Dave   YEAH.CBI states 2 currencies to run fer 10yrs...SAME VALUE


NORV   Yup the old dinar and new dinar     with a 1000 to 1 exchange  and a $.50 to the dollar rate on the new dinar      that is LOP    Better hope they dont pass that law!

NORV   You can also read it here..      https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

NORV   implementation date 1/1/2023 to 1/31/2023

NORV   sheila thats ok , Ill be here after they LOP to pick up the pieces. Lol  :Flowers:

Dave   @NORV PUK sets fiscal policies along with some economists now.....HA!

NORV   Dave Nope the plan is posted here. PUK just reposted and showed the symposiums https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

NORV   www.baytalhikma.iq/News_Details.php?ID=1467

Dave   headed by CBI????     link wont translate     @NORV ????

NORV   Get a translator.

Dave   :Proof:

NORV   Not my job.    You own dinar, figure out how to read it.

Zig   Dave : https://www-baytalhikma-iq.translate.goog/News_Details.php?ID=1467&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ar&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

NORV   I can simplify...LOP lol

Zig   Hope not

NORV  Well its a modified version of a LOP     Since the current dinar is not internationally recognized and accepted, they will issue a new dinar and have a new rate after the exchange

Zig   :Sob:

NORV   The good news is the new dinar will have a variation of a float so it can rise  -    you might make 2x your money invested    maybe even as much as 4x

NORV   need to watch parliament and hope they do not pass the law to allow it     later

Zig   I'll wait for @GuruDave to reply further....lol    good :Evening:

Dave   @NORV give me a nickle......

Dave   1/14 of a cent now........1 cent be over 1400 % ROI

NORV   Dave Dave you dont get it. Its not a RV it's a LOP. Your make little to no money.

NORV   Its a 1000 current dinar to 1 new dinar exchange and the new dinar is worth $.50 ea.

NORV   That's $500 per 1000 new dinars. lol You lose money at the current prices.

TWW   sheila We had 3 men joined us today via teleconference from Monroe, LA. They had some new stuff they wanted to share. I will share at a later date. We need to vet.

Sheila   TWW here now. sounds like party time.

Sheila   TWW Dreamed about 82 million in my bank account by end of month. Is it real or is it Memorex?

TWW   sheila hope that happens for you

Sheila   TWW dream or premonition? time will tell us all.

TWW   sheila I think so too

TWW  The guys from Monroe says is a sassy lookin guy at McD often that whenever he hears us talkin abt dinars he goes off yes "there is no RV."    :HaHaHa:

Sheila   TWW jabber yabber do! lol lol

TWW   (*yes) says

TWW   sheila They said he looks scary

Sheila   TWW understood phonetics. guessing since you are wordsmith, you are compelled to fix it. all good here. appreciate message over grammar.

Sheila   TWW Maybe so, maybe no. either, either... this is going to happen regardless of those trying to hold back the avalanche.

TWW   sheila Phonetics is easy & saves space & time. Better than shorthand...Im off to bed, my eyes r tired.

Sheila   TWW sleep good. next fews gonna be doozies.


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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