Awake-In-3D:  GCR Comics: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Clint Eastwood Decide to Exchange IQD/VND in Reno


GCR Comics: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Clint Eastwood Decide to Exchange IQD/VND in Reno

On July 4, 2023

By Awake-In-3D

RV/GCR Circa 2014: The internet continues to report that the RV and exchange of the IQD and VND is “imminent”. Then we are told that the “back wall” date for our exchange appointments has been delayed because of Contract Rate issues in Reno between the Chinese Elders and the Federal Reserve Bank.

However, some western characters have become very tired of waiting and decide to take matters into their own hands…

With the FED Banksters now cleared out of Reno by our heroic GCR Posse Forces, Exchange Centers were still unable to begin exchange appointments via the infamous “800 Numbers“.

This required a new type of ACTION effort to move the RV/GCR into motion…


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