Holly, Judy, Frank and more...Wednesday AM 2-9-2022

Wednesday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies

Knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss , but curiosity –even if it killed the cat is king! ~Kim Harrison

Gain knowledge and be educated. Be curious to find information to gain knowledge

Yesterday was surprisingly quiet across the boards with information.

It was quite unusual during the week to be so quiet.

When it is that quiet- it is always a good sign.

Stay positive and keep you vibrations high.

Never, ever give up. Holly

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 9 Feb. 2022

Compiled Wed. 9 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

China, Russia, Zimbabwe and other countries have already announced that they would not use the fiat US Dollar for trade because their currencies were now gold/asset-backed.

The Global Currency Reset jumpstarted on Thurs. 3 Feb. when some Bond Holders were given partial liquidity.

On Mon. 7 Feb. at 10 am EST an official restart of the new banking system began and was scheduled to complete in 72 hours, or on Wed. 9 Feb.

Between Wed.- Thurs. 9, 10 Feb. there would be 3.5 Million emails containing a Safe Link address sent out to Tier 4B foreign currency and Zim Bond holders so they could set their redemption/ exchange appointments at Exchange Centers.

On Wed. 9 Feb. the UN was expected to announce that the Iraqi Dinar qualified for international trade. At that same time the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note was scheduled to come out and liquidity for tens of thousands of “Accounts on Hold” including CMKX and Prosperity Packages were set to be released.


Tues. 8 Feb. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Russia, China, Zimbabwe and several other countries already have gold backed currencies.

Bankers have been issued NDAs over the past few days.

On Mon. 7 Feb. at 10 am EST a restart of the banking system began – that would take up to 48 hours to complete.

The new gold/asset-backed USTN could come out on Wed. 9 Feb.

Iraq was going to announce the new Iraqi Dinar rate that was tradable on Wed. 9 Feb.

Tier 4B could be notified on Wed. 9 Feb. and perhaps even start appointments by that afternoon, or Thurs. 10 Feb.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/02/09/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-9-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq is in control of the monetary reform doing a wonderful job with all the banks inside and outside of Iraq.  The IMF and the World Bank are extremely happy with them.  They got no problems.  The reserves that back up the new exchange rate and the new currency are astronomical.  The float which is going to depend on the prices of oil...is at $93.  So everything is on course as far as I'm concerned...if you're impatient there's nothing I can help you with...

Fleming   ...The Dinar’s International (starting) rate will be $3.20 and float up along with the price of a barrel of oil, till it reaches $120.00. At which time we’re told the rate will be maintained at $3.20 US.  We understand that Redemption Exchange Centers are all geared up to start Tuesday night. Certainly Wednesday will see some exciting announcements.  Are we Ready, Willing and Able? You betcha!

"The New Economy." BANK OF AMERICA WARNS AGAIN! Borrowing Costs SURGE. And MORE!

Greg Mannarino:  Feb 8, 2022


60% Stock Market Crash? A Nasty Bear Market Is Coming Warns Dan Ferris | Stansberry Research

Feb 8, 2022

"We are in a huge equity bubble, and that is always followed by a bear market," says Dan Ferris, editor of Extreme Value and host of Stansberry Investor Hour. Ferris tells fellow colleague Daniela Cambone that part of the problem with recognizing a bear market is, "you don't know when you've entered it," so it's best, "to prepare, don't predict," he says.

 "The Fed is an insidious institution," Ferris says, based on its historical actions when dealing with large financial crises.



Iraqi News Early Wednesday AM 2-9-22


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 2-9-2022