Holly, Judy, Lynette and more....Thursday AM 3-17-2022

Thursday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies!  

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into light.”unknown   

We hold onto our faith and we will emerge into the light. Our faith has us walk each day closer into the light.  

Top of the morning to you! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I have had more news of bonds being paid! Finally we have movement that is continuing.

There are very strict gag orders across the board so no other information is being shared.

This is a great sign more bonds are being paid daily.

 Stay strong everyone and keep the faith. We will get there! 

 Never, ever give up. Holly

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 17 March 2022

Compiled Thurs. 17 March 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Financial Reset:

Evidently after businesses close on Fri. 18 March notification to set Zim Bond redemption and exchange of foreign currencies appointments at Redemption Centers giving special rates will be sent out by email from Wells Fargo to Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group).

Bruce, Holly and MarkZ all report that Bond Holders have been paid out in full with full access to their monies on Wed. 16 March.

Tier 5 (the general public) might be able to exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates by Mon. 4 April.

Mon. 14 March Charlie Ward,: “This week watch out for the Global financial collapse and for the Queen not being with us anymore.”

Sat. 12 March Fleming: “This will be our last weekend of wait-for-it-RV-GCR. It’s already begun. The US is dead last, but we’re the biggest. We are the most important Nation State with the largest number of “exotic currency and digital currency – XRP- holders,” in the world.

On Sat. 12 March banks worldwide were (allegedly) switched from the old Cabal-owned SWIFT Global Financial System to the new Quantum Financial System.

Now at least Russia, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Iran, Japan, Iraq and Venezuela were believed to be functioning on the gold, asset-backed currency standard.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/03/17/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-march-17-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  There are always things that seem to be popping up that were not expected. We didn't realize there was ever going to be automation at the borders. We never knew there would be an interlinking with the CBI and E-Government with three major entities of the government, done and linked. The CBI told us they have done that quite some time ago.    [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

MilitiaMan   [Guru] Delta showed us the data from the CBI that showed they had allocated millions of dollars for the printing of new notes...The sanctions are lifted from Chapter VII with all payments paid up to Kuwait. They are opening international banks abroad. So, All these efforts are all showing me there is massive progress in a very complex environment that has new technologies involved that will help facilitate the new digital transformation before them and us.  [Post 2 of 2]



Greg Mannarino:  3-16-2022




0:35 Question 1: So if the dollar has lost approximately 98% from inflation, hasn't gold gained 98% during inflation?

2:07 Question 2: How bad will it be for renters when this reset happens?

3:11 Question 3: Is it ever a good idea to have some of your stored precious metals somewhere in a vault offshore or any vault in general(brinks, Delaware depository for example) if you have a large enough amount?

5:39 Question 4: If Russia decides to back their Ruble with gold, what will happen to the Ruble price?

8:15 Question 5: Are Credit Unions as susceptible to "Bail-ins" as a typical "Big Box" bank?

9:29 Question 6: Do you think Powell can use his tools to steer the economy and lower the inflation?

11:57 Question 7: Is Russia fighting against the great reset?

14:24 Question 8: How much cash on hand should we hold?



"Happy St. Patricks Day" From TNT 3-17-2022


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 3-17-2022