News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 5-28-2022


IvantulafitovBaghdad - INA The First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakim Al-Zamili, confirmed today, Saturday, the passage of the passage of the Food Security Law. Al-Zamili said in a tweet followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The House of Representatives is proceeding with approving the Food Security Law, and it will rise up with the power of God, and the people will win. The people's need is the responsibility of all of us."

RVAlready:  That is amazing news! The people of Iraq win in parliament. Hope the law goes through.

Ivantulafitov:  It passed…yes

KMan:  Thanks Ivan. If that Food Security Law has indeed passed, we are closer than ever. Maliki mending fences with Sadr is some major movement. Thanks for the update.

CandyKisses:  Al-Kazemi’s advisor: The government is ready to send the 2022 budget to the House of Representatives

Baghdad / Obelisk: Technical Adviser to the Prime Minister Haitham Al-Jubouri confirmed, on Friday, May 27, 2022, that the government is ready to send the 2022 budget to the House of Representatives whenever the latter requests it.  

Al-Jubouri said in a press statement, that the government is ready to complete the draft budget, indicating that the budget takes two weeks in the Council of Ministers to complete and submit it to the Legal Committee in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Council of Ministers.  

 He added that the government is ready to send the budget whenever the House of Representatives requests it, pointing out that the recent Federal Court decision was clear that the budget cannot be sent from the current government.  

 He added that sending the budget can be done by inquiring the parliament, considering the budget law is linked to the lives of citizens and has privacy and therefore applies with the interpretation of the court that it directed to the President of the Republic.  

He indicated that the House of Representatives under his presidency can send a letter to the Federal Court inquiring about the budget law, noting that “the Iraqi constitution singled out an article on the budget law and the mechanisms for dealing with this law, and then the Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, which defined the mechanisms for sending the budget

 Thus, does sending the budget law apply with the interpretation sent to the President of the Republic, or with the decision of the Federal Court, which stipulates that the caretaker government has no right to send bills, explaining that the answer comes from the Federal Court as the authority authorized to interpret the articles of the Iraqi constitution.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY:  CBI governor talking about the exchange interview on news.  FRANK26:  This is where it starts to get's getting close, be prepared.  FIREFLY: Yes.

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...I think what we’re looking at...the first day of’s possible that we do get this before the 1st of June  It’s also possible that we get notified on the 31st and set our appointments for the 1st of June – (Wednesday)... it’s not from just 1 source – this is multiple sources that are confirming the timing on this and so I’m excited about that because it takes us where we need to go in less than a week... we’ll see what happens...



Samson:  A Mechanism That Allows Russia To Pay In Rubles And Bypass The “Default”

27th May, 2022

The "RBK" economic website stated that the issuance of bonds that allow payment in the Russian currency would allow Russia to avoid default, after Washington revoked Moscow's license to service the public debt in dollars.

The site indicated that the Russian bond issues include a “payment in another currency” clause, which will allow the Russian authorities to pay in rubles, without declaring their default.

According to the website’s report, the clause on payment in alternative currencies is present in Russian financial bonds issued since 2018, so there is a legal possibility of paying in rubles under sanctions.

Earlier, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov confirmed that the life of the Russian citizen will not be affected in any way in the event of a technical default on the debts of the Russian government due to the US measures.

And last Tuesday, the US Treasury announced that it would not extend the exemption from sanctions that allowed Russia to make sovereign debt payments to Americans, a move that was widely expected. LINK

CRITICAL UPDATES! What You Are Seeing IS REAL.. More Lies, More Propaganda, FAKE!

Greg Mannarino:  5-27-2022


Weekend News with MarkZ 5-28-2022


Iraqi News Friday Evening 5-27-22